Latin Name: Psidium guajava
Common name: Guava
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES CONTENT guava Tannins, quersetin, quersetin glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids, vitamins.
Mechanism Work
Tannins and flavonoids are expressed as quersetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which means efficacy to overcome fever by inhibiting the growth of core RNA viruses. Material was also noted to increase the number to 100 thousand platelets per cubic millimeter with no side effects.
Quersetin and quersetin glycosides can inhibit spontaneous contractions of the ileum and gastric secretion of acetylcholine causes diarrhea, diarrhea that can be resolved quickly.
Tannins act as an astringent, which line the intestinal mucosa, particularly the large intestine. As well as the absorbing toxins and can coagulate proteins.
Nasirudin, Soegeng Soegijanto, Section of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Guava leaf extract can accelerate the achievement of a platelet count more than 100,000 /? L and can increase platelet counts in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever in children.
Faith Subagyo, Wahyo Dyatmiko and Abdul Karim UNAIR, 1981. By invitro
infusion of guava leaves with an assortment of concentrations showed significant differences in the diameter of the barrier region, the growth of the bacteria Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei as a cause of bacillary dysentery.
Efficacy and usefulness GUAVA SEEDS: - Helps increase platelets in patients with dengue fever. - Helps stop the diarrhea.
DENGUE FEVER Dengue fever is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue virus are in the blood stream for 4-7 days, starting at 1-2 days before the onset of summer. With the presence of the virus in the body makes blood vessels leaky walls. Blood Akibatbya unstoppable and constantly seeps out of the blood vessels and then enter the network.
DENGUE FEVER SYMPTOMS High fever, headache, pain in joints and muscles Loss of appetite, vomiting, weak and lethargic. After 3 days usually appear red spots on the skin. Bleeding at the nose. The decline but fell short of the platelets, occurs depending on the severity.
If the platelet count is less than 60,000 the number of patients at risk of bleeding. Less than 20,000 risk of a sudden bleeding. Lower than 5.000 the risk is high, the brain hemorrhage. Platelet function in the body is very important, namely to stop bleeding due to rupture of capillaries. CAUTION Giving guava in patients with dengue fever does not cause side effects which means, for example constipation. We recommend giving guava for dengue patients in the form of guava juice.
DIARRHEA Diarrhea is a symptom of gastrointestinal infection that is characterized by increasing frequency of bowel movements than usual, accompanied by changes in the shape and stool consistency.
Bacterial infection, such as parasites, bacteria, or entero viruses (viruses that live and
thrive in the digestive tract and spread with feces).
Food poisoning, such as Clostridium botulinum contaminated
The use of drugs (such as antibiotics)
The cause is uncertain (inflammation of the small intestine and large intestine)
TIPS FOR A PATIENT WITH DIARRHEA Patients should drink ORS. If within 3 days consume guava leaf + salt + turmeric + a few whiting does not heal, contact your doctor immediately.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES CONTENT guava Tannins, quersetin, quersetin glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids, vitamins.
Mechanism Work
Tannins and flavonoids are expressed as quersetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which means efficacy to overcome fever by inhibiting the growth of core RNA viruses. Material was also noted to increase the number to 100 thousand platelets per cubic millimeter with no side effects.
Quersetin and quersetin glycosides can inhibit spontaneous contractions of the ileum and gastric secretion of acetylcholine causes diarrhea, diarrhea that can be resolved quickly.
Tannins act as an astringent, which line the intestinal mucosa, particularly the large intestine. As well as the absorbing toxins and can coagulate proteins.
Nasirudin, Soegeng Soegijanto, Section of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Guava leaf extract can accelerate the achievement of a platelet count more than 100,000 /? L and can increase platelet counts in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever in children.
Faith Subagyo, Wahyo Dyatmiko and Abdul Karim UNAIR, 1981. By invitro
infusion of guava leaves with an assortment of concentrations showed significant differences in the diameter of the barrier region, the growth of the bacteria Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei as a cause of bacillary dysentery.
Efficacy and usefulness GUAVA SEEDS: - Helps increase platelets in patients with dengue fever. - Helps stop the diarrhea.
DENGUE FEVER Dengue fever is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue virus are in the blood stream for 4-7 days, starting at 1-2 days before the onset of summer. With the presence of the virus in the body makes blood vessels leaky walls. Blood Akibatbya unstoppable and constantly seeps out of the blood vessels and then enter the network.
DENGUE FEVER SYMPTOMS High fever, headache, pain in joints and muscles Loss of appetite, vomiting, weak and lethargic. After 3 days usually appear red spots on the skin. Bleeding at the nose. The decline but fell short of the platelets, occurs depending on the severity.
If the platelet count is less than 60,000 the number of patients at risk of bleeding. Less than 20,000 risk of a sudden bleeding. Lower than 5.000 the risk is high, the brain hemorrhage. Platelet function in the body is very important, namely to stop bleeding due to rupture of capillaries. CAUTION Giving guava in patients with dengue fever does not cause side effects which means, for example constipation. We recommend giving guava for dengue patients in the form of guava juice.
DIARRHEA Diarrhea is a symptom of gastrointestinal infection that is characterized by increasing frequency of bowel movements than usual, accompanied by changes in the shape and stool consistency.
Bacterial infection, such as parasites, bacteria, or entero viruses (viruses that live and
thrive in the digestive tract and spread with feces).
Food poisoning, such as Clostridium botulinum contaminated
The use of drugs (such as antibiotics)
The cause is uncertain (inflammation of the small intestine and large intestine)
TIPS FOR A PATIENT WITH DIARRHEA Patients should drink ORS. If within 3 days consume guava leaf + salt + turmeric + a few whiting does not heal, contact your doctor immediately.
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