Monday, April 7, 2014

ducks in a modern animal farming

1 . A BRIEF HISTORYDucks also known as Duck ( bhs.Jawa ) . His ancestors came fromNorth America is a wild duck ( Anas Moscha ) or Wild mallard . continuoustamed by humans to be maintained ducks now called Anasdomesticus ( duck ) .
2 . FISHERIES CENTERInternationally duck concentrated in the northern countries of America , USASouth America, Asia , the Philippines , Malaysia , UK, France ( a country of seasontropical and subtropical ) . While in Indonesia is concentrated in the areas of duck islandJava ( Tegal , Bradford and Kirkcaldy ) , Borneo ( Alabio the District , the DistrictAmuntai ) and Bali and Lombok .
3 . TYPEClassification ( classification ) of ducks , according to type are grouped into three (3 ) categories ,namely :

Laying ducks like Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell , Buff ( Buff Orpington ) and CV
2000 - INA ;
Such as Peking duck meat , Rouen , Aylesbury , Muscovy , Cayuga ;
Ornamental duck ( duck pet / hobby ) as East Indian , Call ( Grey Call ) ,
Mandariun , Blue Swedish , Crested , Wood .
Types of seeds are bred , especially in Indonesia is kind of laying ducks
like ducks tegals , Khaki Campbell ducks , Alabio , mojosari duck , duck bali , duck CV 2000 - INA
laying ducks and other superior who is a product of CPM ( Center for Research
Livestock ) Ciawi , Bogor .

For independent populist economic enterprises .
To gain the consumption of duck eggs , meat , and duck breeding .
Could droppings as fertilizer crop / crops .
As filler future retirement activities .
To educate the nation through the provision of community nutrition .
5 . REQUIREMENTS LOCATIONRegarding the location of the cage to note are : location location location away fromhustle / settlements , have an easily accessible location of transportationmarketing of the location and environmental conditions have a favorable climate enclosurefor production or productivity of livestock . Ducks and conditions prone locationevictions in several production periods .
6 . TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISINGBefore a farmer started his business , must be prepared , especially inunderstanding on raising pancausaha namely ( 1 ) . perkandangan ; ( 2 ) . seedsuperior ; ( 3 ) . Feed ; ( 4 ) . Governance and ( 5 ) . Marketing of Livestock .
Preparation Facility and Equipment1 . Requirements enclosure temperature ± 39 ° C.2 . Enclosure humidity ranged between 60-65 %3 . Information provided to facilitate setting cage cagethat the cage system in accordance with the functions of the parts cage
4 . Cage model there are 3 ( three ) types , namely :

cage for ducklings ( DOD ) oada stater period can be called
also stable box , with a size of 1 m 2 can accommodate 50
DOD tail
Brower cage ( for ducks teenagers ) called the model of enclosure
Ren / cage with a group size of tail 16-100 per group
screen cages ( for the period of egg-laying ducks ) models can be
battery cages ( one or two tails in one box ) can also
form stable location (s ) with the size of each meter
4-5 square ducks adult ( egg-laying period or for 30 individuals
adult ducks with the cage size of 3 x 2 meters ) .
5 . Conditions cages and equipmentConditions enclosure must be of a material that is not expensive but quitesimple origin durable ( strong ) . For equipment such aswhere to eat , where to drink and possibly other additional perelengkapanthe positive intention in management
2 . Nurseries
Duck that must be maintained is really a superior livestockhas tested its superiority in producing the expected results of livestock .1 . Selection of seed and broodSelection of seeds there are three (3 ) ways to obtain a good duck seedlingsis as follows :

buy duck eggs from stem guaranteed superiority
nurturing parent is male + female duck duck superior to
eggs get stuck then put it on ,
chicken or incubator
buy DOD ( Day Old Duck ) from already known nursery
quality and that has got a recommendation from the local
local farm .
DOD good traits are not disabled ( notpain ) with a shiny yellow coat color .
2 . Seeds and brood care

Seed treatment
Seeds ( DOD ) who had just arrived from the nursery , should
handled technically wrong not to care . The
handling as follows : seed received and placed
in a brooder cage ( plants) that have been prepared
previously . And the things that need to be considered in the brooder
is the temperature of the brooder cultivated ducklings scattered
equally , the capacity brooder cage ( box ) for 1 m²
DOD is able to accommodate 50 animals , the feed and the
drinking in accordance with the provisions of the type of feed ducks starter phase
and drink needs added vitamins / minerals .
Parent Care candidates
Brood of ducks there are two types of parent to egg production
consumption and the parent for the production of eggs . treatment
both are the same, the difference is only on the parent to
production of hatching eggs must be males with a ratio of 1
male to 5-6 females .
Reproduction and Marriage
Reproduction or breeding is to obtain
fertile hatching eggs / fruit either by drake . whereas
mating system is known there are two kinds of ducks hand mating / feed
ducks are made by man and nature mating ( mating ducks
naturally ) .
3 . maintenance

Sanitation and Preventive Actions
Cage sanitation is absolutely necessary in the maintenance of duck and acts
preventive ( prevention of disease ) should be considered early for
alert to the onset of disease .
Disease Control
Made at any time and carefully and thoroughly. disability and
take seriously when there are less healthy signs in ducks .
Feeding the ducks in three phases , namely phase stater ( aged 0 -
8 weeks ) , grower phase ( age 8-18 weeks ) and phase screen ( aged 18-27
week ) . Feed the third phase of the finished feed of plant
( in practical) with the code of each phase . ways to give
the feed is divided into four groups:
1 . age of 0-16 days applied where the flat feed ( tray feeder )
2 . given the age of 16-21 days with a tray feeder and distribution of floor
3 . age 21 days samapai 18 weeks spread on the floor .
4 . age 18 weeks - 72 weeks , there are two ways the first 7 days
by feeding the transition by considering the beginning
spawn production until production reaches 5 % . after that
duck feeding ad libitum ( continuous ) .
In terms of ad libitum feeding of ducks , to save on feed costs
either ration themselves usual places diranum of materials such as
corn , bran , fish meal , bone meal , meal feed supplement .
Giving drinks duck , duck based on age as well , namely :
5 . aged 0-7 days , for the first 3 days IAR plus vitamin drink
and minerals , where such acids for chicks .
6 . aged 7-28 days , place the edge of the cage and drinking water
provided ad libitum ( continuous )
7 . 28 days - treated, drinking cups in the form of a rectangular
with the size of 2 mx 15 cm and height 10 cm for 200-300
tail . Every day cleaning .
4 . maintenance CageCages should be kept clean and in order that the power pointproduction is not affected from the existing stable conditions .
7 . PEST AND DISEASEBroadly speaking duck diseases grouped in two things:

diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses , bacteria and
disease caused by a deficiency of nutrients and governance
perkandangan improper
The type of disease commonly contracted in ducks is :

Duck Cholera Disease
Cause: The bacterium Pasteurella avicida .
Symptoms : diarrhea , paralysis , yellow-green feces .
Control : cage sanitation , treatment with penicillin injections in tendons
breast meat with the appropriate dose of the drug label .
Salmonellosis disease
Cause : typhimurium bacteria .
Symptoms : shortness of breath , diarrhea .
Control : Good sanitation , treatment with furazolidone through
feed with a concentration of 0.04 % or sulfadimidin mixed with water
drinking , dose adjusted to the drug's label .
8 . HARVEST1 . Main resultsThe main result , businesses are laying duck duck eggs2 . by-productThe results added a rejected parent , as a male duck meat and cattle dunglivestock as a valuable plant fertilizer
9 . POST-HARVESTPostharvest activities that can be done is preservation . with preservationthe economic value of duck eggs will take longer than if it is not donepreservation . The eggs were not given preservation treatment can only holdfor 14 days if stored at room temperature even will soon rot .The preservation treatment consists of 5 kinds , namely :

Pickling with warm water
Pickling with warm water is the most duck egg preservation
simple . In this way the eggs can survive for 20 days .
Preservation of eggs with guava leaves
Soaking eggs with guava leaves can maintain the quality of the eggs
for about 1 month . Eggs that have been soaked will change color
becomes brownish like boiled eggs .
Preservation of eggs with coconut oil
This preservation is practical preservation . In this way the color
egg shells and it has not changed .
Preservation of eggs with sodium silicate
Preservation materials merupkan viscous liquid sodium silicate , colorless ,
clear , and odorless . Sodium silicate can cover the pores so that the egg shell
eggs durable and long lasting up to 1.5 months . The way is to
soak the eggs in a solution of sodium silikat10 % for one month .
Preservation of eggs with salt
Salt soaked in a solution of common salt ( NaCl ) at a concentration of 25-40 %
for 3 weeks .

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