( Cucumis melo L. ) is a plant family Cucurbitaceae fruit including ,
mentions many melons come from the Valley Hot Persian or Mediterranean
area which is the border between West Asia to Europe and Africa . And the plant eventually spread to the Middle East and into Europe . In
the 14th century the melon was brought to America by Columbus and
eventually cultivated extensively in Colorado , California , and Texas .
Finally melons spread all over the world , especially in tropical and subtropical regions , including Indonesia .
2 . TYPES OF PLANTSThe types of melons are famous are: melon Christianism ( 1850) ; Sill melon Hybrid (1870 ) ; melon Surprise ( 1876 ) ; Ivondequoit melon , Miller Cream , Netted Gem , Hacken Sack and Osage (1881-1890) ; Improved Honey Rock melons and Perfecto (1933 ) ; melon Imperial ( 1935 ) ; Queen of the Colorado melon and Honey Gold ( 1939) . To facilitate the planting system and grouping cantaloupe, honeydew experts classify into two types , namely :1 ) Type - Netted Melona. Characteristics: fruit leather hard , coarse , veined and pictorial like mesh ( net ) ; relatively more fragrant aroma compared with winter - melon ; cook faster between 75-90 days ; durable and long lasting to be stored .b . Varieties: ( 1 ) Cucumis melo var . reticulatus , small fruits , such as net veined and fragrant ; ( 2 ) Cucumis melo var . cantelupensis , big fruit , scaly skin and fragrant .2 ) Type of Winter - Melona. Characteristics: fruit skin smooth , shiny and fragrant aroma of the fruit is not ; ripe fruit is slow to between 90-120 days ; perishable and perishable to be stored ; type of melon is often used as an ornamental plant .b . Varieties: ( 1 ) Cucumis melo var . inodorous , rind smooth , elongated fruit with a diameter of 2.5-7.5 cm ; ( 2 ) Cucumis melo var . flexuosus , smooth fruit surface , fruit lengthwise between 35-70 cm ; ( 3 ) Cucumis melo var . dudain , small size , often for ornamental plants ; ( 4 ) Cucumis melo var . chito ,size of lemon fruit , is often used as an ornamental plant .3 . BENEFIT PLANTSebaga utilized melon fruit fresh food with vitamin C content is high enough .
4 . PLANTING CENTERPrior to 1980, the melon is present in Indonesia as imported fruit . Then many agribusiness companies that tried to grow melons cultivated area Cisarua ( Bogor ) and Kalianda ( Lampung ) with melon varieties from America , Taiwan , Japan , China , France , Denmark , the Netherlands and Germany . Then melons grown in the area Ngawi , Madiun , Ponorogo until the ex - residency of Surakarta ( Sragen , Sukoharjo , Boyolali , Karanganyar and Klaten ) . These areas are the largest supplier of melon melon compared with the area of origin first .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The wind is blowing hard enough to damage the melon crop , can break petiole , fruit stalks and stems of plants .2 ) Continuous rains will disqualify candidates fruit already formed and can also make conditions favorable environment for pathogens . When the melon crop before harvest , will reduce the sugar content in the fruit .3 ) melon plants require full sun exposure during growth.4 ) melon plants require a cool, dry temperatures for growth. Temperature for plant growth between 25-30 degrees C. melon melon plants can not grow if it is less than 18 degrees C.5 ) Humidity indirectly affect the growth of melon plants . In high humidity melon plants vulnerable to disease .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) Land that is good for melon cultivation is sandy clay that contains lots of organic matter to facilitate the roots of plants grown melons . Melon plants do not like soil that is too wet .2 ) melon plants will grow best when the pH is 5.8 to 7.2 .3 ) Plants need water melon basically pretty much . But , should it come from irrigation water , not from the rain .5.3 . The altitudeMelon plants can grow quite well at an altitude of 300-900 meters above sea level . If the height is more than 900 meters above sea plants do not produce optimally .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements SeedMelon plants are healthy and produce optimally derived from plant seeds are healthy , strong and well-groomed at first . Seeds soaked in the solution and Atonik Furadam for 2 ( two ) hours . Good seed is in the bottom of the water , and poor seed will float on the water surface . Therefore, seeding is the key to the success of an agri- melon .2 ) Preparation of Seeda) Procurement generative seedGenerative phase marked with flowers . In this phase, the plant requires a lot of elemental phosphorus for strengthening roots and seeds form on the fruit . In this phase, when the plant is in good health then jaringjaring expected to appear on the fruit evenly . To support generative growth , the plants were sprayed with a foliar fertilizer Complesal super tonic ( red ) with a concentration of 2 g / liter once a week . To prevent deficiencies of calcium and boron then sprayed with a foliar fertilizer plant Ferti - cal with a concentration of 2 ml / liter or cab with a concentration of 2 ml / liter .b ) Supply of seeds through vegetative ( Tissue Culture )With the tissue culture method , the selection of planting medium and explant source used must be appropriate in order to provide maximum results . Basic medium used is composed of salts based on the composition of Murashige and Skoog (1962 ) with the addition of thiamin 0.04 mg / liter , myoinositol 100 mg / liter , surkosa 30 grams / liter of various combinations of plant hormones that are added in accordance with the treatment . Media made in solid form with the addition of so bacto 8 grams / liter , pH 5.7 with the addition of media created NaOH or 0.1 N HCl media made with autoclave sterilization pressure of 17.5 psi , a temperature of 120 degrees C for 30 menit.Tanaman obtained from tissue culture form the male flowers and female flowers separti as plants obtained from seeds .c ) Source of seedTo grow melons we have to find out the source of the seed first. We recommend always using the original seed ( F1 hybrid ) .d ) How to seed storageSeeds should be stored in a dry and a place to store the seeds can be made as simple as remembering nursery seed age only for 10-14 days , due to protect young plants the seed of the sun , rain , and pests and diseases . Alas the nursery , where a polybag lined newsprint placed so that seedling roots do not penetrate into the soil .e ) The need for seedSeed required in accordance with plus 10 % acreage for reserve stitching .f ) Treatment of seedsMelon seeds require simpler treatment compared to non - seed watermelon seed . This is because the skin is thin enough so that the melon does not require extra treatment . Treatment for melon seeds are washing , soaking , and seed ripening .3 ) Seed Seeding Techniquea) Method and Seeding TimeMelon seeds to be planted , first soaked in water for 2-4 hours . Then the seeds sown in a plastic bag , which was filled with soil and manure are mixed at a ratio of 5:1 . Seeds planted in an upright position and the tip facing down roots candidate . Seeds covered with a mixture of rice husk ash and soil in the ratio of 2:1 which has been prepared , so that the plants can grow well , not easy to fall down . To stimulate germination of seeds withcreating a warm atmosphere then close the seedbed surface with wet burlap sacks . When the sprouts have emerged surface seedling media ( on day 3 or 4 ) it can be opened burlap sack .b ) Making Media SemaiMelons include plants that are not too demanding special media for nursery seedlings . The medium can be made with many variations , for example by mixing soil , sand and manure or compost , the comparison is appropriate , for example 1:1:1 origin . To get the melon seedlings stocky and healthy seedling media the exact composition consisting of a mixture of soil , manure , fertilizer or NPK SP - 36 coupled with the insecticide carbofuran .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingAfter sowing seeds in polybag seedlings will grow up to be a candidate , and should get a good maintenance in order to be healthy melon seeds and stocky .a) How and Watering TimeSeeds dipersemaian in flush every morning . Start of sprouts not appear until the seedlings emerge soil surface . Spray tank used for watering . When spraying to watering should not be too strong because the media will erode soil and seeds or sprouts tossed out of thepolybags . When true leaves come out , watering the new seeds can be done embrat or hype . When the weather is hot , dry soil in polybags and watering should be repeated in the afternoon , do not flush the plant seeds during the day because it will cause water and nutrients can not be absorbed as a result of seeds being thin , dry and withered .b ) SpacingThinning is done with the aim to prepare healthy seeds to be planted and stocky . This thinning started 3 days before planting the seedlings into the ground . Seeds that have collected into a uniform growth . The seeds for the growth languishremoved and planted .c ) FertilizationFor seedling vegetative growth can be stimulated by spraying foliar fertilizer containing high nitrogen . Fertilizer leaves quite done once , when the seedlings 7-9 HSS with a concentration of 1.0-1.5 grams / liter . Root form of fertilizer or organic fertilizer Chemical fertilizers do not need to be added during the seedling root given as fertilizer on seedling media have been sufficient .d ) Provision of Pesticides In The NurseryAt the time of spraying pesticides nursery done if deemed necessary . Full concentration will cause the leaves of the melon seeds burn ( plasmolysis ) . Penyomprotan is done especially during the 2-3 days before the seedlings are planted in the field . Examples of pesticides used are insecticides Dicarzol 0.5 g / liter and fungicides Previcur N 1.0 ml / liter .5) Change SeedMelon seedlings were transferred to the field when the leaves 4-5 strands ormelon plants 10-12 days old . How removal did not differ withother means of transporting crops , namely plastic bags disposed polybagCarefully following the seedlings planted in soil beds perforatedpreviously , bedenganpun not to lack of water .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Preparationa) Measurement of Soil pHMeasurement of soil pH by using a pH meter . The soil will be wetted first measure . Sampling was conducted at 10 different points , and then calculated the average pH .b ) Soil AnalysisBased on the facts on the ground melon plants can be grown on different types of soil , especially soil andosol , latosol , regosol , and grumosol , provided that the deficiencies of the soil properties can be manipulated by liming , the addition of organic matter , and fertilizer .c ) Determination of Time / Planting ScheduleThe timing of planting associated with the estimated time of harvest a melon varieties were planted and harvest other melon varieties . For example, when planting melon varieties in March is about me , April aroma varieties , new varieties May century ( hamiqua ) and so on so that the farmers / agribusiness entrepreneurs need to schedule time melon crop varieties that customers desired .d ) Determination of Total Area PlantingDetermination of the planting area is closely related to the ownership of capital , land area available , seasons and market demand . Melon plants cultivated in open fields in the rainy season will be damaged due to disease are constantly exposed to rain . So planting melons in the rainy season is more gearedwith a hydroponic system .e ) Production Volume SettingsSetting the volume of production is closely related to the estimated price at harvest and market demand . How melon planting is done in stages . For example, 20 % in the first planting location A , the second 40 % at location B , and the third 40 % in C. Interval planting locations ranging from 2 weeks . This setting is commonly done in agribusiness melon with a hydroponic system . To maintain continuity of production , cropping intervals usually 1-2 weeks later .2 ) Land Openinga) PiracyFor planting melons in the medium - high plateau , the soil structure is usually very loose so it does not require piracy . Plowed land to be flooded during the first night, then the next day do piracy is enough to turn the soil so it is done once the inverse depth of about 30 cm .b ) scratching and break ground And Land Land Ready Planting TimeFor hoeing and raking , the state of the soil should be fairly dry . Because we can easily establish that the original land - berbongkah enough boulders and clay , soil crusts and enough beremah - nest ( easily absorbed water ) . With the land will benefit the plants . In addition to the roots easily penetrate the soil , will also be easier to breathe . Cultivation ways are as follows :1 . At first do the reversal of land ( the land still berbongkah - chunks .2 . Land of the results of the first hoeing mashed or crushed , with a depth of 30-50 cm ± . ( for two spade )3 . Hoeing done if the terrain actually been categorized into heavy soils . If not , once is enough beremah hoe ground and we can do the work of others .3 ) Establishment of Bedsa) Production MethodFor 5-7 days after hijacked allowed to dry land ( or reversed ) . This process will make the soil becomes sticky and after hijacked berbongkah be somewhat ruined because of a process of sun drying and aeration . During this process some of the chemical compounds that are toxicand harm plants and will disappear slowly . After drying, the chunk of land plots made with raffia to form beds beds with a maximum length of 12-15 m ; beds 30-50 cm tall ; 100-110 cm wide beds ; and 55-65 cm wide trench .b ) Form of BedsThe pile is formed by chunks of land menjandi hoe soil crumb structure / loose . When you have seen the shape of beds , the beds good rough / semi-finished raised bed is dried again for a week for a process of oxidation / evaporation of toxic elements exist to disappear completely .c . Size and Distance BedsWith a maximum length of 15 m will facilitate and expedite treatment plants discharge water , especially in the rainy season . High beds are made in accordance with the seasons and the soil conditions . In the rainy season high beds of 50 cm so that the plant roots are not waterlogged if it rainsprofusely . And during the dry season just 30 cm high beds , due to ease of care beds when flooded . Trench with a width of 55-65 cm is made is to facilitate treatment at the time of spraying , mounting stakes , and roping .4 ) LimingBy liming will add nutrients calcium required for plant cell walls . Liming can use dolomite / calmag ( CaCO3 MgCO3 ) calcite / kaptan ( CaCO3 ) . Having obtained the average pH , determination of needs can be done using the following data :a) < 4.0 ( most acidic ) : the amount of lime > 10.24 tons / hab ) 4.2 ( very acidic ) : the amount of lime 9.28 tonnes / hac ) 4.6 ( acid ) : the amount of lime 7.39 tonnes / had ) 5.4 ( acid ) : the amount of lime 3.60 tonnes / hae ) 5.6 ( slightly acidic ) : the amount of lime 2.65 tonnes / haf ) 6.1 to 6.4 (slightly acidic ) : the amount of lime < 0.75 tons / ha5 ) Installation of plastic mulch Black - Silver ( PHP )PHP mulch consisting of two layers , namely a silver colored coating on the top and bottom black color with a variety of advantages . Silver color will reflect sunlight mulch so that the process becomes more optimal photosynthesis , not too moist planting conditions , reduce disease , and repel insects such as plant disturbance Thirps and Aphids . Whereas black mulch will absorb the heat so that the temperature in the warm menhadi plant roots . As a result , root development will be optimal . Besides the black color also prevents sunlight to penetrate into the soil so that weed seeds will not grow ( except bananas puzzles and children ) . PHP Installation of mulch should be done when the scorching heat of the sun in order to expand the mulch beds so close properly . Enough technical installation by two persons to one bed. The trick pull both ends of mulch on the bed , attach one end to the peg clamp using mulch beds and then the other end . Once both ends are closely related to PHP mulch beds , by simultaneously pull the mulch beds on both sides of every meter simultaneously. Relate both sides of the beds with mulch and clamp pegs so that all sides had been meeting on the linked mulch beds . After completion of the installation , mulch PHP bedenganbedengan left closed for 3-5 days before planting hole is made . The purpose of a given chemical fertilizers that can be transformed into a form that can be absorbed by plants available .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternMelon plants are commonly grown crops with monoculture .2 ) Hole Making PlantTo make the planting hole by using a heating plate or utilize a used tin of condensed milk . Heating plate is a piece of iron with a diameter of 10 cm , was made such that the heat generated from burning charcoal is able to pierce the PHP mulch quickly . The model can be planting two rows facing each other form a rectangle ati he baros face to face to form a triangle.3 ) How PlantingSeeds that have been in the nursery + 3 weeks moved into the medium and its great . Cultivated plant roots do not get damaged when ripping small polybags . Prints soil already contains melon seeds , placed in holes that have ditugal and tried to be not broken / destroyed because it can cause damage to the roots and the plant will wilt if the day is hot .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingThinning and replanting when done within two (2 ) weeks after planting the seedlings did not show normal growth . Plants and their roots removed then replaced with seedlings / new crops . This is best done in the afternoon so that the young plants can better adapt to the new environment . Replanting and thinning is usually performed during 3-5 days , because of the possibility of the first week there are other plants that need to be embroidered . When after the completion of thinning and replanting new plants should be drenched with water .2 ) WeedingMulch on melon cultivation system PHP penyiangannya do in the planting hole and trench in between the two beds . Weeds are not cleaned cause humid cropping environment that stimulates the disease . Weeds can also be a host of pests and harmful nematodes .3 ) PembubunanFor the first pembubunan we do is the initial fertilization and sterilize land there . The goal is after the land cultivated and nurtured , the land will be fertile and will be free of pests and diseases . When fertilization , soil previously treated , has dikelentangfor 2 weeks . It is hoped that the ground long enough exposed to the sun , healthy enough for planting .4 ) PerempalanPerempelan made to the bud / branch water is not the main branch .5 ) FertilizationFertilization given 3 times , ie 20 days after planting , the plant was 40 days ( when the fruit thinning will do ) and when the plants are 60 days old ( when stepping on the maturation process ) . The trick spread evenly over the soil beds on the left and right periphery ( 10-15 cm ) . Then the ground behind the carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants , and so the fertilizer can be safely buried in the ground . To facilitate fertilization , made a series of data concerning fertilization since the beginning .a) Manure / compost : basic fertilizer = 10-20 tons / ha .b ) Urea : basic fertilizer = 440 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer I = 330 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 220 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer III = 440 kg / ha .c ) TSP : basic fertilizer = 1,200 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer I = 220 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 550 kg / ha .d ) KCl : basic fertilizer = 330-440 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 160 kg / ha .Specification basic fertilizer : fertilizer on soil processing ( before planting ) ; supplementary fertilizer I: age ± 20 days ; supplementary fertilizer II : age + 40 days ; supplementary fertilizer III : age + 60 days .6 ) Irrigation and Wateringa) IrrigationMelon crop requires dry air for growth , but the soil should be moist . Watering should be done if it does not rain . Watering in the afternoon or evening .b ) WateringPlants in the flush since the plant growth , the plant will be picked up the fruit . When watering not to wet the leaves and spray water from the ground water not affected leaves and fruit . The goal is to ensure that the plant is not plagued with diseases originating from the spark , if drenched leaves will invite a huge mushroom . Watering is done early in the morning or evening . Therefore there is water around the garden massive benefits .7 ) Time Pesticide Sprayinga) preventive measures , the seeds were soaked in a solution of Agrimycin bactericide ( oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate ) or Agrept ( streptomycin sulfate ) at a concentration of 1.2 g / liter and spraying bactericidal at the age of 20 HST .b ) Spraying fungicides Previcur N ( propamocarb hydrochloride ) at a concentration of 2-3 ml / liter when the attack has passed the economic threshold .c ) Derasol 500 SC fungicide ( carbendazim ) at a concentration of 1-2 ml / liter . Base of the stem is attacked smeared with fungicide solution Calixin 750 EC ( tridemorph ) with a concentration of 5 ml / liter .8 ) Other Maintenancea) Installation of markerStakes or sticks of wood or bamboo slats , for propagation can be installed after making pembubunan and finished sterilize the garden . Or a marker can also be installed after the seeds are planted , and seeds have been issued tendril - sulurnya height is approximately 50 cm . Marker must be made of strong material so it can withstand the load of fruit by weight about 2-3 kg . Plunged place marker at a distance of approximately 25 cm from the edge of the mound either right or left . So that is more robust marker again , we could add a long bamboo shoots placed in the triangle between bamboo or wooden crosses , following the line of marker - marker behind .b ) TrimmingPruning is done in melon plants aims to maintain in accordance with the desired branch . Height of plants was made on average between point-to - 20 to - 25 ( part segment , branch or book from the plant ) . Prune if sunny and dry air , so that the scars are not attacked by fungi . When pruning is done every 10 days , which is the earliest cut branches close to the ground and leaving two leaves , then the branches that grow and trimmed with leaves 2 leaves . Pruning is stopped , if the height of the plants had reached the 20th branch or 25 .7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) lice aphids ( Aphis gossypii Glover )Characteristics : These pests have a liquid containing sap and honey glazed viewed from a distance . These pests attack the melon plants that exist in the field planting . Aphids were attacked young melon yellow , while the adults have wings and somewhat blackish color . Symptoms : leafplants and plant shoots rolled into dried leaves are smoked as a result of fluid pests . Control : ( 1 ) weeds should always be cleaned in order not to be a host of pests ; ( 2 ) severely affected plants should be sprayed with insecticide simultaneously Perfekthion 400 EC ( dimethoate ) with a concentration of 1.0-2.0 ml / liter ; ( 3 ) plants that had been infected with the virus should be removed and burned ( destroyed ) .2 ) Thirps ( Thirps parvispinus Karny )Feature : This pest attacks the current phase of seedling to mature plant . Nymphs thirps yellowish and blackish brown thirps adults . Thirps proliferate very rapidly in parthenogenetic ( able to produce offspring although not married ) . Attacks carried out in the dry season .Symptoms : young leaves or new shoots become curly , and yellow patches ; curling and stunted plants and fruit can not form normally . If these symptoms are present to watch out for having contracted the virus that brought thirps pests .Control : spraying with a contact poison , 3-4 days.7.2 . disease1 ) Bacterial wiltCauses : bacteria Erwina tracheiphila E.F.Sm. The disease can be spread by intermediate - oteng oteng leaf beetle ( Aulacophora femoral Motschulsky ) .Symptoms : leaves and withered branches and shrinkage occurs in the leaves , the color of the leaves turn yellow , dry up and eventually die ; the withered leaves of plantsat a time , although the color is still green , then the whole plant wilt . If the stem is cut crosswise plant will remove the mucus thick and sticky white can even be drawn like a thread .Control : ( 1 ) prior to planting , soil sterilized with Basamid G at a dose of 40 g/m2 ; ( 2 ) seeds soaked in Agrimyciin bactericide ( oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate ) or Agrept ( streptomycin sulfate ) at a concentration of 1.2 g / liter ; ( 3 ) The bactericidal spraying at age 20HST .2 ) stem rot disease ( gummy stem bligt )Cause : Fungus Mycophaerekka melonis ( Passerini ) Chiu et Walker .Symptoms: The base of the stem is attacked early as submerged oil then red brown mucus and then the plants wither and die ; leaves of affected plants will dry out if crushed like crackers and crackle - crackle sounds when the wind.Control : ( 1 ) use PHP to prevent moisture mulch around the base of the stem and prevent injuries in the roots and base of the stem as weeding ; ( 2 ) the leaves of affected plants are cleaned and sprayed with Derasol 500 SC fungicide ( carbendazim ) at a concentration of 1-2 ml / liter ; ( 3 ) the base is attacked smeared with fungicide solution Calixin 750 EC ( tridemorph ) at a concentration of 5 m / liter .7.3 . weedsWeeds ( plants) in harm plants , because competing nutrients , grow and glow . Revocation of weeds should be taken from young plants , because if it would damage the roots of melon plants .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and Harvesta) Signs / performance characteristics of Crop Ready to Harvest1 ) Fruit size in accordance with the normal size2 ) Fiber nets on the fruit skin is very real / rough3 ) yellowish green skin color .b ) Harvest + 3 months after planting .c ) harvesting the good time is in the morning .8.2 . How to Harvest1 ) Cut the stem of the melon with a knife , leaving at least 2.0 cm to extend the shelf life of fruit .2 ) stalk -shaped cut " T " , meaning that the fruit stalk intact and the two sides it is a leaf stalks have been cut leaves .3 ) Harvesting is done in stages , with emphasis on pieces that truly are ready for harvest.4 ) which has been harvested fruit collected in one place for sorting . Fruit damage due to hit / physical disabilities , should be avoided because it will reduce the price , especially in supermarkets .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done in stages , with emphasis on fruits that have actually been ready to harvest . If within a period of 3-5 months melon predicted price falls . So an alternative to crop rotation to use land formerly used to grow melons is chili . Because the landavailable does not need to be changed . Just opened mulch and fertilizer dosage PHP added 50 % . If within a period of 4 months later revealed melon prices rise , then the tract of land planted with rice paddy fields prior to the planting season . The reason is in terms kormesial rice crop less profitable , but in terms of the termination of the life cycle of pests and diseases is very profitable . it iscaused by pests and diseases that suck oxygen ( aerobic ) will die with waterlogged soil conditions ( anaerobic ) . After planting the rice is finished , the plant will produce melons are planted high with the risk of pests and diseases is lower.8.4 . Production forecastTo determine the amount of production that will be generated marketing department should conduct market research . For one hectare of melon plants are expected to produce 10-15 tonnes of melon fruit , the harvest should be done gradually . For example, the week I planted area of 2,000 m2 , planted the second week of 2,000 m2 , and so on . This is to be achieved the level of continuity of production and the risk of unsold melon will be spared .
9 . postharvestPostharvest a series of activities performed after the melons were harvested . Error handling in the post-harvest will affect the quality / appearance melon .9.1 . collectionThe fruits of melon that has been harvested collected in one place for immediate sorted. When harvesting fruit damage should be avoided due to the knock or other physical smallpox , because it will reduce the selling price primarily for the consumption of the supermarket .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationMelon that has been harvested , transported and collected at a later point in sorting . Healthy fruit and whole fruit is separated from physical disability or disability due to pests and diseases . Good quality melon then done by a three -class classification of melons .1 ) Class M1 is melon weighs 1.5 kg / more perfectly shaped nets .2 ) Class M2 is a melon weighing 1-1.5 kg of net formed only 70 % only .3 ) Class M3 is the net weight of the fruit varies with little or no form at all . This occurs because the crop is harvested but not yet dead beforehand by pests .9.3 . storageMelon fruit has been picked , should not be stacked on each other , and which have not been transported fruit can be stored in the warehouse . Fruit laid out neatly lined with hay. Fruit storage area must be clean , dry and free from pests such as cockroaches or mice . Melons are already too ripe not united with the half- ripe fruit ( pomace ) . If there is fruitbegan to rot should be situated away from the storage area .9.4 . Packaging and TransportationPackaging for melons can be made from plain wood , and many have a vent. How to compile , given the bottom of a box of dry straw is thick enough , then melon is also given at the top of his straw . Before the box is closed , melon given layer of straw again . Aside from the box , packaging can also use a similar yarn knitted mesh , then put in carton packaging . In the carton is coated with dry straw or paper debris . With packaging like this will be more secure than using a box of wood ( the traditional way ) . Vehicles used to transport melons to be brought to market depending on the distance traveled . Fruit to be exported normally packed specifically with containers made of wood , cardboard or plastic box . In aircraft cargo , container melon put in cooling containers orderfruit stay fresh if it gets to the destination .
2 . TYPES OF PLANTSThe types of melons are famous are: melon Christianism ( 1850) ; Sill melon Hybrid (1870 ) ; melon Surprise ( 1876 ) ; Ivondequoit melon , Miller Cream , Netted Gem , Hacken Sack and Osage (1881-1890) ; Improved Honey Rock melons and Perfecto (1933 ) ; melon Imperial ( 1935 ) ; Queen of the Colorado melon and Honey Gold ( 1939) . To facilitate the planting system and grouping cantaloupe, honeydew experts classify into two types , namely :1 ) Type - Netted Melona. Characteristics: fruit leather hard , coarse , veined and pictorial like mesh ( net ) ; relatively more fragrant aroma compared with winter - melon ; cook faster between 75-90 days ; durable and long lasting to be stored .b . Varieties: ( 1 ) Cucumis melo var . reticulatus , small fruits , such as net veined and fragrant ; ( 2 ) Cucumis melo var . cantelupensis , big fruit , scaly skin and fragrant .2 ) Type of Winter - Melona. Characteristics: fruit skin smooth , shiny and fragrant aroma of the fruit is not ; ripe fruit is slow to between 90-120 days ; perishable and perishable to be stored ; type of melon is often used as an ornamental plant .b . Varieties: ( 1 ) Cucumis melo var . inodorous , rind smooth , elongated fruit with a diameter of 2.5-7.5 cm ; ( 2 ) Cucumis melo var . flexuosus , smooth fruit surface , fruit lengthwise between 35-70 cm ; ( 3 ) Cucumis melo var . dudain , small size , often for ornamental plants ; ( 4 ) Cucumis melo var . chito ,size of lemon fruit , is often used as an ornamental plant .3 . BENEFIT PLANTSebaga utilized melon fruit fresh food with vitamin C content is high enough .
4 . PLANTING CENTERPrior to 1980, the melon is present in Indonesia as imported fruit . Then many agribusiness companies that tried to grow melons cultivated area Cisarua ( Bogor ) and Kalianda ( Lampung ) with melon varieties from America , Taiwan , Japan , China , France , Denmark , the Netherlands and Germany . Then melons grown in the area Ngawi , Madiun , Ponorogo until the ex - residency of Surakarta ( Sragen , Sukoharjo , Boyolali , Karanganyar and Klaten ) . These areas are the largest supplier of melon melon compared with the area of origin first .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The wind is blowing hard enough to damage the melon crop , can break petiole , fruit stalks and stems of plants .2 ) Continuous rains will disqualify candidates fruit already formed and can also make conditions favorable environment for pathogens . When the melon crop before harvest , will reduce the sugar content in the fruit .3 ) melon plants require full sun exposure during growth.4 ) melon plants require a cool, dry temperatures for growth. Temperature for plant growth between 25-30 degrees C. melon melon plants can not grow if it is less than 18 degrees C.5 ) Humidity indirectly affect the growth of melon plants . In high humidity melon plants vulnerable to disease .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) Land that is good for melon cultivation is sandy clay that contains lots of organic matter to facilitate the roots of plants grown melons . Melon plants do not like soil that is too wet .2 ) melon plants will grow best when the pH is 5.8 to 7.2 .3 ) Plants need water melon basically pretty much . But , should it come from irrigation water , not from the rain .5.3 . The altitudeMelon plants can grow quite well at an altitude of 300-900 meters above sea level . If the height is more than 900 meters above sea plants do not produce optimally .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements SeedMelon plants are healthy and produce optimally derived from plant seeds are healthy , strong and well-groomed at first . Seeds soaked in the solution and Atonik Furadam for 2 ( two ) hours . Good seed is in the bottom of the water , and poor seed will float on the water surface . Therefore, seeding is the key to the success of an agri- melon .2 ) Preparation of Seeda) Procurement generative seedGenerative phase marked with flowers . In this phase, the plant requires a lot of elemental phosphorus for strengthening roots and seeds form on the fruit . In this phase, when the plant is in good health then jaringjaring expected to appear on the fruit evenly . To support generative growth , the plants were sprayed with a foliar fertilizer Complesal super tonic ( red ) with a concentration of 2 g / liter once a week . To prevent deficiencies of calcium and boron then sprayed with a foliar fertilizer plant Ferti - cal with a concentration of 2 ml / liter or cab with a concentration of 2 ml / liter .b ) Supply of seeds through vegetative ( Tissue Culture )With the tissue culture method , the selection of planting medium and explant source used must be appropriate in order to provide maximum results . Basic medium used is composed of salts based on the composition of Murashige and Skoog (1962 ) with the addition of thiamin 0.04 mg / liter , myoinositol 100 mg / liter , surkosa 30 grams / liter of various combinations of plant hormones that are added in accordance with the treatment . Media made in solid form with the addition of so bacto 8 grams / liter , pH 5.7 with the addition of media created NaOH or 0.1 N HCl media made with autoclave sterilization pressure of 17.5 psi , a temperature of 120 degrees C for 30 menit.Tanaman obtained from tissue culture form the male flowers and female flowers separti as plants obtained from seeds .c ) Source of seedTo grow melons we have to find out the source of the seed first. We recommend always using the original seed ( F1 hybrid ) .d ) How to seed storageSeeds should be stored in a dry and a place to store the seeds can be made as simple as remembering nursery seed age only for 10-14 days , due to protect young plants the seed of the sun , rain , and pests and diseases . Alas the nursery , where a polybag lined newsprint placed so that seedling roots do not penetrate into the soil .e ) The need for seedSeed required in accordance with plus 10 % acreage for reserve stitching .f ) Treatment of seedsMelon seeds require simpler treatment compared to non - seed watermelon seed . This is because the skin is thin enough so that the melon does not require extra treatment . Treatment for melon seeds are washing , soaking , and seed ripening .3 ) Seed Seeding Techniquea) Method and Seeding TimeMelon seeds to be planted , first soaked in water for 2-4 hours . Then the seeds sown in a plastic bag , which was filled with soil and manure are mixed at a ratio of 5:1 . Seeds planted in an upright position and the tip facing down roots candidate . Seeds covered with a mixture of rice husk ash and soil in the ratio of 2:1 which has been prepared , so that the plants can grow well , not easy to fall down . To stimulate germination of seeds withcreating a warm atmosphere then close the seedbed surface with wet burlap sacks . When the sprouts have emerged surface seedling media ( on day 3 or 4 ) it can be opened burlap sack .b ) Making Media SemaiMelons include plants that are not too demanding special media for nursery seedlings . The medium can be made with many variations , for example by mixing soil , sand and manure or compost , the comparison is appropriate , for example 1:1:1 origin . To get the melon seedlings stocky and healthy seedling media the exact composition consisting of a mixture of soil , manure , fertilizer or NPK SP - 36 coupled with the insecticide carbofuran .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingAfter sowing seeds in polybag seedlings will grow up to be a candidate , and should get a good maintenance in order to be healthy melon seeds and stocky .a) How and Watering TimeSeeds dipersemaian in flush every morning . Start of sprouts not appear until the seedlings emerge soil surface . Spray tank used for watering . When spraying to watering should not be too strong because the media will erode soil and seeds or sprouts tossed out of thepolybags . When true leaves come out , watering the new seeds can be done embrat or hype . When the weather is hot , dry soil in polybags and watering should be repeated in the afternoon , do not flush the plant seeds during the day because it will cause water and nutrients can not be absorbed as a result of seeds being thin , dry and withered .b ) SpacingThinning is done with the aim to prepare healthy seeds to be planted and stocky . This thinning started 3 days before planting the seedlings into the ground . Seeds that have collected into a uniform growth . The seeds for the growth languishremoved and planted .c ) FertilizationFor seedling vegetative growth can be stimulated by spraying foliar fertilizer containing high nitrogen . Fertilizer leaves quite done once , when the seedlings 7-9 HSS with a concentration of 1.0-1.5 grams / liter . Root form of fertilizer or organic fertilizer Chemical fertilizers do not need to be added during the seedling root given as fertilizer on seedling media have been sufficient .d ) Provision of Pesticides In The NurseryAt the time of spraying pesticides nursery done if deemed necessary . Full concentration will cause the leaves of the melon seeds burn ( plasmolysis ) . Penyomprotan is done especially during the 2-3 days before the seedlings are planted in the field . Examples of pesticides used are insecticides Dicarzol 0.5 g / liter and fungicides Previcur N 1.0 ml / liter .5) Change SeedMelon seedlings were transferred to the field when the leaves 4-5 strands ormelon plants 10-12 days old . How removal did not differ withother means of transporting crops , namely plastic bags disposed polybagCarefully following the seedlings planted in soil beds perforatedpreviously , bedenganpun not to lack of water .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Preparationa) Measurement of Soil pHMeasurement of soil pH by using a pH meter . The soil will be wetted first measure . Sampling was conducted at 10 different points , and then calculated the average pH .b ) Soil AnalysisBased on the facts on the ground melon plants can be grown on different types of soil , especially soil andosol , latosol , regosol , and grumosol , provided that the deficiencies of the soil properties can be manipulated by liming , the addition of organic matter , and fertilizer .c ) Determination of Time / Planting ScheduleThe timing of planting associated with the estimated time of harvest a melon varieties were planted and harvest other melon varieties . For example, when planting melon varieties in March is about me , April aroma varieties , new varieties May century ( hamiqua ) and so on so that the farmers / agribusiness entrepreneurs need to schedule time melon crop varieties that customers desired .d ) Determination of Total Area PlantingDetermination of the planting area is closely related to the ownership of capital , land area available , seasons and market demand . Melon plants cultivated in open fields in the rainy season will be damaged due to disease are constantly exposed to rain . So planting melons in the rainy season is more gearedwith a hydroponic system .e ) Production Volume SettingsSetting the volume of production is closely related to the estimated price at harvest and market demand . How melon planting is done in stages . For example, 20 % in the first planting location A , the second 40 % at location B , and the third 40 % in C. Interval planting locations ranging from 2 weeks . This setting is commonly done in agribusiness melon with a hydroponic system . To maintain continuity of production , cropping intervals usually 1-2 weeks later .2 ) Land Openinga) PiracyFor planting melons in the medium - high plateau , the soil structure is usually very loose so it does not require piracy . Plowed land to be flooded during the first night, then the next day do piracy is enough to turn the soil so it is done once the inverse depth of about 30 cm .b ) scratching and break ground And Land Land Ready Planting TimeFor hoeing and raking , the state of the soil should be fairly dry . Because we can easily establish that the original land - berbongkah enough boulders and clay , soil crusts and enough beremah - nest ( easily absorbed water ) . With the land will benefit the plants . In addition to the roots easily penetrate the soil , will also be easier to breathe . Cultivation ways are as follows :1 . At first do the reversal of land ( the land still berbongkah - chunks .2 . Land of the results of the first hoeing mashed or crushed , with a depth of 30-50 cm ± . ( for two spade )3 . Hoeing done if the terrain actually been categorized into heavy soils . If not , once is enough beremah hoe ground and we can do the work of others .3 ) Establishment of Bedsa) Production MethodFor 5-7 days after hijacked allowed to dry land ( or reversed ) . This process will make the soil becomes sticky and after hijacked berbongkah be somewhat ruined because of a process of sun drying and aeration . During this process some of the chemical compounds that are toxicand harm plants and will disappear slowly . After drying, the chunk of land plots made with raffia to form beds beds with a maximum length of 12-15 m ; beds 30-50 cm tall ; 100-110 cm wide beds ; and 55-65 cm wide trench .b ) Form of BedsThe pile is formed by chunks of land menjandi hoe soil crumb structure / loose . When you have seen the shape of beds , the beds good rough / semi-finished raised bed is dried again for a week for a process of oxidation / evaporation of toxic elements exist to disappear completely .c . Size and Distance BedsWith a maximum length of 15 m will facilitate and expedite treatment plants discharge water , especially in the rainy season . High beds are made in accordance with the seasons and the soil conditions . In the rainy season high beds of 50 cm so that the plant roots are not waterlogged if it rainsprofusely . And during the dry season just 30 cm high beds , due to ease of care beds when flooded . Trench with a width of 55-65 cm is made is to facilitate treatment at the time of spraying , mounting stakes , and roping .4 ) LimingBy liming will add nutrients calcium required for plant cell walls . Liming can use dolomite / calmag ( CaCO3 MgCO3 ) calcite / kaptan ( CaCO3 ) . Having obtained the average pH , determination of needs can be done using the following data :a) < 4.0 ( most acidic ) : the amount of lime > 10.24 tons / hab ) 4.2 ( very acidic ) : the amount of lime 9.28 tonnes / hac ) 4.6 ( acid ) : the amount of lime 7.39 tonnes / had ) 5.4 ( acid ) : the amount of lime 3.60 tonnes / hae ) 5.6 ( slightly acidic ) : the amount of lime 2.65 tonnes / haf ) 6.1 to 6.4 (slightly acidic ) : the amount of lime < 0.75 tons / ha5 ) Installation of plastic mulch Black - Silver ( PHP )PHP mulch consisting of two layers , namely a silver colored coating on the top and bottom black color with a variety of advantages . Silver color will reflect sunlight mulch so that the process becomes more optimal photosynthesis , not too moist planting conditions , reduce disease , and repel insects such as plant disturbance Thirps and Aphids . Whereas black mulch will absorb the heat so that the temperature in the warm menhadi plant roots . As a result , root development will be optimal . Besides the black color also prevents sunlight to penetrate into the soil so that weed seeds will not grow ( except bananas puzzles and children ) . PHP Installation of mulch should be done when the scorching heat of the sun in order to expand the mulch beds so close properly . Enough technical installation by two persons to one bed. The trick pull both ends of mulch on the bed , attach one end to the peg clamp using mulch beds and then the other end . Once both ends are closely related to PHP mulch beds , by simultaneously pull the mulch beds on both sides of every meter simultaneously. Relate both sides of the beds with mulch and clamp pegs so that all sides had been meeting on the linked mulch beds . After completion of the installation , mulch PHP bedenganbedengan left closed for 3-5 days before planting hole is made . The purpose of a given chemical fertilizers that can be transformed into a form that can be absorbed by plants available .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternMelon plants are commonly grown crops with monoculture .2 ) Hole Making PlantTo make the planting hole by using a heating plate or utilize a used tin of condensed milk . Heating plate is a piece of iron with a diameter of 10 cm , was made such that the heat generated from burning charcoal is able to pierce the PHP mulch quickly . The model can be planting two rows facing each other form a rectangle ati he baros face to face to form a triangle.3 ) How PlantingSeeds that have been in the nursery + 3 weeks moved into the medium and its great . Cultivated plant roots do not get damaged when ripping small polybags . Prints soil already contains melon seeds , placed in holes that have ditugal and tried to be not broken / destroyed because it can cause damage to the roots and the plant will wilt if the day is hot .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingThinning and replanting when done within two (2 ) weeks after planting the seedlings did not show normal growth . Plants and their roots removed then replaced with seedlings / new crops . This is best done in the afternoon so that the young plants can better adapt to the new environment . Replanting and thinning is usually performed during 3-5 days , because of the possibility of the first week there are other plants that need to be embroidered . When after the completion of thinning and replanting new plants should be drenched with water .2 ) WeedingMulch on melon cultivation system PHP penyiangannya do in the planting hole and trench in between the two beds . Weeds are not cleaned cause humid cropping environment that stimulates the disease . Weeds can also be a host of pests and harmful nematodes .3 ) PembubunanFor the first pembubunan we do is the initial fertilization and sterilize land there . The goal is after the land cultivated and nurtured , the land will be fertile and will be free of pests and diseases . When fertilization , soil previously treated , has dikelentangfor 2 weeks . It is hoped that the ground long enough exposed to the sun , healthy enough for planting .4 ) PerempalanPerempelan made to the bud / branch water is not the main branch .5 ) FertilizationFertilization given 3 times , ie 20 days after planting , the plant was 40 days ( when the fruit thinning will do ) and when the plants are 60 days old ( when stepping on the maturation process ) . The trick spread evenly over the soil beds on the left and right periphery ( 10-15 cm ) . Then the ground behind the carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants , and so the fertilizer can be safely buried in the ground . To facilitate fertilization , made a series of data concerning fertilization since the beginning .a) Manure / compost : basic fertilizer = 10-20 tons / ha .b ) Urea : basic fertilizer = 440 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer I = 330 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 220 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer III = 440 kg / ha .c ) TSP : basic fertilizer = 1,200 kg / ha ; supplementary fertilizer I = 220 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 550 kg / ha .d ) KCl : basic fertilizer = 330-440 kg / ha ; II supplementary fertilizer = 160 kg / ha .Specification basic fertilizer : fertilizer on soil processing ( before planting ) ; supplementary fertilizer I: age ± 20 days ; supplementary fertilizer II : age + 40 days ; supplementary fertilizer III : age + 60 days .6 ) Irrigation and Wateringa) IrrigationMelon crop requires dry air for growth , but the soil should be moist . Watering should be done if it does not rain . Watering in the afternoon or evening .b ) WateringPlants in the flush since the plant growth , the plant will be picked up the fruit . When watering not to wet the leaves and spray water from the ground water not affected leaves and fruit . The goal is to ensure that the plant is not plagued with diseases originating from the spark , if drenched leaves will invite a huge mushroom . Watering is done early in the morning or evening . Therefore there is water around the garden massive benefits .7 ) Time Pesticide Sprayinga) preventive measures , the seeds were soaked in a solution of Agrimycin bactericide ( oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate ) or Agrept ( streptomycin sulfate ) at a concentration of 1.2 g / liter and spraying bactericidal at the age of 20 HST .b ) Spraying fungicides Previcur N ( propamocarb hydrochloride ) at a concentration of 2-3 ml / liter when the attack has passed the economic threshold .c ) Derasol 500 SC fungicide ( carbendazim ) at a concentration of 1-2 ml / liter . Base of the stem is attacked smeared with fungicide solution Calixin 750 EC ( tridemorph ) with a concentration of 5 ml / liter .8 ) Other Maintenancea) Installation of markerStakes or sticks of wood or bamboo slats , for propagation can be installed after making pembubunan and finished sterilize the garden . Or a marker can also be installed after the seeds are planted , and seeds have been issued tendril - sulurnya height is approximately 50 cm . Marker must be made of strong material so it can withstand the load of fruit by weight about 2-3 kg . Plunged place marker at a distance of approximately 25 cm from the edge of the mound either right or left . So that is more robust marker again , we could add a long bamboo shoots placed in the triangle between bamboo or wooden crosses , following the line of marker - marker behind .b ) TrimmingPruning is done in melon plants aims to maintain in accordance with the desired branch . Height of plants was made on average between point-to - 20 to - 25 ( part segment , branch or book from the plant ) . Prune if sunny and dry air , so that the scars are not attacked by fungi . When pruning is done every 10 days , which is the earliest cut branches close to the ground and leaving two leaves , then the branches that grow and trimmed with leaves 2 leaves . Pruning is stopped , if the height of the plants had reached the 20th branch or 25 .7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) lice aphids ( Aphis gossypii Glover )Characteristics : These pests have a liquid containing sap and honey glazed viewed from a distance . These pests attack the melon plants that exist in the field planting . Aphids were attacked young melon yellow , while the adults have wings and somewhat blackish color . Symptoms : leafplants and plant shoots rolled into dried leaves are smoked as a result of fluid pests . Control : ( 1 ) weeds should always be cleaned in order not to be a host of pests ; ( 2 ) severely affected plants should be sprayed with insecticide simultaneously Perfekthion 400 EC ( dimethoate ) with a concentration of 1.0-2.0 ml / liter ; ( 3 ) plants that had been infected with the virus should be removed and burned ( destroyed ) .2 ) Thirps ( Thirps parvispinus Karny )Feature : This pest attacks the current phase of seedling to mature plant . Nymphs thirps yellowish and blackish brown thirps adults . Thirps proliferate very rapidly in parthenogenetic ( able to produce offspring although not married ) . Attacks carried out in the dry season .Symptoms : young leaves or new shoots become curly , and yellow patches ; curling and stunted plants and fruit can not form normally . If these symptoms are present to watch out for having contracted the virus that brought thirps pests .Control : spraying with a contact poison , 3-4 days.7.2 . disease1 ) Bacterial wiltCauses : bacteria Erwina tracheiphila E.F.Sm. The disease can be spread by intermediate - oteng oteng leaf beetle ( Aulacophora femoral Motschulsky ) .Symptoms : leaves and withered branches and shrinkage occurs in the leaves , the color of the leaves turn yellow , dry up and eventually die ; the withered leaves of plantsat a time , although the color is still green , then the whole plant wilt . If the stem is cut crosswise plant will remove the mucus thick and sticky white can even be drawn like a thread .Control : ( 1 ) prior to planting , soil sterilized with Basamid G at a dose of 40 g/m2 ; ( 2 ) seeds soaked in Agrimyciin bactericide ( oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate ) or Agrept ( streptomycin sulfate ) at a concentration of 1.2 g / liter ; ( 3 ) The bactericidal spraying at age 20HST .2 ) stem rot disease ( gummy stem bligt )Cause : Fungus Mycophaerekka melonis ( Passerini ) Chiu et Walker .Symptoms: The base of the stem is attacked early as submerged oil then red brown mucus and then the plants wither and die ; leaves of affected plants will dry out if crushed like crackers and crackle - crackle sounds when the wind.Control : ( 1 ) use PHP to prevent moisture mulch around the base of the stem and prevent injuries in the roots and base of the stem as weeding ; ( 2 ) the leaves of affected plants are cleaned and sprayed with Derasol 500 SC fungicide ( carbendazim ) at a concentration of 1-2 ml / liter ; ( 3 ) the base is attacked smeared with fungicide solution Calixin 750 EC ( tridemorph ) at a concentration of 5 m / liter .7.3 . weedsWeeds ( plants) in harm plants , because competing nutrients , grow and glow . Revocation of weeds should be taken from young plants , because if it would damage the roots of melon plants .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and Harvesta) Signs / performance characteristics of Crop Ready to Harvest1 ) Fruit size in accordance with the normal size2 ) Fiber nets on the fruit skin is very real / rough3 ) yellowish green skin color .b ) Harvest + 3 months after planting .c ) harvesting the good time is in the morning .8.2 . How to Harvest1 ) Cut the stem of the melon with a knife , leaving at least 2.0 cm to extend the shelf life of fruit .2 ) stalk -shaped cut " T " , meaning that the fruit stalk intact and the two sides it is a leaf stalks have been cut leaves .3 ) Harvesting is done in stages , with emphasis on pieces that truly are ready for harvest.4 ) which has been harvested fruit collected in one place for sorting . Fruit damage due to hit / physical disabilities , should be avoided because it will reduce the price , especially in supermarkets .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done in stages , with emphasis on fruits that have actually been ready to harvest . If within a period of 3-5 months melon predicted price falls . So an alternative to crop rotation to use land formerly used to grow melons is chili . Because the landavailable does not need to be changed . Just opened mulch and fertilizer dosage PHP added 50 % . If within a period of 4 months later revealed melon prices rise , then the tract of land planted with rice paddy fields prior to the planting season . The reason is in terms kormesial rice crop less profitable , but in terms of the termination of the life cycle of pests and diseases is very profitable . it iscaused by pests and diseases that suck oxygen ( aerobic ) will die with waterlogged soil conditions ( anaerobic ) . After planting the rice is finished , the plant will produce melons are planted high with the risk of pests and diseases is lower.8.4 . Production forecastTo determine the amount of production that will be generated marketing department should conduct market research . For one hectare of melon plants are expected to produce 10-15 tonnes of melon fruit , the harvest should be done gradually . For example, the week I planted area of 2,000 m2 , planted the second week of 2,000 m2 , and so on . This is to be achieved the level of continuity of production and the risk of unsold melon will be spared .
9 . postharvestPostharvest a series of activities performed after the melons were harvested . Error handling in the post-harvest will affect the quality / appearance melon .9.1 . collectionThe fruits of melon that has been harvested collected in one place for immediate sorted. When harvesting fruit damage should be avoided due to the knock or other physical smallpox , because it will reduce the selling price primarily for the consumption of the supermarket .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationMelon that has been harvested , transported and collected at a later point in sorting . Healthy fruit and whole fruit is separated from physical disability or disability due to pests and diseases . Good quality melon then done by a three -class classification of melons .1 ) Class M1 is melon weighs 1.5 kg / more perfectly shaped nets .2 ) Class M2 is a melon weighing 1-1.5 kg of net formed only 70 % only .3 ) Class M3 is the net weight of the fruit varies with little or no form at all . This occurs because the crop is harvested but not yet dead beforehand by pests .9.3 . storageMelon fruit has been picked , should not be stacked on each other , and which have not been transported fruit can be stored in the warehouse . Fruit laid out neatly lined with hay. Fruit storage area must be clean , dry and free from pests such as cockroaches or mice . Melons are already too ripe not united with the half- ripe fruit ( pomace ) . If there is fruitbegan to rot should be situated away from the storage area .9.4 . Packaging and TransportationPackaging for melons can be made from plain wood , and many have a vent. How to compile , given the bottom of a box of dry straw is thick enough , then melon is also given at the top of his straw . Before the box is closed , melon given layer of straw again . Aside from the box , packaging can also use a similar yarn knitted mesh , then put in carton packaging . In the carton is coated with dry straw or paper debris . With packaging like this will be more secure than using a box of wood ( the traditional way ) . Vehicles used to transport melons to be brought to market depending on the distance traveled . Fruit to be exported normally packed specifically with containers made of wood , cardboard or plastic box . In aircraft cargo , container melon put in cooling containers orderfruit stay fresh if it gets to the destination .
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