Monday, April 7, 2014

8 ways to prevent hair loss and chilies interest

Before we tackle the interest loss and chilies sebaikknya we need to know first some of the causes of flowers and fruits of chili loss. There are several things that can cause a loss of flowers and fruits in pepper :

Humidity is very low .
The soil is too dry
Pepper plants in shade
The air temperature is too high
Disease virus ( CMV )
Thrips pests fleas or lice - other
Disease on chili
Too much nitrogen or deficiencies
Calcium deficiency
Shortage of one of the micro elements
Once we know some of the causes of flowers and fruits of chili loss we will be able to determine the course of action that can prevent hair loss and chilies interest . Some things that can be done to prevent the loss of flowers and fruits of pepper plants are :

Try to look for land to grow chili easy irrigation , it is intended that it is easy to maintain soil moisture and air . But keep in mind that the peppers do not like watered excessively , can wither .
Exempt of pepper plants from shade buildings and other larger plants
In pepper plants fertilizing elements must be considered granting nirtogen , giving too much can be very dangerous to the life of pepper plants . Not only from the loss of flowers and fruit , but also become vulnerable to pests and diseases . Shortage of N is also not good for chilli plants become less fertile
Beware of virus attacks , prevented by controlling the vector penyebarnya including aphids and whitefly . Additionally before planting we must ensure that our land free from various viruses ( not the former plants have a virus ) or avoid planting chili in the area adjacent to the other plants affected by the virus .
Prevent early sucking pests attack ( ticks - fleas ) with the manipulation of the environment and the use of insecticides , especially during the dry season
Monitoring and control of plant disease chili . Especially yaws disease .
At the beginning of the planting try giving calcium ( ( lime ) , it could be a calcium administration by spraying
If the above requirements have been met but it still happens loss of flowers and fruits of pepper plants likely you are deficient in one micronutrient . Provision of micro elements can be done by spraying foliar fertilizer containing a complete microns through the leaves .

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