Saturday, April 5, 2014

Basic Concept of Family

Basic Concept of Family

Duvall and Logan (1986 ) : Family is a group of people with the bond of marriage, birth , and adoption aimed at creating , maintaining culture , and enhance the physical, mental , emotional , social and of each member of the family .
Bailon and Maglaya ( 1978) : The family is two or more individuals living in a household because of the blood, marriage , or adoption . They interact with each other , have their respective roles and create and sustain a culture .
Department of Health (1988 ) : The family is the smallest unit of a society consisting of a head and a couple of people who come together and live in a place under one roof in a state of mutual dependence .
It can be concluded that the characteristics of the family are :1 . Consists of two or more individuals who are bound by blood, marriage or adoption2 . Family members usually live together or separately if they still consider each other3 . Family members interact with each other and each has a social role : husband , wife , children , brother and sister4 . Have a purpose : creating and maintaining culture , enhance the development of physical, psychological , and social members .
FAMILY FUNCTIONThere are five families of functions that can be run as follows:
1 . biological functions

To continue the descent .
Maintaining and raising children .
Meet the nutritional needs of the family .
Maintaining and caring for family members .
2 . psychological functioning

Give love and security .
Giving attention among family members .
Fostering family member 's personality maturation .
Providing family identity .
3 . socialization function

Foster socialization in children .
Establish norms of behavior in accordance with the child's developmental level .
Forward cultural values ​​.
4 . economic functions

Finding sources of income to meet family needs .
Setting the use of family income to meet family needs .
Saving to meet the needs of families in the future , such as children's education , pension and so on .
5 . The function of education

Send children to provide the knowledge , skills , and shape children's behavior according to their talents and interests they have.
Prepare children for adult life that will come in fulfilling its role as an adult .
Educate the child according to levels of development .

Patrilineal : blood relatives consisting of blood relatives within a few generations , in which the relationship was arranged through the father
Matrilineal : blood relatives consisting of blood relatives within a few generations in which the relationship was arranged through the maternal line
Matrilocal : a husband and wife who lived with the mother's blood
Patrilocal : a husband and wife who lived with her ​​husband blood relatives
Marital family : husband-wife relationship as the basis for family formation , and some relatives who become part of the family because of the relationship with your husband or wife .
The characteristics of Family Structure

Organized : interconnected , interdependence between family members
There are limitations : each member has the freedom , but they also have limitations to carry out the functions and duties of each
There is a difference and specificity : each family member has a role and function of each .

The nuclear family ( nuclear family ) >> family consisting of husband , wife and children .
The Dyad family >> family consisting of a husband and wife ( no kids ) who live together in one house
Elderly family >> family consisting of a married couple who are already parents with children already separated themselves
The childless family >> Families without children being late to marry and to have children late time , which is caused by the pursuit of a career / education that occurs in women
The extended family ( extended family / great ) >> The family consists of three generations living together in one house with such nuclear family : uncles , aunts , parents ( grandmother's sister ) , nephew , etc. )
The single - parent family ( family of widower / widow ) >> family consisting of one parent ( father and mother ) with a child , this happens usually through the process of divorce , death and abandonment ( unlawful marriage )
Commuter family >> Both parents work in different cities , but one of the city as a place to stay and parents who work outside the town could gather on a family member during the weekend ( week-end )
Multigenerational family >> family with several generations or age groups who live together in one house
Kin -network family >> Some nuclear family living in one house or adjacent to each other and use each other goods and services the same . For example : the kitchen , bathroom , television , telephone , etc. )
Blended family >> family formed by the widower or widow remarriage and raising children from previous marriages
The single adult living alone / single - adult family >> family which consists of adults who live alone by choice or separation ( separation ) , such as : divorce or widowed

The unmarried teenage mother >> family consisting of parents ( especially mothers ) with children from the relationship without marriage
The stepparent family >> family with stepparents
Commune family >> Some couples families ( with children ) who are not related brothers , who live together in one house , the source and the same facilities , the same experience , socialization with children through group activities / raising children together
The nonmarital heterosexual cohabiting family >> family who live with multiple partners without marriage
Gay and lesbian families >> Someone who has sex equality live together as husband and wife (marital partners )
Cohabitating couple >> Adults who live together outside the bonds of marriage for some reason
Group - marriage family >> Some adults who use the tools of the shared household , who have been married to each other with each other , share things, including sexual and child rearing
Family >> Family Group network core bounded by a set of rules / values ​​, living close to each other and using household items together , care and raising responsible children
Foster family >> family receives a child who does not have family / relatives in a while , when the child 's parents need to get help to reunite a family whose original
Homeless family >> family is formed and does not have permanent protection because of personal crisis associated with the state of the economy and or mental health problems
Gang >> A form of destructive family , from young people who are looking for emotional and family ties that were interested , but thrive in violence and crime in his life .

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