Understanding attitudes and characteristics of attitudes and attitude measurement
According Thursheon (1990) Understanding attitudes and characteristics of attitudes and attitude measurement is that the attitude is a picture of a person's personality is born through physical movement and mind responses to a situation or an object. Also according to Berkowitz in the object is a person's attitude or emotional feelings and the second factor is the reaction or response, or the tendency to react. Of the opinion can be said that the attitude is a tendency, views, opinions or penderian someone to assess an object or issue and act in accordance with the judgment by realizing the positive and negative feelings in the face of an object. Meanwhile, according to an attitude Notoadmodjo reaction masi closed, can not be seen directly that can be interpreted from visible behavior. According to Anwar, 1995 is the attitude of readiness to react to an object in a certain way. Form of reaction to positive and negative ways, attitudes include likes and dislikes approach and avoid situations, objects, people, groups and social policies. Carl Jung, 1993 is the attitude of physical readiness to act or react in a certain way. According Purwanto 1998 outlook attitude is a tendency to act in accordance with the attitude object.
The characteristics of the attitude
The characteristics of the attitude (Purwanto, 1998), namely:
a. Attitude is not under since birth but learned along the established or in progress in relation to its object. This property distinguishes the properties biogenis motives such as hunger, thirst and the need for rest.
b. Attitudes can change the attitude because it can be learned and to change the attitude of the people if there are circumstances and under certain conditions that make it easier on people's attitudes.
c. Attitude does not stand alone, but always has a certain relation to an object, in other words, the attitude was formed, learned, or constantly changing with respect to a particular object and can be formulated clearly.
d. The attitude object is a particular case but also a collection of these things.
e. In terms of motivation and attitude have aspects that distinguish the natural attitude of feeling and attitude skills or knowledge possessed the knowledge.
How to measure attitudes
Attitude measurement can be done by assessing a person's statement. Inclusion is the attitude of the sentence that states something about the attitude object was about to reveal.
Statement may contain or manifest a positive attitude about the object, ie the sentence is supporting or favoring the attitude object. Instead statement may also contain negative things about the attitude object bersufat not support or counter the attitude object.
Attitude measurements can be made directly and indirectly. Can directly reveal how the opinions / statements of respondents to an object. Indirectly can be done with hypothetical statements later in the opinion expressed by the questionnaire respondents Understanding attitudes and characteristics of attitudes and attitude measurement (Notoadmodjo, 2003).
The level of attitude
Level attitude (Notoadmodjo, 2003), namely:
a. Receive
Interpreted that the person (the subject) and want to pay attention to a given stimulus (object)
b. Respond
The answer if asked, doing and completing the task that is given is an indication of the attitude. Due to an attempt to answer the question or do the tasks assigned, regardless of the job that's right or wrong, is the mean person receiving the idea.
c. Appreciate
Invite others to work or discuss a problem.
d. Be responsible
Responsible for all the risks of a voting that has been, is the most high attitude
According Thursheon (1990) Understanding attitudes and characteristics of attitudes and attitude measurement is that the attitude is a picture of a person's personality is born through physical movement and mind responses to a situation or an object. Also according to Berkowitz in the object is a person's attitude or emotional feelings and the second factor is the reaction or response, or the tendency to react. Of the opinion can be said that the attitude is a tendency, views, opinions or penderian someone to assess an object or issue and act in accordance with the judgment by realizing the positive and negative feelings in the face of an object. Meanwhile, according to an attitude Notoadmodjo reaction masi closed, can not be seen directly that can be interpreted from visible behavior. According to Anwar, 1995 is the attitude of readiness to react to an object in a certain way. Form of reaction to positive and negative ways, attitudes include likes and dislikes approach and avoid situations, objects, people, groups and social policies. Carl Jung, 1993 is the attitude of physical readiness to act or react in a certain way. According Purwanto 1998 outlook attitude is a tendency to act in accordance with the attitude object.
The characteristics of the attitude
The characteristics of the attitude (Purwanto, 1998), namely:
a. Attitude is not under since birth but learned along the established or in progress in relation to its object. This property distinguishes the properties biogenis motives such as hunger, thirst and the need for rest.
b. Attitudes can change the attitude because it can be learned and to change the attitude of the people if there are circumstances and under certain conditions that make it easier on people's attitudes.
c. Attitude does not stand alone, but always has a certain relation to an object, in other words, the attitude was formed, learned, or constantly changing with respect to a particular object and can be formulated clearly.
d. The attitude object is a particular case but also a collection of these things.
e. In terms of motivation and attitude have aspects that distinguish the natural attitude of feeling and attitude skills or knowledge possessed the knowledge.
How to measure attitudes
Attitude measurement can be done by assessing a person's statement. Inclusion is the attitude of the sentence that states something about the attitude object was about to reveal.
Statement may contain or manifest a positive attitude about the object, ie the sentence is supporting or favoring the attitude object. Instead statement may also contain negative things about the attitude object bersufat not support or counter the attitude object.
Attitude measurements can be made directly and indirectly. Can directly reveal how the opinions / statements of respondents to an object. Indirectly can be done with hypothetical statements later in the opinion expressed by the questionnaire respondents Understanding attitudes and characteristics of attitudes and attitude measurement (Notoadmodjo, 2003).
The level of attitude
Level attitude (Notoadmodjo, 2003), namely:
a. Receive
Interpreted that the person (the subject) and want to pay attention to a given stimulus (object)
b. Respond
The answer if asked, doing and completing the task that is given is an indication of the attitude. Due to an attempt to answer the question or do the tasks assigned, regardless of the job that's right or wrong, is the mean person receiving the idea.
c. Appreciate
Invite others to work or discuss a problem.
d. Be responsible
Responsible for all the risks of a voting that has been, is the most high attitude
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