Orchid is an ornamental flowering plant in the form of the parasite that beautiful flower . Orchid has been known since 200 years ago and since last 50 years ranging widely cultivated in Indonesia .
Species of orchids are found in Indonesia, including the type of beautiful , among others : Vanda tricolor found in West Java and in Ground , Vanda hookeriana , mottled purple comes from Sumatra , orchids Larat / phalaenopis Dendrobium , orchid month / Phalaenopsis amabilis , orchids Apple Blossom , orchids Paphiopedilun praestans originating from Irian Jaya and Paphiopedilun glaucophyllum orchids from Central Java . Orchid plants can be distinguished by the nature of his life , namely :
Ephytis orchid is a type of orchid that menupang in trunk / another tree but not damage / harm boarded . The instrument is used to stick the roots , while the roots function to find food is the root of the air .
Ephytis spring orchid species of orchids are attached to trees / other plants that do not impair the carrying , only root adhesion also serve as aerial roots are in search of food to thrive .
Ground orchids / orchid Terrestris is a type of orchid that lives on land .
The main benefit of this plant is grown as an ornamental because orchids have beauty , distinctive smell . Additionally useful orchids as medicine herb mixture , perfume ingredients / hair oil .
Sentra orchid plants in Europe are the UK , while in Asia is Thailand . In Indonesia , many orchids are in West Java , Central Java , Sumatra or in Irian Jaya .
5.1 . climate
The wind and rain did not significantly affect the growth of orchids .
Sunlight is needed at all for this plant . Light needs vary depending on the type of orchid plants .
The minimum temperature for the growth of orchids is 12.7 degrees C. If night temperatures are below 12.7 degrees C , then the area is not recommended for planting orchids ( in the Dieng plateau ) .
Orchid plants do not fit in a wet atmosphere continuously, but like the air humidity of 65-70 % during the day .
5.2 . Growing Media
There are 3 types of media for orchid plants , namely :
Medium for orchids and Semi Ephytis Ephytis consists of :
Fern fiber that has been boiled .
2 . Discarded bark sap .
Coconut fibers that have been soaked in water for 2 weeks .
Palm fiber .
Pieces of palm trees .
Wood charcoal .
Broken tiles / bricks .
The materials are cut according to the size of the plants and roots . For Semi Epirit orchids whose roots attached to the media to look for food , need to be given additional foods such as compost , manure / leaves.
Medium for orchids Terrestria : This orchid species live in the soil it is necessary plus compost , husks , manure , animal blood , fibers and other ferns .
Medium for orchids semi Terrestria : Material for this orchid media need a rather large tile fragments , plus chaff manure / wood shavings . Media used broken tiles , wood fibers , fibers and other ferns . The degree of acidity of the soil water used is 5.2 .
5.3 . The altitude
Altitude suitable for the cultivation of this plant can be divided into 3 kinds:
Hot Orchid ( altitude 0-650 m asl ) : Orchids require hot air temperature 26-30 degrees C during the day , 21 degrees C at night , with an altitude of 0-650 meters above sea level areas . Examples of types of orchids are :
Dendrobium phalaenopsis
Onchidium Papillo
Phaphilopedillum Bellatum
Orchids were ( altitude 150-1500 m asl ) : Orchid was on the daytime air temperature of 21 degrees C and 15-21 degrees C , at night , with an altitude of 150-1500 m above sea level .
Orchids cold ( more than 1500 m asl ) : cool rare orchids growing in Indonesia , grew well at temperatures of 15-21 degrees C during the day and 9-15 degrees C at night , with a height = 1500 m above sea level . Example : Cymbidium orchids types .
6.1 . Nurseries
Requirements Seed : Seed orchids good , healthy and has some superior characteristics , namely : form strong stem , rapid growth , lush foliage , flowers dense and beautiful .
Spreading Seeds : Seeds of orchids comes from the seeds planted . The orchid seed dispersal as follows :
Equipment used for seed dispersal must be clean .
Sterilize seeds : Prior to spread seeds should be sterilized first with 10 grams of chlorine dissolved in 100 cc of water then filter paper filter , put in a bottle . Seeds inserted in the bottle and shaken 10 minutes . ( originally yellow orchid seeds change color to greenish brown ) . Then the water was removed and replaced with distilled water , shaken repeatedly ( 2-3 times ) .
Orchid seed dispersal : The bottles that have been sterilized can be used to menyebaran orchid seed . Before opening the bottle, the bottle neck is heated above spritus light to eliminate germs . To enter into the orchid seed is used pipette bottles were cleaned first by way of warming over spritus lights up red and then dipped into spritus . Bottle that has been opened and then filled and leveled orchid seeds throughout the base surface of the food that has been provided . Before we heat the bottle closed again above spritus then closed again .
Seed Seeding Technique :
Memeriksaan with a microscope , whether or not the orchid seed , white empty the contents of yellow and brown / other color .
Preparing a wide -mouthed bottle clean and colorless in order to continue the needed sunlight and easily seen .
Bottle caps of cotton rolled - up hard rolls , tied rope ends to facilitate stripped back , or the rest of the cut fabric pieces . Density bottle caps keep bacteria / fungus does not go so not infected or contaminated .
Preparing glass cabinets ( ent - cash ) clean of bacteria / fungi with a cloth that has been dipped in a cabinet air formalin sterilized with formaldehyde poured cotton so that the plate glass sterilize evaporates ( ent - cash ) .
Making sterilsasi pedestal base food and to make food orchids commonly used prescription Khudson C ( Northen ) 12 , namely :
Ca ( NO3 ) 2H2O : 1.00 grams
KH2PO4 : 0.25 grams
MgSO47H2O : 0.25 grams
( NH4 ) 2SO4 : 0.25 grams
Saccharose : 20 grams
FeSO4 4H2O : 0.25 grams
MnSO4 : 0.0075 grams
Agar-agar : 15 to 17.5 grams
Distilled water : 1000 cc
Making the necessary food base pH 5.2 , pH meter used paper / textile pH / Indicator Paper . Sterilization by heating in Autoclaf that up to 110 degrees C for half an hour or by steamer and then placed in a clean place , on his side , so foods high 1/2-2/3 bottle height ( from the base up to the neck of the bottle ) and allowed to stand for 5-7 hours to find the perfect sterilization .
Seed Displacement : Having plants in the 9-12 month old bottle looks great , growing roots . In this level can be moved into the seed has been seeding pots with a diameter of 7 cm , 12 cm or 16 cm with holes . Prepare broken tiles , and brown fern root , cut with a length of 5-30 mm so that the fibers apart from each other . Before the first use and let the water washed away. Fern roots after being washed , soaked first in the base food for 24 hours in the form of :
Urea or ZA : 0.50 mg
DS , TS or ES : 0.25 mg
Potassium sulfate or K2SO4 : 0.25 mg
Water : 1000 cc
Another alaternatif as the base foods , artificial fertilizers can also be used a mixture of N, P , K ratio of 60:30:10 or can also be used manure that has been mixed with a fern frond ratio : 4:1 = manure . Moreover, it can be used pine bark in small pieces of peanut seeds , which had been soaked in foods such as fern roots base for 24 hours . For stuffing pots can also be used firewood charcoal / coconut fiber chopped thumb . Prepared pots filled with broken tiles third tall pots / layah , then the contents of crushed ferns as high as 1 cm below the edge of the pot / layah ( does not need to be compacted ) . Transplanting into pots done by removing the plants by inserting a water bottle into the bottle . With a clean wire leads like the letter U , the plant released one by one ( first root ) . After exiting the plant chlorine 1 % then washed with clean water . Seedlings ( seedlings ) were planted in pots with the meeting . If in the bottle is as good as fungal contamination first soaked in antibiotics ( penicillin , streptomycin Past expirydatenya ) newly planted 10 minutes .
Displacement of Pot Seeding : After seeding plants in pots is high enough , the plants were transferred to pots usual 4-6 cm in diameter , containing pieces of urgent / brick red , then give the fern / pine bark that has been soaked in a food base to 1 cm under the edge of the pot .
6.2 . Media Processing Plant
Media planting soil for orchids distinguished :
Plants in pots ( with a diameter of 7-30 cm depending on the type of plant ) . If the diameter of 25-30 cm pots chosen it needs to be installed pole in the middle of the pot , then the pot filled with broken tiles . Orchids in place in the middle and its roots spread evenly in the pot , then the orchid stem tied to a pole . Pots filled with manure that has been mixed according to the composition of approximately 2/3 of the pot .
Media planting in soil with cropping systems tanks . Bathtub made from red bricks length of 2 m wide and 40 cm tall tub 2 layers of red bricks . Making the tub on the ground to avoid kebecekan , in dry soil excavated as deep as 10-20 cm and then given a brick size of 40 cm x 2 m and the distance between pembantas with another 3 cm . Pole holder made 4 pieces that plug into the ground with a height of 1.5 m , respectively . Between one another pole connected to the timber so the fourth pole is a complete circuit.
6.3 . Planting techniques
Planting orchids , adapted to the nature of live orchid plants , namely :
Ephytis orchids are orchids that menupang in trunk / another tree but not damage / harm or ditempelin carrying . The instrument is used to stick the roots , while the roots function to find food is the root of the air .
Ephytis spring orchid species of orchids are attached to trees / other plants that do not damage affixed , only root adhesion also serve as aerial roots are in search of food to thrive .
Ground orchids / orchid terrestris .
6.4 . Plant maintenance
Thinning and Stitching : Spacing and stitching done in places that are tailored to the type of orchid , orchid nature epphytis or soil .
Weeding : For weeding orchids at the time the condition in the bottle and then separated into pots that have been provided according to the type of orchid .
Fertilization : Elements macro elements that are required in large quantities include : C , H , O , N , S , P , K , Ca , Mg . For the micro elements are the elements needed in small amounts , such as: Cu , Zn , Mo , Mn , V , Sc , B , Si , and so on . Elements of macro and micro elements can be taken from the air or from the ground , in the form of gas or water and salts dissolved in it . Fertilization on orchid plants were divided into three stages , namely :
Fertilization for seedlings ( seedlings ) with N , P , K. Comparison of N : P : K = 6:3:1 . Of N required for the formation of more plant growth and development . Elements taken from ZA N / urea , fertilizers used for P ES ; DS ; TS , and K of Potassium Sulfate ( K2SO4 ) . Artificial fertilizers containing N , P , K :
Urea : 0.6 grams to 1 liter of water
ES : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
ZK : 0.1 grams to 1 liter of water
Fertilization for medium-size ( mid-size ) with N , P , K. Comparison of N : P : K = 3:3:3 same here does not require much additional fertilizer , it can dususun own fertilizer containing N , P , K with way of example :
Urea : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
DS : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
K2SO4 : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
Fertilizer for flowering size ( flowerings - size ) : Plants that are in bloom fertilized by comparison of N: P : K = 1:6:1 . The technique of artificial fertilizer is :
In solid / powder sprinkled done carefully , do not get caught on the leaf / stem which causes the leaves / stems can be burned earlier .
Splashed , which can absorb water orchids and salts dissolved in it . How much do these everywhere .
Spraying , is a very good way in case of root decay in it , then the roots are covered plastik.Pupuk cages are often used horse manure , cow , buffalo , goat , chicken and others. Goodness use manure in addition to containing a variety of elements needed by plants is also very helpful in water retention , especially in the dry season . The ugliness of this manure is in the dirt much battery containing mushrooms . For the first disangan advisable to remove mold / bacteria in it . Fertilizing plants is better done on time in the morning or in the afternoon around 5:00 pm .
Irrigation and Watering : Water source for watering orchids can be derived from :
Water Plumbing , either to flush as clear and sterile , but high pH it needs to be lowered by adding an acid , for example HCl . PH from about 5.6 to 6 .
Well water , well for watering because the soil contains a lot of minerals that are needed by plants . Water wells in the area should be considered pH lime .
Rainwater , which is collected in tong-tong/bak very good for menyiraman .
River water / sewer water , but we do not know for sure whether the water contains fungi , bacteria / algae that could interfere with orchid / no . When viewed from the angle of the contents of the food may be good enough . It should be noted for orchid growers is to know the properties of stuffing the pot in order to adjust the amount of water to flush . As for the kind of stuffing pots and properties described as berkut :
Broken tiles / red rock fragments , which are easy to evaporate the water and orchid properties that are not so happy with the water so it is not easy to lumutan . For broken tiles smaller more absorbency and to spray less.
Pieces of coconut husk , coconut fiber consumption is better to use in the heat because it saves water , but if the use is not advantageous in colder regions because it is easily rotten .
Crushed black fern roots , and the new hardware is not easy to absorb water , after a few months to absorb a lot of water . The roots are brown and soft fern easier to absorb and hold water .
Pieces of leather fern , where the media is extremely difficult for water absorption , easy evaporation . If the pieces are large , small , and if the absorption of the small piece more water absorption . For large plants that are guidelines for watering 3-7 days once the rainy season and 1-3 days in the rainy season .
Pesticide Spraying Time : Drugs should be sprayed in the morning , better in the afternoon about 5:00 . Spraying for healthy orchid plants , routinely performed approximately 3 months. Spraying for pests orchid plants need to be repeated 3 times with a certain time period ( for fleas ) leaves once a week . The type and dosage of insecticide used for pest among others :
Orthene 75 SP dose gram/10 5-10 liters of water to leaf-eating caterpillars
Bayrusil EC 250 dose of 2 cc / liter of water to leaf-eating caterpillars
Malathion dose of 3 g / liter of water for caterpillars , beetles , fleas
Kelthane dose of 2 grams / liter of water , for lice .
Metadeks dose soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snails and water snails
E.605 Falidol dose soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snails and water snails . For pest control snails there are two ways , namely :
Spreading around potted orchids drug by mixing the drug Metadeks into fine bran in a little water added .
Make a solution of 1 cc Dieldrin 50 % 25 EP mixed with 1 liter of water or 6-8 cc Folediol E 605 into 10 liters of water . Then potted orchid plants soaked in the solution for some time and repeated once a week .
7.1 . pest
Mites / lice shield
Symptoms : stick to the leaf midrib ; polynomial reddish ; former attack a black spot and leaf damage .
Control : rubbed with cotton wool and soapy water ; if the attack is severe , should be sprayed by insecticide with a dose of 2 cc / liter .
Symptoms : damage the roots and young shoots are caused by fungi .
Control : pot soaked in water and created a clean environment around the rack / pot should be hanged .
Symptoms : leaf fringe broken with irregular jagged wound . For this type of small grasshoppers , need careful observation .
Control : spray immediately contact insecticides that are toxic / systematic ; if small amounts can be directly destroyed / killed .
Symptoms : stick to the books stems and young leaves ; cause gray patches on the surface of leaves and flowers damaging to the shape of flowers are not attractive .
Control : periodic and regular potting orchids sprayed insecticides .
lice pig
Symptoms : damage caused as a result of ants ; but do not attack the leaf buds .
Control : immersion can repel fleas pork from the pot orchids .
Symptoms : attack the orchid leaf sheets .
Control : a small number of quite taken / killed ; when large quantities need to use insecticide / framed with powder prusi .
Red Spinder
Symptoms : white patches on the underside of leaves ; upper surface gradually becomes yellow and dead leaves .
Control : if the bit is quite taken with the use isolatip then burned / rub the leaves with alcohol ; if a lot of it is necessary to use an insecticide with the active ingredient diazinon , dicofol .
Symptoms : be stricken special perforated stem weevil damage was a hole in the middle of the rod and not visible from the outside ; The larvae that hatch from the eggs damaging the leaves of orchids .
Control : spraying crops are attacked by using a systemic insecticide on a regular basis ; clean the pots of beetle pupae and eggs by the road move it to a new pot and planting of new media as well .
caterpillar leaves
Symptoms : attack the leaves , flower buds , leaves and flower buds are blooming .
Control : if small amounts ( 2-5 tails ) can be killed by hand ; when many can use a systemic insecticide ; plants that have been attacked should be separated with plants that are still healthy .
Symptoms : suck liquid orchid plant leaves , causing white spots / yellow ; attacked plants over time will bare and leaves berhijau again .
Control : spray insecticide to eradicate the same as other insects , such as caterpillars , beetles and thrips .
lice hood
Symptoms : leaves turn yellow , unhealthy , then turn brown and die .
Control : as well as eradicate the beetle caterpillars and thrips .
7.2 . disease
Buluk Disease :
Often present in the growing medium, the culture of this fungus spores carried by orchid seed as bottle caps are not sterile .
Symptoms : not able to germinate orchid seed and nursery in the bottle will fail ; sprouts that have grown if it attacked this fungus will die / wither .
Control : at the beginning of the media attacks that were excluded from the bottle , and the bottle is closed again , done with steriil ; if already large orchid seedling , be removed from the bottle and then washed with fungicide sprouts grown in pots .
Damping-off diseases :
Disease is still in the nursery for orchids . The spread of the disease through the water .
Symptoms : originally a small clear spots on the leaf surface , and then widened , infecting up to the point of growing the shoots and down to the tip of the root , orchid sprouts will rot and die .
Control : diseased seed should be immediately disposed of , burned to disappear . Collection of pots and sprouts dried and sprayed with fungicide .
Brown spot disease
Sprouts types Phalae - nopsis very sensitive to these bacteria , especially in very humid weather . Infection through wet leaves or leaf scars . Touch diseased leaves on healthy leaves can transmit the disease .
Symptoms : small spots on the leaf nodes . In a few days can be extended throughout the compote , orchid seedling leaves become damaged and die . The disease is extremely virulent , as lethal and contagious .
Control : This disease is very difficult at the beginning of the attack . In severe attacks , there is no other way except to destroy the entire seedling orchids .
Black spot disease
In orchid plants , the disease is contagious malalui root and tools that are not sterill
Symptoms : blackish brown color arises at the affected plants . Starting from the top to the leaf to bud and down to the tip of the root . Late crop growing , stunted and lead to death .
Control : affected part is cut and discarded or sprayed fungicide ; cutting tools watered alcohol / burned before use .
Root rot
Cause : The fungus Rhizoctonia solani .
Symptoms : neck root and tuber rot reaches rhizome stems , leaves and tubers of yellow stem , wrinkled , thin and twisted , stunted and unhealthy plants .
Control : all the diseased parts of the plant are cut and discarded ; mark sprayed with fungicide ( Benlate ) .
wilt disease
Cause : The fungus Fusarium Oxyporium .
Symptoms : similar to root rot disease , but the rhizome there are stripes , or purple circle . In severe attacks , the entire rizhoma be purple , followed by decay in the stem tubers , the plant is very unhealthy .
Control : the affected areas and traces disposed sprayed Benlate . Plants growing media immediately moved to a new , fresh and clean . Try contained in the current air flow around the plants .
rot disease
Cause : The fungus Sclerotium Rolfsi .
Symptoms : There are small pimple -colored brown on the diseased plants .
Control : diseased cut and discarded . Media around the potted plants and disinfected with a solution of 4 % formalin or fungicide / antibiotic Natrippene 0.5 % for 1 hour .
Brown spot disease
Symptoms : brown spots on the leaf surface , then spread to all parts of the plant .
Control : get rid of all the affected part , then spray a fungicide / antibiotic Streptomycin or Physan 20 .
Soft rot disease
Cause: The bacterium Erwinia Cartovora .
Symptoms : leaf and root rot and smell . The disease is rapidly expanding , but specifically on the rhizome and stem tubers , spread a little slow .
Countermeasures : garden equipment must be sterile , the affected part is cut and discarded . Spray Physan 20 , potted plants sprayed with formalin 4 % .
Ringed spot disease
Cause : TMVO virus ( Tobacco Mozaic Virus Odontoglos - sum ) .
Symptoms : raised circle or yellowish stripes on the leaf surface .
Control : only with the prevention discard diseased and menstrerilkan all cutting tools .
Cymbidium disease
Cause : Cymbidium Mozaic virus .
Symptoms: The original form of the yellowish spots appear dead tissue spots , stripes or circles . Special on Cattleya , spotting was brown or black sunken . Sometimes there are symptoms of leaf tissue death in the middle of the circled normal tissue . Old leaves showed a lot of dead tissue spots .
Control : prevention is merely discard diseased , and sterilize all equipment used .
Black rot disease
Cause : The fungus Phytopytora Omnivore .
Symptoms appear blackish color
at the base of the leaf , then soften and rot , the leaves eventually die .
Control : spray a fungicide such as Dithane M - 45 Baycor , Benlate , Ferban , Physan , Truban or Banrot . For the form of flour using a dose of 2 grams / 2 liters of water .
8.1 . Characteristics and Flowering Plants
Age flowering orchid plants , depending on the species . Mature orchid plants generally flower after 1-2 months of planting. Flower stalks produced roughly the number of florets 2 stalks as much as 20-25 florets pertangkai .
8.2 . How Picking Flowers
To harvest orchids need to be considered , cuts are made at a distance of 2 cm from the base of the flower stalk using a clean cutting tools .
8.3 . Production forecast
Seedlings grown orchids and flower stalks after 2 months will result in the number of florets 2 stalks 20-25 florets / stalk .
9 . postharvest
9.1 . collection
Orchid collection is done based on market demand . Dendrobium orchid species can be harvested in the form of :
Young plants for seed
Plants grown for ornamental plants
cut flowers
Young plants for seed is usually sold in the form of small pots , while the plant is flowering plants are usually mature . For the selected cut flower stalks are already blooming flowerets most ( buds remaining florets 1-3 ) .
9.2 . Sorting and Classification
Been great interest , not illness or injury . Furthermore, the interest is classified in accordance with the requirements based on fitness level or size of interest with a view to selling points that mempertahanankan great interest not cheapen .
9.3 . storage
Storage kelayuan aims to slow down the process of interest , so it is done at the time :
Freshly picked flowers while waiting for the harvesting is completed .
Flowers that have been harvested not be sold or transported .
Flowers experience a trip before it gets to the consumer .
In order to stay fresh flowers need for preservation with the aim that a slower decline in the quality of flowers stay fresh . Dillakukan flower preservation efforts by way of placing flowers in a preservative solution or warm water ( 38-43 degrees C ) for 2 hours . Preservative solution include:
Solution seven levels up to 30 % .
2 % sugar solution plus 2 grams physan ( including fungicides ) and 1 g of citric acid per 10 liters .
2 % sugar solution plus 2 grams of 8 - hydroquinoline sulphate and 1 g of citric acid per 10 liters .
Levels of 4-5 % sugar solution plus 0.2 grams per liter quinolin .
Preservation for flowers sent away is to soak the stems in a sugar solution with a concentration of 6-8 % for 24 hours or inserted in a plastic bag and levels of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is increased by using dry ice or isimpan in the room with air condition between 0-5 degrees C.
9.4 . Packaging and Transportation
After cleaning , the selection and preservation of dendrobium cut flowers packed by way of :
Every ten rod wrapped the shoots using a thin plastic bag , customized sizes depending on the length of the stalk.
Each base of the stems wrapped in wet cotton , then wrapped in plastic bags length of 8 cm and 4 cm wide .
Packaging and wrapping the base of the flower stalk further tied together with a rubber band .
Packets of flowers arranged in a cross in a perforated cardboard box until quite dense .
Cardboard boxes sealed with tape use the carton .
Orchid is an ornamental flowering plant in the form of the parasite that beautiful flower . Orchid has been known since 200 years ago and since last 50 years ranging widely cultivated in Indonesia .
Species of orchids are found in Indonesia, including the type of beautiful , among others : Vanda tricolor found in West Java and in Ground , Vanda hookeriana , mottled purple comes from Sumatra , orchids Larat / phalaenopis Dendrobium , orchid month / Phalaenopsis amabilis , orchids Apple Blossom , orchids Paphiopedilun praestans originating from Irian Jaya and Paphiopedilun glaucophyllum orchids from Central Java . Orchid plants can be distinguished by the nature of his life , namely :
Ephytis orchid is a type of orchid that menupang in trunk / another tree but not damage / harm boarded . The instrument is used to stick the roots , while the roots function to find food is the root of the air .
Ephytis spring orchid species of orchids are attached to trees / other plants that do not impair the carrying , only root adhesion also serve as aerial roots are in search of food to thrive .
Ground orchids / orchid Terrestris is a type of orchid that lives on land .
The main benefit of this plant is grown as an ornamental because orchids have beauty , distinctive smell . Additionally useful orchids as medicine herb mixture , perfume ingredients / hair oil .
Sentra orchid plants in Europe are the UK , while in Asia is Thailand . In Indonesia , many orchids are in West Java , Central Java , Sumatra or in Irian Jaya .
5.1 . climate
The wind and rain did not significantly affect the growth of orchids .
Sunlight is needed at all for this plant . Light needs vary depending on the type of orchid plants .
The minimum temperature for the growth of orchids is 12.7 degrees C. If night temperatures are below 12.7 degrees C , then the area is not recommended for planting orchids ( in the Dieng plateau ) .
Orchid plants do not fit in a wet atmosphere continuously, but like the air humidity of 65-70 % during the day .
5.2 . Growing Media
There are 3 types of media for orchid plants , namely :
Medium for orchids and Semi Ephytis Ephytis consists of :
Fern fiber that has been boiled .
2 . Discarded bark sap .
Coconut fibers that have been soaked in water for 2 weeks .
Palm fiber .
Pieces of palm trees .
Wood charcoal .
Broken tiles / bricks .
The materials are cut according to the size of the plants and roots . For Semi Epirit orchids whose roots attached to the media to look for food , need to be given additional foods such as compost , manure / leaves.
Medium for orchids Terrestria : This orchid species live in the soil it is necessary plus compost , husks , manure , animal blood , fibers and other ferns .
Medium for orchids semi Terrestria : Material for this orchid media need a rather large tile fragments , plus chaff manure / wood shavings . Media used broken tiles , wood fibers , fibers and other ferns . The degree of acidity of the soil water used is 5.2 .
5.3 . The altitude
Altitude suitable for the cultivation of this plant can be divided into 3 kinds:
Hot Orchid ( altitude 0-650 m asl ) : Orchids require hot air temperature 26-30 degrees C during the day , 21 degrees C at night , with an altitude of 0-650 meters above sea level areas . Examples of types of orchids are :
Dendrobium phalaenopsis
Onchidium Papillo
Phaphilopedillum Bellatum
Orchids were ( altitude 150-1500 m asl ) : Orchid was on the daytime air temperature of 21 degrees C and 15-21 degrees C , at night , with an altitude of 150-1500 m above sea level .
Orchids cold ( more than 1500 m asl ) : cool rare orchids growing in Indonesia , grew well at temperatures of 15-21 degrees C during the day and 9-15 degrees C at night , with a height = 1500 m above sea level . Example : Cymbidium orchids types .
6.1 . Nurseries
Requirements Seed : Seed orchids good , healthy and has some superior characteristics , namely : form strong stem , rapid growth , lush foliage , flowers dense and beautiful .
Spreading Seeds : Seeds of orchids comes from the seeds planted . The orchid seed dispersal as follows :
Equipment used for seed dispersal must be clean .
Sterilize seeds : Prior to spread seeds should be sterilized first with 10 grams of chlorine dissolved in 100 cc of water then filter paper filter , put in a bottle . Seeds inserted in the bottle and shaken 10 minutes . ( originally yellow orchid seeds change color to greenish brown ) . Then the water was removed and replaced with distilled water , shaken repeatedly ( 2-3 times ) .
Orchid seed dispersal : The bottles that have been sterilized can be used to menyebaran orchid seed . Before opening the bottle, the bottle neck is heated above spritus light to eliminate germs . To enter into the orchid seed is used pipette bottles were cleaned first by way of warming over spritus lights up red and then dipped into spritus . Bottle that has been opened and then filled and leveled orchid seeds throughout the base surface of the food that has been provided . Before we heat the bottle closed again above spritus then closed again .
Seed Seeding Technique :
Memeriksaan with a microscope , whether or not the orchid seed , white empty the contents of yellow and brown / other color .
Preparing a wide -mouthed bottle clean and colorless in order to continue the needed sunlight and easily seen .
Bottle caps of cotton rolled - up hard rolls , tied rope ends to facilitate stripped back , or the rest of the cut fabric pieces . Density bottle caps keep bacteria / fungus does not go so not infected or contaminated .
Preparing glass cabinets ( ent - cash ) clean of bacteria / fungi with a cloth that has been dipped in a cabinet air formalin sterilized with formaldehyde poured cotton so that the plate glass sterilize evaporates ( ent - cash ) .
Making sterilsasi pedestal base food and to make food orchids commonly used prescription Khudson C ( Northen ) 12 , namely :
Ca ( NO3 ) 2H2O : 1.00 grams
KH2PO4 : 0.25 grams
MgSO47H2O : 0.25 grams
( NH4 ) 2SO4 : 0.25 grams
Saccharose : 20 grams
FeSO4 4H2O : 0.25 grams
MnSO4 : 0.0075 grams
Agar-agar : 15 to 17.5 grams
Distilled water : 1000 cc
Making the necessary food base pH 5.2 , pH meter used paper / textile pH / Indicator Paper . Sterilization by heating in Autoclaf that up to 110 degrees C for half an hour or by steamer and then placed in a clean place , on his side , so foods high 1/2-2/3 bottle height ( from the base up to the neck of the bottle ) and allowed to stand for 5-7 hours to find the perfect sterilization .
Seed Displacement : Having plants in the 9-12 month old bottle looks great , growing roots . In this level can be moved into the seed has been seeding pots with a diameter of 7 cm , 12 cm or 16 cm with holes . Prepare broken tiles , and brown fern root , cut with a length of 5-30 mm so that the fibers apart from each other . Before the first use and let the water washed away. Fern roots after being washed , soaked first in the base food for 24 hours in the form of :
Urea or ZA : 0.50 mg
DS , TS or ES : 0.25 mg
Potassium sulfate or K2SO4 : 0.25 mg
Water : 1000 cc
Another alaternatif as the base foods , artificial fertilizers can also be used a mixture of N, P , K ratio of 60:30:10 or can also be used manure that has been mixed with a fern frond ratio : 4:1 = manure . Moreover, it can be used pine bark in small pieces of peanut seeds , which had been soaked in foods such as fern roots base for 24 hours . For stuffing pots can also be used firewood charcoal / coconut fiber chopped thumb . Prepared pots filled with broken tiles third tall pots / layah , then the contents of crushed ferns as high as 1 cm below the edge of the pot / layah ( does not need to be compacted ) . Transplanting into pots done by removing the plants by inserting a water bottle into the bottle . With a clean wire leads like the letter U , the plant released one by one ( first root ) . After exiting the plant chlorine 1 % then washed with clean water . Seedlings ( seedlings ) were planted in pots with the meeting . If in the bottle is as good as fungal contamination first soaked in antibiotics ( penicillin , streptomycin Past expirydatenya ) newly planted 10 minutes .
Displacement of Pot Seeding : After seeding plants in pots is high enough , the plants were transferred to pots usual 4-6 cm in diameter , containing pieces of urgent / brick red , then give the fern / pine bark that has been soaked in a food base to 1 cm under the edge of the pot .
6.2 . Media Processing Plant
Media planting soil for orchids distinguished :
Plants in pots ( with a diameter of 7-30 cm depending on the type of plant ) . If the diameter of 25-30 cm pots chosen it needs to be installed pole in the middle of the pot , then the pot filled with broken tiles . Orchids in place in the middle and its roots spread evenly in the pot , then the orchid stem tied to a pole . Pots filled with manure that has been mixed according to the composition of approximately 2/3 of the pot .
Media planting in soil with cropping systems tanks . Bathtub made from red bricks length of 2 m wide and 40 cm tall tub 2 layers of red bricks . Making the tub on the ground to avoid kebecekan , in dry soil excavated as deep as 10-20 cm and then given a brick size of 40 cm x 2 m and the distance between pembantas with another 3 cm . Pole holder made 4 pieces that plug into the ground with a height of 1.5 m , respectively . Between one another pole connected to the timber so the fourth pole is a complete circuit.
6.3 . Planting techniques
Planting orchids , adapted to the nature of live orchid plants , namely :
Ephytis orchids are orchids that menupang in trunk / another tree but not damage / harm or ditempelin carrying . The instrument is used to stick the roots , while the roots function to find food is the root of the air .
Ephytis spring orchid species of orchids are attached to trees / other plants that do not damage affixed , only root adhesion also serve as aerial roots are in search of food to thrive .
Ground orchids / orchid terrestris .
6.4 . Plant maintenance
Thinning and Stitching : Spacing and stitching done in places that are tailored to the type of orchid , orchid nature epphytis or soil .
Weeding : For weeding orchids at the time the condition in the bottle and then separated into pots that have been provided according to the type of orchid .
Fertilization : Elements macro elements that are required in large quantities include : C , H , O , N , S , P , K , Ca , Mg . For the micro elements are the elements needed in small amounts , such as: Cu , Zn , Mo , Mn , V , Sc , B , Si , and so on . Elements of macro and micro elements can be taken from the air or from the ground , in the form of gas or water and salts dissolved in it . Fertilization on orchid plants were divided into three stages , namely :
Fertilization for seedlings ( seedlings ) with N , P , K. Comparison of N : P : K = 6:3:1 . Of N required for the formation of more plant growth and development . Elements taken from ZA N / urea , fertilizers used for P ES ; DS ; TS , and K of Potassium Sulfate ( K2SO4 ) . Artificial fertilizers containing N , P , K :
Urea : 0.6 grams to 1 liter of water
ES : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
ZK : 0.1 grams to 1 liter of water
Fertilization for medium-size ( mid-size ) with N , P , K. Comparison of N : P : K = 3:3:3 same here does not require much additional fertilizer , it can dususun own fertilizer containing N , P , K with way of example :
Urea : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
DS : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
K2SO4 : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water
Fertilizer for flowering size ( flowerings - size ) : Plants that are in bloom fertilized by comparison of N: P : K = 1:6:1 . The technique of artificial fertilizer is :
In solid / powder sprinkled done carefully , do not get caught on the leaf / stem which causes the leaves / stems can be burned earlier .
Splashed , which can absorb water orchids and salts dissolved in it . How much do these everywhere .
Spraying , is a very good way in case of root decay in it , then the roots are covered plastik.Pupuk cages are often used horse manure , cow , buffalo , goat , chicken and others. Goodness use manure in addition to containing a variety of elements needed by plants is also very helpful in water retention , especially in the dry season . The ugliness of this manure is in the dirt much battery containing mushrooms . For the first disangan advisable to remove mold / bacteria in it . Fertilizing plants is better done on time in the morning or in the afternoon around 5:00 pm .
Irrigation and Watering : Water source for watering orchids can be derived from :
Water Plumbing , either to flush as clear and sterile , but high pH it needs to be lowered by adding an acid , for example HCl . PH from about 5.6 to 6 .
Well water , well for watering because the soil contains a lot of minerals that are needed by plants . Water wells in the area should be considered pH lime .
Rainwater , which is collected in tong-tong/bak very good for menyiraman .
River water / sewer water , but we do not know for sure whether the water contains fungi , bacteria / algae that could interfere with orchid / no . When viewed from the angle of the contents of the food may be good enough . It should be noted for orchid growers is to know the properties of stuffing the pot in order to adjust the amount of water to flush . As for the kind of stuffing pots and properties described as berkut :
Broken tiles / red rock fragments , which are easy to evaporate the water and orchid properties that are not so happy with the water so it is not easy to lumutan . For broken tiles smaller more absorbency and to spray less.
Pieces of coconut husk , coconut fiber consumption is better to use in the heat because it saves water , but if the use is not advantageous in colder regions because it is easily rotten .
Crushed black fern roots , and the new hardware is not easy to absorb water , after a few months to absorb a lot of water . The roots are brown and soft fern easier to absorb and hold water .
Pieces of leather fern , where the media is extremely difficult for water absorption , easy evaporation . If the pieces are large , small , and if the absorption of the small piece more water absorption . For large plants that are guidelines for watering 3-7 days once the rainy season and 1-3 days in the rainy season .
Pesticide Spraying Time : Drugs should be sprayed in the morning , better in the afternoon about 5:00 . Spraying for healthy orchid plants , routinely performed approximately 3 months. Spraying for pests orchid plants need to be repeated 3 times with a certain time period ( for fleas ) leaves once a week . The type and dosage of insecticide used for pest among others :
Orthene 75 SP dose gram/10 5-10 liters of water to leaf-eating caterpillars
Bayrusil EC 250 dose of 2 cc / liter of water to leaf-eating caterpillars
Malathion dose of 3 g / liter of water for caterpillars , beetles , fleas
Kelthane dose of 2 grams / liter of water , for lice .
Metadeks dose soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snails and water snails
E.605 Falidol dose soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snails and water snails . For pest control snails there are two ways , namely :
Spreading around potted orchids drug by mixing the drug Metadeks into fine bran in a little water added .
Make a solution of 1 cc Dieldrin 50 % 25 EP mixed with 1 liter of water or 6-8 cc Folediol E 605 into 10 liters of water . Then potted orchid plants soaked in the solution for some time and repeated once a week .
7.1 . pest
Mites / lice shield
Symptoms : stick to the leaf midrib ; polynomial reddish ; former attack a black spot and leaf damage .
Control : rubbed with cotton wool and soapy water ; if the attack is severe , should be sprayed by insecticide with a dose of 2 cc / liter .
Symptoms : damage the roots and young shoots are caused by fungi .
Control : pot soaked in water and created a clean environment around the rack / pot should be hanged .
Symptoms : leaf fringe broken with irregular jagged wound . For this type of small grasshoppers , need careful observation .
Control : spray immediately contact insecticides that are toxic / systematic ; if small amounts can be directly destroyed / killed .
Symptoms : stick to the books stems and young leaves ; cause gray patches on the surface of leaves and flowers damaging to the shape of flowers are not attractive .
Control : periodic and regular potting orchids sprayed insecticides .
lice pig
Symptoms : damage caused as a result of ants ; but do not attack the leaf buds .
Control : immersion can repel fleas pork from the pot orchids .
Symptoms : attack the orchid leaf sheets .
Control : a small number of quite taken / killed ; when large quantities need to use insecticide / framed with powder prusi .
Red Spinder
Symptoms : white patches on the underside of leaves ; upper surface gradually becomes yellow and dead leaves .
Control : if the bit is quite taken with the use isolatip then burned / rub the leaves with alcohol ; if a lot of it is necessary to use an insecticide with the active ingredient diazinon , dicofol .
Symptoms : be stricken special perforated stem weevil damage was a hole in the middle of the rod and not visible from the outside ; The larvae that hatch from the eggs damaging the leaves of orchids .
Control : spraying crops are attacked by using a systemic insecticide on a regular basis ; clean the pots of beetle pupae and eggs by the road move it to a new pot and planting of new media as well .
caterpillar leaves
Symptoms : attack the leaves , flower buds , leaves and flower buds are blooming .
Control : if small amounts ( 2-5 tails ) can be killed by hand ; when many can use a systemic insecticide ; plants that have been attacked should be separated with plants that are still healthy .
Symptoms : suck liquid orchid plant leaves , causing white spots / yellow ; attacked plants over time will bare and leaves berhijau again .
Control : spray insecticide to eradicate the same as other insects , such as caterpillars , beetles and thrips .
lice hood
Symptoms : leaves turn yellow , unhealthy , then turn brown and die .
Control : as well as eradicate the beetle caterpillars and thrips .
7.2 . disease
Buluk Disease :
Often present in the growing medium, the culture of this fungus spores carried by orchid seed as bottle caps are not sterile .
Symptoms : not able to germinate orchid seed and nursery in the bottle will fail ; sprouts that have grown if it attacked this fungus will die / wither .
Control : at the beginning of the media attacks that were excluded from the bottle , and the bottle is closed again , done with steriil ; if already large orchid seedling , be removed from the bottle and then washed with fungicide sprouts grown in pots .
Damping-off diseases :
Disease is still in the nursery for orchids . The spread of the disease through the water .
Symptoms : originally a small clear spots on the leaf surface , and then widened , infecting up to the point of growing the shoots and down to the tip of the root , orchid sprouts will rot and die .
Control : diseased seed should be immediately disposed of , burned to disappear . Collection of pots and sprouts dried and sprayed with fungicide .
Brown spot disease
Sprouts types Phalae - nopsis very sensitive to these bacteria , especially in very humid weather . Infection through wet leaves or leaf scars . Touch diseased leaves on healthy leaves can transmit the disease .
Symptoms : small spots on the leaf nodes . In a few days can be extended throughout the compote , orchid seedling leaves become damaged and die . The disease is extremely virulent , as lethal and contagious .
Control : This disease is very difficult at the beginning of the attack . In severe attacks , there is no other way except to destroy the entire seedling orchids .
Black spot disease
In orchid plants , the disease is contagious malalui root and tools that are not sterill
Symptoms : blackish brown color arises at the affected plants . Starting from the top to the leaf to bud and down to the tip of the root . Late crop growing , stunted and lead to death .
Control : affected part is cut and discarded or sprayed fungicide ; cutting tools watered alcohol / burned before use .
Root rot
Cause : The fungus Rhizoctonia solani .
Symptoms : neck root and tuber rot reaches rhizome stems , leaves and tubers of yellow stem , wrinkled , thin and twisted , stunted and unhealthy plants .
Control : all the diseased parts of the plant are cut and discarded ; mark sprayed with fungicide ( Benlate ) .
wilt disease
Cause : The fungus Fusarium Oxyporium .
Symptoms : similar to root rot disease , but the rhizome there are stripes , or purple circle . In severe attacks , the entire rizhoma be purple , followed by decay in the stem tubers , the plant is very unhealthy .
Control : the affected areas and traces disposed sprayed Benlate . Plants growing media immediately moved to a new , fresh and clean . Try contained in the current air flow around the plants .
rot disease
Cause : The fungus Sclerotium Rolfsi .
Symptoms : There are small pimple -colored brown on the diseased plants .
Control : diseased cut and discarded . Media around the potted plants and disinfected with a solution of 4 % formalin or fungicide / antibiotic Natrippene 0.5 % for 1 hour .
Brown spot disease
Symptoms : brown spots on the leaf surface , then spread to all parts of the plant .
Control : get rid of all the affected part , then spray a fungicide / antibiotic Streptomycin or Physan 20 .
Soft rot disease
Cause: The bacterium Erwinia Cartovora .
Symptoms : leaf and root rot and smell . The disease is rapidly expanding , but specifically on the rhizome and stem tubers , spread a little slow .
Countermeasures : garden equipment must be sterile , the affected part is cut and discarded . Spray Physan 20 , potted plants sprayed with formalin 4 % .
Ringed spot disease
Cause : TMVO virus ( Tobacco Mozaic Virus Odontoglos - sum ) .
Symptoms : raised circle or yellowish stripes on the leaf surface .
Control : only with the prevention discard diseased and menstrerilkan all cutting tools .
Cymbidium disease
Cause : Cymbidium Mozaic virus .
Symptoms: The original form of the yellowish spots appear dead tissue spots , stripes or circles . Special on Cattleya , spotting was brown or black sunken . Sometimes there are symptoms of leaf tissue death in the middle of the circled normal tissue . Old leaves showed a lot of dead tissue spots .
Control : prevention is merely discard diseased , and sterilize all equipment used .
Black rot disease
Cause : The fungus Phytopytora Omnivore .
Symptoms appear blackish color
at the base of the leaf , then soften and rot , the leaves eventually die .
Control : spray a fungicide such as Dithane M - 45 Baycor , Benlate , Ferban , Physan , Truban or Banrot . For the form of flour using a dose of 2 grams / 2 liters of water .
8.1 . Characteristics and Flowering Plants
Age flowering orchid plants , depending on the species . Mature orchid plants generally flower after 1-2 months of planting. Flower stalks produced roughly the number of florets 2 stalks as much as 20-25 florets pertangkai .
8.2 . How Picking Flowers
To harvest orchids need to be considered , cuts are made at a distance of 2 cm from the base of the flower stalk using a clean cutting tools .
8.3 . Production forecast
Seedlings grown orchids and flower stalks after 2 months will result in the number of florets 2 stalks 20-25 florets / stalk .
9 . postharvest
9.1 . collection
Orchid collection is done based on market demand . Dendrobium orchid species can be harvested in the form of :
Young plants for seed
Plants grown for ornamental plants
cut flowers
Young plants for seed is usually sold in the form of small pots , while the plant is flowering plants are usually mature . For the selected cut flower stalks are already blooming flowerets most ( buds remaining florets 1-3 ) .
9.2 . Sorting and Classification
Been great interest , not illness or injury . Furthermore, the interest is classified in accordance with the requirements based on fitness level or size of interest with a view to selling points that mempertahanankan great interest not cheapen .
9.3 . storage
Storage kelayuan aims to slow down the process of interest , so it is done at the time :
Freshly picked flowers while waiting for the harvesting is completed .
Flowers that have been harvested not be sold or transported .
Flowers experience a trip before it gets to the consumer .
In order to stay fresh flowers need for preservation with the aim that a slower decline in the quality of flowers stay fresh . Dillakukan flower preservation efforts by way of placing flowers in a preservative solution or warm water ( 38-43 degrees C ) for 2 hours . Preservative solution include:
Solution seven levels up to 30 % .
2 % sugar solution plus 2 grams physan ( including fungicides ) and 1 g of citric acid per 10 liters .
2 % sugar solution plus 2 grams of 8 - hydroquinoline sulphate and 1 g of citric acid per 10 liters .
Levels of 4-5 % sugar solution plus 0.2 grams per liter quinolin .
Preservation for flowers sent away is to soak the stems in a sugar solution with a concentration of 6-8 % for 24 hours or inserted in a plastic bag and levels of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is increased by using dry ice or isimpan in the room with air condition between 0-5 degrees C.
9.4 . Packaging and Transportation
After cleaning , the selection and preservation of dendrobium cut flowers packed by way of :
Every ten rod wrapped the shoots using a thin plastic bag , customized sizes depending on the length of the stalk.
Each base of the stems wrapped in wet cotton , then wrapped in plastic bags length of 8 cm and 4 cm wide .
Packaging and wrapping the base of the flower stalk further tied together with a rubber band .
Packets of flowers arranged in a cross in a perforated cardboard box until quite dense .
Cardboard boxes sealed with tape use the carton .
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