Sunday, April 6, 2014

tomato juice, avocado and carrot appetite stimulant and improves the child's weight

In its infancy , many complaints of difficult children eat . Children generally play more and eat less , so that the stored energy is reduced and weight loss . Although the child is not sick , parents need to improve his diet .With a good diet , the body's natural enzyme deficiency can be resolved so that the food can be digested properly entered . Giving tomato juice is a good choice to improve appetite in children . In addition, the avocado juice and carrot juice regularly given to help improve the child's weight .

tomato juice
material- 100 grams of tomatoes , cut into pieces- Water lime juice- Honey to taste- 100 ml of lukewarm water
How to MakeMix the tomatoes , lemon juice , honey , and water , then puree using a blender . Serve .
Avocado juice
material- 100 grams of ripe avocado , take the flesh- Honey to taste- Sugar to taste red- 50 ml of lukewarm water
How to MakeMix all ingredients and puree using a blender .How to DrinkDrink this juice every day interspersed with other juices .
Carrot juicematerial- 100 grams of carrots , peeled , cut into small sizes
How to MakeWash and cut carrots , then puree using a juice extractor .
How to DrinkDrink this juice every day with the juice interspersed with other

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