Thursday, April 3, 2014

Muscle System pda human anatomy and blood peredarah system in the human body

Muscle System pda human anatomy and blood peredarah system in the human body

The muscular system is the body system that has fugnsi like to tool motion , determine the store glycogen and body posture . Consists of smooth muscle , the muscle jantungdan rangka.Arti muscle definition / understanding Network is a group of cells that have the shape , structure and function the same . So the muscle tissue is a group of muscle cells . To move our limbs , muscular system is needed . The muscular system is composed of several parts separated from each other called muscles . Most of the skeletal muscle kitamelekat . Muscles can contract and can also be tightened . Olehkarena , muscle arrangement is a system tool for control of active motion and posisitubuh us . At every muscle seen some jerked the active part mengerut.Otot is active locomotor able to move the bones , skin danrambut after receiving stimulation . Muscles have three special abilities are:
Ø kontraktibilitas : the ability to contract / shorten 2 . Extensibility : the ability to perform the opposite movement of gerakanyang generated during contraction
Ø Elasticity : the ability of the muscle to return to its original size after contraction . When returning to the original size of the state of muscle relaxation disebutdalam According to its location , the muscle can be divided into the muscles of the body trunk , limb muscles and the muscles of the head . Body trunk muscles consist of the abdominal muscles , back muscles , chest muscles and neck muscles . Back muscles are not visible from permukaantubuh . Back muscles function to spinal movements . Terentangantara abdominal muscles and the pelvic girdle to the chest . These muscles can be shortened actively .
According to the type of muscle while essentially consists of :
A. The parts of muscle :
· Sarkolema : the membrane that lines the muscle cells that function as a protective muscle
· Sarcoplasmic : liquid muscle cells whose function is to be a place where myofibrils danmiofilamen
· Myofibrils is in the muscle fibers .
· Miofilamen : benang-benang/filamen refined from myofibrils . Miofibrilterbagi on 2 kinds , namely : miofilamen homogeneous (located on smooth muscle ) danmiofilamen heterogeneous (located in the heart muscle / muscle and in skeletal muscle cardiak / ototlurik ) . Miofilamen In the kontaraktil proteins are called aktomiosin ( aktindan myosin ) , and tropomyosin tropopin . When muscles contract ( shorten ) the protein actin is working and if we do a muscle relaxation ( lengthening ) the myosin at work .
Muscle tissue consists of : 1 . Plain muscle ( voluntary muscles )
· Other names : muscle tools in / visceral / musculus nonstriated / involuntary muscle
· Structure : long fibers such as coil shape , with a pointed end , amounted to one located dibagiann denganinti middle .
· Contraction : not according to the will or outside the control of the central nervous system , slow motion , rhythmic and not easily tired .
· Smooth muscle is one muscle that has a smooth shape and bergelondong . How it works is not realized ( not as desired ) / invontary , has a nucleus which is located in the center of the cell . This muscle is usually a digestive padasaluran such as the stomach and intestines .
Circulatory system

Human circulatory system is composed of the heart as the center peredarandarah , blood vessels and blood was sendiri.A.JantungJantung has four chambers : two perfect split foyer ( the atria ) and two chambers ( ventricles ) and is located in the upper chest cavity sebeh .
a) DarahPembuluh blood vessels consist of arteries and veins . Denganvena directly related artery in the capillaries and venules are connected by a section of its endothelium . Located adjacent arteries and veins . Artery walls thicker than vein wall . The walls of arteries and veins have three layers , namely the inner layer which Consist endothelium , the middle layer is composed of smooth muscle with elastic fibers danlapisan outermost consisting of connective tissue coupled with elastic fibers . Cabangterkecil of arteries and veins called capillaries . Yangsangat capillaries have a diameter small and only has a single layer of endothelium and a human circulatory basal.Sistem membrane consists of :
a) Small Circulatory
· Through : The right ventricle
· Pulmonary Artery
· Lungs - pulmonary
· Vena pulmonalig
· Atrium kiri.Atau : Heart
· Lungs
· Heart
b ) Through the Great Blood Circulation : The left ventricle
· Aorta
· arteries
· arteriole
· Capillary
· venules
· Veins
· Venacava the superior and inferior vena cava
· Atrium kanan.Atau : Heart
· Whole body
· Heart

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