Tuesday, April 8, 2014

cultivation of spinach

spinach ( Amaranthus spp . ) Is a vegetable that has green leaves , this plant has chlorophyll content and high iron . This plant is cultivated very easy and does not require an expensive cost . However if the vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals it has cultivated a good business prospects because in addition to requiring land that is not too broad a hefty price too expensive in urban areas . These vegetables can be grown all year round in altitudes up to 1000 m above sea level with sufficient irrigation .
If the authors observe , spinach stock unplug for traditional markets and modern markets ( super market ) is still lacking . This is evident from the price of spinach unplug relatively expensive per strapped him . Moreover, unplug the spinach is very possible and easy to organically grown , because these plants have not suffered an attack of pests and diseases that can lead to severe crop failure . In addition to spinach unplug fertilizer demand is also very minimal ( just enough organic fertilizer ) . Because of the two reasons above it is possible for us to pull the production of organic spinach
Actually there are 3 types of plant spinach : Spinach disconnect ( red trunks also a whitish green ) . Spinach quotation ( more upright growth and broad-leaved , dark green leaf color and there is a reddish color ) . And the last is removed and the usual Spinach can also be picked ( type of spinach is grown up, big leafy green -gray ) . For further discussion we will focus on pull spinach .
Cultivation Method :

Seed . Spinach developed through seed . Spinach seeds were used as seeds to be quite old ( + 3 months ) . Seeds were young , the old and the shelf is not a low germination rate . Old spinach seeds can be stored for one year . Spinach seeds have no dormancy and seed needs is as much as 5-10 pounds per acre or 0.5 to 1 g/m2 .
Land preparation . Land dug as deep as 20-30 cm so loose . Furthermore, make the beds with the longitudinal direction of the West to the East in order to get full light . The width of the beds should be 100 cm, height 30 cm and length according to the condition of the land . Distance of 30 cm between beds .
Fertilization . After the flattened beds , 3 days before planting provide basic fertilizer ( chicken manure manure ) at a dose of 20,000 kg / ha or fermented organic compost ( fermented chicken manure ) at a dose of 4 kg/m2 . As a starter add Urea 150 kg / ha ( 15 g/m2 ) mixed with water and sprayed to the plants on the afternoon of 10 days after sowing the seeds , if necessary, give 3 liters of liquid fertilizer / ha ( 0.3 ml/m2 ) at age 2 weeks after sowing .
Planting / Sowing Seeds . Can be done in two ways , namely : Stocked directly on the beds , the seeds are mixed with manure that has been destroyed and stocked evenly over the beds . Can also be mixed with sand . The second can be stocked in the array / row with a distance of 10-15 cm , then covered with a layer of soil .
Maintenance . Spinach can produce well always be maintained as long as soil fertility , for example with regular organic fertilization and adequacy of water , for young plants ( up to one week after planting ) 4 l/m2/hari need water and nearly mature plants need water is about 8 l / m2/day .
Control of Plant Pest Organisms ( OPT ) . Types of pests that commonly attack plants including spinach leaf caterpillars , aphids , leaf penggorok and grasshoppers . The disease is often found is damping-off ( Rhizoctonia solani ) and white rust disease ( Albugo sp . ) . For pest control using pesticides which are safer pesticides or pesticide plant biology course
Harvest . Spinach unplug usually harvested when the plant height of about 20 cm , ie at the age of 3 to 4 weeks after planting . This plant can be revoked by the roots or cut roots .
Post-Harvest . Place the new spinach crop in the shade or soak the roots in water and delivery of products as soon as possible to maintain freshness .

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