Showing posts with label Article-Materials Environmental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Article-Materials Environmental Health. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

terms of healthy homes according to experts

terms of healthy homes according to experts
According to Wahid and Chayatin (2009 ) terms a healthy home according to experts , Based on the formula published by APHA in United , healthy home is a house that meets the following requirements :
a. Must meet physiological needs .
b . Meet the psychological needs .
c . Can be protected from infectious diseases
d . Avoid accidents
If further investigation , the requirements described above are similar to the requirements as mentioned below :
a. Requirements of the houses
The location of the house is good to avoid the occupants of the danger of infectious diseases , accidents and the possibility of other disorders . Requirements of the houses is the first requirement of a healthy home . The following are considerations chose the location of the house :
1 ) Surface and subsurface soil (soil and subsoil ) , low land flooded often not obvious either become a place of permanent housing . Rocky soil is usually moist and cool , because when it rains the water can not seep in the soil . However with a good construction ( waterproof flooring ) house with these conditions can be used without any interruption . When equipped with a good drainage .
2 ) Orientation of the house ( in conjunction with solar , wind direction , and open field ) . North hemisphere , for example , rooms located to the north will receive less sunlight . Therefore , should a kitchen and store room where the food is located in the north of the house.
b . Physical requirements
Physical requirements include the construction and building area . Construction of the house should be good and strong so as to prevent the possibility of moisture and easily repaired if there is damage . Physical Requirements concerning the construction of the house. Based on previous experiences , everyone feels the need to make a solid foundation , so strong construction . Type assortment foundation relies on the weight of a house , or a building that will be underground and the state ( subsoil ) . Building area shall be adjusted by the number of occupants of the house , building floor area adjusted to the number of inhabitants . The building area is not proportional to its inhabitants would result in shortness or less free , and will lead to unhealthy , if one family member is suffering from infectious diseases , the lack of oxygen supply may facilitate disease transmission .
c . Physiological requirements
Healthy Homes criteria must be met good ventilation , adequate lighting , to avoid the presence of noise and recreation field , especially for the kids to play .
1 ) Ventilation .
Ventilation is important to note , the house should be made ​​so that fresh air can get into the house , so that the smoke and foul air , can be lost very quickly . This can be achieved by placing doors and windows to the right position , so that air can get into the rooms and the room another room in the house . Fentilasi function is :
a) Keeping the air flow in the house to keep it fresh .
b ) Freeing indoor air of bacteria , especially pathogenic bacteria , due to continuous air flow .
c ) Maintain the room so that moisture can be maintained optimally .
2 ) Lighting
A home can be considered as a healthy home if it has adequate lighting . This is because due to the nature of light has to kill the bacteria or germs that enter the home . Besides the bullet note the level of luminosity . Lack of lighting will cause some of the effects on the eyes , comfort , as well as the productivity of a person . Therefore it can be said that adequate lighting in a home health greatly affecting every person in it .
3 ) Noise
Currently the effect of noise is considered only by everyone , this is because the noise can interfere with a person's concentration and comfort especially when sudden arrival of such eruptions can disrupt life . People who suffer from heart disease could died instantly due to the eruption . Healthy home is a house that could be spared from noise / far away from the noise source .
d . Psychological requirements
Healthy home should have a good division of space , the arrangement of furniture is neat , not over cowding , and so on . Psychological requirements over cowding cause negative effects on the health effects of physical , mental , and moral . The spread of communicable diseases are rapidly occurring solid occupants . In addition , areas like this , the bustle and noise will increase , which will cause disturbance to tranquility , whether individuals , families , and entire communities around it . In addition , tranquility and confidentiality (privacy ) of each individual will be protected and will result in decreased morale accesses . Housing legislation in some developed countries authorize the government to menaggualangi problems like this . Home or residence revealed over cowding when the number of people who slept at home that shows the following .
1 ) Two individuals of different sexes , and over ten years old and not bersetatus as husband and wife , slept in one room .
2 ) The number of people in the house than the floor area exceeds the specified provisions . Healthy home is a house that is not over crowding the tranquility and comfort of a person could be disrupted if the residence or house belonged to the over- crowding .
While the Committee on the Hygiene of Housing in America a basic set of basic principles that should be considered in conjunction with the terms of a healthy home according to experts , to enhance physical , mental and social inhabitants .
a. Needs Physiological Needs
1 ) Maintain the ambient temperature to maintain the balance of body heat expenditure .
2 ) Make provisions on allowable levels of air pollution by chemical substances .
3 ) provision of sufficient daylight illumination , but avoid penyilauan .
4 ) Provision of direct sunlight is allowed .
5 ) The provision of artificial light is pretty good
6 ) Protection against excessive commotion
7 ) There is an open field for sports , recreation and where children play .
b . Psychological needs needs .
1 ) The provisions of sufficient privacy for each individual
2 ) The freedom and opportunity for every normal family .
3 ) Freedom and social life opportunities .
4 ) The facilities that allow the execution of tasks without causing physical and mental fatigue .
5 ) The facilities for maintaining the cleanliness of the home and the environment .
6 ) The provisions of the comforts of home and surroundings .
7 ) Creating an index of social standards of each community locally .
c . Protection against disease transmission
1 ) The provision of healthy water to every home .
2 ) The provisions on the protection of drinking water from contamination .
3 ) The provisions of kototan disposal facilities ( latrines ) to reduce the danger of the spread of the disease .
4 ) Protect the interior of the house to cowage contamination .
5 ) Avoid insanitary condition around the house .
6 ) Provide facilities for storing milk and foods that are not easily rot .
7 ) The provision of space in the bedroom to avoid contact of the infection .
8 ) Avoid nests of rats and vermin in the home that can transmit disease .
d . Protection against accidents
1 ) Create a solid home construction to avoid the building collapsed .
2 ) Avoid fire hazards .
3 ) Prevent the possibility of accidental falls and other accidents mekasnis .
4 ) Protection against electrical shock .
5 ) Protection against hazards of poisoning by gases .
6 ) Avoid the dangers of vehicular traffic

The procedure for processing rainwater

The procedure for processing rainwater
research proves rainwater can not be directly used as water consumption for drinking and cooking good food . Therefore, water from the clouds low mineral content , kesadahannya too low , acid ( pH ) is low , but the organic matter and iron- height that can cause health problems , such as the fragility of teeth . Feasibility problem rainwater to be used as water consumption has become the attention of researchers in Indonesia , as did Sri Darwati Ir , MSc from the Center for Research and Development of Settlements Department of Public Works . To take advantage of rain water into potable so much usefulness . In addition to meeting the primary needs of the people who often experience a water crisis , also cope with the high use of ground water that can cause an imbalance in the soil . No less important , utilizing rainwater can keep the environment from flooding and erosion . Sri , in his paper titled Water Management Technology explained , is a very easy thing to make rain water into potable water . All you need do is just hold water , then add a few ingredients to neutralize the water content of rain . To be used as drinking water , rain water needs to be added minerals to provide lime to taste . However , before utilizing rainwater , there needs to be some steps made ​​are:

create a filter and sump basin . Bak filter located on top of tank . Can be made of fiber glass , drum , or barrel-shaped land . In combination these filters provide sand and gravel .
Before the rain water falling into tub filters are usually derived from a stream of house roof gutters , gutters should be given initial filter that leaves or other debris do not get into the tank .
If you can not make a filter in gutters , rainwater should be collected after 10 minutes the rain lasts . The goal is that the dirt in the gutter can be cleared in advance by the freshly fallen rain .
For shelter , can be made tanks made ​​of ferrosement , masonry , glass fiber , reinforced concrete , drums , large bucket , or other receptacle tool . So that rain water can meet the needs of the family for a fairly long time , it is advisable made ​​large tub that can accommodate 2-10 cubic meters .
Before water flowed into the tank , for about the first five minutes of rain water must be removed to avoid dirt into a receptacle . When it does not rain water faucet income and expenditure should be in the closed condition to prevent the entry of organic debris or animals such as mosquitoes .
Incoming water flow must be adjusted to the capacity of a tank to prevent overflow of water . When the tank is full , the flow of incoming water should be stopped so as not to discharge clean water can shorten the life of receptacle .
Tub filters should be cleaned a minimum of once every month or as needed . Tank should not be left in a discharged condition with no water at all in order to avoid cracks and damage due to weather . Bimonthly tank should be drained and cleaned .
To consume rainwater as drinking water , researchers from the Institute of Technology Surabaya ( ITS ) suggested that the water is boiled first . Before boiling salt needs to be added as much as 36.3 mg and 25 mg whiting per liter .
To reduce levels of iron ( Fe ) , when using the drum as a medium reservoir , painted drums first. ( nix )
good article about material processing procedure for beneficial rain like that reading a blog visitors .

waste processing and Lindi

waste processing and Lindi
Background processing waste and leachate Development is basically an attempt to improve people's lives by way of utilizing and managing natural resources owned , but on the other hand , this development can also cause negative impacts on the environment which results in changes in the biophysical environment , socio-economic environment and cultural environment . Development of Final Disposal ( TPA ) of waste is also one of the national programs in the area , which relates to the provision of shelter rubbish . The most basic is to clean up the rubbish from the center of waste production caused by human activities , such as residential areas , shops , markets , trading places and offices , and places of social activities ( mosques , churches , hospitals , and terminals ) .
The activity is a collection of first ( primary ) is the collection of garbage from the production process to Disposal Location While ( LPS ) , the implementation is done by members of the community . While the collection of the second stage ( secondary ) from a landfill to landfill while the implementation is done by the Department of Health . Rubbish that can be produced is transported from LPS will ultimately require destruction facility ( disposal ) in order to create an environment that is clean , Development Final Disposal ( TPA ) of waste is also one of the national programs in the area , which relates to the provision of Shelter End garbage that was in Toisapudapat minimize landfill waste problems in places waste production .
The most fundamental problem adalahpertanahan or availability of sufficient land to support the construction of the landfill sertapendanaan and construction procedures . In operation tahappasca should still anticipate land use plan in accordance with the Spatial Plan in Toisapu . Construction of the landfill and its operation is expected to have an impact on the environment , both positive and negative . Recognizing the influence of these activities on the environment and , based on the Government Regulation Number 27 of 1999 on Environmental Analysis MengenaiDampak in Article 3, paragraph 4 , as well as referring to Decree No. meteri PekerjaanUmum . 481/KPTS/1996 about the types of activities the Field of Public Works Requiring Environmental Management Effort ( UKL ) and Environmental Monitoring Plan ( UPL ) , in order to meet the requirements in order to carry out the construction of the landfill viable and environmentally sound . UKL UPL document preparation and construction of the landfill plan activities carried out by the Environment Minister 's decision No. 86 of 2002 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Public - UPL.Dokumen UKL is expected to be able to assess the impact and produce a step by step handling of the environmental impact and reduce the impact negative and optimize / maximize positive impacts arising .
B. PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to estimate Knowing how to Assess and evaluate the environmental impacts and environmental impacts of planned activities at the pre-construction , construction and post- construction of the components of the environment and identify impacts arising from development activities landfill .
A. Assessment of waste processing and LindiWaste problem is still a serious problem that needs to be handled at this time of Ambon city government . Whether it gives understanding to the public until the completion of waste management . Not even a half-hearted Ambon city government in cooperation with the Dutch government Vlissingen . The Dutch government itself has membangunan Waste Place in Toisapu to process garbage in the city of Ambon . Waste management measures taken by the government of Ambon city turned out to date has not yielded maximum results . Household garbage and trash from the merchants in various places are still scattered on the road . No half-hearted , Ay patty road which is the main street in downtown Ambon there are still a number of shops and supermarkets who put trash on the curb . Though this will add to the face of the city into semberawut . Public awareness is also so far not moved by such littering the streets , the flow of the river and dumped into the sea . Besides the provision of bins is also very minimal .
1 . Waste ProcessingSampahadalah management of collection, transportation , processing , recycling , or disposal of waste materials . This phrase usually refers to waste materials resulting from human activities , and usually managed to reduce its impact on health , the environment or the beauty . Waste management is also carried out to recover resources . Waste management practices will vary between developed countries and developing countries , also differ between urban and rural areas , as well as between different residential areas with industrial areas . Non-hazardous waste management of settlements and institutions in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of the local government , while the garbage from commercial and industrial areas are usually handled by a waste processing company .
2 . Waste Management ParadigmAccumulation of trash in a landfill is due to almost all local governments in Indonesia still adhered to the old paradigm of municipal solid waste management , which focuses only on the transport and final disposal . TPA with land systems that are environmentally friendly sanitary urug was not friendly in the financing aspect , because pembutuhkan high cost for the investment , construction , operation and maintenance . To overcome these problems , it is time to change the mindset of local government more nuanced environment . The concept of an integrated waste management it was time to applied , ie by minimizing waste and maximizing recycling and composting with environmentally friendly landfill . The new paradigm is more waste management is a cycle that is in line with the concept of ecology . New energy resulting from the decomposition of waste and recycling process can be utilized optimally .
3 . Leachate TreatmentInstalling or leachate treatment ponds serve to reduce levels of pollutants leachate up in accordance with the provisions of the applicable effluent standards . Given the characteristics of the leachate is dominated by the organic component with an average BOD value of 2000-10000 ppm ( Qasim , 1994) , the suggested minimum leachate treatment by the biological treatment process ( secondary treatment) . Leachate treatment process needs to pay attention to the discharge of leachate , leachate characteristics and receiving water bodies where effluent discharge . This is related to the selection of treatment processes , determining the capacity and dimensions as well as the computation time of a detention pond . Given the biological process will be greatly influenced by the ability of microorganisms activity , then conditioning and process control plays an important role . As an example of the failure that occurs during this process is because of the absence of seeding and acclimatization biological processes , so that the efficiency of the process can not be predicted even tend to be very low .
In general, leachate treatment process simply consists of the following phases :

Leachate collection , done in an aggregator
Anaerobic process , carried out in an anaerobic ( depth > 2m ) . This process is expected to decrease to 60 % BOD
Facultative process is a process of transition from anaerobic , facultative pond performed at . This process is expected to reduce BOD by 70 %
Maturation or stabilization process , carried out at the pool with the maturation process efficiency 80 %
Land treatment , carried out by making the land that serves as a biological filter which consists of fibers , sand , soil and plant material that can absorb pollutants .
Under conditions of effluent has not achieved the expected value of the effluent , the process can be done to the land of leachate recirculation landfill waste through the gas vent pipe . The existence of a similar process of " trickling filters " , is expected to reduce levels of BOD leachate .
B. Dukumen UKL and UPLPreparation of UKL and UPL , includes a description of the plan of activities ( type of activity , location plan and his position with the general plan layout , spacing and location of the natural resources of other activities , facility / facilities are planned , the process to be carried out ) , the environmental components that may be affected , the impact is going to happen ( the source of impact , type of impact , the nature and impact benchmarks ) , environmental management efforts must be implemented by pemraakarsa , environmental monitoring efforts that must be implemented by the proponent ( the type of impact to be monitored , monitoring locations , monitoring time and way of monitoring ) , the implementation of reporting mechanisms UKL / UPL during activities implemented ( instansipembina , BPLDH and related technical services ) . This document is also equipped with a statement signed by the proponent to implement environmental management efforts .
1 . generalLandfill is a landfill that will accept all the risks associated with waste disposal patterns , especially with regard to the possibility of pencemaram leachate (leachate ) kebadan water and ground water , as well as the breeding of disease vectors such as flies ( Judith , 1996 ) . According to Qasim (1994 ) and Thobanoglous (1993 ) , the potential for contamination of leachate and gas from a landfill to the surrounding environment is quite large considering the formation of leachate and gas can take place in a long time ie 20-30 years after the landfill is closed . Thus, there needs to be an effort that must be made for securing environmental pollution . Landfill environmental protection efforts are needed in order to reduce the potential impacts that may occur during the final disposal activities take place . These efforts include :

Determination of eligible landfill ( SNI No. . 03-3241-1997 on Procedures for Landfill Site Selection ) .
Development of adequate landfill facility , in accordance with the requirements of the landfill operation and reclamation of landfill in accordance with the land use and spatial planning .
Postoperative monitoring of the former land TPA.Selain it should also be improved landfill management of more adequately , especially the availability of competent human resources preparation sertaketer landfill operation and maintenance costs
2 . Scope of MaterialsThe scope of the material to be covered in the UKL and UPL documents carried by systematics as follows :
2.1 Identification Activity PlanToisapu landfill development activities aim to address the garbage problem in the city of Ambon , which includes an action plan that may give rise to significant impacts or potentially impacted by its activities in accordance with the stages , namely pre-construction , construction and post- construction .
2.2 Preliminary Identification of Environmental RonaRona initial environment consists of components geophysical - chemical , biological , cultural and socio - economic and public health . Rona neighborhoods identified primarily affected by the landfill development activities , including other supporting activities which are near the project site as well as the impact on the environment .
2.3 Environmental Impact Will HappenEstimate or determine the type and intensity of the impact of planned activities on the landfill development environment components . While the main focus of the study conducted on the environmental components that will be affected are:
· The quality of surface and ground water
· Air quality and noise levels
· Component Flora and Fauna
· Components socioeconomic culture , including the attitudes and perceptions .
· System of transport and traffic volumes about the location of activities
· Components of public health .
2.4 Environmental Management and Monitoring Efforts
Providing advice follow the environmental management and monitoring in an effort to prevent / mitigate the negative impacts and maximize positive impacts associated with the construction of the landfill
a. Landfill Site SelectionTo anticipate the negative impact caused by waste disposal methods are not adequate as selaluterjadi in various cities in Indonesia , the most important step is to choose a location that is in accordance with the SNI No. persyaratan.Sesuai . 03-3241-1997 on Landfill Site Selection Procedure , that the location meets the requirements of the landfill are :

Distance from the nearest housing 500 m
Distance of 100 m of water bodies
1500 m distance from the airport ( propeller aircraft ) and 3000 m ( jet aircraft ) ground water > 3 m
Type clay with a hydraulic conductivity < 10-6 cm / sec is unproductive land
Flood-free period of at least 25 years of landfill site selection as a first step in improving metodepembuangan final waste , requires careful through a comprehensive tahapanstudi ( feasibility study and environmental impact study ) . Sulitnyamendapatkan adequate land within the city , it is advisable untukmemilih landfill that can be used on a regional basis . For location TPAyang too far ( > 25 km ) can use the transfer station system .
b . Field surveys and measurements
Data for the manufacture of DED landfill should include :
- The amount of waste to be disposed of to landfill
- The composition and characteristics of the waste
- Data network path to the location of the landfill
Numbers of carriers ( trucks ) that data collection can be done directly ( primary ) or indirect ( secondary ) . Measurement is performed to determine a data field environmental conditions such as landfill :

ü soil characteristics , including physical characteristics ( soil composition , hydraulic conductivity , pH , CEC , etc. ) and chemical characteristics ( soil mineral composition , anions and cations )
ü Sondir and geophysic
ü groundwater conditions , including the depth of water table , groundwater flow direction , groundwater quality ( COD , BOD , Chloride , Fe , Organic and others)
ü surface water conditions , covering the distance from the landfill , water level , rainfall fluctuations and drought airmusim level , river water quality ( BOD , COD , heavy metals , chloride , sulphate , pesticides , etc. )
ü Location springs ( if any ) including discharge .
ü Air quality , including levels of CH4 , COx , SOx , NOx and others.
ü The number of residents living close to the landfill ( radius < 500 m )
c . plan
Planning a landfill Detail Engineering Design ( DED ) , must be able to anticipate the occurrence of environmental pollution . Thus, the landfill plan should include :
- Design site plan according to the conditions of land available
- Design facilities include public facilities ( and jalanoperasi driveway , drainage , landfill office , fence ) , environmental protection facilities ( dikes , water-resistant base layer , network danpengolah leachate collection , gas vents , barriers , ground cover , well testing , tools beratdan etc. ) and support facilities ( clean water , workshops , weighbridge etc. )
- Stages of development tailored to the ability to build a landfill pendanaandaerah so with the most minimal conditions of the landfill can function without polluting the environment .d . land acquisition
Liberation landfill needs to consider the social impacts that may arise as inadequate compensation for people whose land affected by the project . Area of ​​land acquired can be used to accommodate a minimum of trash for 5 years .e . granting permission
Landfill permits must be accompanied by a variety of consequences such as banning the construction of a residential or industrial area in a radius < 500 m from the landfill , to avoid the negative impacts that may arise from various activities landfill
f . socialization
To avoid social protests over the presence of a landfill , there should be public information dissemination and advocacy of what a landfill , how to operate a landfill and the possible negative impact that dapatterjadi but accompanied by plans or attempts manager untukmenanggulangi problems that may arise and the public response to the development plan landfill . Socialization bertahapdan done much prior to planning .
3.2 Construction Phase
a. Mobilization and Equipment
1 ) Labor
Labor is the labor required to carry out the construction work of the landfill . For professionals such as staff supervision , structure and foremen experts should be recruited in accordance with the requirements of the qualification , while for the labor or security personnel can be recruited from the local power ( if any ) . Local recruitment is to avoid konflikatau social jealousy .
2 ) Tool
Mobilization of construction equipment will likely impact of noise and dust , but it is only temporary . For the mobilization or demobilization agardapat cultivated done padasaat heavy equipment traffic in a state of quiet and not through settlements yangpadat .
b . Clearing land ( land clearing )
Land clearing will lead to a reduction in the number of plants and the effects of dust that needs to be done instead of planting trees .
c . Construction of public facilities
1 ) Roads in landfill
The driveway will be used by landfill waste carrier vehicles with a capacity large enough , so that the classes road and street width will need to pay attention to the load through and queues that may occur . Arrangements for vehicle traffic will enter and exit the landfill in such a way so as to avoid long queues because it can reduce the efficiency of the transport .
2 ) Office of the landfill
Office serves as an office controlling landfill final disposal activities ranging from weighing / recording of incoming waste ( source , volume / weight , composition , etc. ) , control of operations , landfill management settings and others. Broad and landfill construction bangunankantor these functions need to pay attention . It can also be equipped with simple laboratory space for analytical quality of leachate and effluent leachate to be discharged kebadan receiving water .
3 ) Drainage
Drainage around the landfill is required to collect rain water in order tidakmasuk to landfill heap area , in addition to preventing trash areatimbunan tergenangnya also to reduce leachate generation .
4 ) Fences landfill
Fences in addition to functioning as a boundary TPA TPA TPA and security can also serve as a green barrier to the landfill then the fence should be made ​​using living plants with jenispohon lush and fast growing trees such as Angsan
d . Construction of environmental protection facilities
1 ) Basic Coatings , Water Proofing
Impermeable base layer serves to prevent leachate contamination of the groundwater . For those reasons, the basic construction of the landfill should be fairly watertight , either by using a layer dasargeomembrane / geotextile or clay layer dengankepadatan and adequate permeability ( < 10-6 cm / sec ) . Lapisantanah clay should consist of 2 layers each 30cm thick . This is done to prevent the occurrence of cracks akibatkerusakan first layer as exposed long enough . In addition ituuntuk avoid cracking clay base layer , then prior to peninmbunan should base layer " shielded " . For example, grass planting can be done other atauupaya adequate .
2 ) Network Collecting Leachate
Pipeline network at the base of the landfill leachate collection serves to mengalirkanlindi formed from landfill waste to leachate storage ponds . Leachate collection network can be either perforated PVC pipe yangdilindungi by gravel . Type kebutuhanseperti adapted to a broad network of landfill , tingggi embankment , discharge leachate and others.
3 ) Leachate Treatment
Installing or leachate treatment pond serves to lower the leachate kadarpencemar up in accordance with the effluent standards yangberlaku . Given the characteristics of the leachate is dominated by components organikdengan average BOD value 2000-10000 ppm ( Qasim , 1994) , the recommended minimum makapengolahan leachate with pengolahanbiologi process ( secondary treatment) . Leachate treatment process perlumemperhatikan discharge leachate , leachate characteristics and discharge effluent water bodies penerimatempat . This is related to pemilihanproses processing , determination of capacity and dimensions sertaperhitungan pond detention time .
Given the biological process will be greatly influenced by kemampuanaktivitas microorganisms , the conditioning and control prosesmemegang important role . As an example of the failure of this process is yangterjadi during the absence of seeding efforts danaklimatisasi biological processes , so that the efficiency of the process dapatdiprediksi not even tend to be very common rendah.Secara leachate treatment process simply consists fromfew stages as follows :

ü leachate collection , done in an aggregator
ü anaerobic process , carried out in an anaerobic ( depth > 2m ) . process is expected to decrease to 60 % BOD
ü Process which is a facultative anaerobic process of transition from , performed in the facultative pond . This process is expected to menurunkanBOD up to 70 %
ü The process of maturation or stabilization , performed in an denganefisiensi maturation process 80 %
ü Land treatment , carried out by making land berfungsisebagai biological filter consisting of fibers , sand , soil dantanaman that can absorb pollutants .
Under conditions have not been able to achieve effluent effluent yangdiharapkan value , it can be done leachate recirculation process lahantimbunan trash through the pipe to vent the gas . The existence of a similar process of " trickling filters " , is expected to reduce levels of BOD leachate .
e . Construction of support facilities
1 ) Water Facility
Clean water is needed for cleaning landfill pengangkutsampah vehicles ( trucks ) , heavy equipment , the need for bathing, washing and landfill workers and visitors . Additionally if possible jugadiperlukan clean water to flush the area surrounding dust accumulation secaraberkala to reduce air pollution .
2 ) Workshop
Workshop on landfill required for the maintenance of heavy equipment sertamemperbaiki vehicles suffered minor damage which terjadidi landfill , so as not to interfere with the operation pembuangansampah . Workshop equipment must be adapted to the type of kerusakanyang be addressed .
3.3 Post- Construction Phase
a. Landfill Operation and Maintenance
Operation and maintenance of the landfill is the most difficult to implement of all phases of landfill management . Although the existing landfill facilities are adequate , if the operation and maintenance of the landfill is not done properly it will still happen environmental pollution . To avoid the negative impacts that may arise , the operation of waste disposal is done by taking into account the following matters :
1 ) Application of cell systems
Application of the cell system requires setting clear waste disposal sites , including the installation of traffic signs garbage truck , truck driver discipline to dispose of waste in a predetermined cell and others
2 ) Compaction trash in such a way in order to achieve a density of 700 kg/m3 , which is the trajectory x 5 heavy equipment . For the compaction process on the first layer needs to be done carefully so as not to damage the heavy equipment leachate pipeline that could cause leakage of leachate .
3 ) Treatment of leachate conditioned to optimize the treatment process either through the process of anaerobic , aerobic , facultative , maturation and recirculation of leachate , thus achieved the effluent that meets quality standards ( BOD 30-150 ppm )
b . Reclamation landfill
To avoid a negative impact , because the process of decomposition of waste into leachate and gas takes place in a very long time of 30 years ( Thobanoglous , 1993) , then the landfill is recommended for green open land or in accordance with the land use plan . If the landfill will be used as a residential area or other buildings , it is necessary to take into account the safety factor of the building to the fullest .
c . Postoperative monitoring of landfill
Monitoring environmental quality postoperative TPA required to determine whether there is contamination well as basic landfill leakage , tissue leachate collection , leachate treatment process is inadequate or leak gas vent pipe . Facilities that are required for monitoring test wells and a gas vent pipe is shielded . Test wells should be at least 3 units , which are located before peninmbunan area , close to the landfill and after the accumulation area .
Bibliography waste processing and Lindi
Anonymous , 2009. Garbage Costs Still Being Seriously , accessed 06 JUNE 2009 .
Nurandani , Haryono . , 2009. Leachate treatment evaluation . / pdf .
Anonymous , 2008. UKL-UPL - talangagung . pdf
Anonymous , 2009. Environmental aspects - landfill waste .

Nosocomial Disease

Nosocomial Disease
Nosocomial Disease Definitions: Infection is the presence of an organism in tissue or body fluids with a clinical symptom of both local and systemic. Infections that arise during such a person admitted to the hospital and began to show a person's symptoms during or after completion cared cared so-called nosocomial infections. In general, patients who were admitted to hospital and showed signs of infection less than 72 hours showed that the incubation period of the disease had occurred before the patient entered the hospital, and new infections show symptoms after 72 hours of new patients are referred to hospital infection nosokomia
Nosocomial infections can be derived from the patient's body or outside the body. Endogenous infections are caused by microorganisms that originally there had been in the body and move to a new place that we call self-infection or auto-infection, while exogenous infection (cross infection) caused by microorganisms from the hospital and from one patient to another.
SakitRumah home hospital is a place where people are ill treated and placed in very close proximity. At this point the patient receives treatment and care to be cured. However, hospitals in addition to searching for a cure, also a depot for various diseases from patients and visitors with the status of a career. These germs can live and thrive in a hospital environment, such as; air, water, flooring, food and objects of medical and non medical. The occurrence of nosocomial infections will cause a lot of losses, among other things:

• long day care growing longer
• suffering increased
• increased costs
From the results of a descriptive study Suwarni, A in all hospitals in Yogyakarta in 1999 showed that the proportion of the incidence of nosocomial infections ranged from 0.0% to 12.06%, with an overall average of 4.26%. For the average treatment duration ranged from 4.3 to 11.2 days, with an overall average of 6.7 days. After further investigation it was found that the number of germs floor treatment room has a meaningful relationship with nosocomial infections.
During this back 10-20 years has been a lot of progress has been made to locate the main problem of the increasing incidence of nosocomial infections in many countries, and in some countries, it is very alarming condition. This situation actually increase the time to care and treatment changes with expensive drugs, and the use of services outside the hospital. That's why, in countries poorer, developing, prevention of nosocomial infections are preferred to be able to improve the quality of patient care in the hospital and other health facilities. In some parts, especially in parts of the internal medicine, there are many procedures and actions taken either to help diagnose or monitor the disease course and therapy can cause enough patients susceptible to nosocomial infections. Patients with old age, the old lie, or some action such as invasive diagnostic procedures, long infusion and urinary catheters are long, or patients with a certain disease is a disease that requires chemotherapy, with very severe disease, malignant disease, diabetes, anemia, diseases autoimmune and immuno suppressants or steroid use was found that the risk of infection larger.2., 3.5 Source of infection and mode of transmission is mainly through the hands and from health care workers and other health personnel, injection needles, IV catheters, urinary catheters, gauze dressings or bandages, and a wrong way to deal with injuries. Nosocomial infection is also not just about the patient, but also to the entire hospital personnel in direct contact with the patient or the patient's guardian and the visitors.

Epidemiology Many nosocomial infections occur throughout the world with the highest incidence in poor countries and developing countries due to infectious diseases are still a major cause. A study conducted by the WHO indicate that approximately 8.7% of the 55 hospitals from 14 countries from Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific remains indicate the presence of nosocomial infection in Southeast Asia as much as 10.0% .3 Although science and microbiology research increased rapidly in the last 3 decades, and little by little the risk of infection can be prevented, but the increase of patients with immunocompromised diseases, antibiotic resistant bacteria, viruses and fungal super infections, and invasive procedures, is still causing infections Nosocomial cause 88,000 deaths annually walaupun.4 case Moreover, if we compare the germs that exist in society, microorganisms that are in the hospital more dangerous and more resistant to the drug, because it required a more potent antibiotic or a combination of antibiotics. All of these conditions can increase the risk of infection to the pasien.2, 3.5
Development of Nosocomial Infection Causes

1 Infectious Agents The patient will be exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms during his hospitalization. Contact between the patient and a wide variety of microorganisms is not always cause clinical symptoms because of other factors which may cause the occurrence of nosocomial infections. The possibility of infection depends on: 3

• characteristics of microorganisms,
• resistance to antibiotic substances,
• the level of virulence,
• and the number of infectious material.
All of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can cause nosocomial infections. These infections can be caused by microorganisms acquired from others (cross infection) or caused by the normal flora of the patient's own (endogenous infection). Most infections occur in hospitals is mainly due to external factors, namely the spread of disease through food and air and objects or materials that are not sterile. Diseases acquired from the hospital today most commonly caused by microorganisms that are always present in people who previously did not or rarely cause disease in normal people.
1. Bacterium
Bacteria can be found as normal flora in the human body healthy. The presence of bacteria here is very important in protecting the body from the coming pathogenic bacteria. But in some cases it can cause infection if the man has a low tolerance for microorganisms. For example, Escherichia coli is most often found as a cause of urinary tract infections. More harmful pathogenic bacteria and cause infection either sporadic or endemic. For example: • Anaerobic Gram-positive, which can lead to gangrene Clostridium • gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus is a parasite on the skin and the nose can cause lung irritation, home, heart and blood vessels as well as infections are often resistant to antibiotics. • Gram-negative bacteria: Enterobacteriacae, for example, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter. Pseudomonas often found in water and water reservoirs that cause infection in the digestive tract and patients treated. This gram-negative bacteria responsible for about half of all infections in hospitals. Serratia marcescens •, can cause serious infections in wounds scar, lung, and peritoneum.
2. Virus Many possible nosocomial infection caused by a variety of viruses, including hepatitis B and C viruses in the media transmission of transfusion, dialysis, injections and endoscopy. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rotavirus, and enteroviruses are transmitted from hand to mouth contact or through the faecal-oral route. Hepatitis and HIV is transmitted by sharing needles, and blood transfusions. Transmission route for the virus the same as other microorganisms. Gastrointestinal infections, respiratory tract infections, skin diseases and blood. Other viruses that often cause nosocomial infection is cytomegalovirus, Ebola, influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, and varicella-zoster virus, can also be transmitted.
3. Parasites and Fungi Some parasites such as Giardia lamblia can be transmitted easily to adults and children alike. Many fungi and parasites may arise during the administration of antibiotics and the bacterial immunosuppressant drugs, such as infections of Candida albicans, Aspergillus spp, Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptosporidium.
II.1.2 response and tolerance of the patient's body The most important factor affecting the level of tolerance and response of the patient in this case is: 3.9 • Age • immune status of patients • illness • Obesity and malnutrition • People who use immunosuppressant drugs and steroids • Interventions were performed on the body to perform diagnostics and therapeutics.
Young age and old age is associated with decreased resistance to infection is much worse on the condition of patients suffering from chronic diseases such as tumors, anemia, leukemia, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, SLE and AIDS. These conditions will increase the body's tolerance to infection from bacteria that originally are opportunistic. Drugs that are immunosuppressives can lower the body's defense against infection. The number of investigations and therapeutic procedures such as biopsy, endoscopy, catheterization, intubation and surgery also increases the risk infeksi.3, 9 Type the patient's risk of infection Minimal is immunocompromised, are not exposed to a disease found Patients are being infected and with some risk factors Weight Patients with severely immunocompromised, (5 lm. Example bacterial meningitis, and diphtheria require the following; separate rooms for each patient. Masks for healthcare workers. Restricted areas for the patient, and the patient should wear a mask when leaving the room.
4 Infection by direct or indirect contact Infections that occur due to contact directly or indirectly with the cause of the infection. Transmission of this infection can be through the hands, skin and clothes, such as staphylococcus aureus group. Can also be given through intravenous fluids and syringes, hepatitis and HIV. Equipment and medical instruments. Food is not sterile, not cooked and were taken using a hand which causes the occurrence of cross infection.3, 9
2 Antibiotic Resistance Along with the discovery of penicillin and antibiotic use between the years 1950-1970, many serious and fatal diseases when it can be treated and cured. However, this success led to the overuse of antibiotics and pengunsalahan. Many microorganisms are now becoming more resistant. Increased bacterial resistance may increase the mortality rate of patients who are immunocompromised, especially. Resitensi of bacteria transmitted between patients and resistance factor transferred between bacteria. The use of antibiotics constantly multipikasi and actually increase the spread of resistant strains. The main cause for: • The use of antibiotics is not appropriate and is not controlled • The dose of antibiotics that are not optimal • Therapy and treatment using antibiotics that are too short • Error diagnosis
The number of patients who received antibiotics and alteration of genes that are resistant to antibiotics, resulting in the emergence of germ multiresistensi to these drugs. The use of antibiotics on a large scale for the treatment and prophylaxis of resistance is a major factor. Many strains of pneumococci, staphylococci, enterococci, and tuberculosis was resistant to many antibiotikaa, as well as Klebsiella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa also has to be multiresistant. This situation is very real occurred mainly in developing countries where second-line antibiotics does not exist or is not available. Nosocomial infections affect morbidity and mortality in the hospital, and is very important because: • Increasing the number of patients treated • Frequent body weakened immunity due to illness, treatment or age • new microorganisms (mutation) • Increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics
3 Factors tools From a clinical study, tertama nosocomial infections caused by infections from urinary catheters, infusion needle infections, respiratory tract infections, skin infections, surgical wound infections and septicemia from. The use of intravenous and urinary catheters are no longer interchangeable. Diruang medicine, an estimated 20-25% of patients require infusion therapy. Intravenous cannulation complications may include mechanical disruption, physical and chemical. These complications include: 3.5 Extravasation infiltrates: intravenous fluids enter the tissue around the cannula insertion Blockage: Infuse not function properly without the detectable presence of other disorders Phlebitis: There is swelling, redness and tenderness along the vein Thrombosis: There is a swelling along the vein that impede the flow of infusion Colonization cannula: When it can be cultured microorganisms from the cannula is in the vein Septicaemia: When the hematogenous spread of germs cannula Suppuration: If there has been a formation of pus around the cannula insertion
Some of the following factors play a role in increasing the complications of intravenous cannulae are: type of catheter, catheter size, mounting via venesection, a catheter is inserted more than 72 hours, a catheter is placed in the lower limbs, not heeding pronsip anti sepsis, intravenous fluids and blood transfusion hypertonic because it is a medium the growth of microorganisms, additional equipment in place for setting drip infusion drugs, manipulation too often on the cannula. Colonization of bacteria on the tip of the catheter is the initial infusion site infections and bacteremia.
Illnesses caused by nosocomial infections
1 Urinary tract infections This infection is the most common occurrence, approximately 40% of nosocomial infections, 80% of infection associated with the use of urinary catheters. Although it is not too dangerous, but can cause bacteremia and result in death. Biaa organisms that normally infects E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, or Enterococcus. Infections that occur earlier mainly due to endogenous microorganisms, whereas infection that occurs after a long time usually due to microorganisms eksogen.4, 9.11 It is very difficult to prevent the spread of microorganisms through the urethra which is attached to the surface of the catheter. Most patients will be infected after 1-2 weeks of catheter placement. Is the most significant cause of hand or glove contamination when the catheter, or the water used to raise the balloon catheter. It can also be due to a failed sterilization and septic techniques and aseptik.9
Nosocomial Pneumonia 2 Nosocomial pneumonia can occur, especially patients using ventilator, tracheostomy action, intubation, installation NGT, and inhalation therapy. The most common germs that cause these infections are from gram-negative as Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas. These organisms are often located in the mouth, nose, throat, and stomach. The existence of these organisms can cause infection due to aspiration by respiratory tract organisms bawah.3 section, 9 Of the group may be caused olehcytomegalovirus virus, influenza virus, adeno virus, the influenza virus, enteroviruses and corona virus. 11 Risk factor for this infection are: 9 • Type and type of respiratory • Heavy smokers • Not sterility of assistive devices • Obesity • Quality of care • Chronic heart disease • Chronic lung disease • Weighing the condition of the patient and organ failure • Level of use of antibiotics • The use of ventilators and intubation • Decreased awareness of patient
The disease commonly found include: respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. In patients with low immune systems, pneumonia caused by Legionella and Aspergillus. While the country with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, should be kept clean air.

3 Bakteremi Nosocomial These infections represent only about 5% of total nosocomial infections, but with a very high risk of death, mainly due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Candida. Infection may occur in the entry of equipment such as syringes, catheters and infusion urine. The main factor of this infection is the length of the catheter, body temperature while performing invasive procedures, and treatment of catheter or infusion.

Other Nosocomial Infections 1. Tuberkulosis11 The main cause is the presence of strains of multi-resistant drugs. Control of this disease is important for the proper identification, isolation, and treatment as well as the negative pressure in the room. 2. diarrhea and gastroenteritis The most common microorganisms derived from E. coli, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and Clostridium. In addition, more than gologan virus caused by enterovirus group, adenovirus, rotavirus, and hepatitis A. Distinguish between diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Risk factors of nosocomial gastroenteritis can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. • Intrinsic factors: o abnormality of mucosal defenses, such as achlorhydria o lack of intestinal motility, and o changes in normal flora. • Extrinsic factors: Installation of a nasogastric tube and consuming drugs gastrointestinal tract. 3. Vascular infection These infections are intimately associated with the use of infusion, cardiac catheters and injections. The virus that can be transmitted from the way this is the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and HIV. These infections are divided into two main categories: • Infection of primary veins, appear without any signs of infection before, and in contrast to organisms found another body section • Secondary infection, emerged as a result of infection from the same organism from the other side of the body. 4. Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis • Corynebacterium diptheriae, gram-negative pleomorphic, produce endotoxins that cause disease, infections primarily through the respiratory system. • Bordetella pertussis, which causes whooping cough. Cycle every 3-5 years and emerging infections as much as 50 in 100% of individuals who are not immune. • Clostridium tetani, a gram-positive anaerobic causing trismus and muscle spasms.
Skin and soft tissue infections. Open wounds such as ulcers, burns, and operation scars and increase the likelihood of bacterial infection results in systemic infection. From herpes simplex virus that group, zooster varicella, and rubella. Infecting organism will be different in each population because of differences in health care provided, differences in facilities owned and inhabited country differences. These infections include:

• Infections of the bones and joints
Osteomyelitis, bone or joint infection and vertebral disc
• Cardiovascular system infections
Arterial or venous infection, endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis and mediastinitis
• Infection of the central nervous system
Meningitis or ventrikulitis, absess spinal and intracranial infection
• Infection of the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
Konjunctivitis, eye infection, otitis externa, otitis media, otitis interna, mastoiditis, sinusitis, and upper respiratory tract infection.
• Infections of the digestive tract
Gastroenteritis, hepatitis, necrotizing enterocolitis, intra-abdominal infections
• lower respiratory tract infections
Bronchitis, trakeobronkhitis, tracheitis, and other infections
• Infection of the reproductive system
Endometriosis and episiotomy scar
Prevention of Nosocomial Infection
Prevention of nosocomial infections is required an integrated planning, monitoring and programs include:

• Limiting the transmission of organisms or between patients with hand washing and use of gloves, septic and aseptic measures, sterilization and disinfectant.
• Controlling the risk of transmission of the environment.
• Protect the patient with the use of antibiotics is adequate, adequate nutrition, and vaccination.
• Limiting the risk of endogenous infection by minimizing invasive procedures.
• Supervision of infection, disease identification and control its spread
1 Decontamination hand Transmission of disease through the hands can be minimized by keeping hiegene of hand. But in reality, it is difficult to do properly, because of reasons such as lack of equipment, hand washing product allergies, at least knowledge of the importance of this, and a long time to wash hands. In addition, the use of gloves is highly recommended when going to take action or examination in patients with infectious diseases. The thing to remember is: Wear gloves when it will take or touching blood, body fluids, or sweat, feces, urine, mucous membranes and material that we consider to have been contaminated, and immediately wash hands after removing gloves.
2 instruments are often used Hospital Simonsen et al (1999) concluded that more than 50% of injections were performed in developing countries is not safe (eg, needles, tubes or both are used repeatedly) and the number of injections that are not important (eg, injection of antibiotics) .7 In order to prevent the spread of disease through a syringe is needed: • Reduction of injection are less necessary • Use a sterile needle • The use of disposable syringes. Masks, as protection against air-borne diseases. Likewise with patients suffering from respiratory tract infections, they should wear a mask while the patient out of the room. Gloves should be used especially when touching blood, body fluids, faeces and urine. Gloves should always be changed for each patient. After bandaging the wound or exposed objects are dirty, sanrung hand should immediately diganti.11 Special clothing should also be worn to protect the skin and clothing as long as we take action to prevent splashing of blood, body fluids, urine and feces.
3 Preventing the spread of hospital environment Regular cleansing is vital to ensure that the hospital is very clean and completely clean of dust, grease and dirt. Keep in mind that about 90 percent of the visible dirt must contain germs. There should be a regular time to clean walls, floors, beds, doors, windows, blinds, bathroom, and medical devices that have been used many times. Good air setting is difficult in many health facilities. Try to use the presence of the air filter, especially for people with low immune status or for people who can spread the disease through the air. Room with good air arrangements will be more likely to decrease the risk of tuberculosis transmission. In addition, hospitals must establish a water filter facility and maintain the cleanliness of the filter for processing and mencegahan occurrence of bacterial growth. Water sterilization at hospitals with limited infrastructure can use heat matahari.11 Toilet hospitals should also be maintained, especially in the patient care units to prevent diarrhea infections among patients. Surface toilets should be kept clean and given disinfektan.11 Disinfectant to kill germs and prevent transmission between patients. Disinfection is used: • Have criteria kill germs • Has the effect of the detergent • Has the effect of many bacteria, may dissolve oils and protein. • It is not difficult to use • Do not volatile • No materials containing hazardous substances both for workers and patients • Effectively • odorless, or smells bad
4 Fix endurance In the human body, in addition to existing opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, some mutualistic bacteria which help in the physiological processes of the body, and help the body's resistance against invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and to maintain the balance between commensal microorganisms population in general, such as what which occurs in the human gastrointestinal tract. Knowledge of a healthy person's body resistance mechanisms that can control the opportunistic microorganisms need to be identified completely, so it can be used in maintaining the body's defenses in patients with severe disease. Thus the danger of infection by opportunistic bacteria in patients with severe disease can be resolved without having to use antibiotics.
5 Non-Isolation The spread of nosocomial infections can be prevented by making a separation of the patient. Isolation is needed, especially for diseases transmitted through the air, for example, tuberculosis, and SARS, which resulted in severe contamination. Involving the transmission of the virus, for example, DHF and HIV. Typically, patients who have a low resistance eperti leukemia and immunosuppressant drug users also need to be isolated to avoid infection. But the hand and food hygiene, health equipment in the isolation room is also very important. The isolation room should always be covered with air vents always heading out. Should the patient be in an isolation room, but when it is happening extraordinary events and people beyond capacity, some patients in one room is not anything for them to suffer illness sama.9
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