Monday, April 7, 2014

wheat cultivation

We all know wheat is the main ingredient in the manufacture of noodles and bread . But until now the government still needs to import all the wheat in Indonesia . Though many parts of Indonesia are eligible for the cultivation of wheat . So necessary in Budayakan plant in Indonesia in order to import wheat grain can be reduced .
Wheat plants will grow well in Indonesia with air temperature 15 - 25C with a neutral pH soil acidity from 6.5 to 7.1 . All types of land can save waterlogged soil .
Within one year of wheat should be planted one-time , starting in March - May and July - September harvest .
Requirement of materials :

75-100 kg of wheat seed
45-100 kg SP36
1-5 tonnes of compost
How to plant :

soil hoe
Flatten the soil surface
Create a workflow with a distance of 20-30 cm .
Sprinkle flow into mature compost , and seeds SP36
Close groove was the land of the plot was sown seeds
Beds will be formed after the closing of the groove
maintenance :

7-14 Hst : Sow 30-35 kg urea / ha and 30-35 kg KCl / ha .
35 , 45 , 55 , 65 , 75 and 90 Hst Hst : Spray with liquid fertilizer complement
Basically grain pests and diseases is very minimal, the most dominant pests are aphids , while the disease is arguably no significant disease .
harvesting :

In principle, when the harvest is ripe seed morphological and physiological maturity ( the seeds are hard and shiny yellow brown with seed moisture content of 12-14 % and already curved sharp spike )
Harvesting is done by mowing the rod as high as 25 cm of the soil surface
Straw knocked out along with the power thrasser panicle rice , pedals and digepyok thrasser
Try to harvest during the dry season so as to facilitate drying and threshing grain
Panicle grain yield wheat seeds knocked out .
Wheat seeds can be processed in a simple order with pounded rice grain is then winnowed light .

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