1.1. A Brief History
cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L. subvar. Cauliflora DC)
is a vegetable plant family Brassicaceae (cabbage type with small white
flowers) in the form of soft-trunked plants. In Indonesian society called the cauliflower as cauliflower or cabbage blum (derived from the Dutch word Bloemkool). This plant comes from subtropical in the Mediterranean area of Europe. Cauliflower with masses of white flowers ditemukaan compact as currently developed in 1866 by experts Mc.Mohan seed of America. Allegedly cauliflower into Indonesia from India in the nineteenth century.
1.2. Investment Centers
this plant is triopka upland crops and regions with higher latitudes,
some cultivars can establish interest in the lowlands around
The highlands (mountains) is the center of cauliflower cultivation. Crop production center is located in West Java, namely in Lembang, Cisarua, Cibodas. But
this time the cabbage was planted flowers in the centers of other
vegetables such as Bukit Tinggi (West Sumatra), Pangalengan, Maja and
Garut (West Java), Kopeng (Central Java) and Bedugul (Bali).
1.3. Types of Plants
Cauliflower plants botanical classification is as follows:
a) Division: Spermatophyta
b) Sub Division: Angiospermae
c) Class: Dicotyledonae
d) Family: Cruciferae
e) Genus: Brassica
f) Species: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.
g) Sub var: cauliflora DC
Brassica oleracea variety botrytis which consists of 2 subvaritas cauliflora DC. we know as white cauliflower and cymosa Lamn. green flowering and famous as broccoli. Determination of cultivars based on size, mass congestion and colors of flowers.
cultivars are widely planted cultivar Cirateun in Lembang, while the
introduction of cultivars are cultivars Early Farmers No. 2 (63 days
maturity) and Fengshan Extra Early (59 days maturity) from Taiwan to the
lowlands to the medium, Snown Crown from Japan to the plains medium and high plains, and from Japan to the Early Tropical lowland.
1.4. Benefits of Plants
usually only part of the mass is used as a vegetable flower containing
minerals is complete, the leaves of this plant are edible and taste
sweet with no bitter taste.
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS 2.1. Climate 1. Cauliflower is a vegetable plant originating from sub-tropical regions. In place of the temperature range for growth of cauliflower that is a minimum of 15.5-18 degrees C and 24 degrees C maximum 2. The optimum moisture for plants cauliflower between 80-90%. 3. With the creation of new cultivars that are more resistant to high temperatures, cauliflower cultivation can also be done in the lowlands (0-200 m asl) and medium (200-700 m asl). In the lowlands, the night temperatures that are too low lead to a slight delay in the formation of flowers and a longer harvest. 2.2. Growing Media 1. Sandy loam soil better for the cultivation of cauliflower than clayey soil. But this plant is tolerant of sandy soils or sandy clay. 2. Good soil acidity between 5.5-6.5 with adequate irrigation and drainage. 3. The soil should be fertile, friable and contains lots of organic matter. Land should not be deficient in magnesium (Mg), molybdenum (Mo) and Boron (Bo) kacuali if the three macro nutrients from fertilizers added. 2.3. The Altitude In Indonesia, the actual cauliflower is only suitable to be cultivated in the tube cool to cold mountain at an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m above sea level.
III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING 3.1. Nurseries 3.1.1. Seed Requirements Good seed should meet the following requirements: a) seeds intact, meaning no injuries or disabilities. b) The seeds must be free of pests and diseases. c) The seed must be pure, that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt. d) The seeds were taken from the superior type or healthy cuttings. e) Has a 80% germination rate so it is necessary for one hectare of 100-250 grams depending on the size of the seed f) The good seed will sink when immersed in water. 3.1.2. Seed Preparation Preparation of seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease. Ways of preparation is as follows: 1. Sterilization of seeds, by soaking the seeds in fungicide solution with the recommended dose or by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C for 15-30 minutes. 2. Selection of seed, by soaking the seeds in water, where the good seeds will sink. 3. Soak the seeds for ± 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster. The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field. Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube (containers). Tube can be made from banana leaves, paper-walled plastic food or a small polybag. 3.1.3. Seed Seeding Technique Things to consider in determining the location of the nursery include: (1) the land does not contain pests and diseases or other factors that harm; (2) the location gets enough sunlight exposure; and (3) close to the source of clean water. Seeding can be done in the following way: 1. Seeding on beds Before the beds made, cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south. Add manure fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. Beds shaded with shade plastic, straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the west side. Seeding can be done in two ways, that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm. The first way requires less seed than the second way. About 2 weeks after sowing, the seedlings were transferred to the tube. Tube can be made of banana leaves or paper-walled plastic with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a height of 5 cm or 7x10 cm polybags which has two small holes on either side of the bottom. Mixed media sieve tube filled mature manure and finely ground with a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. The advantage is saving time, the surface of the narrow swath of seedlings and seed number much wider unity. The disadvantage is the use of a lot of seeds, weeding difficult, requiring skilled labor, especially when transplanting to the field. 2. Seeding in the tube (containers or polybags) In this way, one by one seed put in a tube that is made in a manner as above. Tube can be made of banana leaves or coconut leaves and tall with a diameter of 5 cm or with a small poly measuring 7-8 cm x 10 cm. Seeding medium is a mixture of fine soil with manure (2:1) as much as 90%. Media should be sterilized beforehand by steaming seedling seedling media at temperatures 55-100 degrees C for 30-60 minutes or by spraying a solution of 4% formalin, closed plastic sheet (24 hours), and then aerated. Another way to mix media seedlings with fumigant substance Basamid-G (40-60 g/m2) 10-15 cm deep, drenched with water until damp and covered with a plastic sheet (5 days), and then opened the plastic and aerated soil ( 10-15 days). 3. The combination means a) and b). The first seed sowing in plots persemain, after 4-5 days old (3-4 leaf blade), transferred into a tube. 4. Planting directly. That is by planting seeds directly into the soil. The surplus is the time, cost and more power-efficient, but the drawback is that more intensive treatment. Land nurseries can be replaced with nursery box and done in the following manner: (1) create a medium consisting of soil, sand and manure (1:1:1); (2) create a timber nursery box (50-60 cm x 30-40 cm x 15-20 cm) and holes in the bottom of the box for drainage, (3) enter into a box with tebalan medium 10-15 cm. 3.1.4. Seeding Maintenance / Seeding 1. Watering is done every day in the morning and afternoon depending on the weather. 2. Regulatory shade nursery is open every morning until 10:00 and start at 15:00 pm. Beyond the above period, the light of the sun is too hot and less favorable for seed. 3. Weeding is done on other plants that are considered disturbing the growth of seedlings, other rumput-rumput/gulma done by pulling the sidelines growing staple crops. 4. Fertilizer urea solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter and spraying pesticides half dose if needed. 5. Pests that attack seeds and young plants have not grown are ants, slugs, snails, caterpillars tritip, Budworms, mollusk and fungi. Meanwhile, the disease is a wilt disease. Prevention and eradication of Insecticides and fungicides are used as Furadan 3 G, Antrocol, Dithane, Hostathion and others. 3.1.5. Seed removal Dipindahtanam seedlings to the field after having 3-4 leaves or roughly 1 month old. 3.2. Media Processing Plant 3.2.1. Formation Beds Land cleared of weeds and the remains of roots, dug deep as 40-50 cm, and 80-100 cm wide made beds, height 35 cm with 40 cm spacing between beds. On sloping land between the trenches need to be made but if the land is flat beds, these ditches do not need to be made. 3.2.2. Liming Liming is only done if the soil pH is lower than 5.5 with an appropriate dose of lime to soil pH, but generally range between 1-2 tonnes / ha in the form of calcite or dolomite. Lime mixed with the soil evenly when making beds. 3.2.3. Fertilization At the time of making beds in progress, mix 12.5 to 17.5 tons / ha of mature manure added assuming the plant population per hectare between 25000-35000. It also provided a basic form of ZA fertilizer, urea, SP-36 and KCl with each dose of 250 kg evenly distributed and mixed with the soil in the beds. After the planting hole is made by using a hoe. 3.3. Planting Techniques 3.3.1. Determination of Plant Patterns Cauliflower plant spacing is 50 x 50 cm for wide canopy cultivars and 45 x 65 cm for tall cultivars. The best planting time in the morning between the hours of 6:00 to 09:00 or in the afternoon between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 5:00. 3.3.2. How Planting On the tube seedlings planted banana leaves directly without wasting bumbungnya. If used paper-walled plastic tube or polybag, seeds removed by turning the tube and pull out the seeds carefully without damaging the roots. The seeds planted in the planting hole and immediately watered until the soil becomes wet completely. 3.4. Maintenance 3.4.1. Stitching If there are damaged or dead plants, replanting can be done up before the plant was about 2 weeks. 3.4.2. Weeding Weeding is done in conjunction with penggemburan together with supplementary fertilization is at 7-10 days after transplanting (DAT), 20 DAT and 30-35 DAT. Weeding and scarify should be implemented with caution and do not get too in order not to damage the shallow roots of cauliflower. At the end of vegetative growth (entering the flowering period) stopped weeding. 3.4.3. Perempalan Perempelan branch shoots done as early as possible so that the size and quality of the flowers that form an optimal mass. Immediately after the mass formed flowers, old leaves tied in such a way that the masses of flowers shaded from sunlight. The closure serves to maintain the flower color to remain white. 3.4.4. Fertilization During the growth period of the plants were given supplementary fertilizer 3 times. 1. I was given 7-10 supplementary fertilizer consisting of ZA HST 150 kg / ha, 75 kg urea / ha, SP-36 150 kg / ha and 75 kg KCl / ha around the plants as far as 10-15 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. 2. II supplementary fertilizer given 20 HST consists of ZA 150 kg / ha, 75 kg urea / ha, SP-36 75 kg / ha and 150 kg KCl / ha in the array as far as 20 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. 3. Given supplementary fertilizer III consists of 30-35 HST ZA 150 kg / ha, 100 kg urea / ha and 150 kg KCl / ha in the array as far as 25 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. Along with the third supplementary fertilizer plants sprayed with foliar fertilizer with N and K high. 3.4.5. Irrigation and Watering Watering is done routinely in the morning or evening. In the dry season watering is done 1-2 times a day, especially when the plants are in the early stages of growth and flower formation. 3.5. Pests and Diseases 3.5.1. Pest 1. Plutella caterpillars (Plutella xylostella L.) The green caterpillars eat the leaves of the bottom surface of the leaf leaving bones sehinggn perforated leaves. 2. Caterpillars Croci (Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller) Green striped caterpillar green back and yellow on the belly side. As a result of the worm attack, a mass of flowers or leaves around it becomes perforated, perforated. 3. Black cutworm (Agrotis Ypsilon Hufn.) Tanama cabbage caterpillar attack the growing point by cutting the base of the plant stem or leaf stalks or stems that fall and wither, especially in daylight. 4. Aphids (Aphis brassicae) Aphids suck fluid cell so that the leaves turn yellow and masses of flowers speckled dirty. Typically, these mites live in groups in the lower surface of leaves or in a mass of flowers. Violent attacks usually occur in the dry season. 5. Caterpillars inch (Trichoplusiana sp.) And armyworm (Spodoptera sp.) Caterpillars span measuring 4 cm, pale green and pink ribbon on each side of the body while armyworms have freckles black triangles and stripes on the yellowish side. Both attack the leaves in the dry season so that the leaf is damaged, perforated, perforated leaves only bones left. Armyworm attack plants abuzz in one big group. Pest control is done in an integrated manner: do crop rotation with crops other than family Cruciferae, spreading microbes into natural enemies and pesticide use both biologically and chemically. 3.5.2. Disease 1. Black rot Cause: The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris Dows. This disease is contagious seed (seed born) that attacks all cauliflower growth phase. Infections in the field through insect bites or wounds. Symptoms: There are blackish-brown spots on leaves, stems, stalks, flowers and masses of flowers. Stems and flowers to rot so that the masses can not be harvested. 2. Soft rot Cause: The bacterium Erwinia carotovora Holland. This disease causes soft rot in plants in the garden and post-harvest. Infection occurs through wounds after black rot at the base of the flower is almost harvested or through injured roots. Gelaja: rotten trunk or base of the flower with a sudden. 3. Swollen roots Cause: The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. Symptoms: plants wilting like a shortage of fresh water and back in the evening, after a long time as well as stunted growth and dwarf can not flowering. In addition to plant roots swell seen also no black spots on the roots. 4. Black spot Cause: The fungus Alternaria sp. This seed-borne disease attacks the leaves and other plant parts. Symptoms: leaves become mottled brown or dark striped concentric. In the roots, stems and stalks are striped spots blackish color. 5. Collapsed seedlings (damping off) Cause: The fungus Rhizoctonia sp. and Phytium sp. This disease usually affects the nursery cause rotten base of the stem. Control: can be done by performing a disease-free seeds, soak the seeds in hot water (50 degrees C) or in the fungicide / bactericide for 15 minutes, field sanitation, crop rotation, planting disease-resistant cultivars, crop avoid mechanical damage or insect bites , sterilizing the nursery or garden soil media (especially for root swelling), liming on acid soils and uproot plants that have been attacked by the disease. To prevent pests and diseases, pesticide spraying has been carried out although there has been no attack symptoms. Spraying is done every 2 weeks. 3.6. Harvest 3.6.1. Characteristics and Harvest Harvesting is done when the mass reaches a maximum size of flowers and incompressible. Maturity between 55-100 days depending on the cultivar. 3.6.2. How to Harvest Harvesting should be done in the morning or evening by cutting the flower stalk with some leaves along the stem and 25 cm. 3.6.3. Estimated Production Yields of between 15-40 tonnes per hectare depending on the cultivar, plant population and maintenance. 3.7. Postharvest 3.7.1. Collection Once harvested cabbage flowers, crops stored in the shade to do the sorting. 3.7.2. Sorting Sorting is done based on the diameter of the flower head are divided into 4 classes:> 30 cm, 25-30 cm, 20-25 cm and 15-20 cm. 3.7.3. Storage The best storage in the dark at room temperature of 20 degrees C, 75-85% humidity or cold room with a temperature of 4.4 degrees C with 85-95% humidity. In the rooms of the cabbage will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks. 3.7.4. Packaging and Transportation Packaging is done in a wooden crate with a capacity of 25-30 kg. For long-distance transport, include roughly 6 leaf blade and leaf mass is above the broken flower to cover the interest. To transport a short distance cut ends of the leaves.
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS 2.1. Climate 1. Cauliflower is a vegetable plant originating from sub-tropical regions. In place of the temperature range for growth of cauliflower that is a minimum of 15.5-18 degrees C and 24 degrees C maximum 2. The optimum moisture for plants cauliflower between 80-90%. 3. With the creation of new cultivars that are more resistant to high temperatures, cauliflower cultivation can also be done in the lowlands (0-200 m asl) and medium (200-700 m asl). In the lowlands, the night temperatures that are too low lead to a slight delay in the formation of flowers and a longer harvest. 2.2. Growing Media 1. Sandy loam soil better for the cultivation of cauliflower than clayey soil. But this plant is tolerant of sandy soils or sandy clay. 2. Good soil acidity between 5.5-6.5 with adequate irrigation and drainage. 3. The soil should be fertile, friable and contains lots of organic matter. Land should not be deficient in magnesium (Mg), molybdenum (Mo) and Boron (Bo) kacuali if the three macro nutrients from fertilizers added. 2.3. The Altitude In Indonesia, the actual cauliflower is only suitable to be cultivated in the tube cool to cold mountain at an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m above sea level.
III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING 3.1. Nurseries 3.1.1. Seed Requirements Good seed should meet the following requirements: a) seeds intact, meaning no injuries or disabilities. b) The seeds must be free of pests and diseases. c) The seed must be pure, that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt. d) The seeds were taken from the superior type or healthy cuttings. e) Has a 80% germination rate so it is necessary for one hectare of 100-250 grams depending on the size of the seed f) The good seed will sink when immersed in water. 3.1.2. Seed Preparation Preparation of seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease. Ways of preparation is as follows: 1. Sterilization of seeds, by soaking the seeds in fungicide solution with the recommended dose or by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C for 15-30 minutes. 2. Selection of seed, by soaking the seeds in water, where the good seeds will sink. 3. Soak the seeds for ± 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster. The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field. Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube (containers). Tube can be made from banana leaves, paper-walled plastic food or a small polybag. 3.1.3. Seed Seeding Technique Things to consider in determining the location of the nursery include: (1) the land does not contain pests and diseases or other factors that harm; (2) the location gets enough sunlight exposure; and (3) close to the source of clean water. Seeding can be done in the following way: 1. Seeding on beds Before the beds made, cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south. Add manure fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. Beds shaded with shade plastic, straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the west side. Seeding can be done in two ways, that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm. The first way requires less seed than the second way. About 2 weeks after sowing, the seedlings were transferred to the tube. Tube can be made of banana leaves or paper-walled plastic with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a height of 5 cm or 7x10 cm polybags which has two small holes on either side of the bottom. Mixed media sieve tube filled mature manure and finely ground with a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. The advantage is saving time, the surface of the narrow swath of seedlings and seed number much wider unity. The disadvantage is the use of a lot of seeds, weeding difficult, requiring skilled labor, especially when transplanting to the field. 2. Seeding in the tube (containers or polybags) In this way, one by one seed put in a tube that is made in a manner as above. Tube can be made of banana leaves or coconut leaves and tall with a diameter of 5 cm or with a small poly measuring 7-8 cm x 10 cm. Seeding medium is a mixture of fine soil with manure (2:1) as much as 90%. Media should be sterilized beforehand by steaming seedling seedling media at temperatures 55-100 degrees C for 30-60 minutes or by spraying a solution of 4% formalin, closed plastic sheet (24 hours), and then aerated. Another way to mix media seedlings with fumigant substance Basamid-G (40-60 g/m2) 10-15 cm deep, drenched with water until damp and covered with a plastic sheet (5 days), and then opened the plastic and aerated soil ( 10-15 days). 3. The combination means a) and b). The first seed sowing in plots persemain, after 4-5 days old (3-4 leaf blade), transferred into a tube. 4. Planting directly. That is by planting seeds directly into the soil. The surplus is the time, cost and more power-efficient, but the drawback is that more intensive treatment. Land nurseries can be replaced with nursery box and done in the following manner: (1) create a medium consisting of soil, sand and manure (1:1:1); (2) create a timber nursery box (50-60 cm x 30-40 cm x 15-20 cm) and holes in the bottom of the box for drainage, (3) enter into a box with tebalan medium 10-15 cm. 3.1.4. Seeding Maintenance / Seeding 1. Watering is done every day in the morning and afternoon depending on the weather. 2. Regulatory shade nursery is open every morning until 10:00 and start at 15:00 pm. Beyond the above period, the light of the sun is too hot and less favorable for seed. 3. Weeding is done on other plants that are considered disturbing the growth of seedlings, other rumput-rumput/gulma done by pulling the sidelines growing staple crops. 4. Fertilizer urea solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter and spraying pesticides half dose if needed. 5. Pests that attack seeds and young plants have not grown are ants, slugs, snails, caterpillars tritip, Budworms, mollusk and fungi. Meanwhile, the disease is a wilt disease. Prevention and eradication of Insecticides and fungicides are used as Furadan 3 G, Antrocol, Dithane, Hostathion and others. 3.1.5. Seed removal Dipindahtanam seedlings to the field after having 3-4 leaves or roughly 1 month old. 3.2. Media Processing Plant 3.2.1. Formation Beds Land cleared of weeds and the remains of roots, dug deep as 40-50 cm, and 80-100 cm wide made beds, height 35 cm with 40 cm spacing between beds. On sloping land between the trenches need to be made but if the land is flat beds, these ditches do not need to be made. 3.2.2. Liming Liming is only done if the soil pH is lower than 5.5 with an appropriate dose of lime to soil pH, but generally range between 1-2 tonnes / ha in the form of calcite or dolomite. Lime mixed with the soil evenly when making beds. 3.2.3. Fertilization At the time of making beds in progress, mix 12.5 to 17.5 tons / ha of mature manure added assuming the plant population per hectare between 25000-35000. It also provided a basic form of ZA fertilizer, urea, SP-36 and KCl with each dose of 250 kg evenly distributed and mixed with the soil in the beds. After the planting hole is made by using a hoe. 3.3. Planting Techniques 3.3.1. Determination of Plant Patterns Cauliflower plant spacing is 50 x 50 cm for wide canopy cultivars and 45 x 65 cm for tall cultivars. The best planting time in the morning between the hours of 6:00 to 09:00 or in the afternoon between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 5:00. 3.3.2. How Planting On the tube seedlings planted banana leaves directly without wasting bumbungnya. If used paper-walled plastic tube or polybag, seeds removed by turning the tube and pull out the seeds carefully without damaging the roots. The seeds planted in the planting hole and immediately watered until the soil becomes wet completely. 3.4. Maintenance 3.4.1. Stitching If there are damaged or dead plants, replanting can be done up before the plant was about 2 weeks. 3.4.2. Weeding Weeding is done in conjunction with penggemburan together with supplementary fertilization is at 7-10 days after transplanting (DAT), 20 DAT and 30-35 DAT. Weeding and scarify should be implemented with caution and do not get too in order not to damage the shallow roots of cauliflower. At the end of vegetative growth (entering the flowering period) stopped weeding. 3.4.3. Perempalan Perempelan branch shoots done as early as possible so that the size and quality of the flowers that form an optimal mass. Immediately after the mass formed flowers, old leaves tied in such a way that the masses of flowers shaded from sunlight. The closure serves to maintain the flower color to remain white. 3.4.4. Fertilization During the growth period of the plants were given supplementary fertilizer 3 times. 1. I was given 7-10 supplementary fertilizer consisting of ZA HST 150 kg / ha, 75 kg urea / ha, SP-36 150 kg / ha and 75 kg KCl / ha around the plants as far as 10-15 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. 2. II supplementary fertilizer given 20 HST consists of ZA 150 kg / ha, 75 kg urea / ha, SP-36 75 kg / ha and 150 kg KCl / ha in the array as far as 20 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. 3. Given supplementary fertilizer III consists of 30-35 HST ZA 150 kg / ha, 100 kg urea / ha and 150 kg KCl / ha in the array as far as 25 cm from the stem and then backfilled soil. Along with the third supplementary fertilizer plants sprayed with foliar fertilizer with N and K high. 3.4.5. Irrigation and Watering Watering is done routinely in the morning or evening. In the dry season watering is done 1-2 times a day, especially when the plants are in the early stages of growth and flower formation. 3.5. Pests and Diseases 3.5.1. Pest 1. Plutella caterpillars (Plutella xylostella L.) The green caterpillars eat the leaves of the bottom surface of the leaf leaving bones sehinggn perforated leaves. 2. Caterpillars Croci (Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller) Green striped caterpillar green back and yellow on the belly side. As a result of the worm attack, a mass of flowers or leaves around it becomes perforated, perforated. 3. Black cutworm (Agrotis Ypsilon Hufn.) Tanama cabbage caterpillar attack the growing point by cutting the base of the plant stem or leaf stalks or stems that fall and wither, especially in daylight. 4. Aphids (Aphis brassicae) Aphids suck fluid cell so that the leaves turn yellow and masses of flowers speckled dirty. Typically, these mites live in groups in the lower surface of leaves or in a mass of flowers. Violent attacks usually occur in the dry season. 5. Caterpillars inch (Trichoplusiana sp.) And armyworm (Spodoptera sp.) Caterpillars span measuring 4 cm, pale green and pink ribbon on each side of the body while armyworms have freckles black triangles and stripes on the yellowish side. Both attack the leaves in the dry season so that the leaf is damaged, perforated, perforated leaves only bones left. Armyworm attack plants abuzz in one big group. Pest control is done in an integrated manner: do crop rotation with crops other than family Cruciferae, spreading microbes into natural enemies and pesticide use both biologically and chemically. 3.5.2. Disease 1. Black rot Cause: The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris Dows. This disease is contagious seed (seed born) that attacks all cauliflower growth phase. Infections in the field through insect bites or wounds. Symptoms: There are blackish-brown spots on leaves, stems, stalks, flowers and masses of flowers. Stems and flowers to rot so that the masses can not be harvested. 2. Soft rot Cause: The bacterium Erwinia carotovora Holland. This disease causes soft rot in plants in the garden and post-harvest. Infection occurs through wounds after black rot at the base of the flower is almost harvested or through injured roots. Gelaja: rotten trunk or base of the flower with a sudden. 3. Swollen roots Cause: The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. Symptoms: plants wilting like a shortage of fresh water and back in the evening, after a long time as well as stunted growth and dwarf can not flowering. In addition to plant roots swell seen also no black spots on the roots. 4. Black spot Cause: The fungus Alternaria sp. This seed-borne disease attacks the leaves and other plant parts. Symptoms: leaves become mottled brown or dark striped concentric. In the roots, stems and stalks are striped spots blackish color. 5. Collapsed seedlings (damping off) Cause: The fungus Rhizoctonia sp. and Phytium sp. This disease usually affects the nursery cause rotten base of the stem. Control: can be done by performing a disease-free seeds, soak the seeds in hot water (50 degrees C) or in the fungicide / bactericide for 15 minutes, field sanitation, crop rotation, planting disease-resistant cultivars, crop avoid mechanical damage or insect bites , sterilizing the nursery or garden soil media (especially for root swelling), liming on acid soils and uproot plants that have been attacked by the disease. To prevent pests and diseases, pesticide spraying has been carried out although there has been no attack symptoms. Spraying is done every 2 weeks. 3.6. Harvest 3.6.1. Characteristics and Harvest Harvesting is done when the mass reaches a maximum size of flowers and incompressible. Maturity between 55-100 days depending on the cultivar. 3.6.2. How to Harvest Harvesting should be done in the morning or evening by cutting the flower stalk with some leaves along the stem and 25 cm. 3.6.3. Estimated Production Yields of between 15-40 tonnes per hectare depending on the cultivar, plant population and maintenance. 3.7. Postharvest 3.7.1. Collection Once harvested cabbage flowers, crops stored in the shade to do the sorting. 3.7.2. Sorting Sorting is done based on the diameter of the flower head are divided into 4 classes:> 30 cm, 25-30 cm, 20-25 cm and 15-20 cm. 3.7.3. Storage The best storage in the dark at room temperature of 20 degrees C, 75-85% humidity or cold room with a temperature of 4.4 degrees C with 85-95% humidity. In the rooms of the cabbage will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks. 3.7.4. Packaging and Transportation Packaging is done in a wooden crate with a capacity of 25-30 kg. For long-distance transport, include roughly 6 leaf blade and leaf mass is above the broken flower to cover the interest. To transport a short distance cut ends of the leaves.
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