( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill . ) Comes from the Aztec language , one
of the Indian tribes that xitomate or xitotomate . Tomato
plants originated from countries of Peru and Ecuador , then spread to
the rest of America , mainly to the temperate regions of the tropics ,
as weeds . The spread of the tomato plants to birds who ate tomatoes and feces scattered everywhere . The spread of the tomato to Europe and Asia conducted by the Spanish . Tomatoes grown in Indonesia after the arrival of the Dutch . Thus , tomato plants are distributed throughout the world , both in the tropics and subtropics .
Tomato plants including crops about 4 months old . Of the many varieties of tomatoes are there , which is tomato farmers planted many varieties jewel , diamond , precious 206 , kingkong and diamonds . While the results of the survey that has been conducted in the field varieties used are varieties Artaloka .
Tomatoes are very beneficial for the body because it contains vitamins and minerals needed for growth and health . Tomatoes also contain carbohydrates , proteins , fats and calories . Tomatoes are also multipurpose commodity which serves as vegetables , spices , fruit table , appetite enhancer , drinks , food dyes , until the ingredients of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals .
Appropriate climate for growth :
Rainfall is suitable for the growth of tomato plants is 750 mm - 1250 mm / year . This situation is closely related to soil water availability for plants , especially in areas where there are no technical irrigation . High rainfall ( rain ) can also inhibit persarian .
Lack of sunlight causes tomato plants susceptible to disease , both parasitic and non- parasitic . High intensity sunlight will produce vitamin C and carotene ( provitamin A ) higher . Maximum absorption of nutrients by tomato plants will be achieved if the lighting for 12-14 hours / day , while the desired light intensity is mj/m2 0.25 per hour .
Temperatures average daily optimal for the growth of tomato plants is a daytime temperature of 18-29 degrees C at night and 10-20 degrees C.
High relative humidity around 25 % will stimulate the growth of young tomato plants because of CO2 assimilation for the better through the stomata open more . However , high relative humidity also stimulates micro plant pests .
Growing Media
Tomato plants can be grown in all types of soil , from sand to clay soil sandy fertile , friable , contains a lot of organic matter and nutrients and easy merembeskan water . In addition the roots of tomato plants susceptible to oxygen deprivation , therefore should not be stagnant water .
Land of the degree of acidity ( pH ) ranged from 5.5-7.0 is suitable for tomato cultivation .
In the cultivation of tomatoes , preferably chosen location flat topography of the land , so it does not need to be made terraces and embankments .
The altitude
Tomato plants can grow in a variety of altitude, in both the highlands and the lowlands , depending on varieties . Tomato plants suitable for planting in the highlands for example varieties of diamond , pearl varieties , varieties kada . While suitable varieties grown in lowland varieties eg diamond , jewel varieties , varieties of diamond , LV varieties , varieties CLN . In addition , there are varieties of tomato plants are suitable to be planted in lowland and upland varieties include tomato GH 2 , GH 4 tomato varieties , varieties of diamond , pearl varieties .
Seeds or tomato seeds that have been chosen before the planted disinfected . How, by soaking seed fungicide and insecticide solution kedalan microorganisms that can cause disease die .
Direct seeding can be done in poly bags that have been filled in growing media such as soil and manure in the ratio of 1:1 . Each bag is filled polybag only one seed and cultivate the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm . After sowing , seedling media should be moistened with water
During early growth , maintenance of plant seedlings in the nursery should be done intensively with continuous monitoring . Maintenance includes activities seedlings :
Watering is done since the seeds were sown into nursery beds until the plants are ready to be moved into the garden . Watering is done 2 times a day , ie morning and afternoon . Watering should be done by using the tool / hype that has a smooth hole , so as not to damage the seeds or new plants that have been grown .
Weeding can be done by directly pulling weeds without equipment . Weeding should be done only as necessary to see the state of the plant .
In addition to the nursery media given manure , chemical fertilizers should also be given as an additional fertilizer NPK sufficiently given after the seeds grow into seedlings .
Prevention and eradication of pests
Pests that commonly attack seeds or seedlings in the nursery class derived from insects , such as ants and nematodes groups , such as earthworms . Disease that often attacks from the class of fungi . To prevent the development of pests and diseases can be done sterilizing the soil . To combat pests and diseases that attack can be sprayed drugs . Insecticides to eradicate insect pests of the class and fungicides to combat diseases caused by fungi group . The names of formulations that can be used include Furadan 3 g , Dithane Hostathion and Antracol .
Seed removal
Tomato seedlings can be moved into the garden after the age of 30-45 days in the nursery . At the time of planting to the garden , the selection should be done again on the seeds that have been aged 30-45 days in order to obtain good plant growth and has high productivity in producing fruit . To that end , the selected seed should be good-looking and well . , Namely the appearance of fresh and undamaged leaves . Choose a strong seedlings , which grow upright and choose healthy seedlings , meaning seeds are not attacked by pests and diseases .
A good time to plant tomato seedlings in the garden is early morning or late afternoon . At that time the weather is not hot so as to prevent kelayuan in plants .
When moving the seedlings in the garden , should pay attention to the ways that is good and right . Careless transplanting can damage plant roots , so that when the seeds have been planted then will experience obstacles in growth and even death .
Seedlings were planted in polybags removal way is to first wet the soil in a polybag , then remove the seeds from the soil along with polybag polybag bag tore .
Media Processing Plant
Land preparation for planting seeds in the garden production must take into account the time , among others the length of seedlings in the nursery to be planted into the garden can be moved to the duration of the processing of the ground until ready to plant . The length of time the nursery about 30-45 days , while the length of intensive tillage until ready for planting is 21 days . Therefore , in order to timely planting in the garden , the soil treatment schedule should be done 1-2 weeks after seed sown .
Intensive tillage basically through three stages .
The first stage is flipped so that the soil aggregate land located in the deep layers can be lifted to the surface . Ground processing stage should be done with a plow drawn by animal power or by using a tractor . Land cultivated to a depth of 25 cm - 30 cm . Once plowed , the soil is left for 1 week blocks of land that piracy results quite exposed to wind , sunlight , and that a process of oxidation ( acidification ) of toxic substances such as hydrogen sulfide in the soil which is very harmful to plant life .
The second stage , by means of hoeing the soil digemburkan thinly so obtained structure or loose soil crusts , as well as to flatten it . Furthermore , the processing of this stage of land left for 1 week .
The third stage , the basic fertilization with manure that cook as much as 15-20 tonnes / ha . Manure application is not yet ripe can affect plant growth , can even kill plants because the roots of the plants would not hold heat . At this stage , the land that has been sprinkled with manure dug back thin and flattened .
After the tillage is done, the next made beds of East West longitudinal direction so that the spread of the light of the sun can be evenly distributed throughout the plant . Besides making of beds , also made the trenches or ditches for irrigation . Beds can be made as wide as the width of 1-1.2 m , length of tune with the land and raised beds 30 cm high . When planting tomatoes done in the rainy season , the beds can be made as high as 40-45 cm . While the size of the trench made 20-30 cm wide and 30 cm deep . Thus the distance between beds is 20-30 cm . Then in round patches of beds made drainage channels with width 50 cm , and 50 cm depth .
Another thing to consider in land management or land preparation is liming on soils that are too acidic and not in accordance with the requirements of growing plants . Calcification is given in conjunction with the current tillage, because plant roots are generally not robust against calcification directly , plants may suffer from growth disorders can even die . Chalk that can be used is calcium oxide , lime carbonate , or limestone walls . Calcification , in addition to raising the soil pH value can also improve soil structure , encouraging the activity of soil microorganisms in helping the process of decomposition of soil organic matter and decrease toxic substances without eliminating essential substances other . Liming dose should pay attention to the local soil pH value .
Before the tomato plants are planted , the land should be given a basic fertilizer . Compost or manure that has become ground and TSP sown evenly throughout the bed. Furthermore , the soil dug up in order homogeneous compost or manure and TSP evenly mixed with the soil .
Today the use of silver - black plastic as a mulch ( ground cover ) has been widely used by farmers . The use of black plastic mulch - silver as is more practical than the use of the remains of dead plants , such as rice straw .
Planting techniques
Spacing of this system is 50 cm x 50 cm or 60 cm x 60 cm , square or an equilateral triangle . How to grow with this system means that the shoots that grow taken ( cut ) as early as possible , so that the plant has only one trunk without branches .
Beds that have been prepared for planting , the day before should be watered beforehand so wet . Then in beds that have been closed plastic mulch made the planting hole with a diameter of 7-8 cm deep as 15 cm . Planting holes are made in accordance with a predetermined spacing . Planting can be done in the dry season and the rainy season . The mulch should be already installed in the seedbed before seedlings are planted .
Stitching is replacing dead plants , broken or abnormal growth , such as stunted growth . Stitching should be done a week after planting . But if one week has seen the presence of dead plants , wilted , damaged or abnormal growth , replanting should be done immediately . Another thing that also must be considered in the stitching are the seeds used . Seeds used for embroidery is taken from the seed reserves that had been prepared in conjunction with another seed instead of seed reserves .
How penyulamannya is when the plants are dead, damaged , faded , or abnormal growth is not revoked , then created a new planting hole place the previous crop , cleaned and given Furadan 0.5 grams when deemed necessary . After that , new seedlings are planted in a manner where the previous crop planting earlier .
Weeds growing on tomato planting area should be weeded so as not to be a competitor in sucking nutrients . Weeds are too many nutrients that will reduce tomato plants become stunted . Weeds can also be pests and diseases that will attack tomato plants . Plastic mulch or leaves would reduce weeds .
Time weeding can be done 3-4 times depending on the condition of the garden .
Axillary buds growing on the leaves must be dirempel / trimmed so as not to be a branch . Perempalan performed 1 week later than once . At the height of tomato plants is limited , perempalannya must be done carefully so as not participating dirempel last shoots of plants that are not too short .
Perempalan good done in the morning so that scars rempalan dry quickly in a way : the tip of the shoot is held with clean hands , then moved right to left until the buds off . If merempel late , great buds and branches would be difficult to break up .
Shoots are already a large branches should be cut with a sharp knife or scissors are clean .
Height of tomato plants can be limited by cutting the tip of the plant when the fruit has reached number dompolan 5-7 pieces .
Fertilization aims to stimulate plant growth . Fertilizer ordinances are :
After about 1 week of living plants after planting , should be given artificial fertilizers . Fertilizer can be provided through kocoran NPK with dose 4-5 g / liter of water and 1 cup aqua awarded each rod .
Second fertilization is done when the old plants 2-3 weeks after planting
When at the age of 4 weeks the plants still seem not to be cultivated fertile again
Water needs in the cultivation of tomato plants is not too much , but it should not be a shortage of water . Giving excessive water in the area of tomato plants can cause plants to grow tomatoes lengthwise , is unable to absorb nutrients and susceptible to disease . High soil moisture can encourage the growth and development of tomato plant pathogen that can die of poisoning due to reduced oxygen content in the soil . The pores are filled with water urged oxygen out of the soil so that the soil becomes anaerobic oxidation processes that lead turned into a process of reduction . Such soil conditions cause loss of interest and cause excessive vegetative growth , thereby reducing the growth and development generative ( fruit ) .
Prolonged water shortages in the plantation may interfere with the growth of tomato plants in early stadia , resulting in cracks in the fruit when water shortages occur in the formation stadia results and may cause loss of interest if a water shortage occurs during the flowering period .
Marker installation is intended to prevent the collapse of tomato plants . Things to note :
Marker ( trellis ) made of bamboo or wood with a length of between 100-175 cm , depending on the variety.
Marker installation is done as early as possible , when the young plants are still short roots , so the roots do not break up impaled stake . Root crop injury will facilitate disease entering through wounds . Distance marker with tomato stem ± 10-20 cm .
How to install a variety of stakes , such stakes made perpendicular or both ends of a marker tied to form a triangle . In order not to be eaten by termites , marker smeared with tar or petroleum .
Tomato plants have reached a height of 10-15 cm should be tied to the stake . The binding is important not too tightly tomato plants can stand . The binding is done with the model number 8 so there is no friction between stem tomatoes with stakes that can cause injury . Straps , for example plastic straps must be clean . Each increased height ± 20 cm , must be carried out again in order to stem the binding of tomatoes always stand upright .
Pests and Diseases
Tomato caterpillar ( Heliothis armigera Hubner )
Feature : caterpillar ± 4 cm long and will be getting longer at low temperatures . The color varies from green caterpillar , yellowish green , brownish green , brown to black . On the side there is a caterpillar body wavy lines elongated , colored younger . Look at her body and hairy warts . Eggs are round yellowish shiny and after 2-4 days it turns brown . Moth wing length when stretched ± 4 cm and weigh between 1.5-2.0 cm . The front wings are brown and white rear wing with brown edges . Symptoms : The caterpillars attack the leaves , flowers and fruits of tomato . These caterpillars often make holes in tomatoes sedentary . Fruits are generally exposed to infection perforated so the fruit becomes soft rot . Control : ( 1 ) moth attracted to ultraviolet light so that the light trap is held ; ( 2 ) eggs and caterpillars adapat collected and burned or turned off ; ( 3 ) the edge of the garden planted corn to reduce attacks on tomato plants ; ( 4 ) weeds around the tomato planting area is cleaned ; ( 5 ) sprayed with insecticide Diazinon and Cymbush example .
Green aphids apish
These ticks , including families of the order Hemiptera Aphididae often called aphis tomato , tobacco or aphis potato aphis . The green tick vectors ( dealer ) so that the virus can tomato virus disease . Feature : There are winged lice and there are no wings . Long winged lice between 2-2.5 mm , head and chest black and brown to yellowish green abdomen . Antenna size throughout the body . Lice are wingless length between 1.8 to 2.3 mm yellowish green . Symptoms : tomato leaves were attacked bad shape , curling , stunted , curved downward , like a narrow ribbon , chlorosis , mosaic and leaf becomes brittle . Control : ( 1 ) the use of paper mulch to repel lice because it reflects sunlight ; ( 2 ) wild plants and weeds around the tomato plant area should dibersihakn stimulation may become lice shelter ; ( 3 ) mechanical control can be done by means of the aphis massaged so that the lice die ; ( 4 ) chemical control can be done by spraying insecticides .
Whiteflies ( ticks fog , fleas kepul )
These ticks , including families of the order Hemiptera Aleyrodidae . These fleas when disturbed will be scattered like mist or white kepul . Feature : Long mealybug adults only ± 1 mm yellowish white , waxy white flour covered , have 2 pairs of wings are white with a stretch of ± 2 mm , and red-eyed . Whitefly females are larger than males flies . Eggs elliptical along between 0.2-0.3 mm . Pulp ± 0.7 mm long , oval and flat and her body like scales on the leaves . Symptoms : tomato plants are attacked like white flour covered when held will fly . The attack resulted in stunted plant growth / dwarf , smaller leaves , and roll up . Control : ( 1 ) use of natural enemies of pests , such as some types of wasps that are parasitic flies and some types of white javelins to take the egg white flies ; ( 2 ) weeds around the tomato plants should be cleaned so as not to be a host of white flies ; ( 3 ) virus infected tomato plants should be removed and burned ; ( 4 ) can be given a tomato crop mulch or straw yellow plastic mulch ; ( 5 ) sprayed with Diazinon , Malathion , Azinpos - methyl and others.
Aphids thrips
Aphids, thrips , including families of the order Thysanoptera Thripidae . Feature : thrips between 1-1.2 mm long , black , red or striped red spots . Nymphs ( young thrips ) are white or yellowish white , wingless and sometimes stained red . Winged adult thrips and frilly hair . Thrips egg or oval shaped like a kidney . Symptoms : Thrips suck the liquid on the surface of the leaf where the leaf that has been sucked into a silvery white because the air goes into it . In the event of severe attacks , the leaves become dry and die . Young plants are attacked will wither and die . Control : ( 1 ) water -deficient plants were attacked more thrips . To that end , the tomato plants should be watered with sufficient water ; ( 2 ) weeds in tomato plant area should be cleaned so as not to be a shelter thrips ; ( 3 ) sprayed with insecticides , such as Diazinon , Malathion and Monocrotophos .
fruit flies
This includes family Trypetidae flies ( Tephritidae ) of the order Diptera . Feature : have transparent wings along 5-7 mm , 6-8 mm in body length . Abdomen light brown with dark brown transverse lines , chest dark brown with yellow spots or white . Young grubs are white , but when adults yellowish . ± 1 cm long grubs . This maggot is located in the fruit flesh . Fly eggs chopped into small pieces , ± 1.2 mm in length , tapered at both ends , and white . Symptoms : tomatoes to rot due to a fungus or bacteria . When the fruit is opened it would seem there are white worms . Adult worms yellowish and bouncy to the touch will be as far as ± 30 cm to save themselves . Control : ( 1 ) at the time of plowing , the soil should be reversed and allowed a few days to a few weeks in the sun so that the fly pupae die ; ( 2 ) caught by using bait to lure male flies ; ( 3 ) fruit plucked immediately attacked and burned ; ( 4 ) weeds in tomato planting area should be cleaned .
Mites spotting two
This includes family Tetranychidae mites of the order Acarina , called mites spots on his back because there are two spots that is located slightly to the side and black. These mites feed on a variety of plants ( cosmopolitan and polyphag ) . These mites are reversed leaf surface with spider nests labahnya . These mites can transmit the virus . The attacks may occur during the dry season . Feature : outer shape of an oval -shaped mites , eight-legged , between 0.3-0.4 mm long and pale yellow with black spots on both sides of the back side . His mouth can for piercing and sucking plant fluids . The eggs chopped into small diameter ± 0.15 mm . Symptoms : yellowing leaves and shoots , then become brown and dry . Control : ( 1 ) when the population will be reduced a lot of rain ; ( 2 ) weeds in tomato planting area must be cleaned ; ( 3 ) planting tomato varieties that are resistant mites ; ( 4 ) sprayed with acarisides example , ommittee , Kelthane , Porridge California or blasted with sulfur powder .
red mite
This includes family Tetranychidae mites of the order Acarina . , Called the red mite / pest plant leaves are red with rust-red be attacked . Feature : 8 -legged mites and magnitude of 0.3-0.5 mm . Female mites crimson or brownish red with a few black spots . Foot and mouth look transparent white . Head into the the chest . His mouth can for piercing and sucking fluids from plant cells . Besides the mouth can also bite and sawing . The eggs are small , with a diameter of 0.15 mm , and a pale yellow or slightly reddish . Symptoms : leaves become red patches of rust . Attacks often occur during the dry season . Violent attack led to the plants become stunted . Behind tomato leaves will look fine threads that are woven nest mites . Furthermore , the leaves become dry because the leaves sucked up the liquid . Control : ( 1 ) weeds in tomato planting area need to be cleaned so as not to be a shelter mites ; ( 2 ) planting resistant varieties of tomato red mites ; ( 3 ) naturally , will be devoured by predatory mites , thrips are predators and tiger beetles ; ( 4 ) the mite population will be reduced when a lot of rain; ( 5 ) sprayed with acaricides , for example ommittee , Kelthan , or blasted with sulfur powder .
Nematodes swollen roots
Feature : form root nematode worm-like small ulcers along between 200-1000 m . To observe these pests should be used microscope . In the mouth there is a stylet that is shaped like a pointed needle , to pierce and draw back the liquid in the mouth . Body size of the female nematode little fatter . Symptoms : swollen roots elongated or round , as a result of plant ( root ) would have difficulty taking water from the soil causing chlorosis , leaf color that is not normal , stunted growth , wilting , and a few small pieces and quickly becomes old . This nematode attack can reduce production by 50 % or more . Control : ( 1 ) do crop rotation with Tagetes patula or Tagetes tiophen ercta which produces lethal to nematodes ; ( 2 ) soil dug and left for some time that exposure to sunlight ; ( 3 ) land inundated long enough so that the nematodes die ; ( 4 ) using Nematisida chemicals , such as Furadan , Curater , Petrofur , Indofuran , and Temik ; ( 5 ) planting resistant varieties of tomatoes ; ( 6 ) the affected plants should be removed and burned ; ( 7 ) weeds in areas cleared of plants tomatoes ; ( 8 ) organic fertilizer (manure or compost ) .
Fusarium wilt disease
Infection occurs through the roots , and then attack the network vessels . Xylem tissue attacked turn brown and the attack quickly toward the top. The flow of water to the leaves is inhibited so that the leaves will wilt and turn yellow . This Cendawa forming polypeptide ( likomarasmin ) that interfere with the permeability of the plasma membrane , so that the journey of water from the bottom up stunted . Symptoms : at night until the morning still looked fresh , but after the sun and evaporation , the plants withered . Afternoons may still be fresh again but the next day began to wilt again . Eventually , the plant will wilt die . Control : ( 1 ) planting tomato varieties resistant ( resistant ) ; ( 2 ) given a transparent plastic mulch to increase soil temperature in order to fusarium disease die ; ( 3 ) planting tomato plants in nematode -free soil ; ( 4 ) using a clean tool of wilt disease ; ( 5 ) land that has been cultivated tomato wilt disease of tomatoes should not be planted in a long time and should not be planted tanman included solanase ; ( 6 ) plants wilt should be removed and burned ; ( 7 ) connected with cepokak tomato plants ( Solanum torvum ) , or crank eggplant ( Solanum macrocarpon ) .
Septoria leaf spot
Cause : The fungus Septoria lycopersici Speg . devastating attack leaves and tomato plants are still young or old . Symptoms : watery small round spots visible on both surfaces of the leaves at the bottom . The patches of light brown , later becoming gray with black edges . The center line of spotting ± 2 mm . Violent attacks causing tomato leaf curl , dry up and fall off . Control : ( 1 ) weeds and the rest of the tomato plants that have died cleared and burned , not buried in the ground ; ( 2 ) do crop rotation , by planting other crops of different families ; ( 3 ) planting resistant tomato plants ; ( 4 ) sprayed with fungicide for example , zineb and maneb .
Leaf mold disease
Cause : The fungus Fulvia fulva ( Cke ) Cif . or call Cladosporum fulvus Cke . Symptoms : initially visible on the upper leaf surface are pale spots ( chlorosis ) Under chlorotic area , behind the leaves , spores are formed early dove-colored then become brown or yellowish green . This disease first attacks the lower leaves , then spread to the upper leaves and whole plants attacked and eventually die . Control : ( 1 ) planting resistant tomato plants ; ( 2 ) do not grow during the rainy season ; ( 3 ) sprayed with a fungicide , such as Mancozeb ( Dithane M - 45 ) , Benemyl ; ( 4 ) Biological control can use brevicompactum Penicillium , Trichoderma viride , Hansfordia pulvinata , and Acremonium spp . ; ( 5 ) crop rotation .
Brown spot disease
Cause : Alternaria solani Sor . Symptoms : tomato leaves infested appear rounded or angular brown , with a diameter of 2-4 mm , and brown to black . It becomes necrotic tissue patches that have concentric circle lines . The necrotic tissue surrounded by a yellow circle ( cell chlorosis ) . When the attack raged , spots will enlarge and then coalesce so that the leaves turn yellow , wither and die . Infected flowers will fall . Young or ripe fruit that has become rotten disease , black , and concave , and extends to the whole fruit . The disease usually begins from the base of the fruit ( stem end ) , dark brown and concave , 5-20 mm in diameter and covered in velvety black spore masses . Control : ( 1 ) planting disease-free seed or seed disinfected ; ( 2 ) diseased plants immediately removed and burned ; ( 3 ) the former plant tomatoes , eggplant , potatoes , and plants including Solanase should not be buried in a tomato planting area , but must be collected elsewhere and burned ; ( 4 ) crop rotation ; ( 5 ) watering should use water that is not contaminated with the disease ; ( 6 ) drainage must be set properly so that the plants do not waterlogged ; ( 7 ) weeds in the planting area should be cleaned ; ( 8 ) nursery and planting should not be too tight ; ( 9 ) sprayed with carbamat , zineb or maneb .
Cause : The fungus Phytophthora infestans ( Mont. ) de Bary . Symptoms : tomato leaves infested sam mottled brown , black pie . At first, the end or side of the leaf , just look a few millimeters , but eventually spread across the leaf and petiole . This disease started attacking the base of the fruit , causing spotting watery gray -green to brown . Control : ( 1 ) plants that have been attacked and burned immediately revoked ; ( 2 ) diseased plants should not be buried in a tomato planting area ; ( 3 ) planting resistant tomato varoetas ; ( 4 ) crop rotation ; ( 5 ) soil that has been dug standing for some time that exposure to sunlight ; ( 6 ) sprayed with a fungicide , such as Dithane M - 45 , Difolatan , zineb , propineb , or maneb .
Rhizoctonia fruit rot disease
Cause : The fungus Thanatephorus cucumeris ( Frank ) Donk . Symptoms : emerging small brown sunken spots . These patches enlarge and concentric circles arise . The color becomes dark brown spots and the center often cracked . Control : ( 1 ) irrigation water must be clean and free of disease ; ( 2 ) not planting too deep ; ( 3 ) given the trellis so that the tomatoes do not touch the ground ; ( 4 ) given a transparent plastic mulch ; ( 5 ) planting resistant varieties of tomatoes ; ( 6 ) crop rotation ; ( 7 ) weeds and diseased plant debris should be cleaned and burned ;
Tomato plants including crops about 4 months old . Of the many varieties of tomatoes are there , which is tomato farmers planted many varieties jewel , diamond , precious 206 , kingkong and diamonds . While the results of the survey that has been conducted in the field varieties used are varieties Artaloka .
Tomatoes are very beneficial for the body because it contains vitamins and minerals needed for growth and health . Tomatoes also contain carbohydrates , proteins , fats and calories . Tomatoes are also multipurpose commodity which serves as vegetables , spices , fruit table , appetite enhancer , drinks , food dyes , until the ingredients of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals .
Appropriate climate for growth :
Rainfall is suitable for the growth of tomato plants is 750 mm - 1250 mm / year . This situation is closely related to soil water availability for plants , especially in areas where there are no technical irrigation . High rainfall ( rain ) can also inhibit persarian .
Lack of sunlight causes tomato plants susceptible to disease , both parasitic and non- parasitic . High intensity sunlight will produce vitamin C and carotene ( provitamin A ) higher . Maximum absorption of nutrients by tomato plants will be achieved if the lighting for 12-14 hours / day , while the desired light intensity is mj/m2 0.25 per hour .
Temperatures average daily optimal for the growth of tomato plants is a daytime temperature of 18-29 degrees C at night and 10-20 degrees C.
High relative humidity around 25 % will stimulate the growth of young tomato plants because of CO2 assimilation for the better through the stomata open more . However , high relative humidity also stimulates micro plant pests .
Growing Media
Tomato plants can be grown in all types of soil , from sand to clay soil sandy fertile , friable , contains a lot of organic matter and nutrients and easy merembeskan water . In addition the roots of tomato plants susceptible to oxygen deprivation , therefore should not be stagnant water .
Land of the degree of acidity ( pH ) ranged from 5.5-7.0 is suitable for tomato cultivation .
In the cultivation of tomatoes , preferably chosen location flat topography of the land , so it does not need to be made terraces and embankments .
The altitude
Tomato plants can grow in a variety of altitude, in both the highlands and the lowlands , depending on varieties . Tomato plants suitable for planting in the highlands for example varieties of diamond , pearl varieties , varieties kada . While suitable varieties grown in lowland varieties eg diamond , jewel varieties , varieties of diamond , LV varieties , varieties CLN . In addition , there are varieties of tomato plants are suitable to be planted in lowland and upland varieties include tomato GH 2 , GH 4 tomato varieties , varieties of diamond , pearl varieties .
Seeds or tomato seeds that have been chosen before the planted disinfected . How, by soaking seed fungicide and insecticide solution kedalan microorganisms that can cause disease die .
Direct seeding can be done in poly bags that have been filled in growing media such as soil and manure in the ratio of 1:1 . Each bag is filled polybag only one seed and cultivate the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm . After sowing , seedling media should be moistened with water
During early growth , maintenance of plant seedlings in the nursery should be done intensively with continuous monitoring . Maintenance includes activities seedlings :
Watering is done since the seeds were sown into nursery beds until the plants are ready to be moved into the garden . Watering is done 2 times a day , ie morning and afternoon . Watering should be done by using the tool / hype that has a smooth hole , so as not to damage the seeds or new plants that have been grown .
Weeding can be done by directly pulling weeds without equipment . Weeding should be done only as necessary to see the state of the plant .
In addition to the nursery media given manure , chemical fertilizers should also be given as an additional fertilizer NPK sufficiently given after the seeds grow into seedlings .
Prevention and eradication of pests
Pests that commonly attack seeds or seedlings in the nursery class derived from insects , such as ants and nematodes groups , such as earthworms . Disease that often attacks from the class of fungi . To prevent the development of pests and diseases can be done sterilizing the soil . To combat pests and diseases that attack can be sprayed drugs . Insecticides to eradicate insect pests of the class and fungicides to combat diseases caused by fungi group . The names of formulations that can be used include Furadan 3 g , Dithane Hostathion and Antracol .
Seed removal
Tomato seedlings can be moved into the garden after the age of 30-45 days in the nursery . At the time of planting to the garden , the selection should be done again on the seeds that have been aged 30-45 days in order to obtain good plant growth and has high productivity in producing fruit . To that end , the selected seed should be good-looking and well . , Namely the appearance of fresh and undamaged leaves . Choose a strong seedlings , which grow upright and choose healthy seedlings , meaning seeds are not attacked by pests and diseases .
A good time to plant tomato seedlings in the garden is early morning or late afternoon . At that time the weather is not hot so as to prevent kelayuan in plants .
When moving the seedlings in the garden , should pay attention to the ways that is good and right . Careless transplanting can damage plant roots , so that when the seeds have been planted then will experience obstacles in growth and even death .
Seedlings were planted in polybags removal way is to first wet the soil in a polybag , then remove the seeds from the soil along with polybag polybag bag tore .
Media Processing Plant
Land preparation for planting seeds in the garden production must take into account the time , among others the length of seedlings in the nursery to be planted into the garden can be moved to the duration of the processing of the ground until ready to plant . The length of time the nursery about 30-45 days , while the length of intensive tillage until ready for planting is 21 days . Therefore , in order to timely planting in the garden , the soil treatment schedule should be done 1-2 weeks after seed sown .
Intensive tillage basically through three stages .
The first stage is flipped so that the soil aggregate land located in the deep layers can be lifted to the surface . Ground processing stage should be done with a plow drawn by animal power or by using a tractor . Land cultivated to a depth of 25 cm - 30 cm . Once plowed , the soil is left for 1 week blocks of land that piracy results quite exposed to wind , sunlight , and that a process of oxidation ( acidification ) of toxic substances such as hydrogen sulfide in the soil which is very harmful to plant life .
The second stage , by means of hoeing the soil digemburkan thinly so obtained structure or loose soil crusts , as well as to flatten it . Furthermore , the processing of this stage of land left for 1 week .
The third stage , the basic fertilization with manure that cook as much as 15-20 tonnes / ha . Manure application is not yet ripe can affect plant growth , can even kill plants because the roots of the plants would not hold heat . At this stage , the land that has been sprinkled with manure dug back thin and flattened .
After the tillage is done, the next made beds of East West longitudinal direction so that the spread of the light of the sun can be evenly distributed throughout the plant . Besides making of beds , also made the trenches or ditches for irrigation . Beds can be made as wide as the width of 1-1.2 m , length of tune with the land and raised beds 30 cm high . When planting tomatoes done in the rainy season , the beds can be made as high as 40-45 cm . While the size of the trench made 20-30 cm wide and 30 cm deep . Thus the distance between beds is 20-30 cm . Then in round patches of beds made drainage channels with width 50 cm , and 50 cm depth .
Another thing to consider in land management or land preparation is liming on soils that are too acidic and not in accordance with the requirements of growing plants . Calcification is given in conjunction with the current tillage, because plant roots are generally not robust against calcification directly , plants may suffer from growth disorders can even die . Chalk that can be used is calcium oxide , lime carbonate , or limestone walls . Calcification , in addition to raising the soil pH value can also improve soil structure , encouraging the activity of soil microorganisms in helping the process of decomposition of soil organic matter and decrease toxic substances without eliminating essential substances other . Liming dose should pay attention to the local soil pH value .
Before the tomato plants are planted , the land should be given a basic fertilizer . Compost or manure that has become ground and TSP sown evenly throughout the bed. Furthermore , the soil dug up in order homogeneous compost or manure and TSP evenly mixed with the soil .
Today the use of silver - black plastic as a mulch ( ground cover ) has been widely used by farmers . The use of black plastic mulch - silver as is more practical than the use of the remains of dead plants , such as rice straw .
Planting techniques
Spacing of this system is 50 cm x 50 cm or 60 cm x 60 cm , square or an equilateral triangle . How to grow with this system means that the shoots that grow taken ( cut ) as early as possible , so that the plant has only one trunk without branches .
Beds that have been prepared for planting , the day before should be watered beforehand so wet . Then in beds that have been closed plastic mulch made the planting hole with a diameter of 7-8 cm deep as 15 cm . Planting holes are made in accordance with a predetermined spacing . Planting can be done in the dry season and the rainy season . The mulch should be already installed in the seedbed before seedlings are planted .
Stitching is replacing dead plants , broken or abnormal growth , such as stunted growth . Stitching should be done a week after planting . But if one week has seen the presence of dead plants , wilted , damaged or abnormal growth , replanting should be done immediately . Another thing that also must be considered in the stitching are the seeds used . Seeds used for embroidery is taken from the seed reserves that had been prepared in conjunction with another seed instead of seed reserves .
How penyulamannya is when the plants are dead, damaged , faded , or abnormal growth is not revoked , then created a new planting hole place the previous crop , cleaned and given Furadan 0.5 grams when deemed necessary . After that , new seedlings are planted in a manner where the previous crop planting earlier .
Weeds growing on tomato planting area should be weeded so as not to be a competitor in sucking nutrients . Weeds are too many nutrients that will reduce tomato plants become stunted . Weeds can also be pests and diseases that will attack tomato plants . Plastic mulch or leaves would reduce weeds .
Time weeding can be done 3-4 times depending on the condition of the garden .
Axillary buds growing on the leaves must be dirempel / trimmed so as not to be a branch . Perempalan performed 1 week later than once . At the height of tomato plants is limited , perempalannya must be done carefully so as not participating dirempel last shoots of plants that are not too short .
Perempalan good done in the morning so that scars rempalan dry quickly in a way : the tip of the shoot is held with clean hands , then moved right to left until the buds off . If merempel late , great buds and branches would be difficult to break up .
Shoots are already a large branches should be cut with a sharp knife or scissors are clean .
Height of tomato plants can be limited by cutting the tip of the plant when the fruit has reached number dompolan 5-7 pieces .
Fertilization aims to stimulate plant growth . Fertilizer ordinances are :
After about 1 week of living plants after planting , should be given artificial fertilizers . Fertilizer can be provided through kocoran NPK with dose 4-5 g / liter of water and 1 cup aqua awarded each rod .
Second fertilization is done when the old plants 2-3 weeks after planting
When at the age of 4 weeks the plants still seem not to be cultivated fertile again
Water needs in the cultivation of tomato plants is not too much , but it should not be a shortage of water . Giving excessive water in the area of tomato plants can cause plants to grow tomatoes lengthwise , is unable to absorb nutrients and susceptible to disease . High soil moisture can encourage the growth and development of tomato plant pathogen that can die of poisoning due to reduced oxygen content in the soil . The pores are filled with water urged oxygen out of the soil so that the soil becomes anaerobic oxidation processes that lead turned into a process of reduction . Such soil conditions cause loss of interest and cause excessive vegetative growth , thereby reducing the growth and development generative ( fruit ) .
Prolonged water shortages in the plantation may interfere with the growth of tomato plants in early stadia , resulting in cracks in the fruit when water shortages occur in the formation stadia results and may cause loss of interest if a water shortage occurs during the flowering period .
Marker installation is intended to prevent the collapse of tomato plants . Things to note :
Marker ( trellis ) made of bamboo or wood with a length of between 100-175 cm , depending on the variety.
Marker installation is done as early as possible , when the young plants are still short roots , so the roots do not break up impaled stake . Root crop injury will facilitate disease entering through wounds . Distance marker with tomato stem ± 10-20 cm .
How to install a variety of stakes , such stakes made perpendicular or both ends of a marker tied to form a triangle . In order not to be eaten by termites , marker smeared with tar or petroleum .
Tomato plants have reached a height of 10-15 cm should be tied to the stake . The binding is important not too tightly tomato plants can stand . The binding is done with the model number 8 so there is no friction between stem tomatoes with stakes that can cause injury . Straps , for example plastic straps must be clean . Each increased height ± 20 cm , must be carried out again in order to stem the binding of tomatoes always stand upright .
Pests and Diseases
Tomato caterpillar ( Heliothis armigera Hubner )
Feature : caterpillar ± 4 cm long and will be getting longer at low temperatures . The color varies from green caterpillar , yellowish green , brownish green , brown to black . On the side there is a caterpillar body wavy lines elongated , colored younger . Look at her body and hairy warts . Eggs are round yellowish shiny and after 2-4 days it turns brown . Moth wing length when stretched ± 4 cm and weigh between 1.5-2.0 cm . The front wings are brown and white rear wing with brown edges . Symptoms : The caterpillars attack the leaves , flowers and fruits of tomato . These caterpillars often make holes in tomatoes sedentary . Fruits are generally exposed to infection perforated so the fruit becomes soft rot . Control : ( 1 ) moth attracted to ultraviolet light so that the light trap is held ; ( 2 ) eggs and caterpillars adapat collected and burned or turned off ; ( 3 ) the edge of the garden planted corn to reduce attacks on tomato plants ; ( 4 ) weeds around the tomato planting area is cleaned ; ( 5 ) sprayed with insecticide Diazinon and Cymbush example .
Green aphids apish
These ticks , including families of the order Hemiptera Aphididae often called aphis tomato , tobacco or aphis potato aphis . The green tick vectors ( dealer ) so that the virus can tomato virus disease . Feature : There are winged lice and there are no wings . Long winged lice between 2-2.5 mm , head and chest black and brown to yellowish green abdomen . Antenna size throughout the body . Lice are wingless length between 1.8 to 2.3 mm yellowish green . Symptoms : tomato leaves were attacked bad shape , curling , stunted , curved downward , like a narrow ribbon , chlorosis , mosaic and leaf becomes brittle . Control : ( 1 ) the use of paper mulch to repel lice because it reflects sunlight ; ( 2 ) wild plants and weeds around the tomato plant area should dibersihakn stimulation may become lice shelter ; ( 3 ) mechanical control can be done by means of the aphis massaged so that the lice die ; ( 4 ) chemical control can be done by spraying insecticides .
Whiteflies ( ticks fog , fleas kepul )
These ticks , including families of the order Hemiptera Aleyrodidae . These fleas when disturbed will be scattered like mist or white kepul . Feature : Long mealybug adults only ± 1 mm yellowish white , waxy white flour covered , have 2 pairs of wings are white with a stretch of ± 2 mm , and red-eyed . Whitefly females are larger than males flies . Eggs elliptical along between 0.2-0.3 mm . Pulp ± 0.7 mm long , oval and flat and her body like scales on the leaves . Symptoms : tomato plants are attacked like white flour covered when held will fly . The attack resulted in stunted plant growth / dwarf , smaller leaves , and roll up . Control : ( 1 ) use of natural enemies of pests , such as some types of wasps that are parasitic flies and some types of white javelins to take the egg white flies ; ( 2 ) weeds around the tomato plants should be cleaned so as not to be a host of white flies ; ( 3 ) virus infected tomato plants should be removed and burned ; ( 4 ) can be given a tomato crop mulch or straw yellow plastic mulch ; ( 5 ) sprayed with Diazinon , Malathion , Azinpos - methyl and others.
Aphids thrips
Aphids, thrips , including families of the order Thysanoptera Thripidae . Feature : thrips between 1-1.2 mm long , black , red or striped red spots . Nymphs ( young thrips ) are white or yellowish white , wingless and sometimes stained red . Winged adult thrips and frilly hair . Thrips egg or oval shaped like a kidney . Symptoms : Thrips suck the liquid on the surface of the leaf where the leaf that has been sucked into a silvery white because the air goes into it . In the event of severe attacks , the leaves become dry and die . Young plants are attacked will wither and die . Control : ( 1 ) water -deficient plants were attacked more thrips . To that end , the tomato plants should be watered with sufficient water ; ( 2 ) weeds in tomato plant area should be cleaned so as not to be a shelter thrips ; ( 3 ) sprayed with insecticides , such as Diazinon , Malathion and Monocrotophos .
fruit flies
This includes family Trypetidae flies ( Tephritidae ) of the order Diptera . Feature : have transparent wings along 5-7 mm , 6-8 mm in body length . Abdomen light brown with dark brown transverse lines , chest dark brown with yellow spots or white . Young grubs are white , but when adults yellowish . ± 1 cm long grubs . This maggot is located in the fruit flesh . Fly eggs chopped into small pieces , ± 1.2 mm in length , tapered at both ends , and white . Symptoms : tomatoes to rot due to a fungus or bacteria . When the fruit is opened it would seem there are white worms . Adult worms yellowish and bouncy to the touch will be as far as ± 30 cm to save themselves . Control : ( 1 ) at the time of plowing , the soil should be reversed and allowed a few days to a few weeks in the sun so that the fly pupae die ; ( 2 ) caught by using bait to lure male flies ; ( 3 ) fruit plucked immediately attacked and burned ; ( 4 ) weeds in tomato planting area should be cleaned .
Mites spotting two
This includes family Tetranychidae mites of the order Acarina , called mites spots on his back because there are two spots that is located slightly to the side and black. These mites feed on a variety of plants ( cosmopolitan and polyphag ) . These mites are reversed leaf surface with spider nests labahnya . These mites can transmit the virus . The attacks may occur during the dry season . Feature : outer shape of an oval -shaped mites , eight-legged , between 0.3-0.4 mm long and pale yellow with black spots on both sides of the back side . His mouth can for piercing and sucking plant fluids . The eggs chopped into small diameter ± 0.15 mm . Symptoms : yellowing leaves and shoots , then become brown and dry . Control : ( 1 ) when the population will be reduced a lot of rain ; ( 2 ) weeds in tomato planting area must be cleaned ; ( 3 ) planting tomato varieties that are resistant mites ; ( 4 ) sprayed with acarisides example , ommittee , Kelthane , Porridge California or blasted with sulfur powder .
red mite
This includes family Tetranychidae mites of the order Acarina . , Called the red mite / pest plant leaves are red with rust-red be attacked . Feature : 8 -legged mites and magnitude of 0.3-0.5 mm . Female mites crimson or brownish red with a few black spots . Foot and mouth look transparent white . Head into the the chest . His mouth can for piercing and sucking fluids from plant cells . Besides the mouth can also bite and sawing . The eggs are small , with a diameter of 0.15 mm , and a pale yellow or slightly reddish . Symptoms : leaves become red patches of rust . Attacks often occur during the dry season . Violent attack led to the plants become stunted . Behind tomato leaves will look fine threads that are woven nest mites . Furthermore , the leaves become dry because the leaves sucked up the liquid . Control : ( 1 ) weeds in tomato planting area need to be cleaned so as not to be a shelter mites ; ( 2 ) planting resistant varieties of tomato red mites ; ( 3 ) naturally , will be devoured by predatory mites , thrips are predators and tiger beetles ; ( 4 ) the mite population will be reduced when a lot of rain; ( 5 ) sprayed with acaricides , for example ommittee , Kelthan , or blasted with sulfur powder .
Nematodes swollen roots
Feature : form root nematode worm-like small ulcers along between 200-1000 m . To observe these pests should be used microscope . In the mouth there is a stylet that is shaped like a pointed needle , to pierce and draw back the liquid in the mouth . Body size of the female nematode little fatter . Symptoms : swollen roots elongated or round , as a result of plant ( root ) would have difficulty taking water from the soil causing chlorosis , leaf color that is not normal , stunted growth , wilting , and a few small pieces and quickly becomes old . This nematode attack can reduce production by 50 % or more . Control : ( 1 ) do crop rotation with Tagetes patula or Tagetes tiophen ercta which produces lethal to nematodes ; ( 2 ) soil dug and left for some time that exposure to sunlight ; ( 3 ) land inundated long enough so that the nematodes die ; ( 4 ) using Nematisida chemicals , such as Furadan , Curater , Petrofur , Indofuran , and Temik ; ( 5 ) planting resistant varieties of tomatoes ; ( 6 ) the affected plants should be removed and burned ; ( 7 ) weeds in areas cleared of plants tomatoes ; ( 8 ) organic fertilizer (manure or compost ) .
Fusarium wilt disease
Infection occurs through the roots , and then attack the network vessels . Xylem tissue attacked turn brown and the attack quickly toward the top. The flow of water to the leaves is inhibited so that the leaves will wilt and turn yellow . This Cendawa forming polypeptide ( likomarasmin ) that interfere with the permeability of the plasma membrane , so that the journey of water from the bottom up stunted . Symptoms : at night until the morning still looked fresh , but after the sun and evaporation , the plants withered . Afternoons may still be fresh again but the next day began to wilt again . Eventually , the plant will wilt die . Control : ( 1 ) planting tomato varieties resistant ( resistant ) ; ( 2 ) given a transparent plastic mulch to increase soil temperature in order to fusarium disease die ; ( 3 ) planting tomato plants in nematode -free soil ; ( 4 ) using a clean tool of wilt disease ; ( 5 ) land that has been cultivated tomato wilt disease of tomatoes should not be planted in a long time and should not be planted tanman included solanase ; ( 6 ) plants wilt should be removed and burned ; ( 7 ) connected with cepokak tomato plants ( Solanum torvum ) , or crank eggplant ( Solanum macrocarpon ) .
Septoria leaf spot
Cause : The fungus Septoria lycopersici Speg . devastating attack leaves and tomato plants are still young or old . Symptoms : watery small round spots visible on both surfaces of the leaves at the bottom . The patches of light brown , later becoming gray with black edges . The center line of spotting ± 2 mm . Violent attacks causing tomato leaf curl , dry up and fall off . Control : ( 1 ) weeds and the rest of the tomato plants that have died cleared and burned , not buried in the ground ; ( 2 ) do crop rotation , by planting other crops of different families ; ( 3 ) planting resistant tomato plants ; ( 4 ) sprayed with fungicide for example , zineb and maneb .
Leaf mold disease
Cause : The fungus Fulvia fulva ( Cke ) Cif . or call Cladosporum fulvus Cke . Symptoms : initially visible on the upper leaf surface are pale spots ( chlorosis ) Under chlorotic area , behind the leaves , spores are formed early dove-colored then become brown or yellowish green . This disease first attacks the lower leaves , then spread to the upper leaves and whole plants attacked and eventually die . Control : ( 1 ) planting resistant tomato plants ; ( 2 ) do not grow during the rainy season ; ( 3 ) sprayed with a fungicide , such as Mancozeb ( Dithane M - 45 ) , Benemyl ; ( 4 ) Biological control can use brevicompactum Penicillium , Trichoderma viride , Hansfordia pulvinata , and Acremonium spp . ; ( 5 ) crop rotation .
Brown spot disease
Cause : Alternaria solani Sor . Symptoms : tomato leaves infested appear rounded or angular brown , with a diameter of 2-4 mm , and brown to black . It becomes necrotic tissue patches that have concentric circle lines . The necrotic tissue surrounded by a yellow circle ( cell chlorosis ) . When the attack raged , spots will enlarge and then coalesce so that the leaves turn yellow , wither and die . Infected flowers will fall . Young or ripe fruit that has become rotten disease , black , and concave , and extends to the whole fruit . The disease usually begins from the base of the fruit ( stem end ) , dark brown and concave , 5-20 mm in diameter and covered in velvety black spore masses . Control : ( 1 ) planting disease-free seed or seed disinfected ; ( 2 ) diseased plants immediately removed and burned ; ( 3 ) the former plant tomatoes , eggplant , potatoes , and plants including Solanase should not be buried in a tomato planting area , but must be collected elsewhere and burned ; ( 4 ) crop rotation ; ( 5 ) watering should use water that is not contaminated with the disease ; ( 6 ) drainage must be set properly so that the plants do not waterlogged ; ( 7 ) weeds in the planting area should be cleaned ; ( 8 ) nursery and planting should not be too tight ; ( 9 ) sprayed with carbamat , zineb or maneb .
Cause : The fungus Phytophthora infestans ( Mont. ) de Bary . Symptoms : tomato leaves infested sam mottled brown , black pie . At first, the end or side of the leaf , just look a few millimeters , but eventually spread across the leaf and petiole . This disease started attacking the base of the fruit , causing spotting watery gray -green to brown . Control : ( 1 ) plants that have been attacked and burned immediately revoked ; ( 2 ) diseased plants should not be buried in a tomato planting area ; ( 3 ) planting resistant tomato varoetas ; ( 4 ) crop rotation ; ( 5 ) soil that has been dug standing for some time that exposure to sunlight ; ( 6 ) sprayed with a fungicide , such as Dithane M - 45 , Difolatan , zineb , propineb , or maneb .
Rhizoctonia fruit rot disease
Cause : The fungus Thanatephorus cucumeris ( Frank ) Donk . Symptoms : emerging small brown sunken spots . These patches enlarge and concentric circles arise . The color becomes dark brown spots and the center often cracked . Control : ( 1 ) irrigation water must be clean and free of disease ; ( 2 ) not planting too deep ; ( 3 ) given the trellis so that the tomatoes do not touch the ground ; ( 4 ) given a transparent plastic mulch ; ( 5 ) planting resistant varieties of tomatoes ; ( 6 ) crop rotation ; ( 7 ) weeds and diseased plant debris should be cleaned and burned ;
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