Monday, April 7, 2014

ginger cultivation

1 . A BRIEF HISTORYginger Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump . Ginger comes from Asia Pacific which spread from India to China . Therefore, these two nations touted as the nation's first time utilizing primarily as a beverage ginger , spices and traditional medicines . Ginger is included in the tribe - finding ( Zingiberaceae ) , a family with other findings such as the Intersection - Intersection buffoonery ( Cucuma xanthorrizha ) , black meeting ( Curcuma aeruginosa ) , turmeric ( Curcuma domestica ) , kencur ( Kaempferia galanga ) , galangal ( Languas galanga ) and others .Names include ginger ginger regions ( Aceh ) , beeuing ( Gayo ) , bahing ( Batak Karo ) , sipodeh ( Minangkabau ) , jahi ( Lampung ) , ginger ( Sunda ) , Jae ( Java and Bali ) , jhai ( Madura ) , Melito ( Gorontalo ) , geraka ( Ternate ) , and so on .

2.1 ClassificationDivision : SpermatophytaSub - Division: AngiospermaeClass : MonocotyledoneaeOrder : ZingiberalesFamily: ZingiberaceaeGenus : ZingiberSpecies : Zingiber officinale
2.2 DescriptionTerna trunked false , height 30 cm to 1 m , the rhizome when cut yellow or orange . Leaves narrow , length 15-23 mm , width 8-15 mm ; hairy petiole , length 2-4 mm ; tongue elongated leaf shape , length 7.5 to 10 mm , and not hairy ; sheath rather hairy . Inflorescence a panicle protruding surface of the soil , the egg -shaped rod or round narrow , from 2.75 to 3 times its width , very sharp ; panicle length from 3.5 to 5 cm , width 1.5 to 1.75 cm ; peduncle almost hairless , 25 cm long , hairy rahis rare ; scales on the handle there are 5-7 pieces , lancet -shaped , located adjacent to or meeting , almost hairless , the length scales of 3-5 cm ; leaves protective round egg upside down ,rounded at the ends , not fluffy , bright green , length 2.5 cm , width from 1 to 1.75 cm ; tubular petals 2 to 2.5 cm , strand rather narrow , sharp -shaped , yellow-green , length 1,5 - 2,5 mm , width 3 - 3,5 mm , lips purple , dark , mottled color yellowish white , length 12-15 mm ; anthers purple , length 9 mm ; pistil stalk 2
2.3 Types of PlantsGinger can be divided into three types based on size , shape and color of the rhizome . 3 Commonly known varieties of ginger , namely :1 ) Ginger white / yellow big or also known as ginger or ginger Rhizome rhino bigger and fatter , more bloated rhizome segments of two other varieties . Type ginger bias current is consumed both young and old parents , both as fresh ginger and ginger preparations .2 ) Ginger white / yellow small or also known as ginger or ginger ruasnya sunti small , rather flat to slightly convex. Ginger is always harvested after old age . The content of essential oil is greater than the ginger , so it feels more spicy , in addition to high fiber . Ginger is suitable for herb medicine , or to extract oleoresin and essential oil .3 ) Red GingerRed rhizomes and smaller than the small white ginger as a small ginger , red ginger always harvested after dark , and also contains oil the same with a small ginger , making it suitable for herb medicines .
3 . BENEFIT PLANTGinger rhizome can be used as seasoning , flavor concentrates , and flavor in foods such as breads , cakes , biscuits , confectionery and beverages . Ginger can also be used in the drug industry , perfume , traditional herbal medicine industry , processed into pickled ginger , made ​​pickles , salad , bandrek , sekoteng and syrup . Today farmers use chilli ginger as a natural pesticide . In trade ginger sold as fresh, dried , powdered ginger and preserved ginger . Besides, there are processed ginger like : astiri and koresin oil obtained by distillation are useful as mixing ingredients in alcoholic beverages , ice cream , sausage mixture and others.The benefits are pharmakologi among others, as a carminative ( fart ) , anti- vomiting , seizures reliever , anti- hardening of the blood vessels , sweat bullets , anti- inflammatory , anti- microbial and parasitic , anti- pyretic , anti- rheumatic , and stimulate spending gastric and bile .
4 . PLANTING CENTERThere are in all over Indonesia , planted in the garden and in the yard . At this time ginger has been widely cultivated in Australia , Sri Lanka , China , Egypt , Greece , India , Indonesia , Jamaica , Japan , Mexico , Nigeria , Pakistan . Ginger from Jamaica has the highest quality , while India is the largest ginger producing countries , ie more than 50 % of the total world production of ginger .
5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) ginger plants require relatively high rainfall of between 2500-4000 mm / year .2 ) At the age of 2.5 to 7 months or more ginger plants require sunlight . In other words, ginger planting is done in the open so it gets the sun all day .3 ) The temperature optimum for cultivation of ginger between 20-35 oC .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) The most suitable ginger plant grown in soil that is fertile , friable and contains a lot of humus .2 ) Good Soil texture is sandy loam , sandy clay and soil laterik .3 ) ginger plants can grow on soil acidity ( pH) of approximately 4.3 to 7.4 . However, soil acidity ( pH ) for optimum ginger is 6.8 to 7.0 .5.3 . The altitude1 ) Ginger grows well in tropical and subtropical areas with an altitude of 0-2000 m above sea level .2 ) In Indonesia generally planted at an altitude of 200-600 m above sea level .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements SeedsQuality seeds are seeds that meet the quality requirements of the genetic , physiological quality ( high percentage growth ) , and physical quality . What is meant by the physical quality of seed that is free of pests and diseases . Therefore, the criteria that must be met include :a. Seed material is taken directly from the garden ( not from market ) .b . Selected materials from the seeds of plants that are old ( aged 9-10 months ) .c . Also selected from healthy plants and rhizomes do not hurt the skin or blisters .2 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueFor plant growth simultaneously or uniform , seedlings should not be planted immediately should first germinated . Seed seeding can be done with wooden crates or beds .a. Seeding on a wooden crateFreshly harvested ginger rhizome is dried while ( not dry ) , and then stored around 1-1.5 months . Break the rhizomes by hand where each piece has 3-5 buds and dried again 1/2-1 day . The next piece will be the seeds packed into sacks beranyaman rarely , and then dipped in a solution of fungicide and plant growth regulators about 1 minute , then drain . Once it is inserted into the wooden crate . Do the seeding with a wooden crate as follows : at the bottom of the wooden coffin will be placed seed layer , then on it was given or rice husk ash , and so on so that the top is rice husk ash or such . After 2-4 weeks , the ginger seeds have been sown .b . Seeding on bedsCreate a simple seeding the size of 10 x 8 m to plant 1 ton ( needs ginger 1 ha ) . The seeding in the house made ​​of straw beds as thick as 10 cm . Rhizome will be arranged on beds of hay seed and then covered straw , and on it were given the rhizome and given hay anyway , so on , so we get 4 composition of the rhizome with the top layer of straw . Seed treatments on the bed can be done by watering every day and occasionally sprayed with fungicide . After 2 weeks , usually rhizomes sprout leaves . When the seeds germinate selected so as not to carry low-quality seeds . Seed - selection results dipatah break it by hand and each piece has 3-5 buds and weighs 40-60 grams .3 ) Preparation of SeedBefore planting , the seeds should be freed from the threat of disease by means of the seed put in a sack and dipped in a fungicide solution of approximately 8 hours . Then the seeds are dried in the sun for 2-4 hours , then planted .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Preparation of LandTo obtain optimum yields should be noted that plants need to grow syaratsyarat ginger . When the acidity of the soil that is not in accordance with the acidity of the soil that plants need ginger , then it should be increased or decreased acidity with lime .2 ) Land OpeningProcessing begins with the plowed soil depth less than 30 cm in order to gain or loose soil conditions crumbs and clear the vegetation . After the soil is left 2-4 weeks for toxic gases and germs evaporateand pests will die in the sun . If at first tillage felt not too loose , it can be done both tillage approximately 2-3 weeks before planting and also given a dose of manure 1,500-2,500 kg .3 ) Establishment of BedsIn areas of groundwater conditions and at the same ugly to encegah the puddle, the soil should be prepared seedbed ith - size beds 20-30 cm height , width 80-100 cm , while anjangnya adapted to land conditions .4 ) LimingIn soil with low pH , most of the nutrients in it , especially phosphorus ( P ) and calcium ( Ca ) in the state are not available or difficult to absorb . The acidic soil conditions can be a medium growth of disease-causing fungi Fusarium and Pythium sp sp . Liming also serves to add an indispensable element potassium plants to harden the woody parts of plants , stimulates the formation of root hairs , fruit cell walls thicken and stimulate the formation of seeds .a. The degree of acidity < 4 ( most acidic ) : needs dolomite > 10 tons / ha .b . 5 degrees of acidity ( acid ) : 5.5 dolomite needs tons / ha .c . The degree of acidity 6 (slightly acidic ) : dolomite needs 0.8 tons / ha .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Plant PatternGinger cultivation in monoculture on a particular area is considered quite rational , because it can provide high- production and production . However in the area , ginger cultivation in monoculture less acceptable because they always cause harm . Planting ginger intercropped with other crops has the following advantages :a. Reducing the harm caused price fluctuations .b . Reduce the cost of labor , such as plant maintenance labor .c . Improving land productivity .d . Improved physical properties and preserve the land as a result of the slow growth of weeds ( weeds ) .Practice in the field , there are intercropped with ginger sayursayuran , such as cucumber , red onion , cayenne pepper , beans and others. There also are intercropped with food crops , such as corn , peanuts and some other nuts .2 ) Planting Hole PembutanTo avoid bad growth ginger , due to poor ground water conditions , then the land should be made ​​into beds - beds . Next create small holes or grooves as deep as 3 to 7.5 cm for planting seedlings .3 ) How PlantingWay of planting seeds is done by embedding the rhizomes in fall into the planting hole or groove that had been prepared .4 ) Planting PeriodGinger planting should be done at the beginning of the rainy season around September and October . This is possible because the young plants will require quite a lot of water to grow .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) StitchingApproximately 2-3 weeks after planting , the rhizomes should be held to see who died . If so should be implemented stitching embroidered gar seedling growth was not far behind with other plants , then you should choose a good seed rhizomes and proper maintenance .2 ) WeedingThe first weeding is done when the plants 2-4 weeks old ginger followed 3-6 weeks later . Depending on the condition of nuisance plants growing . But after a 6-7 month old ginger , weeding should not be done again , because at that age began large rhizomes .3 ) PembubunanGround ginger plants require air circulation and water can run well , then the land should digemburkan . Besides, the purpose pembubunan to hoard the ginger rhizome sometimes comes to the surface of the ground . If the ginger plant is young , thin enough hoeing the soil around the clump with a distance of approximately 30 cm . In the next month can be deepened and widened every time pembubunan gubidan be shaped and formed at the same irrigation system that serves to channel the excess water .Pembumbunan first performed at the time of the ginger plant -shaped clumps consisting of 3-4 pseudo stem , generally pembubunan done 2-3 times over the life of the ginger plant . However, depending on the soil conditions and the amount of rain .4 ) Fertilizationa. Organic fertilizationIn organic farming does not use chemicals including fertilizers and drugs , the organic fertilizer by using organic compost or manure is done more frequently compared to when we use artificial fertilizers . The organic compost fertilizer at the beginning of the planting is done during the making of the mounds as basal fertilizer as 60-80 tons per acre are stocked and mixed soil processed . To save the use of compost can also be done by way of filling each planting hole at the beginning of planting as many as 0.5 - 1kg per plant . Fertilizer insertion is then performed at the age of 2-3 months , 4-6 months , and 8-10 months . The insertion of fertilizers as 2-3 kg per plant . Compost fertilizer is usually done after weeding activities and activities in conjunction with pembubunan .b . Conventional fertilizationIn addition to basic fertilizer ( in the early planting ) , ginger plants need to be given a second supplementary fertilizer ( at 2-4 months old plants ) . Basic fertilizer used is organic fertilizer 15-20 tons / ha . Fertilization second stage used manure and artificial fertilizer ( urea 20 g / tree ; TSP 10 grams / tree , and ZK 10 grams / tree ) , and K2O ( 112 kg / ha ) at 4 months old plants . Fertilization also performed with nitrogen fertilizer ( 60 kg / ha ) , P2O5 ( 50 kg / ha ) , and K2O ( 75 kg / ha ) . Fertilizer P was given at the beginning of planting , fertilizer N and K are given at the beginning of planting ( third dose ) and the rest ( 2/3 dose ) given at the time the plants were 2 months and 4 months . Fertilizer is given by dispersed evenly around the plant or in the form of grooves and planted crops on the sidelines5 ) Irrigation and WateringGinger plants do not need too much water to grow , but at the beginning of the growing season planting cultivated in the early rainy season around September ;6 ) Time Pesticide SprayingPesticide spraying should be done from the time of storage of seeds for sowing and during maintenance . Spraying of pesticides in the maintenance phase is usually mixed with a liquid organic fertilizer or vitamins that encourage the growth of ginger .
7.1 . pestPests found in ginger plant is :1 ) Ladybug , attacking the leaves of the plant until the holes.2 ) caterpillar bow root , ginger attack plant roots , causing the plant to become dry ginger and die .3 ) Beetle .
7.2 . disease1 ) wilt bakerysymptoms :At first the leaf blade folding and rolling the bottom then the color changes from green to yellow and dry up . Then shoot stems to rot and eventually fall down dead plants . When observed , the sick rhizome rot and a little dark , that would cut the rhizomes out milky white mucus until browned . This disease attacks the ginger plant at the age of 3-4 months and the most influential factor is the cold temperatures , waterlogging and soil conditions are too moist .control :

ginger seed health insurance ;
ginger plant quarantine diseased ;
control with good tillage ;
control fungicide Dithane M - 45 ( 0.25 % ) , Bavistin ( 0.25 % )
2 ) rhizome rot diseaseThis disease can enter through wounds seed ginger rhizome . He will grow well at temperatures 20-25 degrees C and continue to grow eventually cause the rhizomes to rot .symptoms :Bottom leaves turn yellow and wither and the plant eventually dies .control :

use of healthy seedlings ;
application of good cropping patterns ;
the use of fungicides .
3 ) leaf spot diseaseThe disease can be spread by the wind , will go through without any injuries or wounds .symptoms :In leaf patches measuring 3-5 mm , then bercakbercak the gray and in the middle there are black spots , while the edges of wet rot . Affected plants may die .control :precautions and spraying both leaf spot diseases as well as the ways described above .
7.3 . weedsPotential weeds in cropping meeting buffoonery is a weed garden, among others -grass , reeds , ageratum , and other broadleaf weeds .
7.4 . Control of pests / diseases organicallyIn organic farming does not use harmful chemicals but with materials that are environmentally friendly is usually done in an integrated manner from the beginning of planting to avoid the pest and the disease known as IPM ( Pest ControlIntegrated ) whose components are as follows :1 ) Ensuring healthy plant growth is selecting healthy seed free from pests and diseases and are resistant topests from start cropping .2 ) Utilize as much as possible natural enemies .3 ) Using the improved varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases .4 ) Using physical controls / mechanics is by human power .5 ) Using the techniques of cultivating a good example by choosing intercropping cultivation of plants that support each other , as well as a rotation crop in each cropping period to break the cycle of potential spread of pests and diseases .6 ) The use of pesticides , insecticides , herbicides and environmentally friendly natural pose no toxic residues on both ma harvested plant material and soil . Besides, the use of this material only in an emergency by cedar economic damage derived from the observations .Some of the plants that can be used as a pesticide plant and used in pest control include:1 ) Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) is a contact insecticide containing nicotine to a toxic fumigant or stomach . Applications for such small insects Aphids .2 ) Piretrum ( Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium ) containing pyrethrin, which can be used as a systemic insecticide that attacks the nerve center of the application by spray . Applications on insects such as houseflies , mosquitoes , fleas , pests warehouses , and fruit flies .3 ) Tuba ( Derris elliptica and Derris malaccensis ) containing rotenone to contact insecticides formulated in the form of blowing and spray .4 ) Neem tree or neem ( Azadirachta indica ) containing azadirachtin are quite selective operation . Applications are particularly toxic to insects such as leafhoppers and insect pests chewers like leaf roller (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) . This material is also effective to cope with respiratory syncytial virus attacks , GSV and Tungro .5 ) Yam ( Pachyrrhizus erosus ) whose seeds contain pakhirizida rotenoid which can be used as insecticides and larvicides .6 ) Jeringau ( Acorus Calamus), which contains the main components asaron rhizomes and is usually used to poison insects and fungi exterminator and pest Callosobrocus warehouse .
8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestHarvesting is done depends on the use of ginger itself. When the need for food seasonings , then the ginger plant can be planted at the age of approximately 4 months by breaking some of the rhizome and the rest is left up to parents . If ginger for ginger marketed then harvested after quite old . Age ginger plant that can be harvested between 10-12 months , with the characteristicsleaf color changes from green to yellow and dry up all the rods . Suppose the plant will dry ginger at the age of 8 months and will last for 15 days or more .
8.2 . How to HarvestHow good harvest , soil carefully unloaded using a fork or hoe , sought not to hurt the ginger rhizome . Furthermore, soil and dirt attached to the rhizomes are cleaned and washed when necessary . After it dried ginger on top of the board or banana leaves for about 1 week . Storage areas should be open , not humid and not too high accumulation but rather dispersed .
8.3 . Harvest periodThe time of harvest should be done before the rainy season , which is between the months of June to August . When the harvest is usually marked by the top soil dries . However, if it is not harvested in the dry season was the first year this should be done in the dry season next year . Harvesting during the rainy season causes damage to the rhizome and rhizome associated with low- quality active ingredients as more water content.
8.4 . Estimated YieldProduction of fresh ginger for ginger clones ranged between 15-25 tonnes / ha , while for clones ginger or ginger sunti ranged between 10-15 tonnes / hectare .
9 . postharvest
9.1 . Wet Sorting and WashingSorting on fresh ingredients made to separate the rhizomes of impurities such as soil , crop residues and weeds . Once completed , weigh the amount of material sorting result and place it in a plastic container for washing . Washing is done with water , if necessary sprayed with high pressure water . Bilasannya water and if it still looks dirty doing flushing once or twice more . Avoid washing too long so that the quality and the active compound contained herein is not soluble in water . Use of river water should be avoided for fear of polluted dirt and a lot of bacteria / disease . After washing is complete , drain the tray / container belubang - hole that is left behind the rest of the washing water can be separated , then place it in a plastic container / bucket .
9.2 . perajanganIf necessary perajangan process , done with stainless steel blades and line material to be sliced ​​with a cutting board . Perajangan rhizome conducted across a thickness of approximately 5 mm - 7 mm . After perajangan , weigh the results and put it in a plastic container / bucket . Perajangan can be done manually or with the mower .
9.3 . dryingDrying can be done in 2 ways , namely by sunlight or a heater / oven . rhizome drying is done for 3-5 days , or after the water level is below 8 % . drying in the sun is done on a mat or frame dryer , make sure the rhizomes are not mutuallyaccumulate . During the drying must be inverted approximately every 4 hours in order drying evenly . Protect the rhizome of water , moist air from the surrounding material that could contaminate . Drying in an oven at temperature of 50oC - 60oC . rhizomebe dried is placed on an oven tray and make sure that the rhizome is not overlapped . After drying , weigh the amount of rhizomes produced
9.4 . Dry sorting .Further sorting is done on dry material that has been dried by separating the materials from foreign objects such as gravel , dirt or other impurities . Weigh the amount of rhizome sorting results ( to calculate rendemennya ) .
9.5 . packagingOnce clean , dry rhizomes collected in plastic bags or sacks containers clean and airtight ( have not been used before ) . Give a clear label on the container, which explains the name of the material , part of the plant material, the number / production code , name / address of the producer , net weight and method of storage .
9.6 . storageConditions warehouse must be kept moist and the temperature does not exceed 30oC and warehouses must have good ventilation and smooth , no leaks, avoid contamination of other materials that degrade the quality of the material is concerned , have adequate lighting ( avoid direct sunlight ) , and net and free of pests warehouse .

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