1 . A BRIEF HISTORYApples ( Malus sylvestris Mill ) is an annual fruit crop from West Asia to the sub-tropical climate . In Indonesia, apples have been planted since 1934 until today .2 . TYPES OF PLANTSAccording to the systematics , including the apple crop :1 ) Division: Spermatophyta2 ) Subdivisio : Angiospermae3 ) Class : Dicotyledonae4 ) Order : Rosales5 ) Family: Rosaceae6 ) Genus : Malus7 ) Species : Malus sylvestris MillSpecies
Malus sylvestris Mill from this , there are a variety of varieties that
have characteristics or peculiarities of its own . Some apple varieties featured include : Rome Beauty , Manalagi , Anna , Princess Noble and Wangli / Lali Jiwo .3 . BENEFIT PLANTApples contain a lot of vitamin C and B. In addition, the apple is often a choice dieters as a meal substitute .
4 . PLANTING CENTERIn Indonesia , apples can grow and bear fruit both in the upland areas . The apple production center is Malang ( Batu and Poncokusumo ) and Pasuruan ( Nongkojajar ) , East Java . In this area the apple has been cultivated since 1950 , and is growing rapidly in the 1960s to the present . Besides other areasdinanami many apples are in East Java ( Kayumas - Situbondo , Banyuwangi ) , Central Java ( Tawangmangu ) , Bali ( Buleleng and Tabanan ) , West Nusa Tenggara , East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi . While the world is planting centers in Europe , America , and Australia .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The ideal rainfall is 1000-2600 mm / year with rainy days 110-150 days / year . Within a year the number of wet months and dry months 6-7 months 3-4 months . High rainfall during flowering will cause the flowers fall so it can not be the fruit .2 ) apple plants require sufficient sunlight between 50-60 % every day , especially during flowering .3 ) the appropriate temperature ranges between 16-27 degrees C.4 ) the desired humidity around 75-85 % crop apples .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) apple plants grow well in soil that is bersolum in , have a high organic layer , and the soil crumb structure and friable , have aeration , water absorption , and good porosity , so that the exchange of oxygen , nutrient movement and storage of water is optimal capabilities .2 ) Land is suitable Latosol , Andosol and Regosol .3 ) The degree of soil acidity ( pH ) suitable for apple crop is 6-7 and soil water content is needed is water available .4 ) In the apple crop growth requires sufficient soil water content .5 ) Slopes that are too sharp will complicate treatment plants , so if still possible terracing the land was made arable .5.3 . The altitudeApple plants can grow well and bear fruit at an altitude of 700-1200 m above sea level . the optimal height of 1000-1200 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . NurseriesPropagation of apple plants vegetative and generative done . Propagation and the common good is vegetative propagation , for generative propagation time consuming and often produce seeds that deviates from its parent . Generative propagation by seed , vegetative propagation done while the grafting or attachment ( budding ) , the connection( grafting ) and cuttings .1 ) Requirements SeedTerms rootstock : a wild apple , rooting broad and strong , sturdy tree form , has a high adaptability . While the terms buds are derived from plant stems and healthy apples have the superior properties .2 ) Preparation of SeedPreparation of seed is done by rootstock propagation steps are as beriku t :a) Tillers / Siwilan1 . Seedling traits are taken height 30 cm , diameter 0.5 cm and brownish bark .2 . Puppies taken from the base of the stem below the productive plants by digging the soil around the trees , and saplings are removed along with the root - plots of land and carefully .3 . After seedling revoked , tillers dirompes and branches are cut , then planted in beds 60 cm wide by 40 cm depth of the trench .b ) Rundukan ( layering )1 . Seed rundukan results can be obtained in two ways:- Puppies parent wild apple tree : a rather long tiller attached recline ground , then branch wood clamped and stockpiled soil ; backfilling is done every two eyes ; if strong enough , can shootseparated by cutting the branches .- Perundukan patch rootstock : done at the time the patch was opened ( 2 weeks ) is to cut 2/3 part of the stem cross-section of the bottom, about 2 cm above the patch ; the top of the cutouts embedded in the ground and then bent upward again . In the given bending wood or bamboo tongs .2 . After about 4 months old rundukan , the separation will seed by cutting the stem below the oblique cutouts or bending . Defolatan scar smeared .c ) CuttingsCuttings wild apple a length of 15-20 cm ( diameter uniform and straight ) , before planting the cuttings dipped into the bottom of the Roton solution F to stimulate root growth . Planting distance of 30 x 25 cm , each planted two rows of beds . Grafted cuttings ready at age 5 months , stem diameter ± 1cm and rooting quite strong enough .3 ) Engineering Pembiitana) Adherence1 . Select the rootstock is qualified 5 -month -old , ± 1 cm diameter trunk and the bark is easily peeled from the wood .2 . Take the eye patch of healthy branches or stems from an apple tree yielding varieties which have proved its superiority . The trick is to slash the eye patch along with the wood along the 2.5-5 cm ( eyes in the midst ) . Then a layer of wood disposed of carefully so that his eyes are not damaged3 . Create an open tongue bark on the rootstock as high as ± 20 cm from the base of the stem with adjustable size with the eye patch . The tongue and the tilt of the timber cut in half .4 . Insert the tongue into the eye patch rootstocks that stick well . Tie ribbon patch with white plastic on all parts of the patch .5 . After 2-3 weeks , the bond can be opened and spray patch / compress with PGR . Patch so have some signs of fresh green eye patch and attached .6 . In grafting is finished , slice the stem about 2 cm above the grafting with milintang position slightly inclined upward as deep as 2/3 piece sectional .The goal is to concentrate growth that spurred the growth of buds .b ) Grafting1 . Scions ( budwood ) a branch ( branch lateral shoots ) .2 . Rootstock is cut at a height of ± 20 cm from the root of the neck .3 . Cut the bud and split down the middle denngan stems 2-5 cm long .4 . Branch dippotong entres along ± 15 cm ( ± 3 eyes ) , leaves discarded , and the base of the stem above the wedge-shaped sliced . Length equal to the length hemisphere slices rootstock .5 . Upper parts of the stem is inserted into the rootstock , so that they can meet the cambium .6 . Tie connection with a plastic rope tightly as possible.7 . Kerudungi any connection with a plastic bag . After 2-3 weeks old , plastic hood can be opened to see the success of the connection .4 ) Maintenance of nurseriesMaintenance rootstock includesa) Fertilization : done 1-2 months with urea and TSP each 5 grams per plant ditugalkan ( distributed surround ) around the plant .b ) Weeding : weeding time depending on weed growth .c ) Irrigation : once a week ( if no rain )d ) Elimination of pests and diseases : pesticides sprayed 2 times per month with regard attack symptoms . Fungicides used were Antracol or Dithane , while the insecticide is Supracide or Decis .Along with this can also be given leaf manure , plus adhesive Agristic .5) Change SeedSeedling grafting grafting ( attachment and connection ) can be transferred to the field at the age of at least 6 months after grafting , cut to height of 80-100 cm and leaves dirompes .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationPreparation that is needed is the cultivation of land preparation and implementation of the survey . The goal is to determine the type of crop , soil slope , soil conditions , determine the need for labor, materials and costs necessary paralatan .2 ) Land OpeningSoil processed by digging the ground at the same time cleaning the plant remains are still left behind .3 ) Establishment of BedsIn the apple crop plots hardly necessary , but only exaltation pestle planting .4 ) LimingLiming aims to maintain the pH balance of the soil . Calcification occurs only when the soil pH is less than 6 .5 ) FertilizationFertilizers applied to land management is as much as 20 kg of manure per planting hole with soil evenly mixed , then left for 2 weeks .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternApple plants can be grown in monoculture or intercroping . Intercroping can only be done when the ground is not covered editorials leaves or before 2 years . But at this point , after going through some intercroping research on apple crops can be done with plants berhabitatlow , such as peppers , onions and others. Apple crop can not be planted at a distance that is too tight as it will be very thick which will cause high humidity , circulationless air , sunlight and stunted growth of the disease. Ideal spacing for plants depending on the varieties of apple . For varieties and fees Manalagi Moble is 3-3.5 x 3.5 m , while for the varieties Rome Beauty and Anna can be shorter which is 2-3 x 2.5-3 m .2 . Hole Making PlantPlanting hole size between 50 x 50 x 50 cm to 1 x 1 x 1 m . Above ground and below ground are separated , each mixed with 20 kg of manure sekurangkurangnya . After the land is left for ± 2 weeks , and by planting appropriate native dugouts returned .3 . How PlantingPlanting apples do well in the rainy season or dry ( in the fields ) . Recommended for dry land during the rainy season .Way of planting apple seeds are as follows :a. Put the seeds into the ground the bottom of the planting hole .b . Put seeds amid the hole while diatar roots in order to spread .c . Put the top soil in the hole to the extent of root and soil excavation pit plus .d . When all the land has been entered , press the soil - pressed slowly by hand so firmly planted seeds and straight . To withstand the wind , the seeds can be detained at stake with loose ties .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and stitchingDo not crop thinning , while stitching done on dead plant or turned off because they do not produce by planting new crops replace the old plant . Stitching should be done in the rainy season .2 ) WeedingWeeding is done only when there are many around the parent plants are considered weeds can disrupt the plant . At the apple orchard planted with tight spacing ( ± 3x3 m ) , peniangan hardly necessary because the canopy of leaves covering the ground so that the grass can not grow .3 ) PembubunanWeeding is usually followed by pembubunan ground . Pembubunan intended to elevate the back ground around the plant to avoid stagnant water and also to loosen the soil . Pembubunan usually done after harvest or in conjunction with fertilization .4 ) Perempalan / TrimmingThe part that needs to be trimmed is newly planted seedlings to 80 cm tall , growing shoots below 60 cm , the shoots of the end of some sections of the shoots , 4-6 eyes and scars the fruit stalk , Knop infertile , diseased branches and not produkrif , which makes it difficult bending branches , twigs or leaves that cover the fruit . Pruning is done since the age of 3 months to obtain the desired shape ( 4-5 years ) .5 ) Fertilizationa) In the rainy season / paddy land1 . Simultaneously rompes leaves ( < 3 weeks ) . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1-2 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP , KCl / ZK ± 3 kg / tree ( 4:2:1 ) .2 . Seeing the fruit situation , ie when the heavy fruit ( 2.5-3 months after rompes . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP and KCl / ZK ± 1 kg / tree ( 1:2:1 )b ) The dry season / land tegal1 . Simultaneously rompes not given fertilizer (no water ) .2 . 2-3 months after rompes ( no rain ) . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1-2 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP , and KCl / ZK ± 3 kg / tree ( 4:2:1 ) . How to spread fertilizer around the plants as far as deep as ± 20 cm width of the leaf , then covered with earth and watered . For given enough manure once a year ( 2 x crop ) 1-2 endure every tree in the dry season after harvest . To enhance the growth of the leaves should be given fertilizer and PGR at 5-7 days until the flower after rompes ( Gandasil B 1 g / liter ) +Atonik / Cepha 1 cc / liter interspersed with Metallic - Multi Micro and up to 5-7 days before harvest ( 2.5 months ) of rompes Gandasil D ( 1 g / liter ) . In addition , it is necessary to use plant growth regulators Dormex once a year after rompes ( not to 10 days after rompes ) as much as 2600 liters of solution with 3 liter/200 literair dosage .6 ) Irrigation and WateringFor growth , the apple crop requires adequate irrigation throughout the season . In the rainy season , the water shortage problem is not encountered , but should be considered not to plant submerged in water . Stimulation it needs good drainage . While in the dry season water shortage problemmust be overcome by watering the plants at least 2 weeks dikocor manner .7 ) Pesticide SprayingFor prevention , spraying is done before the pests attacking crops or routinely 1-2 weeks with a mild dose . For prevention , spraying is done as early as possible with the right dose , so that pests can be immediately addressed . Spraying should be done in the morning or evening . The type and dosage of pesticides used in pest management vary greatly depending upon the pest control and pest population levels , control will be explained in more detail on the points of pests and diseases .8 ) Other Maintenancea) PerompesanPerompesan done to break the area being dormant period . In tropical blood perompesan done to replace the autumn in temperate climates either manually by humans ( by hand ) or 10 days after harvest by spraying chemicals like Urea 10 % + Ethrel 5000 ppm 1 week after harvest 2 times with an interval of one week ) .b ) curvature branchAfter bending branches dirompes done to flatten the lateral shoots by pulling the ends of branches with rope and tied down . Average lateral buds that will spur the growth of shoots which means mamacu fruit formation .c ) Thinning fruitThinning is done to improve the quality of the fruit is uniformly large , leather good , and healthy , made by removing the fruit that is not normal ( attacked by pests or diseases into small pieces ) . For a good clearance can fruit buds should contain 3-5 pieces .d ) Pembelongsongan fruitPerformed 3 months before harvest by using a white wax paper until keabu-abuan/kecoklat-cokltan the perforated bottom . The purpose of fruit avoid the attack of birds and fruit bats and keep the color smooth .e ) Improving the quality of fruit colorIncreased fruit color can be done with chemicals Ethrel , Paklobutrazol , 2.4 D either singly or in combination .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) green lice ( Aphis Pomi Geer )Feature : adult fleas yellowish green , short antenna , length of body 1.8 mm , there is winged some are not ; 1.7 mm long wings are black ; very fast breeding , the eggs can hatch in 3-4 days . Symptoms : ( 1 ) a nymph or adult louse attacked by sucking fluid selselleaves in groups on the surface of young leaves , especially young shoot tips , stems branches , flowers , and fruit ; ( 2 ) flea will produce honey dew that coats the leaf surface and stimulate the growth of a black fungus ( sooty mold ) ; the leaves change shape , shrink , leriting , late flowering , young fruits fall , if not quality buahpun ugly . Control : ( 1 ) field sanitation and spacing ( not too tightly ) ; ( 2 ) the natural enemies coccinellidae Lycosa ; ( 3 ) by spraying Supracide 40 EC ( ba Metidation ) dose of 2 cc / liter of water or 1-1,6 liters ; ( 4 ) Supracide 40 EC in 500-800 liters / ha spraying water at intervals of 2 weeks ; ( 5 ) Convidor 200 SL ( Imidacloprid ba ) doses from 0.125 to 0.250 cc / liter of water ; ( 6 ) Convidor 200 SL in 600 liters / h spraying water at intervals of 10 days ( 7 ) Convidor can be lethal to the eggs ; spraying from top to bottom . Spraying is done 1-2 weeks before flowering and continued 1-1.5 months afterflowers bloom until 15 days before harvest .2 ) The mite , mite Spinder , red whip ( Panonychus Ulmi )Characteristics : dark red , and length of 0.6 mm . Symptoms : ( 1 ) attacking mites suck the fluid leaves the cells of the leaf ; ( 2 ) the onslaught cause yellow spots , opaque , brown , and dries ; ( 3 ) the fruit causes patches of silvery or brown . Control : ( 1 ) the natural Musah coccinellidae and Lycosa ; ( 2 ) spraying acarisides ommittee 570 EC as much as 2 cc / liter of water or 1 liter acarisides ommittee 570 EC in 500 liters of water per hectare at intervals of 2 weeks .3 ) TripsCharacteristics: small size with a length of 1mm ; kekuningkuningan white nymphs ; adult blackish brown ; moving fast and if touched will soon fly to escape . Symptoms : ( 1 ) put the leaves , buds / shoots , and fruits are still very young ; ( 2 ) the leaves look berbintikbintikwhite , both sides of the leaves curl upward and abnormal growth ; ( 3 ) leaves at the ends of shoots dry up and fall ( 4 ) on the leaves leaving scars brown gray . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves and keep the plant canopy environment tidktoo tightly ; ( 2 ) spraying with insecticides as Lannate 25 WP ( ba Methomyl ) at a dose of 2 cc / liter of water or Lebaycid 550 EC ( ba Fention ) at a dose of 2 cc / liter of water at the plant were sat germinate , flower, and fruit formation .4 ) leaf caterpillar ( Spodoptera litura )Feature : larvae are green with streaks of gray extending from the abdomen to the lateral kepala.pada larvae are black spots circle or semi-circle , lay eggs in groups and are covered with fine brown hair . Symptoms : attack the leaves , resulting in irregular pits until the bones leaves . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves ; ( 2 ) spraying with a spray like Tamaron 200 LC ( ba Metamidofos ) and Nuvacron 20 SCW ( ba Monocrotofos ) .5 ) leaf -sucking insects ( Helopelthis Sp )Feature : Helopelthis Theivora with black and red abdomen , the abdomen was HelopelthisAntonii with red and white color . Serabgga small . The newly hatched nymphs penjang 1mm and a length of 6 - 8mm adult insects . At the thoraknya lump that resembles a needle . Symptoms : attack on the morning , afternoon or during cloudy circumstances ; attack young leaves , shoots and fruit menhisap cell fluid manner ; affected leaves become brown and its development is not symmetrical ; infested shoots become brown , dry and eventually die ; attack on fruitcause fruit menjadibercak - brown spots , necrosis , and when the fruit enlarges , the broken part is spotting menyebebkan fruit quality decreases . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by way of a plastic roof pengerondongan / pembelongsongan fruit . ( 2 ) Spraying with insecticides such asLannate 25 WP ( ba Metomyl ) , Baycarb 500 EC ( ba BPMC ) , who performed on Tuesday afternoon .6 ) black leaf caterpillar ( Dasychira inclusa Walker )Feature : The larvae have two close crested black head that leads towards the side of the head . In the body there are four crested keumpulan seta which is blackish brown . Along both sides of the body are ab - gray colored hair . Larvae 50 mm . Symptoms : attack the young and old leaves ; affected plants with damaged bones daundaunnya 30 % ; larvae during the day hiding behind the leaves . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs are usually laid on the leaves ; ( 2 ) spraying insecticides such as : Nuvacron 20 SCW ( ba Monocrotofos ) and Matador 25 EC .7 ) fruit fly ( Rhagoletis pomonella )Feature : no -legged larva , after hatching from eggs ( 10 days ) could soon be eating fruit flesh . Color black flies , yellow legs and lay eggs on the fruit . Symptoms : fruit shape become ugly , visible lumps . Control : ( 1 ) spraying contact insecticides such as Lebacyd 550 EC ; ( 2 ) make the male flies using methyl eugenol as much as 0.1 cc ditetesan cotton pad that has been spilled insecticide 2 cc . Tersebutkapas cotton is inserted into a plastic bottle ( ex of mineral water ) that is suspended a height of 2 meters . Because a similar scent smells issued females , then males interested and menhisap cotton .7.2 . disease1 ) disease powdery mildew ( Powdery Mildew )Cause : Padosphaera leucotich Salm . With imperfeknya stadia are Oidium Sp . Symptoms : ( 1 ) appear white on the upper leaves , buds not normal , stunted and unfruitful ; ( 2 ) the fruits are brown , warty brown . Control : ( 1 ) cut the buds or the sick and burned ; ( 2 ) with fungicides Nimrod menyemprotka cc/10 250 EC 2.5-5 liters of water ( 500liter/Ha ) or Afugan 300 EC 0.5-1 cc / liter of water ( prevention ) and 1-1.5 cc / liter of water after perompesan until 4-5 weeks old shoots at intervals of 5-7 days .2 ) leaf spot disease ( coronary Marssonina JJ Davis )Symptoms : leaf age 4-6 weeks after perompesan visible white patches of irregular , brown , black top surface of the raised dots , starting from old leaves , young leaves to all parts of the fall . Control : ( 1 ) spacing is not too tight , the affected part removed and burned ; ( 2 ) sprayedfungicides Agrisan 60 WP 2 g / liter of water , the dose from 1000 to 2000 g / ha since 10 days after rompes with intervals of 1 week or as many as 10 applications Delseme 2 MX 200 grams / liter of water , Henlate 0.5 g / liter of water since the age of 4 days after rompes with intervals of 7 days to 4 weeks .3 ) Mushroom rattle ( Berk et Br salmonicolor Cortisium )Control : reduce moisture gardens , eliminating diseased .4 ) Cancer ( Botryosphaeria sp.)Symptoms : attack the stems / branches ( rotten , dark brown , sometimes discharge ) , and fruit ( small tricycles color light brown , rotten , mengelembung , watery and pale fruit colors . Controls : ( 1 ) do not harvest the fruit is too ripe ; ( 2 ) reduces the moisture farm , (3 ) remove the diseased part ; ( 4 ) pengerokkan diseased stems and smeared fungicide F 100 cc/10 Difolatan 4 liters of water or Copper Sandoz ; ( 5 ) sprayed Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water , Antracol 70 WP 2 g / liter of water .5 ) fruit rot ( Gloeosporium Sp . )Symptoms : small brown spots and black spots turn into orange . Control : not overly ripe fruit picking and dyeing with Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water to prevent the disease in storage .6 ) Root rot ( Armilliaria Melea )Symptoms : put the apple crop in cold wet areas , marked with withered leaves , fall , and skin rot roots . Control : with eradifikasi , ie unload / revoke the affected plants and their roots , the former fallow hole at least 1 year .
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestIn general, apples can be harvested 4-5 months after the flowers bloom , depending on variety and climate . Rome Beauty can be learned at the age of about 120-141 days from bloom flowers , Manalagi can be harvested at 114 days after anthesis and Anna about 100 days . However , in the rainy season and higher places , the age of the fruit longer . Harvesting is best done when the plant reaches physiological maturity levels ( ripening ) , which is the rate at which fruit has the ability to be a normal cook after harvesting . Physiologically ripe fruit traits are : the maximum size of the fruit looks , aroma began to be felt , the color looks bright fruit when pressed feels fresh and sharp .8.2 . How to HarvestPlucking an apple is done by picking the fruit by hand simultaneously to any garden .8.3 . Harvest periodApple harvest period is six months based on cycle maintenance has been done .8.4 . Production forecastProduction of fruit depends on the variety of apple , apple production is generally 6-15 kg / tree .9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionOnce picked, the apples were collected in the shade and not exposed to direct sunlight in order to obtain a reduced rate of respiration of apples are high quality and quantity . The collection is done with care and should not be piled and tossed , then taken by cart to the warehouse to be selected .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting is done to separate the good fruit and fruit are free of disease with poor or diseased , so that the disease is not contracted throughout the harvested fruit that can lower the quality of the product . Classification is done to classify products based on variety, size and quality of fruit .9.3 . storageBasically apples can be stored for longer than with other fruits , such as Rome Beauty 21-28 days ( 113-120 days of age quotes ) or 7-14 days ( age stringed 127-141 days ) . For longer storage ( 4-7 months ) , should be stored at 6-0 degrees C to minus 2.2 degrees C. precooling9.4 . Packaging and TransportationCardboard packaging used is the size of 48 x 33 x 37 cm with a weight of 35 kg of apples . Basic and above arrangement of apples need to be given pieces of paper and arranged oblique ( parallel to the long stalk box ) . Basic box diisai 3-3 or 2-2 or 3-2 intermittent closing the space between each piece .
4 . PLANTING CENTERIn Indonesia , apples can grow and bear fruit both in the upland areas . The apple production center is Malang ( Batu and Poncokusumo ) and Pasuruan ( Nongkojajar ) , East Java . In this area the apple has been cultivated since 1950 , and is growing rapidly in the 1960s to the present . Besides other areasdinanami many apples are in East Java ( Kayumas - Situbondo , Banyuwangi ) , Central Java ( Tawangmangu ) , Bali ( Buleleng and Tabanan ) , West Nusa Tenggara , East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi . While the world is planting centers in Europe , America , and Australia .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The ideal rainfall is 1000-2600 mm / year with rainy days 110-150 days / year . Within a year the number of wet months and dry months 6-7 months 3-4 months . High rainfall during flowering will cause the flowers fall so it can not be the fruit .2 ) apple plants require sufficient sunlight between 50-60 % every day , especially during flowering .3 ) the appropriate temperature ranges between 16-27 degrees C.4 ) the desired humidity around 75-85 % crop apples .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) apple plants grow well in soil that is bersolum in , have a high organic layer , and the soil crumb structure and friable , have aeration , water absorption , and good porosity , so that the exchange of oxygen , nutrient movement and storage of water is optimal capabilities .2 ) Land is suitable Latosol , Andosol and Regosol .3 ) The degree of soil acidity ( pH ) suitable for apple crop is 6-7 and soil water content is needed is water available .4 ) In the apple crop growth requires sufficient soil water content .5 ) Slopes that are too sharp will complicate treatment plants , so if still possible terracing the land was made arable .5.3 . The altitudeApple plants can grow well and bear fruit at an altitude of 700-1200 m above sea level . the optimal height of 1000-1200 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . NurseriesPropagation of apple plants vegetative and generative done . Propagation and the common good is vegetative propagation , for generative propagation time consuming and often produce seeds that deviates from its parent . Generative propagation by seed , vegetative propagation done while the grafting or attachment ( budding ) , the connection( grafting ) and cuttings .1 ) Requirements SeedTerms rootstock : a wild apple , rooting broad and strong , sturdy tree form , has a high adaptability . While the terms buds are derived from plant stems and healthy apples have the superior properties .2 ) Preparation of SeedPreparation of seed is done by rootstock propagation steps are as beriku t :a) Tillers / Siwilan1 . Seedling traits are taken height 30 cm , diameter 0.5 cm and brownish bark .2 . Puppies taken from the base of the stem below the productive plants by digging the soil around the trees , and saplings are removed along with the root - plots of land and carefully .3 . After seedling revoked , tillers dirompes and branches are cut , then planted in beds 60 cm wide by 40 cm depth of the trench .b ) Rundukan ( layering )1 . Seed rundukan results can be obtained in two ways:- Puppies parent wild apple tree : a rather long tiller attached recline ground , then branch wood clamped and stockpiled soil ; backfilling is done every two eyes ; if strong enough , can shootseparated by cutting the branches .- Perundukan patch rootstock : done at the time the patch was opened ( 2 weeks ) is to cut 2/3 part of the stem cross-section of the bottom, about 2 cm above the patch ; the top of the cutouts embedded in the ground and then bent upward again . In the given bending wood or bamboo tongs .2 . After about 4 months old rundukan , the separation will seed by cutting the stem below the oblique cutouts or bending . Defolatan scar smeared .c ) CuttingsCuttings wild apple a length of 15-20 cm ( diameter uniform and straight ) , before planting the cuttings dipped into the bottom of the Roton solution F to stimulate root growth . Planting distance of 30 x 25 cm , each planted two rows of beds . Grafted cuttings ready at age 5 months , stem diameter ± 1cm and rooting quite strong enough .3 ) Engineering Pembiitana) Adherence1 . Select the rootstock is qualified 5 -month -old , ± 1 cm diameter trunk and the bark is easily peeled from the wood .2 . Take the eye patch of healthy branches or stems from an apple tree yielding varieties which have proved its superiority . The trick is to slash the eye patch along with the wood along the 2.5-5 cm ( eyes in the midst ) . Then a layer of wood disposed of carefully so that his eyes are not damaged3 . Create an open tongue bark on the rootstock as high as ± 20 cm from the base of the stem with adjustable size with the eye patch . The tongue and the tilt of the timber cut in half .4 . Insert the tongue into the eye patch rootstocks that stick well . Tie ribbon patch with white plastic on all parts of the patch .5 . After 2-3 weeks , the bond can be opened and spray patch / compress with PGR . Patch so have some signs of fresh green eye patch and attached .6 . In grafting is finished , slice the stem about 2 cm above the grafting with milintang position slightly inclined upward as deep as 2/3 piece sectional .The goal is to concentrate growth that spurred the growth of buds .b ) Grafting1 . Scions ( budwood ) a branch ( branch lateral shoots ) .2 . Rootstock is cut at a height of ± 20 cm from the root of the neck .3 . Cut the bud and split down the middle denngan stems 2-5 cm long .4 . Branch dippotong entres along ± 15 cm ( ± 3 eyes ) , leaves discarded , and the base of the stem above the wedge-shaped sliced . Length equal to the length hemisphere slices rootstock .5 . Upper parts of the stem is inserted into the rootstock , so that they can meet the cambium .6 . Tie connection with a plastic rope tightly as possible.7 . Kerudungi any connection with a plastic bag . After 2-3 weeks old , plastic hood can be opened to see the success of the connection .4 ) Maintenance of nurseriesMaintenance rootstock includesa) Fertilization : done 1-2 months with urea and TSP each 5 grams per plant ditugalkan ( distributed surround ) around the plant .b ) Weeding : weeding time depending on weed growth .c ) Irrigation : once a week ( if no rain )d ) Elimination of pests and diseases : pesticides sprayed 2 times per month with regard attack symptoms . Fungicides used were Antracol or Dithane , while the insecticide is Supracide or Decis .Along with this can also be given leaf manure , plus adhesive Agristic .5) Change SeedSeedling grafting grafting ( attachment and connection ) can be transferred to the field at the age of at least 6 months after grafting , cut to height of 80-100 cm and leaves dirompes .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationPreparation that is needed is the cultivation of land preparation and implementation of the survey . The goal is to determine the type of crop , soil slope , soil conditions , determine the need for labor, materials and costs necessary paralatan .2 ) Land OpeningSoil processed by digging the ground at the same time cleaning the plant remains are still left behind .3 ) Establishment of BedsIn the apple crop plots hardly necessary , but only exaltation pestle planting .4 ) LimingLiming aims to maintain the pH balance of the soil . Calcification occurs only when the soil pH is less than 6 .5 ) FertilizationFertilizers applied to land management is as much as 20 kg of manure per planting hole with soil evenly mixed , then left for 2 weeks .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternApple plants can be grown in monoculture or intercroping . Intercroping can only be done when the ground is not covered editorials leaves or before 2 years . But at this point , after going through some intercroping research on apple crops can be done with plants berhabitatlow , such as peppers , onions and others. Apple crop can not be planted at a distance that is too tight as it will be very thick which will cause high humidity , circulationless air , sunlight and stunted growth of the disease. Ideal spacing for plants depending on the varieties of apple . For varieties and fees Manalagi Moble is 3-3.5 x 3.5 m , while for the varieties Rome Beauty and Anna can be shorter which is 2-3 x 2.5-3 m .2 . Hole Making PlantPlanting hole size between 50 x 50 x 50 cm to 1 x 1 x 1 m . Above ground and below ground are separated , each mixed with 20 kg of manure sekurangkurangnya . After the land is left for ± 2 weeks , and by planting appropriate native dugouts returned .3 . How PlantingPlanting apples do well in the rainy season or dry ( in the fields ) . Recommended for dry land during the rainy season .Way of planting apple seeds are as follows :a. Put the seeds into the ground the bottom of the planting hole .b . Put seeds amid the hole while diatar roots in order to spread .c . Put the top soil in the hole to the extent of root and soil excavation pit plus .d . When all the land has been entered , press the soil - pressed slowly by hand so firmly planted seeds and straight . To withstand the wind , the seeds can be detained at stake with loose ties .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and stitchingDo not crop thinning , while stitching done on dead plant or turned off because they do not produce by planting new crops replace the old plant . Stitching should be done in the rainy season .2 ) WeedingWeeding is done only when there are many around the parent plants are considered weeds can disrupt the plant . At the apple orchard planted with tight spacing ( ± 3x3 m ) , peniangan hardly necessary because the canopy of leaves covering the ground so that the grass can not grow .3 ) PembubunanWeeding is usually followed by pembubunan ground . Pembubunan intended to elevate the back ground around the plant to avoid stagnant water and also to loosen the soil . Pembubunan usually done after harvest or in conjunction with fertilization .4 ) Perempalan / TrimmingThe part that needs to be trimmed is newly planted seedlings to 80 cm tall , growing shoots below 60 cm , the shoots of the end of some sections of the shoots , 4-6 eyes and scars the fruit stalk , Knop infertile , diseased branches and not produkrif , which makes it difficult bending branches , twigs or leaves that cover the fruit . Pruning is done since the age of 3 months to obtain the desired shape ( 4-5 years ) .5 ) Fertilizationa) In the rainy season / paddy land1 . Simultaneously rompes leaves ( < 3 weeks ) . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1-2 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP , KCl / ZK ± 3 kg / tree ( 4:2:1 ) .2 . Seeing the fruit situation , ie when the heavy fruit ( 2.5-3 months after rompes . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP and KCl / ZK ± 1 kg / tree ( 1:2:1 )b ) The dry season / land tegal1 . Simultaneously rompes not given fertilizer (no water ) .2 . 2-3 months after rompes ( no rain ) . NPK ( 15-15-15 ) 1-2 kg / tree or a mixture of urea , TSP , and KCl / ZK ± 3 kg / tree ( 4:2:1 ) . How to spread fertilizer around the plants as far as deep as ± 20 cm width of the leaf , then covered with earth and watered . For given enough manure once a year ( 2 x crop ) 1-2 endure every tree in the dry season after harvest . To enhance the growth of the leaves should be given fertilizer and PGR at 5-7 days until the flower after rompes ( Gandasil B 1 g / liter ) +Atonik / Cepha 1 cc / liter interspersed with Metallic - Multi Micro and up to 5-7 days before harvest ( 2.5 months ) of rompes Gandasil D ( 1 g / liter ) . In addition , it is necessary to use plant growth regulators Dormex once a year after rompes ( not to 10 days after rompes ) as much as 2600 liters of solution with 3 liter/200 literair dosage .6 ) Irrigation and WateringFor growth , the apple crop requires adequate irrigation throughout the season . In the rainy season , the water shortage problem is not encountered , but should be considered not to plant submerged in water . Stimulation it needs good drainage . While in the dry season water shortage problemmust be overcome by watering the plants at least 2 weeks dikocor manner .7 ) Pesticide SprayingFor prevention , spraying is done before the pests attacking crops or routinely 1-2 weeks with a mild dose . For prevention , spraying is done as early as possible with the right dose , so that pests can be immediately addressed . Spraying should be done in the morning or evening . The type and dosage of pesticides used in pest management vary greatly depending upon the pest control and pest population levels , control will be explained in more detail on the points of pests and diseases .8 ) Other Maintenancea) PerompesanPerompesan done to break the area being dormant period . In tropical blood perompesan done to replace the autumn in temperate climates either manually by humans ( by hand ) or 10 days after harvest by spraying chemicals like Urea 10 % + Ethrel 5000 ppm 1 week after harvest 2 times with an interval of one week ) .b ) curvature branchAfter bending branches dirompes done to flatten the lateral shoots by pulling the ends of branches with rope and tied down . Average lateral buds that will spur the growth of shoots which means mamacu fruit formation .c ) Thinning fruitThinning is done to improve the quality of the fruit is uniformly large , leather good , and healthy , made by removing the fruit that is not normal ( attacked by pests or diseases into small pieces ) . For a good clearance can fruit buds should contain 3-5 pieces .d ) Pembelongsongan fruitPerformed 3 months before harvest by using a white wax paper until keabu-abuan/kecoklat-cokltan the perforated bottom . The purpose of fruit avoid the attack of birds and fruit bats and keep the color smooth .e ) Improving the quality of fruit colorIncreased fruit color can be done with chemicals Ethrel , Paklobutrazol , 2.4 D either singly or in combination .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) green lice ( Aphis Pomi Geer )Feature : adult fleas yellowish green , short antenna , length of body 1.8 mm , there is winged some are not ; 1.7 mm long wings are black ; very fast breeding , the eggs can hatch in 3-4 days . Symptoms : ( 1 ) a nymph or adult louse attacked by sucking fluid selselleaves in groups on the surface of young leaves , especially young shoot tips , stems branches , flowers , and fruit ; ( 2 ) flea will produce honey dew that coats the leaf surface and stimulate the growth of a black fungus ( sooty mold ) ; the leaves change shape , shrink , leriting , late flowering , young fruits fall , if not quality buahpun ugly . Control : ( 1 ) field sanitation and spacing ( not too tightly ) ; ( 2 ) the natural enemies coccinellidae Lycosa ; ( 3 ) by spraying Supracide 40 EC ( ba Metidation ) dose of 2 cc / liter of water or 1-1,6 liters ; ( 4 ) Supracide 40 EC in 500-800 liters / ha spraying water at intervals of 2 weeks ; ( 5 ) Convidor 200 SL ( Imidacloprid ba ) doses from 0.125 to 0.250 cc / liter of water ; ( 6 ) Convidor 200 SL in 600 liters / h spraying water at intervals of 10 days ( 7 ) Convidor can be lethal to the eggs ; spraying from top to bottom . Spraying is done 1-2 weeks before flowering and continued 1-1.5 months afterflowers bloom until 15 days before harvest .2 ) The mite , mite Spinder , red whip ( Panonychus Ulmi )Characteristics : dark red , and length of 0.6 mm . Symptoms : ( 1 ) attacking mites suck the fluid leaves the cells of the leaf ; ( 2 ) the onslaught cause yellow spots , opaque , brown , and dries ; ( 3 ) the fruit causes patches of silvery or brown . Control : ( 1 ) the natural Musah coccinellidae and Lycosa ; ( 2 ) spraying acarisides ommittee 570 EC as much as 2 cc / liter of water or 1 liter acarisides ommittee 570 EC in 500 liters of water per hectare at intervals of 2 weeks .3 ) TripsCharacteristics: small size with a length of 1mm ; kekuningkuningan white nymphs ; adult blackish brown ; moving fast and if touched will soon fly to escape . Symptoms : ( 1 ) put the leaves , buds / shoots , and fruits are still very young ; ( 2 ) the leaves look berbintikbintikwhite , both sides of the leaves curl upward and abnormal growth ; ( 3 ) leaves at the ends of shoots dry up and fall ( 4 ) on the leaves leaving scars brown gray . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves and keep the plant canopy environment tidktoo tightly ; ( 2 ) spraying with insecticides as Lannate 25 WP ( ba Methomyl ) at a dose of 2 cc / liter of water or Lebaycid 550 EC ( ba Fention ) at a dose of 2 cc / liter of water at the plant were sat germinate , flower, and fruit formation .4 ) leaf caterpillar ( Spodoptera litura )Feature : larvae are green with streaks of gray extending from the abdomen to the lateral kepala.pada larvae are black spots circle or semi-circle , lay eggs in groups and are covered with fine brown hair . Symptoms : attack the leaves , resulting in irregular pits until the bones leaves . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves ; ( 2 ) spraying with a spray like Tamaron 200 LC ( ba Metamidofos ) and Nuvacron 20 SCW ( ba Monocrotofos ) .5 ) leaf -sucking insects ( Helopelthis Sp )Feature : Helopelthis Theivora with black and red abdomen , the abdomen was HelopelthisAntonii with red and white color . Serabgga small . The newly hatched nymphs penjang 1mm and a length of 6 - 8mm adult insects . At the thoraknya lump that resembles a needle . Symptoms : attack on the morning , afternoon or during cloudy circumstances ; attack young leaves , shoots and fruit menhisap cell fluid manner ; affected leaves become brown and its development is not symmetrical ; infested shoots become brown , dry and eventually die ; attack on fruitcause fruit menjadibercak - brown spots , necrosis , and when the fruit enlarges , the broken part is spotting menyebebkan fruit quality decreases . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by way of a plastic roof pengerondongan / pembelongsongan fruit . ( 2 ) Spraying with insecticides such asLannate 25 WP ( ba Metomyl ) , Baycarb 500 EC ( ba BPMC ) , who performed on Tuesday afternoon .6 ) black leaf caterpillar ( Dasychira inclusa Walker )Feature : The larvae have two close crested black head that leads towards the side of the head . In the body there are four crested keumpulan seta which is blackish brown . Along both sides of the body are ab - gray colored hair . Larvae 50 mm . Symptoms : attack the young and old leaves ; affected plants with damaged bones daundaunnya 30 % ; larvae during the day hiding behind the leaves . Control : ( 1 ) mechanically by removing the eggs are usually laid on the leaves ; ( 2 ) spraying insecticides such as : Nuvacron 20 SCW ( ba Monocrotofos ) and Matador 25 EC .7 ) fruit fly ( Rhagoletis pomonella )Feature : no -legged larva , after hatching from eggs ( 10 days ) could soon be eating fruit flesh . Color black flies , yellow legs and lay eggs on the fruit . Symptoms : fruit shape become ugly , visible lumps . Control : ( 1 ) spraying contact insecticides such as Lebacyd 550 EC ; ( 2 ) make the male flies using methyl eugenol as much as 0.1 cc ditetesan cotton pad that has been spilled insecticide 2 cc . Tersebutkapas cotton is inserted into a plastic bottle ( ex of mineral water ) that is suspended a height of 2 meters . Because a similar scent smells issued females , then males interested and menhisap cotton .7.2 . disease1 ) disease powdery mildew ( Powdery Mildew )Cause : Padosphaera leucotich Salm . With imperfeknya stadia are Oidium Sp . Symptoms : ( 1 ) appear white on the upper leaves , buds not normal , stunted and unfruitful ; ( 2 ) the fruits are brown , warty brown . Control : ( 1 ) cut the buds or the sick and burned ; ( 2 ) with fungicides Nimrod menyemprotka cc/10 250 EC 2.5-5 liters of water ( 500liter/Ha ) or Afugan 300 EC 0.5-1 cc / liter of water ( prevention ) and 1-1.5 cc / liter of water after perompesan until 4-5 weeks old shoots at intervals of 5-7 days .2 ) leaf spot disease ( coronary Marssonina JJ Davis )Symptoms : leaf age 4-6 weeks after perompesan visible white patches of irregular , brown , black top surface of the raised dots , starting from old leaves , young leaves to all parts of the fall . Control : ( 1 ) spacing is not too tight , the affected part removed and burned ; ( 2 ) sprayedfungicides Agrisan 60 WP 2 g / liter of water , the dose from 1000 to 2000 g / ha since 10 days after rompes with intervals of 1 week or as many as 10 applications Delseme 2 MX 200 grams / liter of water , Henlate 0.5 g / liter of water since the age of 4 days after rompes with intervals of 7 days to 4 weeks .3 ) Mushroom rattle ( Berk et Br salmonicolor Cortisium )Control : reduce moisture gardens , eliminating diseased .4 ) Cancer ( Botryosphaeria sp.)Symptoms : attack the stems / branches ( rotten , dark brown , sometimes discharge ) , and fruit ( small tricycles color light brown , rotten , mengelembung , watery and pale fruit colors . Controls : ( 1 ) do not harvest the fruit is too ripe ; ( 2 ) reduces the moisture farm , (3 ) remove the diseased part ; ( 4 ) pengerokkan diseased stems and smeared fungicide F 100 cc/10 Difolatan 4 liters of water or Copper Sandoz ; ( 5 ) sprayed Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water , Antracol 70 WP 2 g / liter of water .5 ) fruit rot ( Gloeosporium Sp . )Symptoms : small brown spots and black spots turn into orange . Control : not overly ripe fruit picking and dyeing with Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water to prevent the disease in storage .6 ) Root rot ( Armilliaria Melea )Symptoms : put the apple crop in cold wet areas , marked with withered leaves , fall , and skin rot roots . Control : with eradifikasi , ie unload / revoke the affected plants and their roots , the former fallow hole at least 1 year .
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestIn general, apples can be harvested 4-5 months after the flowers bloom , depending on variety and climate . Rome Beauty can be learned at the age of about 120-141 days from bloom flowers , Manalagi can be harvested at 114 days after anthesis and Anna about 100 days . However , in the rainy season and higher places , the age of the fruit longer . Harvesting is best done when the plant reaches physiological maturity levels ( ripening ) , which is the rate at which fruit has the ability to be a normal cook after harvesting . Physiologically ripe fruit traits are : the maximum size of the fruit looks , aroma began to be felt , the color looks bright fruit when pressed feels fresh and sharp .8.2 . How to HarvestPlucking an apple is done by picking the fruit by hand simultaneously to any garden .8.3 . Harvest periodApple harvest period is six months based on cycle maintenance has been done .8.4 . Production forecastProduction of fruit depends on the variety of apple , apple production is generally 6-15 kg / tree .9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionOnce picked, the apples were collected in the shade and not exposed to direct sunlight in order to obtain a reduced rate of respiration of apples are high quality and quantity . The collection is done with care and should not be piled and tossed , then taken by cart to the warehouse to be selected .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting is done to separate the good fruit and fruit are free of disease with poor or diseased , so that the disease is not contracted throughout the harvested fruit that can lower the quality of the product . Classification is done to classify products based on variety, size and quality of fruit .9.3 . storageBasically apples can be stored for longer than with other fruits , such as Rome Beauty 21-28 days ( 113-120 days of age quotes ) or 7-14 days ( age stringed 127-141 days ) . For longer storage ( 4-7 months ) , should be stored at 6-0 degrees C to minus 2.2 degrees C. precooling9.4 . Packaging and TransportationCardboard packaging used is the size of 48 x 33 x 37 cm with a weight of 35 kg of apples . Basic and above arrangement of apples need to be given pieces of paper and arranged oblique ( parallel to the long stalk box ) . Basic box diisai 3-3 or 2-2 or 3-2 intermittent closing the space between each piece .
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