1 . A BRIEF HISTORYWatermelon ( Citrullus vulgaris ) is the fruit of a herbaceous plant that grows vines which in English is called Water Mellon . A
native of tropical and subtropical dry regions of Africa , then grown
rapidly to many countries such as : South Africa , China , Japan , and
Indonesia . Watermelon is included in a pumpkin - Labuan family ( Cucurbitaceae ) in the region of origin is preferred byhumans / animals on the continent , because it contains a lot of water , so it becomes quickly spread .2 . TYPES OF PLANTSThere are dozens of varieties / types of watermelon are cultivated , but only a few types of interest to farmers / consumers . In
Indonesia varieties suitable cultivated divided into 2 groups: Local
Watermelon ( Watermelon black from Pasuruan , Watermelon and Watermelon
Stone Sengkaling Bojonegoro ) and Hybrid Watermelon Imports ( from in
the cross hybridization ) which has its own advantages . Watermelon seeds are classified according to its original pristine state : Yamato seeds , Sugar Suika , Suika Cream and others .3 . BENEFIT PLANTWatermelon
plants cultivated for use as fresh fruit , but there are utilizing the
leaves and young fruit watermelon vegetable material . Watermelon
seeds are cultivated to be used , which has the aroma and taste of
fresh , processed seeds into snacks called " kuwaci " ( preferably
society as a snack ) . Leather is also made pickled watermelon / cucumber pickles like or other types of pumpkin - Labuan .
4 . PLANTING CENTERWatermelon is widely cultivated in countries like China , Japan , India and the surrounding countries of . Sentra planting in Indonesia located in Central Java ( Yogyakarta , Magelang regency and Kulon Progo Regency ) ; in West Java ( Indramayu , Karawang ) ; in East Java ( Banyuwangi , Malang ) ; and in Lampung , with an average production of 30 tonnes / ha / year .5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) Theoretically rainfall ideal for watermelon growing areas is 40-50 mm / month .2 ) The whole watermelon planting area needs sunlight from sunrise to sink . Lack of sunlight causes deterioration harvest time .3 ) Plant watermelon will be able to grow and bear fruit at the optimum temperature of ± 25 degrees C ( during the day ) .4 ) The ideal air temperature bagipertumbuhan watermelon plant is the average daily temperature in the range of 20-30 mm .5 ) Humidity tends to be low when the sun shines plantation , dry air is a poor means of water vapor . These conditions are suitable for plant growth watermelon , because watermelon plants in the region of origin of life in the desert environment of temperate dry . On the contrary ,moisture is too high will encourage the growth of fungi plant destroyer .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) The soil is suitable for growing watermelons is a fairly loose soil , rich in organic matter , not the acidic soil and garden soil / paddy fields that have been dried .2 ) soil acidity ( pH ) is required between 6 to 6.7 . If pH < 5.5 ( acidic soil ) then held liming with doses adjusted to the soil acidity .3 ) Land suitable for watermelon plant is a porous soil ( nest ) so easy to get rid of excess water , but the soil is too easy to throw the water is not good for growing watermelons .5.3 . The altitudeElevation ideal for planting watermelon acreage is : 100-300 m above sea level . The fact that watermelon can be planted in areas near the coast yan has an altitude below 100 m above sea level and over the hills with a height of more than 300 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements SeedThe selection of the type of watermelon seeds are planted is : Hybrid import , especially triploid seed types ( non- seed ) which has a very hard seed coat and the type of Haploid ( seed ) .2 ) Preparation of SeedHybrid seeds imported types , especially types of triploid seeds after been prepared tools to cut / loosen slightly stretched because without the seed is difficult to germinate , aids in the form of nail clippers that have long triangular shape is small and provided little place that has a wide surface . Haploid type easily sown as seeds are not hard so easily divide at the time of germination .3 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueWatermelon seeding technique is done through several stages , namely :a) Extensional seeds watermelon seeds advance in order to facilitate the growth process ;b ) Soaking the seeds in a mixed unit of drug ingredients : 1 quart of warm water temperature of 20-25 degrees C ; 1 teaspoon hormone ( Atornik , Menedael , Abitonik ) ; 1 tablespoon pressed fungicide ( an antifungal drug ) such as : Difoldhan 4T , Dacosnil 75 WP , Benlate ; 0.5 teaspoons pressed bactericidal ( Agrept 25 WP ) . After soaking 10-30 minutes , removed and drained until the water stops flowing and the seeds are ready to germinate .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingThe bags are put in a row seedbed that full sunlight from sunrise to sink . Given a transparent plastic protection similar to a mini greenhouse and open with one end open edges . Fertilization is carried out through the leaves to spur developmentseeds mixed with drugs , done routinely every 3 days. At 14 days , the seeds were transferred to the field has matured and is ready for planting the seed .5) Change SeedAfter seeding seed germination is done using plastic kantongkantong size : 12 cm x ( 0.2 to 0.3 ) mm . One bag of seed planted ( corner cut enough pockets for the reduction of residual water ) and filled with a mixture of soil organic fertilizer composition : 1 part garden soil , 1part compost / topsoil , 1 part manure that has been cooked . After 12-14 days old seedlings and have leafy strands 2-3 , moved into growing areas that have been processed .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationWhen the former garden area , needs to be cleaned from the previous crop is still growing . When former rice fields , dried up the soil first few days it was easy hoe , then studied soil pH .2 ) Land OpeningLand planted with ground reversal done to destroy the ground up into chunks evenly . Stump trunk / network plant roots earlier dumped out of the area , and also any type of rock that is thrown away , so it does not affectdevelopment of watermelon plants to be planted in the area .3 ) Establishment of BedsWatermelon plants need beds so that water contained in the soil d easily flows out through the drainage channels are made . Number of beds depending on the desired number of rows planted by the grower ( form double rows of beds , beds that run across the areaplanting ) . Beds 7-8 feet wide , depending on the thickness of thin and high beds ( minimum 20 cm high beds ) .4 ) LimingDone by assigning the type of agricultural lime which they contain elements of calcium ( Ca ) and Magnesium ( Mg ) which is neutralizing the acidity of the soil and neutralize toxic metal ions contained in the soil . With lime carbonate / dolomite lime . The use of lime per 1,000 m2 land at pH 4-5required 150-200 kg of dolomite , between pH 5-6 to 75-150 kg dolomite needed and pH > 6 takes dolomite as much as 50 kg .5 ) FertilizationFertilizer used is organic manure and artificial fertilizer . Used manure is manure from animals cow / buffalo manure and selected mature . Manure is useful to help restore the soil less fertile , with a dose of 2 kg / beds . The trick , sprinkled evenly around the rows of beds . The fertilizer consists of : ( a) Fertilizers consisting of Macro elements nitrogen , phosphorus , calcium ( made from ZA, TSP and KCl ) ; ( b ) Fertilizers consisting of Micro Calcium ( Ca ) Magnesium ( Mg ) Mangaan ( Mn ) , Iron ( Fe ) , sulfur ( S ) ,Copper ( Cu ) , Zinc ( Zn ) Boron ( Bo ) and molybdenum ( Mo ) . Fertilizer , is sold under several brands such as Mikroflex , Microsil etc. . Its use , mixed 1 % anti stem borer .6 ) OtherPhase smoothing and leveling chunk of land on the side of the pad where the planting beds watermelon made with a hoe . In the central part , as a basis of fruit on the bed , flattened and above this layer of dry straw given to the propagation of watermelon and fruit laying . Beds need to be weeded , watered and covered with dry straw and 2-3 cm thick plastic mulch with a width of 110-150 cm plastic so that water evaporation and inhibit weed growth . The use of plastic is more advantageous because it is more durable , up to 8-12 months in an open area ( 2-3 times the period of cultivation ) . residual plasticsilver color that reflects sunlight and indirectly help the plants get plenty of sunlight for growth.6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Plant PatternA watermelon plant crops with monoculture .2 ) Hole Making PlantPlanting seeds of watermelon on field land , after the nursery was 14 days and has grown leaf ± 2-3 pieces . While waiting for the seed cavities large enough done on land with a depth of 8-10 cm . Preparation of cropland perforation was performed 1 week before the seeds removedashore . Within 20-30 cm from the edge of the beds with the distance between the hole about 80-100 cm / depending on the thickness of beds . Land covered with plastic mulch , the necessary tools of the size of paint cans that were given 1 kg of holes adapted to the given conditions of seedbed soil pit.3 ) How PlantingAfter perforation , mass planting area watered so that the soil is ready for planting seedlings receive up to inundate an area about ¾ high beds , and left until the water is absorbed. Before soaking the planted seedlings , seedlings for easy release of the existing use of plastic bags . Immunization step is done by soaking for 5-10 minutes with a mixture of drug solution . The composition of the drug consists of : 1 teaspoon hormone Atonik , Abitonik , dekamon , menedael , 1 teaspoon flour pressed bactericide , fungicide 1 teaspoon pressed powder / flour ( Berlate , Dithane M - 45 , Daconiel ) .Planting sequence is as follows :a) Plastic bags are carefully taken so that the roots are not damaged .b ) Planting the ground position and insert the bag into the hole that has been preparedc ) The cracks pit covered with soil that has been preparedd ) The hole remaining plants covered with soil and watered a little water to blend with the soil media around the seed can be united without remaining .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingWatermelon plants aged 3-5 days to consider , if it grows too heavy / death made replanting plants / replaced with new seedlings that had been prepared from the seed reserves . Thinning when the plants are too bushy by pruning the leaves and stems are not necessary , becauseblocking sunlight which helps the development of the plant .2 ) WeedingWatermelon plants just enough to have two pieces , with settings that are likely many primary branches . Maintained 2-3 secondary branches without cutting twigs . Need weeding useless twigs , ends trimmed and secondary branches are left 2 leaves . Secondary branches that grow on existing roads because they interfere with the growth of fruit harvestedfruit . Setting the main branch and the primary branches so that all the leaves on each branch does not overlap , so that the uneven distribution of light , which affects both the growth of the tree / fruit .3 ) PembubunanLand watermelon planting soil so that the roots do pembubunan maximally absorb food and planting is done after a few days .4 ) PerempalanDone sorting through and making the young shoots that are not useful because it affects the growth of trees / fruit growing watermelon . Perempelan done to reduce the plant is too leba a result many young shoots are less than helpful .5 ) FertilizationOrganic fertilizer before planting when not all absorbed , then the subsequent fertilization adapted to growth phase . In vegetative growth necessary foliar fertilizer ( Topsil D ) , the phase formation and ripening fruit TOPSIS B fertilization required to improve the quality of the fruit produced . Leaves mixed with fertilizer and fungicide sprayed insekstisida the same routine . The spraying is done as follows :a) Foliar fertilizer given at 7 , 14 , 21 , 28 and 35 days after planting ;b ) Fertilizers fruit given at 45 and 55 days after planting ;c ) ZA and NPK ( ratio 1:1 ) was performed 21 days after planting as many as 300 ml , 25 days after planting as many as 400 ml and 55 days after planting as much as 400 ml .6 ) Irrigation and WateringIrrigation system used Farrow Irrigation system : the water flowed through the channel between the beds , the frequency of water in the dry season of 4-6 days with no excessive irrigation volume . When the well water pump ( diesel water ) watering is done with the help of plastic tubing large enough to be faster . Watermelon plants need water constantly and not short of water .7 ) Time Pesticide SprayingIn addition to foliar fertilizers , and fungicides insktisida , there are other drugs that ZPZ ( aphrodisiac plants ) ; grading materials and adhesives fertilizer macro ( Pm ) is a liquid . PGR Dose : 7.5 cc , Agristik : 7.5 cc and Metallic ( Pm ) : 10 14-17 cc for each liter of solvent . Spraying a mixture of old plants were performed after > 20 days in the land . Furthermore done once every 5 days up to 70 days of age .Spraying is done with a sprayer to areas that are not too wide and the use of diesel -powered engine when thousands of acres of land area . Spraying is done in the morning and evening depending on the needs and weather conditions .8 ) Other MaintenanceSelection of candidates is a piece of work that is important to obtain good quality ( fruit weight is quite large , located between 1.0-1.5 m from plant roots ) , which is close to the candidates fruit rooting plants are small due to the relatively young age ( size of eggs chicken in good form andnot disabled ) . Each plant takes 1-2 pieces of fruit a candidate , the rest in the barbershop . Each candidate ± 2 kg fruit is often reversed in order to avoid poor color due to inequality in the sun , so the colors are less attractive and lower the selling price of the fruit itself .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pestWatermelon crop pests can be classified into 2 groups : pest -resistant and resistant to peptisida . Pests resistant to pesticides ( Aphids , forms such as fleas ) , usually colored pale green , bergelombol life , not winged , and easy to breed . Symptoms that occur berberecak yellow leaves , stunted growth . Control is done with non-chemical and chemical medicines . The second pests are pests that are resistant to pesticides such as : rats , pets ( cats , dogs and chickens ) . Pengendallian : keeping the embankment is always clean , set up the fence surrounding the plant , the installation of an instrument that produces sounds when the wind and held guard rotation .1 ) ThripsSmall slender , pale yellow -black , has a jointed body tentacle . Mode of transmission is wandering at night , settle and breed . Control of crop spraying insecticide solution until wet and uneven .2 ) caterpillar destroyer leavesGreen with black stripe / green striped yellow , sign up to stay edible leaf attack the wax layer and visible from a distance like a hole. Control : performed in non- chemical and chemical .3 ) MitesSmall animal red yellowish / greenish small sap sucking , defend themselves by biting and stinging . The sign , looked nets these animals nest under leaf surface , the color of the leaves will be pale . Control : performed non-chemical andwith pesticides .4 ) Black cutwormBerbintik-bintik/bergaris-garis black , body length of 2-5 cm , active damage and move at night . Attack the leaves , especially young shoots , adult caterpillar prey base of the plant . Control : ( 1 ) planting simultaneously on adjacent areas to break the life cycle of pests and moths surrounding nest eradication ; ( 2 ) chemical control , with drugs in accordance with the rules of planting watermelon .5 ) white lice and fruit fliesThe characteristics of the wing has a transparent yellow with bercakbercak and have trunks . Attack signs : there is a scar on the skin of fruit ( such as the proboscis puncture ) , flavorful flesh visible bruises and slightly sour . Control : performed in non- chemical ( cleaningenvironment, especially on the skin of fruit , soil pests reversed the former plowed / hoed ) . Chemically : with drugs .7.2 . disease1 ) Fusarium wiltCause : environment / situation that allows the fungus to grow ( air is too humid ) . Symptoms : arise rot in plants that had been dense and lush , would gradually . Control : ( 1 ) is non chemically with the rotation period of planting and maintaining environmental conditions , planting in new areasfallow , or planted a seed that has been soaked in drugs ; ( 2 ) chemically spraying fungicide ingredients periodically .2 ) Leaf spotsCause : wind-borne spores germs from other plants are attacked . Symptoms : leaf surface are patches of yellow to brown and then eventually dry up and die , or are subtly colored tassels abu-abu/ungu . Control : ( 1 ) non chemical such as fusarium wilt ; ( 2 ) plants sprayed with fungicide Dithane M consisting of 45 doses of 1.8 to 2.4 grams / liter ; Delsene MX 200 at a dose of 2-4 grams / liter , 65 Wp Trimoltix dose of 2-3 grams / liter and Daconil 75 WP doses of 1-1.5 grams / liter .3 ) AntraknosaCause : such as Fusarium wilt disease . Symptoms: The leaves look brown spots that eventually turn a reddish color and the leaves finally die . When attacking fruit , pink dots appear which gradually expanding . Control : ( 1 ) conducted a case of non-chemicalFusarium wilt disease control ; ( 2 ) using Velimex 80 WP fungicide dose of 2-2.5 g / liter of water .4 ) seedling rotAttacking the seed being planted . Symptoms : brown seed stems , vines and fall then die . Control : seeds soaked in Benlate 20 WP drug dose of 1-2 grams / liter of water and Difolathan 44 FF dose of 1-2 cc / liter of water .5 ) Rotten FruitCauses : fungal / bacterial pathogen that infects the fruit before cooking and active after start -picked fruit . Control : avoid skin damage and prevent the occurrence of fruit , either during transport or storage , fruit picking is done at any time during the day is not cloudy / rainy .6 ) Rust leafThe cause : a virus that is carried by pest plants growing on the leaves of plants . Symptoms : leaf blister , pinto , tend to change shape , and dwarf plants arise longitudinal fracture in the trunk . Control : same as fusarium wilt disease . Have not found the right medicine , soplants are already affected should be , so that is not contagious to healthy plants .7.3 . weedsIn addition to disruption by pests and diseases , disorders are also caused by deficiency / excess nutrients affect plant growth and development . Watermelon trees are advantages and disadvantages of these nutrients , suffer due to weeds ( weeds ) .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestAge harvested after 70-100 days after planting . Characteristics : after the change of color of the fruit , and the fruit begins to diminish the stem of the fruit can be picked ( harvested ) . Weather affected the harvest , and the type of seeds ( hybrid type / types of triploids , and the type of stone fruit ) .8.2 . How to HarvestIn picking the fruit to be harvested should be done when the weather is sunny and cloudy so the fruit in dry conditions the skin surface , and hold for penyimpananan or in the hands of the retailers . Should be done along with the watermelon cutting the stems .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done in several periods . If the fruit can be harvested simultaneously at once , but if it can not be done simultaneously 2 times . The first plucked the fruit that are old , the second all the rest picked them all at once . All three after the leaves have started to dry because the fruit is not growing anymore then the fruit should be picked.8.4 . Production forecastThe production of each tree watermelon there should be restrictions on his results , so it can be estimated that the number of production . Naturally , the number ranged between 2-3 pieces of fruit per tree ( 1 fruit on the tree branches and 2 pieces on the main trunk of the tree ) , with a weight of 6-8 kg of fruit per tree ± .9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionCollecting harvest until ready for the market , should be sought as possible to avoid damaging the fruit , so it will affect the quality of the fruit and the selling price . Fruit quality is affected a degree of maturity that is right , because it will affect the quality of the taste , aroma and appearance of the fruit flesh , with perfect moisture content .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationThis classification is usually dependent on the monitoring and market demand . Sorting and classification watermelon performed in several classes , among others :1 ) Class A : weight = 4 kg , the physical condition is perfect , not too ripe .2 ) Class B : ± 2-4 kg weight , physical condition is perfect , not too ripe .3 ) Class C : weight < 2 kg , perfect physical condition , not too ripe .9.3 . storageWatermelon fruit storage at wholesaler level ( while waiting for a better price ) is performed as follows :1 ) Storage at low temperatures around 4.4 degrees C , and the humidity between 80-85 % ;2 ) storage in controlled atmosphere ( a way of setting the levels of O2 and CO2 levels assuming oxygen or increase levels of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , can reduce the respiration process ;3 ) Storage in a room without temperature control : a short-term storage by giving a thick mat of hay as much as 10-15 cm with 4-5 layers arranged and each lapisnya given hay.9.4 . Packaging and TransportationIn order to maintain the quality of the fruit is always a good condition until the final destination is done packaging with the packing process correctly and carefully .1 ) . Uses standard fruit place to facilitate the transport .2 ) . Protecting fruit from mechanical damage during transport can be avoided .3 ) . Affixed with a label on the container , especially about the quality and weight of the fruit .9.5 . Other handlingMarketing is one of the important factor , it is necessary to note the value of the price and distribution channels ranging from producers ( farmers ) to consumers . The more quickly consumed the higher the selling price . Marketing is usually done through a contract system with a lower price , or through several stages ( such as producers , collectors , retailers ) .
4 . PLANTING CENTERWatermelon is widely cultivated in countries like China , Japan , India and the surrounding countries of . Sentra planting in Indonesia located in Central Java ( Yogyakarta , Magelang regency and Kulon Progo Regency ) ; in West Java ( Indramayu , Karawang ) ; in East Java ( Banyuwangi , Malang ) ; and in Lampung , with an average production of 30 tonnes / ha / year .5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) Theoretically rainfall ideal for watermelon growing areas is 40-50 mm / month .2 ) The whole watermelon planting area needs sunlight from sunrise to sink . Lack of sunlight causes deterioration harvest time .3 ) Plant watermelon will be able to grow and bear fruit at the optimum temperature of ± 25 degrees C ( during the day ) .4 ) The ideal air temperature bagipertumbuhan watermelon plant is the average daily temperature in the range of 20-30 mm .5 ) Humidity tends to be low when the sun shines plantation , dry air is a poor means of water vapor . These conditions are suitable for plant growth watermelon , because watermelon plants in the region of origin of life in the desert environment of temperate dry . On the contrary ,moisture is too high will encourage the growth of fungi plant destroyer .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) The soil is suitable for growing watermelons is a fairly loose soil , rich in organic matter , not the acidic soil and garden soil / paddy fields that have been dried .2 ) soil acidity ( pH ) is required between 6 to 6.7 . If pH < 5.5 ( acidic soil ) then held liming with doses adjusted to the soil acidity .3 ) Land suitable for watermelon plant is a porous soil ( nest ) so easy to get rid of excess water , but the soil is too easy to throw the water is not good for growing watermelons .5.3 . The altitudeElevation ideal for planting watermelon acreage is : 100-300 m above sea level . The fact that watermelon can be planted in areas near the coast yan has an altitude below 100 m above sea level and over the hills with a height of more than 300 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements SeedThe selection of the type of watermelon seeds are planted is : Hybrid import , especially triploid seed types ( non- seed ) which has a very hard seed coat and the type of Haploid ( seed ) .2 ) Preparation of SeedHybrid seeds imported types , especially types of triploid seeds after been prepared tools to cut / loosen slightly stretched because without the seed is difficult to germinate , aids in the form of nail clippers that have long triangular shape is small and provided little place that has a wide surface . Haploid type easily sown as seeds are not hard so easily divide at the time of germination .3 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueWatermelon seeding technique is done through several stages , namely :a) Extensional seeds watermelon seeds advance in order to facilitate the growth process ;b ) Soaking the seeds in a mixed unit of drug ingredients : 1 quart of warm water temperature of 20-25 degrees C ; 1 teaspoon hormone ( Atornik , Menedael , Abitonik ) ; 1 tablespoon pressed fungicide ( an antifungal drug ) such as : Difoldhan 4T , Dacosnil 75 WP , Benlate ; 0.5 teaspoons pressed bactericidal ( Agrept 25 WP ) . After soaking 10-30 minutes , removed and drained until the water stops flowing and the seeds are ready to germinate .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingThe bags are put in a row seedbed that full sunlight from sunrise to sink . Given a transparent plastic protection similar to a mini greenhouse and open with one end open edges . Fertilization is carried out through the leaves to spur developmentseeds mixed with drugs , done routinely every 3 days. At 14 days , the seeds were transferred to the field has matured and is ready for planting the seed .5) Change SeedAfter seeding seed germination is done using plastic kantongkantong size : 12 cm x ( 0.2 to 0.3 ) mm . One bag of seed planted ( corner cut enough pockets for the reduction of residual water ) and filled with a mixture of soil organic fertilizer composition : 1 part garden soil , 1part compost / topsoil , 1 part manure that has been cooked . After 12-14 days old seedlings and have leafy strands 2-3 , moved into growing areas that have been processed .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationWhen the former garden area , needs to be cleaned from the previous crop is still growing . When former rice fields , dried up the soil first few days it was easy hoe , then studied soil pH .2 ) Land OpeningLand planted with ground reversal done to destroy the ground up into chunks evenly . Stump trunk / network plant roots earlier dumped out of the area , and also any type of rock that is thrown away , so it does not affectdevelopment of watermelon plants to be planted in the area .3 ) Establishment of BedsWatermelon plants need beds so that water contained in the soil d easily flows out through the drainage channels are made . Number of beds depending on the desired number of rows planted by the grower ( form double rows of beds , beds that run across the areaplanting ) . Beds 7-8 feet wide , depending on the thickness of thin and high beds ( minimum 20 cm high beds ) .4 ) LimingDone by assigning the type of agricultural lime which they contain elements of calcium ( Ca ) and Magnesium ( Mg ) which is neutralizing the acidity of the soil and neutralize toxic metal ions contained in the soil . With lime carbonate / dolomite lime . The use of lime per 1,000 m2 land at pH 4-5required 150-200 kg of dolomite , between pH 5-6 to 75-150 kg dolomite needed and pH > 6 takes dolomite as much as 50 kg .5 ) FertilizationFertilizer used is organic manure and artificial fertilizer . Used manure is manure from animals cow / buffalo manure and selected mature . Manure is useful to help restore the soil less fertile , with a dose of 2 kg / beds . The trick , sprinkled evenly around the rows of beds . The fertilizer consists of : ( a) Fertilizers consisting of Macro elements nitrogen , phosphorus , calcium ( made from ZA, TSP and KCl ) ; ( b ) Fertilizers consisting of Micro Calcium ( Ca ) Magnesium ( Mg ) Mangaan ( Mn ) , Iron ( Fe ) , sulfur ( S ) ,Copper ( Cu ) , Zinc ( Zn ) Boron ( Bo ) and molybdenum ( Mo ) . Fertilizer , is sold under several brands such as Mikroflex , Microsil etc. . Its use , mixed 1 % anti stem borer .6 ) OtherPhase smoothing and leveling chunk of land on the side of the pad where the planting beds watermelon made with a hoe . In the central part , as a basis of fruit on the bed , flattened and above this layer of dry straw given to the propagation of watermelon and fruit laying . Beds need to be weeded , watered and covered with dry straw and 2-3 cm thick plastic mulch with a width of 110-150 cm plastic so that water evaporation and inhibit weed growth . The use of plastic is more advantageous because it is more durable , up to 8-12 months in an open area ( 2-3 times the period of cultivation ) . residual plasticsilver color that reflects sunlight and indirectly help the plants get plenty of sunlight for growth.6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Plant PatternA watermelon plant crops with monoculture .2 ) Hole Making PlantPlanting seeds of watermelon on field land , after the nursery was 14 days and has grown leaf ± 2-3 pieces . While waiting for the seed cavities large enough done on land with a depth of 8-10 cm . Preparation of cropland perforation was performed 1 week before the seeds removedashore . Within 20-30 cm from the edge of the beds with the distance between the hole about 80-100 cm / depending on the thickness of beds . Land covered with plastic mulch , the necessary tools of the size of paint cans that were given 1 kg of holes adapted to the given conditions of seedbed soil pit.3 ) How PlantingAfter perforation , mass planting area watered so that the soil is ready for planting seedlings receive up to inundate an area about ¾ high beds , and left until the water is absorbed. Before soaking the planted seedlings , seedlings for easy release of the existing use of plastic bags . Immunization step is done by soaking for 5-10 minutes with a mixture of drug solution . The composition of the drug consists of : 1 teaspoon hormone Atonik , Abitonik , dekamon , menedael , 1 teaspoon flour pressed bactericide , fungicide 1 teaspoon pressed powder / flour ( Berlate , Dithane M - 45 , Daconiel ) .Planting sequence is as follows :a) Plastic bags are carefully taken so that the roots are not damaged .b ) Planting the ground position and insert the bag into the hole that has been preparedc ) The cracks pit covered with soil that has been preparedd ) The hole remaining plants covered with soil and watered a little water to blend with the soil media around the seed can be united without remaining .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingWatermelon plants aged 3-5 days to consider , if it grows too heavy / death made replanting plants / replaced with new seedlings that had been prepared from the seed reserves . Thinning when the plants are too bushy by pruning the leaves and stems are not necessary , becauseblocking sunlight which helps the development of the plant .2 ) WeedingWatermelon plants just enough to have two pieces , with settings that are likely many primary branches . Maintained 2-3 secondary branches without cutting twigs . Need weeding useless twigs , ends trimmed and secondary branches are left 2 leaves . Secondary branches that grow on existing roads because they interfere with the growth of fruit harvestedfruit . Setting the main branch and the primary branches so that all the leaves on each branch does not overlap , so that the uneven distribution of light , which affects both the growth of the tree / fruit .3 ) PembubunanLand watermelon planting soil so that the roots do pembubunan maximally absorb food and planting is done after a few days .4 ) PerempalanDone sorting through and making the young shoots that are not useful because it affects the growth of trees / fruit growing watermelon . Perempelan done to reduce the plant is too leba a result many young shoots are less than helpful .5 ) FertilizationOrganic fertilizer before planting when not all absorbed , then the subsequent fertilization adapted to growth phase . In vegetative growth necessary foliar fertilizer ( Topsil D ) , the phase formation and ripening fruit TOPSIS B fertilization required to improve the quality of the fruit produced . Leaves mixed with fertilizer and fungicide sprayed insekstisida the same routine . The spraying is done as follows :a) Foliar fertilizer given at 7 , 14 , 21 , 28 and 35 days after planting ;b ) Fertilizers fruit given at 45 and 55 days after planting ;c ) ZA and NPK ( ratio 1:1 ) was performed 21 days after planting as many as 300 ml , 25 days after planting as many as 400 ml and 55 days after planting as much as 400 ml .6 ) Irrigation and WateringIrrigation system used Farrow Irrigation system : the water flowed through the channel between the beds , the frequency of water in the dry season of 4-6 days with no excessive irrigation volume . When the well water pump ( diesel water ) watering is done with the help of plastic tubing large enough to be faster . Watermelon plants need water constantly and not short of water .7 ) Time Pesticide SprayingIn addition to foliar fertilizers , and fungicides insktisida , there are other drugs that ZPZ ( aphrodisiac plants ) ; grading materials and adhesives fertilizer macro ( Pm ) is a liquid . PGR Dose : 7.5 cc , Agristik : 7.5 cc and Metallic ( Pm ) : 10 14-17 cc for each liter of solvent . Spraying a mixture of old plants were performed after > 20 days in the land . Furthermore done once every 5 days up to 70 days of age .Spraying is done with a sprayer to areas that are not too wide and the use of diesel -powered engine when thousands of acres of land area . Spraying is done in the morning and evening depending on the needs and weather conditions .8 ) Other MaintenanceSelection of candidates is a piece of work that is important to obtain good quality ( fruit weight is quite large , located between 1.0-1.5 m from plant roots ) , which is close to the candidates fruit rooting plants are small due to the relatively young age ( size of eggs chicken in good form andnot disabled ) . Each plant takes 1-2 pieces of fruit a candidate , the rest in the barbershop . Each candidate ± 2 kg fruit is often reversed in order to avoid poor color due to inequality in the sun , so the colors are less attractive and lower the selling price of the fruit itself .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pestWatermelon crop pests can be classified into 2 groups : pest -resistant and resistant to peptisida . Pests resistant to pesticides ( Aphids , forms such as fleas ) , usually colored pale green , bergelombol life , not winged , and easy to breed . Symptoms that occur berberecak yellow leaves , stunted growth . Control is done with non-chemical and chemical medicines . The second pests are pests that are resistant to pesticides such as : rats , pets ( cats , dogs and chickens ) . Pengendallian : keeping the embankment is always clean , set up the fence surrounding the plant , the installation of an instrument that produces sounds when the wind and held guard rotation .1 ) ThripsSmall slender , pale yellow -black , has a jointed body tentacle . Mode of transmission is wandering at night , settle and breed . Control of crop spraying insecticide solution until wet and uneven .2 ) caterpillar destroyer leavesGreen with black stripe / green striped yellow , sign up to stay edible leaf attack the wax layer and visible from a distance like a hole. Control : performed in non- chemical and chemical .3 ) MitesSmall animal red yellowish / greenish small sap sucking , defend themselves by biting and stinging . The sign , looked nets these animals nest under leaf surface , the color of the leaves will be pale . Control : performed non-chemical andwith pesticides .4 ) Black cutwormBerbintik-bintik/bergaris-garis black , body length of 2-5 cm , active damage and move at night . Attack the leaves , especially young shoots , adult caterpillar prey base of the plant . Control : ( 1 ) planting simultaneously on adjacent areas to break the life cycle of pests and moths surrounding nest eradication ; ( 2 ) chemical control , with drugs in accordance with the rules of planting watermelon .5 ) white lice and fruit fliesThe characteristics of the wing has a transparent yellow with bercakbercak and have trunks . Attack signs : there is a scar on the skin of fruit ( such as the proboscis puncture ) , flavorful flesh visible bruises and slightly sour . Control : performed in non- chemical ( cleaningenvironment, especially on the skin of fruit , soil pests reversed the former plowed / hoed ) . Chemically : with drugs .7.2 . disease1 ) Fusarium wiltCause : environment / situation that allows the fungus to grow ( air is too humid ) . Symptoms : arise rot in plants that had been dense and lush , would gradually . Control : ( 1 ) is non chemically with the rotation period of planting and maintaining environmental conditions , planting in new areasfallow , or planted a seed that has been soaked in drugs ; ( 2 ) chemically spraying fungicide ingredients periodically .2 ) Leaf spotsCause : wind-borne spores germs from other plants are attacked . Symptoms : leaf surface are patches of yellow to brown and then eventually dry up and die , or are subtly colored tassels abu-abu/ungu . Control : ( 1 ) non chemical such as fusarium wilt ; ( 2 ) plants sprayed with fungicide Dithane M consisting of 45 doses of 1.8 to 2.4 grams / liter ; Delsene MX 200 at a dose of 2-4 grams / liter , 65 Wp Trimoltix dose of 2-3 grams / liter and Daconil 75 WP doses of 1-1.5 grams / liter .3 ) AntraknosaCause : such as Fusarium wilt disease . Symptoms: The leaves look brown spots that eventually turn a reddish color and the leaves finally die . When attacking fruit , pink dots appear which gradually expanding . Control : ( 1 ) conducted a case of non-chemicalFusarium wilt disease control ; ( 2 ) using Velimex 80 WP fungicide dose of 2-2.5 g / liter of water .4 ) seedling rotAttacking the seed being planted . Symptoms : brown seed stems , vines and fall then die . Control : seeds soaked in Benlate 20 WP drug dose of 1-2 grams / liter of water and Difolathan 44 FF dose of 1-2 cc / liter of water .5 ) Rotten FruitCauses : fungal / bacterial pathogen that infects the fruit before cooking and active after start -picked fruit . Control : avoid skin damage and prevent the occurrence of fruit , either during transport or storage , fruit picking is done at any time during the day is not cloudy / rainy .6 ) Rust leafThe cause : a virus that is carried by pest plants growing on the leaves of plants . Symptoms : leaf blister , pinto , tend to change shape , and dwarf plants arise longitudinal fracture in the trunk . Control : same as fusarium wilt disease . Have not found the right medicine , soplants are already affected should be , so that is not contagious to healthy plants .7.3 . weedsIn addition to disruption by pests and diseases , disorders are also caused by deficiency / excess nutrients affect plant growth and development . Watermelon trees are advantages and disadvantages of these nutrients , suffer due to weeds ( weeds ) .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestAge harvested after 70-100 days after planting . Characteristics : after the change of color of the fruit , and the fruit begins to diminish the stem of the fruit can be picked ( harvested ) . Weather affected the harvest , and the type of seeds ( hybrid type / types of triploids , and the type of stone fruit ) .8.2 . How to HarvestIn picking the fruit to be harvested should be done when the weather is sunny and cloudy so the fruit in dry conditions the skin surface , and hold for penyimpananan or in the hands of the retailers . Should be done along with the watermelon cutting the stems .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done in several periods . If the fruit can be harvested simultaneously at once , but if it can not be done simultaneously 2 times . The first plucked the fruit that are old , the second all the rest picked them all at once . All three after the leaves have started to dry because the fruit is not growing anymore then the fruit should be picked.8.4 . Production forecastThe production of each tree watermelon there should be restrictions on his results , so it can be estimated that the number of production . Naturally , the number ranged between 2-3 pieces of fruit per tree ( 1 fruit on the tree branches and 2 pieces on the main trunk of the tree ) , with a weight of 6-8 kg of fruit per tree ± .9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionCollecting harvest until ready for the market , should be sought as possible to avoid damaging the fruit , so it will affect the quality of the fruit and the selling price . Fruit quality is affected a degree of maturity that is right , because it will affect the quality of the taste , aroma and appearance of the fruit flesh , with perfect moisture content .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationThis classification is usually dependent on the monitoring and market demand . Sorting and classification watermelon performed in several classes , among others :1 ) Class A : weight = 4 kg , the physical condition is perfect , not too ripe .2 ) Class B : ± 2-4 kg weight , physical condition is perfect , not too ripe .3 ) Class C : weight < 2 kg , perfect physical condition , not too ripe .9.3 . storageWatermelon fruit storage at wholesaler level ( while waiting for a better price ) is performed as follows :1 ) Storage at low temperatures around 4.4 degrees C , and the humidity between 80-85 % ;2 ) storage in controlled atmosphere ( a way of setting the levels of O2 and CO2 levels assuming oxygen or increase levels of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , can reduce the respiration process ;3 ) Storage in a room without temperature control : a short-term storage by giving a thick mat of hay as much as 10-15 cm with 4-5 layers arranged and each lapisnya given hay.9.4 . Packaging and TransportationIn order to maintain the quality of the fruit is always a good condition until the final destination is done packaging with the packing process correctly and carefully .1 ) . Uses standard fruit place to facilitate the transport .2 ) . Protecting fruit from mechanical damage during transport can be avoided .3 ) . Affixed with a label on the container , especially about the quality and weight of the fruit .9.5 . Other handlingMarketing is one of the important factor , it is necessary to note the value of the price and distribution channels ranging from producers ( farmers ) to consumers . The more quickly consumed the higher the selling price . Marketing is usually done through a contract system with a lower price , or through several stages ( such as producers , collectors , retailers ) .
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