Friday, April 4, 2014

Efforts to Prevent Environmental Pollution

Efforts to Prevent Environmental Pollution :
Various attempts have been made , both by government and the community to tackle environmental pollution , including through education and environmental regulation . However , these efforts will not be successful if there is no support and public awareness of the environment .
To prove our concern for the environment , we need to act . Some ways you can do to cope with environmental pollution , including the following :
1 ) Disposing of waste in place
Throw garbage into rivers or sewers will mislead obstructed water flow . As a result , samapah will accumulate and rot . Besides rotting garbage cause odor will also be a breeding ground for various types of diseases . Moreover, it could led to flooding in the rainy season .
Furthermore , organic waste dumped in the ground so that it becomes compost . The inorganic waste such as plastic and tin cans can be recycled into household appliances and other items .
2 ) Reduction of industrial waste
Waste from industry especially those containing chemical ingredients , before being discharged should be processed first . This will reduce pollutants in the water . Denan Thus , materials from waste contaminants that contain ingredients that are toxic can be removed so as not to disturb the ecosystem .
3 ) Reduction of air pollution
Air pollution caused by burning the rest of the motor vehicle and factory smoke , can be prevented and mitigated by reducing fuel consumption . Needs to consider alternative sources of substitute fuels that are environmentally friendly , such as electric -energy vehicles . In addition , an attempt is made to assess and limit the number of vehicles in operation viable . Especially the control and inspection of exhaust fumes and motor vehicle exhaust .
4 ) Held greenery in big cities
Plants are able to absorb CO2 in the air for photosynthesis . The presence of green belt will reduce the levels of CO2 in the air comes from motor vehicle fumes or smoke from factories . Thus , green plants can reduce air pollution . In addition , green plants release O2 into the atmosphere .
5 ) The use of fertilizers and pesticides appropriate plant
Fertilizer on crops could increase agricultural output . However , on the other hand can cause pollution if manure is entered into the waters . Eutrofikai is one of the negative impacts caused by artificial fertilizers that enter the waters .
So is the use of anti- pest plants . If the usage exceeds the specified dose will cause pollution . In addition to polluting the environment also can cause the extinction of a particular organism is needed .
6 ) Reduction in the use of CFCs
To eliminate the levels of CFCs in the atmosphere takes about a hundred years one way to overcome that is by reducing the unnecessary use of CFCs by humans . Reduce the use of CFC use could prevent the destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere that can reduce global warming .
Besides the effort to do well are :
1 ) Meenempatkan industrial or manufacturing areas away from residential areas or settlements.
2 ) Disposal of industrial waste regulated so as not to pollute the environment or ecosystem .
3 ) Monitoring the use of the types of pesticides and other chemicals that can cause environmental pollution .
4 ) Expand the green movement .
5 ) The disciplinary action against the perpetrators of environmental pollution .
6 ) Provide awareness to the public about the meaning of the environment so that human life more loving environment ,
Reference source http://id 20Folder/Pencemaran % h % % 20Pencemaran % 20Lingkungan 20Lingkungan.htm " Koran Sindo , Issue 16 April 2009-11-06 Ambon Express newspaper , dated 3 September 2009

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