Mangosteen is a fruit plant a tree from a shady tropical forests in Southeast Asia , namely Malaysian or Indonesian jungle . From Southeast Asia , this plant spread to Central America and other tropical regions such as Sri Lanka , Malagasy , Caribbean , Hawaii and Northern Australia . In Indonesia, the mangosteen is called by various names such as manggu local ( West Java ) , Manggus ( Lampung ) , Manggusto ( North Sulawesi ) , Manggista ( West Sumatra ) .
Botanical classification mangosteen tree is as follows :
Division : Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class : Dicotyledonae
Family : guttiferae
Genus : Garcinia
Species : Garcinia mangostana L
Research Institute for Fruit Trees SMF recommend three clones mangosteen , namely :
Major groups : leaf length > 20 cm ; width > 10 cm ; rind thickness > 9 mm ; fruit diameter > 6.5 cm ; fruit weight > 140 grams ; 1 point for each fruit bunches .
Groups were : leaves 17-20 cm long ; width from 8.5 to 10 cm ; rind thickness of 6-9 mm ; Fruit 5.5-6.5 cm in diameter ; fruit weight of 70-140 grams ; 1-2 bunches of fruit each item .
Small groups : leaf length < 17 cm ; width < 8.5 cm ; rind thickness < 6 mm ; fruit diameter < 5.5 cm ; fruit weight < 70 grams ; fruits per cluster > 2 grains . Clones developed are MBS1 , MBS2 , MBS3 , MBS4 , MBS5 , MBS6 and MBS 7 .
Mangosteen fruit can be presented in the form of fresh , as canned fruit , made syrup / juice . Traditionally mangosteen is thrush medication , hemorrhoids and wounds . Leather pieces used as dyes for textiles including water boiled and used as traditional medicine . The trunk is used as building materials , firewood / craft .
Mangosteen tree planting center is East Kalimantan , Central Kalimantan , West Java ( Jasinga , Kudat, Wanayasa ) , West Sumatra , North Sumatra , Riau , East Java and North Sulawesi .
5.1 . climate
In the cultivation of mangosteen , wind plays a role in pollinating flowers to fruit growing . Good wind is not too tight .
The area is suitable for cultivation of mangosteen is an area that has an annual rainfall of 1500-2500 mm / year and evenly throughout the year .
Ideal air temperature is in the range 22-32 ° C.
5.2 . Growing Media
The best soil for the cultivation of mangosteen is a fertile soil , friable , containing organic matter .
The degree of acidity of the soil ( soil pH ) is ideal for the cultivation of mangosteen is 5-7 .
For mangosteen plant growth requires an area with good drainage and not flooded and groundwater is at a depth of 50-200 m
5.3 . The altitude
Mangosteen trees can be grown in the lowlands to altitudes below 1,000 m asl . The best growth was achieved in the area with an altitude of 500-600 m below sea level.
6.1 . Nurseries
Mangosteen tree can be propagated by seeds / seedlings grafting shoots and Dairy . Trees planted new seeds of flowering at the age of 10-15 years, while that of planted seedlings to flowering connections at the age of 5-7 years .
1 ) Requirements Seed
Propagation by seed for rootstock seeds that will be used as seed taken from an old fruit pulp contains segments 5-6 with 1-2 seed segment , not damaged , weighing a minimum of one gram and at least 75 % germination . The fruit is taken from trees at least 10 years old .
To seed a way of making the necessary connections rootstocks and shoots ( entres ) healthy . Rootstock seedlings from seed is more than two years old with a trunk diameter of 0.5 cm and brownish green skin .
2 ) Preparation of Seed
Propagation by seed for rootstock To remove fruit pulp , fruit soak in water for 1 week ( water changed every other day ) so that mucus and fungus wasted . Seeds will flake off by itself and the seeds washed thoroughly . Dip into the seed with fungicide Benlate concentration of 3 g / L for 2-5 minutes . Keringanginkan seeds in the shade for a few days until the moisture content of 12-14 % .
Buds to form shoots connection ( one book ) which was derived from the young leafy trees and a healthy mother superior . Two weeks before grafting rootstock section incision areas and smeared shoots of growth regulators Adenine / Kinetin with a concentration of 500 ppm to encourage growth .
3 ) Seed Seeding Technique
Propagation is by seed in the seedbed pile is built with a width of 100-120 cm with 60-100 cm spacing between beds . Processed into 30 cm soil , then mix sand , soil and organic matter finely ( 3:2:1 ) with evenly . Nursery given a thatch roof / coconut leaves to a height of 150-175 cm and the East side West side of 10-125 cm . Seeds planted in the planting hole measuring 10 x 10 cm with a spacing of 3 x 3 cm and 5 cm distance between rows at a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm . Close the seeds with soil and then beds covered with wet burlap sacks or straw 3 cm thick . Nursery watered 1-2 times a day , given urea and SP - 36 each 2 g / plant every month . After the age of 1 year , the seedlings were transferred to a poly bag size 20 x 30 cm containing a mixture of soil and compost / manure ( 1:1 ) . Seed is maintained until the age of 2 years old and ready to be planted in the field / rootstock used in grafting .
Seeding and nursery in polybags measuring 20 x 30 cm . One / two seeds sown in the polybag 20 x 30 cm are essentially small perforated at a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm . Media planting a mixture of fine soil , compost / manure smooth and sand ( 1:1:1 ) . Save polybag in side circled seedbed board / bamboo slats so polybags not collapse . Nursery watered 1-2 days and given urea and SP - 36 as much as 2-3 g / plant every month . Seed is maintained until the age of 2 years old and ready to be planted in the field or used as rootstock in grafting .
Propagation by grafting the bud : The bud grafting method is as follows :
Cut material as high as 15-25 cm below the base of the neck and make a slit in the tip of the rod along 3-5 cm .
Runcingkan along the base of the stem above 3-5 cm .
Tuck the pointy part scions ( shoots ) into the gap rootstock .
Balut areas of the lower and upper linkage rod with a rope . Wrapping starts from the top , then tie the ends of the bandage firmly .
Cover the connection with the results of a transparent plastic bag and keep in the shade . After 2-3 weeks the cover is opened and the seeds were allowed to grow for 3-4 weeks . Bandage can be removed after the age of 3 months which is when the seeds have sprouted . After a 6 month old ready Transplanting seedlings into the garden .
During the flush connection siangi seeds and weed regularly .
Propagation by grafting Dairy Dairy As for how the connection is as follows :
Select the parent tree trunk productive as above .
Prepare rootstocks in polybags and put on a higher ground than the parent tree .
Select one branch ( entres ) from the parent tree to a branch above materials . Branch diameter less than or equal to the lower stem .
Cut down with a wooden rod of approximately 1/3-1/2 diameter of 5-8 cm along the stem .
Cut branches also entres in the same way .
Bring a second incision field rod and wrapped with raffia .
Let the seeds Dairy for 5-6 months .
Maintain parent trees and rootstocks in polybags with intensive .
Dairy successful if young sprout in the bud scions ( budwood ) and swelling ( callus ) in the rope .
Seeds Dairy freshly cut immediately stored in the shade by irradiating 30 % for 3-6 months to grow new shoots . At this time ready Transplanting seedlings .
6.2 . Media Processing Plant
Preparation : Determination of mango plantation area should pay attention to the ease of transportation and water resources .
Land Opening
Dismantling the plant is not needed and turn off the weeds and eliminate weeds and shrubs from planting areas .
Plowing the soil to remove large chunks of land that too .
Planting Distance Settings : In infertile soil , spacing sealed while the fertile soil , spacing is more tenuous . Plant spacing is 10 m and the standard set by:
isosceles triangle .
diagonal .
square ( rectangle) .
Fertilization : Seedlings planted in the rainy season except in areas that are irrigated throughout the year . Before planting sprinkle a mixture of 500 grams of ZA , SP - 36 250 grams and 200 grams of KCl into the planting hole and cover with soil .
6.3 . Planting techniques
1 ) Hole Making Plant
Make the planting hole size of 50 x 50 cm and 25 cm deep soil excavation placed on one side . Deepened to 50 cm planting hole and place the excavated soil on the other side . 15-30 days Keringanginkan planting hole before planting . Then enter the inner land ( quarry to two ) and re-enter the top layer of soil that has been mixed with 20-30 kg of manure . Distance between holes 8 x 10 m or 10 x 10 m is calculated from the midpoint of the hole . For sloping land should be made terraces , embankments and drainage channels to prevent erosion .
2 ) How Planting
With a spacing of 10x 10 m or 8 x 10 m required 100-125 seeds per hectare . How to plant the right seeds are as follows :
Sprinkle the seeds in the poly bag with water until polybags can be released easily .
Discard most of the roots are too long with knife / sharp scissors .
Enter the seeds into the middle of the planting hole with soil piled up to the limit of roots and soil condense slowly .
Flush until the soil is quite moist .
Give shade made of bamboo poles with thatched roofs . If the existing trees in the surrounding , these trees can serve as a natural protector . Shade trees must be natural and micro-climate change , for example albisia and Leucaena plants .
6.4 . Plant maintenance
1 ) Weeding
Perform continuous weeding and fertilizing should be done in conjunction with and penggemburanyaitu two times a year .
2 ) Perempalan / Trimming
Branches that grow twins and had no need to be trimmed to prevent fruit pests and diseases . Use pruning shears are clean and sharp to avoid infections and scars layered haircut with tar .
3 ) Fertilization
The type and dose of fertilizer recommendation is :
6 -month -old tree fertilized mixture of urea , SP - 36 and KCl ( 3:2:1 ) as much as 200-250 grams / tree .
1-3 year old tree fertilized mix 400-500 grams of urea , 650-700 grams of SP - 36 and 900-1000 grams of KCl ( 3:1:2 ) given in two to three times .
4 -year -old tree and so fostered a mixture of urea , SP - 36 and KCl ( 1:4:3 ) as much as 3-6 kg.pohon plus 40 kg / tree manure . Fertilizer sprinkled in the bolt / in the holes around the stem with a diameter as far as the size of the tree canopy . In the bolt and hole about 10-20 cm , while the distance between holes around 100-150 cm .
4 ) Irrigation and Watering
Plants under the age of five years requires the availability of adequate water and so continuously that need to be watered one to two days . While the mangosteen tree is older than five years , the frequency of watering can be reduced gradually . Watering is done by means of inundating morning irrigation or flushing .
5 ) Provision of Mulch
Straw mulch spread 3-5 cm thick ground cover around the young stem to suppress weeds , retain moisture and aeration and reduce water evaporation .
7.1 . pest
These pests pierce the leaves .
Control : ( 1 ) maintain environmental sanitation and maintenance of a good crop ; ( 2 ) spraying insecticide Bayrusil 250 EC / Cymbush 50 EC at a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .
7.2 . disease
leaf spot
Cause: The fungus Pestalotia sp . , Gloesporium sp . and Helminthosporium sp .
Symptoms : spots on leaves irregular gray on its head ( Pestalotia sp . ) , Brown ( Helminthosporium sp . ) And black on the top and bottom sides of leaves ( Gloesporium sp . ) .
Control : reduce the moisture that comes from cover crops , cut the affected areas and spraying fungicides Bayfidan 250 EC / 300 EC Baycolar with a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .
mushrooms policeman
Cause : Corticium salmonicolor Berk.et Br .
Symptoms : branches / twigs die from skin tissue dries .
Control : cut branches / twigs , bark and wood scrape severely attacked and smeared with paint section cut , or sprayed with Derosal 60 WP 0.1-0.2 % .
thread blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius scandens Mass. Dennis Reid et .
Symptoms : mushroom mycelium growing on the surface of branches and twigs form a white thread can be extended to cover the lower surface of the leaf .
Control : keep clean and cut the affected leaves .
cancer stem
Cause: The fungus Botryophaerisa Ribis .
Symptoms : skin color changes and the trunk and branch sap issued .
control :
drainage improvements , garden hygiene , cutting diseased plants ;
Benlate fungicide spraying for stem cancer , Cobox or Cupravit for other diseases .
hair blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius equicrinis Mull .
Symptoms : mangosteen surface covered similar form thread -like dark brown -black ponytail .
Control : same with stem cancer .
rotten fruit
Cause: The fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae Penz .
Symptoms : begins with the decay of the fruit base and extends to all parts of the fruit rind becomes so bleak .
Control : same with stem cancer .
root rot
Cause: The fungus Fomes noxious Corner .
Symptoms : root rot and brown .
Control : same as cancer stem
8.1 . Characteristics and Harvest
Maturity level of influence on the quality and shelf life of mangosteen . Fruit was harvested after 104 days from flower bloom ( SBM ) . Age and physical characteristics of mangosteen harvest ready for harvest can be seen below :
Harvest 104 days : green color purple spots ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 106 days : red purple color 10-25 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 108 days : red purple color 25-50 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 110 days : red purple color 50-75 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 114 days : red violet color ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-65 mm .
For local consumption , fruit picked at the age of 114 BOE while for export at the age of 104-108 BOE .
8.2 . How to Harvest
Harvesting is done by picking / cutting the base of the stem of the fruit with a sharp knife tools . To reach the fruit on high -rise ladder can be used on wood / pole is equipped with a knife and a basket on the end. Climbing mangosteen is often necessary because the old forest trees can be more than 25 years .
8.3 . Harvest period
Indonesian mangosteen tree is harvested in November to March next year .
8.4 . Estimated Production
Production of the first harvest only 5-10 fruit / tree , the second an average of 30 fruit / tree fruit subsequently 600-1000 / tree according to the age of the tree . At peak production , the plant can produce 3,000 intensive preserved fruit / tree with an average of 2,000 fruit / tree . The production of one hectare ( 100 plants ) can reach 200,000 points , or about 20 tons of fruit
9 . postharvest
Collection : Fruits are collected in a container and placed in a shaded location and comfortable .
Sorting and Classification : Place the fruit is well with the broken and rotting in a different container . Perform sorting based on the size of the fruit of the grouping of the Research Institute for Fruit Trees Solok ie large , medium and small .
Storage : At room temperature 4-6 degrees C fruit can stay fresh for 40 days , while at 9-12 degrees C hold for 33 days .
Mangosteen is a fruit plant a tree from a shady tropical forests in Southeast Asia , namely Malaysian or Indonesian jungle . From Southeast Asia , this plant spread to Central America and other tropical regions such as Sri Lanka , Malagasy , Caribbean , Hawaii and Northern Australia . In Indonesia, the mangosteen is called by various names such as manggu local ( West Java ) , Manggus ( Lampung ) , Manggusto ( North Sulawesi ) , Manggista ( West Sumatra ) .
Botanical classification mangosteen tree is as follows :
Division : Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class : Dicotyledonae
Family : guttiferae
Genus : Garcinia
Species : Garcinia mangostana L
Research Institute for Fruit Trees SMF recommend three clones mangosteen , namely :
Major groups : leaf length > 20 cm ; width > 10 cm ; rind thickness > 9 mm ; fruit diameter > 6.5 cm ; fruit weight > 140 grams ; 1 point for each fruit bunches .
Groups were : leaves 17-20 cm long ; width from 8.5 to 10 cm ; rind thickness of 6-9 mm ; Fruit 5.5-6.5 cm in diameter ; fruit weight of 70-140 grams ; 1-2 bunches of fruit each item .
Small groups : leaf length < 17 cm ; width < 8.5 cm ; rind thickness < 6 mm ; fruit diameter < 5.5 cm ; fruit weight < 70 grams ; fruits per cluster > 2 grains . Clones developed are MBS1 , MBS2 , MBS3 , MBS4 , MBS5 , MBS6 and MBS 7 .
Mangosteen fruit can be presented in the form of fresh , as canned fruit , made syrup / juice . Traditionally mangosteen is thrush medication , hemorrhoids and wounds . Leather pieces used as dyes for textiles including water boiled and used as traditional medicine . The trunk is used as building materials , firewood / craft .
Mangosteen tree planting center is East Kalimantan , Central Kalimantan , West Java ( Jasinga , Kudat, Wanayasa ) , West Sumatra , North Sumatra , Riau , East Java and North Sulawesi .
5.1 . climate
In the cultivation of mangosteen , wind plays a role in pollinating flowers to fruit growing . Good wind is not too tight .
The area is suitable for cultivation of mangosteen is an area that has an annual rainfall of 1500-2500 mm / year and evenly throughout the year .
Ideal air temperature is in the range 22-32 ° C.
5.2 . Growing Media
The best soil for the cultivation of mangosteen is a fertile soil , friable , containing organic matter .
The degree of acidity of the soil ( soil pH ) is ideal for the cultivation of mangosteen is 5-7 .
For mangosteen plant growth requires an area with good drainage and not flooded and groundwater is at a depth of 50-200 m
5.3 . The altitude
Mangosteen trees can be grown in the lowlands to altitudes below 1,000 m asl . The best growth was achieved in the area with an altitude of 500-600 m below sea level.
6.1 . Nurseries
Mangosteen tree can be propagated by seeds / seedlings grafting shoots and Dairy . Trees planted new seeds of flowering at the age of 10-15 years, while that of planted seedlings to flowering connections at the age of 5-7 years .
1 ) Requirements Seed
Propagation by seed for rootstock seeds that will be used as seed taken from an old fruit pulp contains segments 5-6 with 1-2 seed segment , not damaged , weighing a minimum of one gram and at least 75 % germination . The fruit is taken from trees at least 10 years old .
To seed a way of making the necessary connections rootstocks and shoots ( entres ) healthy . Rootstock seedlings from seed is more than two years old with a trunk diameter of 0.5 cm and brownish green skin .
2 ) Preparation of Seed
Propagation by seed for rootstock To remove fruit pulp , fruit soak in water for 1 week ( water changed every other day ) so that mucus and fungus wasted . Seeds will flake off by itself and the seeds washed thoroughly . Dip into the seed with fungicide Benlate concentration of 3 g / L for 2-5 minutes . Keringanginkan seeds in the shade for a few days until the moisture content of 12-14 % .
Buds to form shoots connection ( one book ) which was derived from the young leafy trees and a healthy mother superior . Two weeks before grafting rootstock section incision areas and smeared shoots of growth regulators Adenine / Kinetin with a concentration of 500 ppm to encourage growth .
3 ) Seed Seeding Technique
Propagation is by seed in the seedbed pile is built with a width of 100-120 cm with 60-100 cm spacing between beds . Processed into 30 cm soil , then mix sand , soil and organic matter finely ( 3:2:1 ) with evenly . Nursery given a thatch roof / coconut leaves to a height of 150-175 cm and the East side West side of 10-125 cm . Seeds planted in the planting hole measuring 10 x 10 cm with a spacing of 3 x 3 cm and 5 cm distance between rows at a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm . Close the seeds with soil and then beds covered with wet burlap sacks or straw 3 cm thick . Nursery watered 1-2 times a day , given urea and SP - 36 each 2 g / plant every month . After the age of 1 year , the seedlings were transferred to a poly bag size 20 x 30 cm containing a mixture of soil and compost / manure ( 1:1 ) . Seed is maintained until the age of 2 years old and ready to be planted in the field / rootstock used in grafting .
Seeding and nursery in polybags measuring 20 x 30 cm . One / two seeds sown in the polybag 20 x 30 cm are essentially small perforated at a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm . Media planting a mixture of fine soil , compost / manure smooth and sand ( 1:1:1 ) . Save polybag in side circled seedbed board / bamboo slats so polybags not collapse . Nursery watered 1-2 days and given urea and SP - 36 as much as 2-3 g / plant every month . Seed is maintained until the age of 2 years old and ready to be planted in the field or used as rootstock in grafting .
Propagation by grafting the bud : The bud grafting method is as follows :
Cut material as high as 15-25 cm below the base of the neck and make a slit in the tip of the rod along 3-5 cm .
Runcingkan along the base of the stem above 3-5 cm .
Tuck the pointy part scions ( shoots ) into the gap rootstock .
Balut areas of the lower and upper linkage rod with a rope . Wrapping starts from the top , then tie the ends of the bandage firmly .
Cover the connection with the results of a transparent plastic bag and keep in the shade . After 2-3 weeks the cover is opened and the seeds were allowed to grow for 3-4 weeks . Bandage can be removed after the age of 3 months which is when the seeds have sprouted . After a 6 month old ready Transplanting seedlings into the garden .
During the flush connection siangi seeds and weed regularly .
Propagation by grafting Dairy Dairy As for how the connection is as follows :
Select the parent tree trunk productive as above .
Prepare rootstocks in polybags and put on a higher ground than the parent tree .
Select one branch ( entres ) from the parent tree to a branch above materials . Branch diameter less than or equal to the lower stem .
Cut down with a wooden rod of approximately 1/3-1/2 diameter of 5-8 cm along the stem .
Cut branches also entres in the same way .
Bring a second incision field rod and wrapped with raffia .
Let the seeds Dairy for 5-6 months .
Maintain parent trees and rootstocks in polybags with intensive .
Dairy successful if young sprout in the bud scions ( budwood ) and swelling ( callus ) in the rope .
Seeds Dairy freshly cut immediately stored in the shade by irradiating 30 % for 3-6 months to grow new shoots . At this time ready Transplanting seedlings .
6.2 . Media Processing Plant
Preparation : Determination of mango plantation area should pay attention to the ease of transportation and water resources .
Land Opening
Dismantling the plant is not needed and turn off the weeds and eliminate weeds and shrubs from planting areas .
Plowing the soil to remove large chunks of land that too .
Planting Distance Settings : In infertile soil , spacing sealed while the fertile soil , spacing is more tenuous . Plant spacing is 10 m and the standard set by:
isosceles triangle .
diagonal .
square ( rectangle) .
Fertilization : Seedlings planted in the rainy season except in areas that are irrigated throughout the year . Before planting sprinkle a mixture of 500 grams of ZA , SP - 36 250 grams and 200 grams of KCl into the planting hole and cover with soil .
6.3 . Planting techniques
1 ) Hole Making Plant
Make the planting hole size of 50 x 50 cm and 25 cm deep soil excavation placed on one side . Deepened to 50 cm planting hole and place the excavated soil on the other side . 15-30 days Keringanginkan planting hole before planting . Then enter the inner land ( quarry to two ) and re-enter the top layer of soil that has been mixed with 20-30 kg of manure . Distance between holes 8 x 10 m or 10 x 10 m is calculated from the midpoint of the hole . For sloping land should be made terraces , embankments and drainage channels to prevent erosion .
2 ) How Planting
With a spacing of 10x 10 m or 8 x 10 m required 100-125 seeds per hectare . How to plant the right seeds are as follows :
Sprinkle the seeds in the poly bag with water until polybags can be released easily .
Discard most of the roots are too long with knife / sharp scissors .
Enter the seeds into the middle of the planting hole with soil piled up to the limit of roots and soil condense slowly .
Flush until the soil is quite moist .
Give shade made of bamboo poles with thatched roofs . If the existing trees in the surrounding , these trees can serve as a natural protector . Shade trees must be natural and micro-climate change , for example albisia and Leucaena plants .
6.4 . Plant maintenance
1 ) Weeding
Perform continuous weeding and fertilizing should be done in conjunction with and penggemburanyaitu two times a year .
2 ) Perempalan / Trimming
Branches that grow twins and had no need to be trimmed to prevent fruit pests and diseases . Use pruning shears are clean and sharp to avoid infections and scars layered haircut with tar .
3 ) Fertilization
The type and dose of fertilizer recommendation is :
6 -month -old tree fertilized mixture of urea , SP - 36 and KCl ( 3:2:1 ) as much as 200-250 grams / tree .
1-3 year old tree fertilized mix 400-500 grams of urea , 650-700 grams of SP - 36 and 900-1000 grams of KCl ( 3:1:2 ) given in two to three times .
4 -year -old tree and so fostered a mixture of urea , SP - 36 and KCl ( 1:4:3 ) as much as 3-6 kg.pohon plus 40 kg / tree manure . Fertilizer sprinkled in the bolt / in the holes around the stem with a diameter as far as the size of the tree canopy . In the bolt and hole about 10-20 cm , while the distance between holes around 100-150 cm .
4 ) Irrigation and Watering
Plants under the age of five years requires the availability of adequate water and so continuously that need to be watered one to two days . While the mangosteen tree is older than five years , the frequency of watering can be reduced gradually . Watering is done by means of inundating morning irrigation or flushing .
5 ) Provision of Mulch
Straw mulch spread 3-5 cm thick ground cover around the young stem to suppress weeds , retain moisture and aeration and reduce water evaporation .
7.1 . pest
These pests pierce the leaves .
Control : ( 1 ) maintain environmental sanitation and maintenance of a good crop ; ( 2 ) spraying insecticide Bayrusil 250 EC / Cymbush 50 EC at a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .
7.2 . disease
leaf spot
Cause: The fungus Pestalotia sp . , Gloesporium sp . and Helminthosporium sp .
Symptoms : spots on leaves irregular gray on its head ( Pestalotia sp . ) , Brown ( Helminthosporium sp . ) And black on the top and bottom sides of leaves ( Gloesporium sp . ) .
Control : reduce the moisture that comes from cover crops , cut the affected areas and spraying fungicides Bayfidan 250 EC / 300 EC Baycolar with a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .
mushrooms policeman
Cause : Corticium salmonicolor Berk.et Br .
Symptoms : branches / twigs die from skin tissue dries .
Control : cut branches / twigs , bark and wood scrape severely attacked and smeared with paint section cut , or sprayed with Derosal 60 WP 0.1-0.2 % .
thread blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius scandens Mass. Dennis Reid et .
Symptoms : mushroom mycelium growing on the surface of branches and twigs form a white thread can be extended to cover the lower surface of the leaf .
Control : keep clean and cut the affected leaves .
cancer stem
Cause: The fungus Botryophaerisa Ribis .
Symptoms : skin color changes and the trunk and branch sap issued .
control :
drainage improvements , garden hygiene , cutting diseased plants ;
Benlate fungicide spraying for stem cancer , Cobox or Cupravit for other diseases .
hair blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius equicrinis Mull .
Symptoms : mangosteen surface covered similar form thread -like dark brown -black ponytail .
Control : same with stem cancer .
rotten fruit
Cause: The fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae Penz .
Symptoms : begins with the decay of the fruit base and extends to all parts of the fruit rind becomes so bleak .
Control : same with stem cancer .
root rot
Cause: The fungus Fomes noxious Corner .
Symptoms : root rot and brown .
Control : same as cancer stem
8.1 . Characteristics and Harvest
Maturity level of influence on the quality and shelf life of mangosteen . Fruit was harvested after 104 days from flower bloom ( SBM ) . Age and physical characteristics of mangosteen harvest ready for harvest can be seen below :
Harvest 104 days : green color purple spots ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 106 days : red purple color 10-25 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 108 days : red purple color 25-50 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 110 days : red purple color 50-75 % ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-60 mm .
Harvest 114 days : red violet color ; weight of 80-130 grams ; diameter of 55-65 mm .
For local consumption , fruit picked at the age of 114 BOE while for export at the age of 104-108 BOE .
8.2 . How to Harvest
Harvesting is done by picking / cutting the base of the stem of the fruit with a sharp knife tools . To reach the fruit on high -rise ladder can be used on wood / pole is equipped with a knife and a basket on the end. Climbing mangosteen is often necessary because the old forest trees can be more than 25 years .
8.3 . Harvest period
Indonesian mangosteen tree is harvested in November to March next year .
8.4 . Estimated Production
Production of the first harvest only 5-10 fruit / tree , the second an average of 30 fruit / tree fruit subsequently 600-1000 / tree according to the age of the tree . At peak production , the plant can produce 3,000 intensive preserved fruit / tree with an average of 2,000 fruit / tree . The production of one hectare ( 100 plants ) can reach 200,000 points , or about 20 tons of fruit
9 . postharvest
Collection : Fruits are collected in a container and placed in a shaded location and comfortable .
Sorting and Classification : Place the fruit is well with the broken and rotting in a different container . Perform sorting based on the size of the fruit of the grouping of the Research Institute for Fruit Trees Solok ie large , medium and small .
Storage : At room temperature 4-6 degrees C fruit can stay fresh for 40 days , while at 9-12 degrees C hold for 33 days .
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