Monday, April 7, 2014

strawberry cultivation

1 . A BRIEF HISTORYRAISING Strawberries strawberry ( Fragaria chiloensis L. / F. vesca L.) is a herbaceous plant whose fruit was first discovered in Chile , USA . One plant species strawberry Fragaria chiloensis L which spread to various countries of America, Europe and Asia . Furthermore, other species , namely F. vesca L. more widespread than other species . This type of strawberry is also the first entry into Indonesia .

2 . TYPES OF PLANTSBotanical classification of strawberry plants are as follows :Division : SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeClass : DicotyledonaeFamily : RosaceaeGenus : FragariaSpecies : Fragaria spp .Strawberries that we find in the supermarket is a hybrid resulting from a cross of Virginia L. var F. Duchesne North American F. chiloensis Duchesne Chilean L. var . It produces a cross which is a hybrid of modern strawberry ( commercial ) Fragaria x annanassa var Duchesne .Introduction strawberry varieties that can be grown in Indonesia is Osogrande , Pajero , Selva , Ostara , Tenira , Robunda , Bogota , Elvira , Grella and Red Gantlet . In Cianjur Hokowaze Japanese varieties planted rapid fruition . Farmers Lembang ( London ) who has long strawberry plant , using local varieties of Bengal and Pineapple suitable for making processed foods such as hours of strawberries .
3 . BENEFIT PLANTStrawberry fruit used as food in a fresh or processed . Food products made ​​of strawberry syrup has been widely known , for example , an hour , or stup ( compote ) strawberries .

4 . PLANTING CENTERIt can be said that the cultivation of strawberries not widely known and in demand . Because it requires low temperatures , cultivation in Indonesia should be done in the highlands . Lembang and Cianjur ( West Java ) is a regional agricultural center where many farmers have started cultivating strawberries . It can be said that for now , the two regions are centers of planting strawberries .
5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) Strawberry plants can grow well in areas with rainfall of 600-700 mm / year .2 ) The duration of sunlight exposure needed for growth is 8-10 hours per day .3 ) Strawberries are a subtropical plant that can adapt well in tropical highlands have a temperature of 17-20 degrees C.4 ) Good air humidity for the growth of strawberry plants between 80-90 % .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) If grown in the garden , the land needed is sandy clay , fertile , friable , contains a lot of organic matter , water and air system either .2 ) The degree of acidity of the soil ( soil pH ) are ideal for the cultivation of strawberries in the garden is 5.4-7.0 , while for cultivation in pots is 6.5-7,0 .3 ) If it is planted in garden soil that required water depth is 50-100 cm from the ground . If grown in pots , the media must have the shaft , easy merembeskan airdan nutrients are always available .5.3 . The altitudeEligible altitude climate is 1,000-1,500 meters above sea level .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . NurseriesStrawberries are propagated by seed and vegetative seedlings ( seedling roots and stolons or shoots ) . The seed requirement per hectare between 40000-83350 .1 ) Propagation by seed1 . Seeds purchased from the farm shop , soak the seeds in water for 15 minutes and then keringanginkan .2 . Nursery box in the form of a box or plastic timber , filled with a mixture of medium soil , sand and manure ( compost ) that smooth clean ( 1:1:1 ) . Seeds planted evenly over the medium and cover with a thin soil . Seedling box covered with plastic or clear glass and stored at temperatures18-20 degrees C.3 . Nursery watered every day , after a two -leaved seedlings ready dipindahtanam to plot strands spaced weaning seedlings 2-3 cm . Media planting beds with the media weaning nursery . Shaded beds with clear plastic . While in the seedbed , seedling leaf fertilizer . After measuring 10 cm and has merumpun plants , seedlings were transferred to the garden .2 ) Vegetative seedlings for cultivation of strawberries in the gardenParent plants selected must be aged 1-2 years old , healthy and productive . Seedling preparation and stolons are as follows :1 . seedlingClumps disassembled with a hoe , the parent plant is divided into several sections which contain at least one seedling . Each seedling is planted in a polybag 18 x 15 cm containing a mixture of soil , sand and manure halis ( 1:1:1 ) , store in a plastic roofed nursery beds .2 . Seed stolonClumps that have had root tendrils selected first and second . Both roots of this vine is cut . Seedlings planted in or polybag 18 x 15 cm containing a mixture of soil , sand and manure ( 1:1:1 ) . After 10 cm high and leafy , the seedlings are ready to be moved into the garden .3 ) Seeds for cultivation of strawberries in a polybagNursery from seed or seedling / stolon done the same way , but the planting medium grain rice mix and manure ( 2:1 ) . After a two -leaved seedlings in the nursery or seed from seedling / stolon in small polybags ( 18 x15 ) ready to move , the seedlings were transferred to polybags large size 30 x 20 cmcontaining the same medium . In this polybag seedlings reared to produce .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Growing in the Garden Without Plastic Mulcha) At the beginning of the rainy season , soil treated with either deep as 30-40 cm .b ) Keringanginkan for 15-30 days .c ) Create a raised bed : width 80 x 100 cm , 30-40 cm tall , long adapted to land , the distance between beds 40 x 60 cm or mounds : width 40 x 60 cm , 30-40 cm tall , long adapted to land , distance 40x 60 cm between the ridges .d ) Sprinkle 20-30 tonnes / ha of manure / compost evenly over the surface of the beds / mounds .e ) Let the beds / mounds for 15 days .f ) Make the planting hole with a distance of 40 x 30 cm , 50 x 50 cm or 50 x 40 cm .2 ) Growing in the Garden With plastic mulch .a) At the beginning of the rainy season , the land is well cultivated and keringanginkan 15-30 days .b ) Make beds: width 80 x 120 cm , 30-40 cm tall , long adapted to land , a distance of 60 cm between beds or mounds : bottom width of 60 cm , width of 40 cm , 30-40 cm tall , long adapted to land , a distance of 60 cm between beds .c ) Keringanginkan 15 days .d ) Sprinkle and mix with soil beds / ridges 200 kg urea , 250 kg SP - 36 and 100 kg / ha KCl .e ) Flush until moist .f ) Install the black plastic mulch or black silver cover beds / mounds and secure the edges with the help of a U-shaped bamboog ) Make a hole in the plastic top pedestal -sized cans of sweetened condensed milk . The distance between the holes in the ranks of 30 , 40 or 50 cm , so the spacing to 40 x 30 , 50 x 50 or 50 x 40 cm .h ) Make the planting hole at the top of the mulch pit earlier .3 ) LimingWhen the acid soil , 2-4 tons / ha lime calcite / dolomite sown on the beds / mounds and mix evenly . Liming is done immediately after the beds / mounds completed.6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Flush polybag containing the seeds and remove the seeds with media cropping with caution .2 ) Planting a seedling in the planting hole and condense the soil around the base of the stem .3 ) For plants without mulch , fertilize as many basic one third of the recommended dose of fertilizer ( recommended dosage of 200 kg / ha of urea , 250 kg SP - 36 and 150 kg / ha KCl ) . Given fertilizer in the hole as far as 15 cm on either side of the plant .4 ) Water the soil around the base of the stem until moist .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) StitchingStitching is done before the plant was 15 days after planting . Plants that are embroidered are dead or grow abnormally .2 ) WeedingWeeding is done on planting strawberries without or with plastic mulch . Mulch that is in between the rows / beds removed and buried in the ground . Weeding time depends on the growth of weeds , usually performed with subsequent fertilization .3 ) Perempelan / TrimmingPlants that are too dense , too many leaves should be trimmed . Pruning is done regularly , especially throwing leaves old / damaged . Strawberry plants rejuvenated every 2 years .4 ) Fertilizationa) Planting without mulch : Fertilizer aftershocks given 1.5-2 months after planting as much as 2/3 the recommended dosage . Giving a way sown in shallow bolt in between the rows , and then covered with earth .b ) cropping with mulch : Fertilizer aftershocks added if growth is not good . A mixture of urea , SP - 36 and KCl ( 1:2:1,5 ) as much as 5 kg dissolved in 200 liters of water . Each plant watered with 350-500 cc solution of fertilizer .5 ) Irrigation and WateringUntil 2 weeks old plants , watering is done 2 times a day . After that watering is reduced gradually with the terms soil does not dry out . Watering with a watering can or menjanuhi trenches between beds with water .6 ) Installation of Dry MulchDry mulch installed as early as possible after planting on beds / mounds are not wearing the plastic mulch . Straw or hay 3-5 cm thick is spread on the surface of beds / ridges and between the rows of plants .

7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) Aphids ( Chaetosiphon fragaefolii )Lice yellow - reddish yellow , small ( 1-2 mm ) , live clustered in the lower surface of the leaf . Symptoms : shoots / leaves wrinkles , curls , forming flower / fruit inhibited. Control : with insecticide Confidor Fastac 15 EC and LC 200 .2 ) Mites ( Tetranychus sp . , And Tarsonemus sp . )Mites are very small , oval -shaped females , males somewhat triangular shaped and reddish eggs . Symptoms : leaves mottled yellow to brown , curly , dry up and fall . Control : with insecticide ommittee EC 570 , EC 200 or Agrimec Mitac 18 EC .3 ) interest Weevils ( Anthonomus rubi ) , root weevils ( Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus ) and stem weevil ( O. sulcatus ) . Symptoms : The part of the plant which contained digerek flour . Control : the insecticide Decis 2.5 EC , 400 EC or Curacron Perfekthion 500 EC at the time before the flowering phase .4 ) White Lice ( Pseudococcus sp . )Symptoms: The part of the plant will be covered with white lice abnormal . Control : with chemical insecticides Perfekthion 400 EC or Decis 2.5 EC .5 ) Nematode ( Aphelenchoides fragariae or A. ritzemabosi )Living at the base of the stem even plant shoots . Symptoms : stunted plant growth , petiole thin and less hairy . Control : with nematicides Trimaton U.S. 370 , Rugby 10 G or 10 G. Nemacur7.2 . disease1 ) gray mold ( Botrytis cinerea )Symptoms : piece of fruit brown rot and then dried up . Control : the fungicide Benlate or Grosid 50 SD .2 ) ripe fruit rot ( Colletotrichum fragariae Brooks )Symptoms : even cooking becomes kebasah - basahan brown and fruit filled with pink spore masses . Control : with copper fungicide active ingredients such as Kocide U.S. 80 , Funguran 82 WP , Cupravit OB 21 .3 ) rizopus rot ( Rhizopus stolonifer ) .Symptoms : ( 1 ) fruit rot , watery , light brown and when pressed will release turbid fluid ; ( 2 ) on-site storage , the fruit will be infected with fungal mycelium covered in white and black spores . Control : discard diseased fruit , good post harvest and cultivation with plastic mulch .4 ) red pith ( Phytophthora fragariae Hickman )Symptoms: The fungus attacks the roots so the plants grow stunted , the leaves are not fresh , wilted sometimes especially during the day .5 ) Dew flour ( or Uncinula necator mascularis Sphaetotheca ) .Symptoms: The affected parts , especially leaves , covered in a thin layer of powdery white , flowers will dry up and fall . Control : the fungicide Benlate or Rubigan 120 EC .6 ) Leaf -footed ( Diplocarpon earliana or Marssonina fragariae )Symptoms : Leaves mottled ovoid to irregularly angular , dark purple . Chemical control with fungicide Dithane M - 45 or Antracol 70 WP .7 ) Leaf spotsCause : ( 1 ) Ramularia tulasnii or Mycosphaerella fragariae Symptoms : small dark purple spots on the leaves . Center brown spots that will turn white ; ( 2 ) Pestalotiopsis disseminated , Symptoms : round spots on the leaves . Center Fua brown spots surrounded the edges reddish brown or yellowish , leaves easily fall ; ( 3 ) Rhizoctonia solani , Symptoms : large black - brown spots on the leaves . Chemical control with copper fungicide active ingredients such as Funguran 82 WP , 77 WP or Cupravit Kocide OB21 .8 ) Late blight ( Phomopsis obscurans ) .Symptoms : stain bullae surrounded gray purple red color , then stains form a wound like the letter V. Control : with Dithane M - 45 , Antracol or Daconil 70 WP 75 WP .9 ) vertisillium wilt ( Verticillium dahliae )Symptoms : leaf infected with yellowish to brown , wilted and dead plants . Control : through gas fumigation with Basamid - G .10 ) VirusTransmitted by aphids or mites insects . Symptoms : leaf color changes from green to yellow ( khlorosis ) along the veins or spots ( motle ) , the leaves become wrinkled , stiff , dwarf plants . Control : use of virus -free seed , destroying infected plants , spraying pesticidesto control the virus -carrying insects . Prevention of pests and diseases can generally be done by keeping the garden / plants , plant simultaneously ( to break the life cycle ) , planting healthy seeds , provide fertilizer as recommended so that the plants grow healthy , do not crop rotation with the family Rosaceae plant and prune the plant / revoke diseased plants . Cultivate strawberries with plastic mulch will also suppress the growth ofpests / diseases . Especially for diseases , improvement of drainage usually can reduce attacks .
8 . HARVESTPlant origin stolons and tillers began berbung when aged 2 months after planting . The first interest should be discarded . After a 4 -month -old plants , flowers allowed to grow into fruit . Flowering and fruiting period can last for 2 years without stopping .8.1 . Characteristics and Harvest1 ) Fruits are a little chewy and a bit soft .2 ) Rind predominantly red : red green to reddish yellow .3 ) Fruit from the age of 2 weeks or 10 days after flowering early fruit formation .8.2 . How to HarvestHarvesting is done by cutting the flower stalk section with lids . Harvesting is done twice a week .7.3 . Estimated ProductionStrawberry crop productivity depends on the varieties and cultivation techniques :a) Varieties Osogrande : 1.2 kg / plant / year .b ) Varieties Pajero : 0.8 kg / plant / year .c ) varieties Selva : 0.6-0.7 kg / plant / year .Strawberry cultivation technique with UV shade results from 1 to 1.25 kg / plant / year .
9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionFruit stored in a container with care so as not to bruise , keep in the shade or brought directly to the shelter outcomes . Spread fruit on the bare floor tarpaulin / plastic . Wash the fruit under running water and drain on top of the storage shelves .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSeparate the damaged fruit of good fruit . Fruit sorting based on the variety , color , size and shape of the fruit . There are 3 classes of fruit quality , namely :a) Extra classes : ( 1 ) fruits are 20-30 mm or dependent species ; ( 2 ) color and uniform fruit maturity .b ) Class I : ( 1 ) fruits are 15-25 mm or dependent species ; ( 2 ) the shape and color of the fruit varies .c ) Class II : ( 1 ) there is no limit on size of fruit ; ( 2 ) the rest of the extra class selection and class I are still in good condition .9.3 . Packaging and StorageThe fruit is packed in a transparent plastic container or 0.25-0.5 kg capacity white and covered with polyethylene plastic sheet . Storage is done in a rack in the refrigerator 0-1 degrees C.

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