Palm Oil ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq . ) Or we call palm oil , a raw material in the manufacture of cooking oil . Business prospects of oil palm development is wide open in areas outside Java . Here's a bit of exposure outlines the cultivation of oil palm . I addressed this paper for a beginner in the field of agriculture who wish to add insight / references on palm oil .
Ecology of Oil PalmRegional development of oil palm plantations are appropriate at 15 ° N - 15 ° S latitude . Height of the oil palm plantation ideal range between 0-500 m above sea level . Palm oil requires rainfall of 2000-2500 mm / year . The optimum temperature for growth of palm oil is 29-30 ° C. Intensity of solar radiation is about 5-7 hours / day . The ideal optimum humidity around 80-90 % . Oil palm can be grown on soil type Podzolik , Latosol , hidromorfik Grey , Alluvial or Regosol . The optimum pH value is 5.0-5.5 . Palm oil requires loose soil , fertile , flat , well drained and have a deep solum layer without coating the rocks . The topography of oil palm plantations should not be more than 15o .
multiplicationPalm propagation is done by generative and has now been made to reproduce the tissue culture of oil palm . In breeding by tissue culture propagation materials used in the form of root cells ( method UK ) and leaf cells ( French method ) . This method is able to reproduce the massive amounts of plant seeds with a high production rate and uniform plant growth .
Seed requirementsSeeds for oil palm seedlings provided by Marihat Research Station and Center for Estate Crops Research Field . Seeds with a very good quality of this comes from the mother and father Pisifera Delidura .Seed germination ( Method Research Center of Oil Field )
Stalk bunches released from spikeletnya .
Bunches brooded for three days and watered occasionally . Separate the fruit from the stems and ripened again for 3 days .
Enter the mixer to the fruit to separate the flesh from the seeds of the fruit . Wash the seeds with water and put into a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2 % for 3 minutes . Keringanginkan and memberoleh seed selection for uniform size .
All seeds stored in room temperature of 22 degrees C and humidity of 60-70 % prior to germinate .
Seed germination
Soak the seeds in water for 6-7 days and change the water every day , then soak in Dithane M - 45 0.2 % for 2 minutes . Dried beans .
Enter into the canister germination seed and place it in the room with a temperature of 39 degrees C and 60-70 % humidity for 60 days . Every 7 days the seeds dried for 3 minutes .
After 60 days of soaking seeds in water until the water content of 20-30 % and keringanginkan again . Enter the seeds to a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2 % 1-2 minutes . Store the seeds in room 27 degrees C. After 10 days the seeds germinated . Seeds were germinated on day 30 is not used anymore .
NurseriesThere are two breeding techniques , namely : ( a) a direct way without dederan and ( b) the indirect method with 2 stages ( stages double system) , namely through dederan / initial seeding ( prenursery ) for 3 months and the main nursery ( nursery ) for 9 months . Nursery land cleared , leveled and equipped with watering installations . Distance planting seeds in the nursery are 50x50 , 55x55 , 60x60 , 65x65 , 70x70 , 75x75 , 80x80 , 85x85 , 90x90 or 100x100 in the form of an equilateral triangle . Thus , the need of seed per hectare between 25000-12500 .a) How directSprouts are grown directly on the polybag size as described in the nursery . This method saves energy and costs .b ) Indirect Method1 . DederanThe goal is to obtain the initial breeding of oil palm seedlings equitable growth before being transferred to the main nursery . Generally the initial seeding is done by nursery plastic bag . Maintenance activities at the beginning of the nursery include road maintenance and drainage , watering , weeding , fertilizing , thinning shade , pest and disease control and seed selection . Sprouts put in 12x23 or 15x23 cm polybags containing 1.5-2.0 kg topsoil that has been sifted . Sprouts planted 2 cm deep . Land in polybags should always be moist . Save polybags in beds with a diameter of 120 cm . After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 leafy strands Transplanting seedlings to the nursery .2 . NurseriesSeeds of dederan moved into a polybag 40 x 50 or 45 x 60 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil . Before the seeds are planted , flush the soil in the polybag until moist . Polybag arranged on land that has been flattened and arranged in an equilateral triangle position with distance as mentioned above .Seedlings in the nursery maintenance activities include:1 ) . sprinklingThe main activities carried out in the nursery watering twice a day, at morning and evening . The amount of water it takes about 9-18 liters per week for each seedling .2 ) . fertilizationFertilizer used may be a single fertilizer or compound fertilizer ( N , P , K and Mg ) with composition 15:15:6:4 or 12:12:7:2 .3 ) . Selection of seedsSelection is done three times . The first selection is done at the time of transplanting to the main nursery . The second selection is done after a four -month -old seedlings in the main nursery . The final selection is done before the seedlings were transferred to the field . Seedlings are transferred to the field after the age of 12-14 months . Plants that looks abnormal discarded , with the characteristics :a) seeds are so high and rigidb ) seedlings droopc ) the child leaves are not perfect rendd ) diseasee ) leaves the child is not perfect .
cultivationLand clearing done mechanical means ( plowing and harrowing ) and chemical means is with herbicides . Planting hole was made 2-3 months before planting seeds in the field . Seeds were planted at a spacing of 9 m x 9m . Spacing used on undulating land is 8.7 mx 8.7 m . Planting hole given the basic form of Rock Phosphate fertilizer ( RP ) at a dose of 500 g per hole . The area is still open fallow and cover crops need to be planted ( Legume Cover Crop ) . Examples of these plants are ( Peuraria javanica ) , ( Calopogonium mucunoides ) , and ( Centrosema pubescens ) .
Plant maintenance
The purpose of fertilization in the immature plants ( TBM ) is to increase vegetative growth . While fertilization on crop yield ( TM ) is directed to the production of fruit . Fertilizer application is done twice a year , ie at the beginning of the rainy season and the end of the rainy season . Fertilization is done by spreading the fertilizer evenly in the dish . Type of fertilizer used on the TBM form a single fertilizer or compound fertilizer , such as CF ( 12 % N , 12 % P2O5 , 5 % K2O , MgO 12 % ) , urea ( 45 % N ) , RP ( 60 % P2O5 ) , Murriate of Potash ( 60 % K2O ) , Kieserite ( 26 % MgO ) and Borate ( 46 % B2O5 ) . TM is based on the results of fertilization on leaf analysis conducted in the previous year .
Castration is the flower and fruit disposal activities sand to stimulate vegetative growth as well as to prevent infection and disease pests . Castration is done when the plants start flowering for the first time until the plant was 33 months ( 6 months before harvest ) . Castration performed at intervals of one month .
Artificial pollination
Male and female flowers on separate plants located palm oil and cooking do not coincide so that less intensive natural pollination . Another factor that led to the need for artificial pollination is due to less number of male flowers , high humidity or long rainy season . To optimize the amount of fruit bunches , performed by a human or artificial pollination by insects . Artificial pollination is done after castration activities stopped .a) Pollination by HumansDone when the plants are 2-7 weeks old female flowers being repressive ( female flowers are ready to be pollinated by male pollen ) . The hallmark of repressive flowers are open anthers , stigma color reddish and slimy . How pollination :1 . Bak flower sheath .2 . Mix pollen with pure talc ( 1:2 ) . Pollen taken from the tree of good and usually prepared in the laboratory .3 . Spray the pollen on the stigma of using baby duster / puffer .b ) Pollination by insect pollinators Palm Oil ( LoA ) .Elaeidobius pollinating insects are attracted to the smell camerunicus male flowers . Insects released at the time the female flowers being repressive . The advantages of this method is the fruit bunches larger , fruit shape is more perfect , more oil production 15 % and core production increased to 30 % . Disadvantages of this method is difficult fall fruit , fruit bunches to be halved in processing .Weed ControlWeed control aims to avoid palm oil plants from weed competition in terms of utilization of nutrients , water and light . Weed control activities also aim to facilitate harvesting . Examples of dominant weeds in oil palm planting area is Imperata cylindrica , Mikania micrantha , Cyperus rotundus , Otochloa nodosa , Melostoma malabatricum , Lantana camara , Gleichenia linearis and so on . Weed control consisted of weeding in the disc ( circle weeding ) , weeding weeds growing among crops LCC , chop or break the woody weeds and the weeds hunting activities ( wiping ) .Penunasan or Trimming LeavesPenunasan an old leaf midrib cutting activities or unproductive . Penunasan aims to facilitate harvest activities , observation of ripe fruit , natural pollination , intake of light and air circulation , preventing fruit brondolan stuck in sheath , sanitation and deliver nutrients to the other parts are more productive .There are three types of pruning the leaves , namely :a) Pruning sandMaking dried leaves , fruit or fruit rot first time 16-20 month -old plants .b ) Production cutsCut leaves that grow overlapped ( songgo two ) in preparation for harvest at 20-28 months old plants .c ) Maintenance PruningDiscard the leaves songgo two on a regular basis so that there are a number of staple crops only 28-54 strands . Commonly used system is the two songgo system , where the number of leaf midrib is left only two bunches midrib of the bottom . Rotation penunasan on TM is nine months
Ecology of Oil PalmRegional development of oil palm plantations are appropriate at 15 ° N - 15 ° S latitude . Height of the oil palm plantation ideal range between 0-500 m above sea level . Palm oil requires rainfall of 2000-2500 mm / year . The optimum temperature for growth of palm oil is 29-30 ° C. Intensity of solar radiation is about 5-7 hours / day . The ideal optimum humidity around 80-90 % . Oil palm can be grown on soil type Podzolik , Latosol , hidromorfik Grey , Alluvial or Regosol . The optimum pH value is 5.0-5.5 . Palm oil requires loose soil , fertile , flat , well drained and have a deep solum layer without coating the rocks . The topography of oil palm plantations should not be more than 15o .
multiplicationPalm propagation is done by generative and has now been made to reproduce the tissue culture of oil palm . In breeding by tissue culture propagation materials used in the form of root cells ( method UK ) and leaf cells ( French method ) . This method is able to reproduce the massive amounts of plant seeds with a high production rate and uniform plant growth .
Seed requirementsSeeds for oil palm seedlings provided by Marihat Research Station and Center for Estate Crops Research Field . Seeds with a very good quality of this comes from the mother and father Pisifera Delidura .Seed germination ( Method Research Center of Oil Field )
Stalk bunches released from spikeletnya .
Bunches brooded for three days and watered occasionally . Separate the fruit from the stems and ripened again for 3 days .
Enter the mixer to the fruit to separate the flesh from the seeds of the fruit . Wash the seeds with water and put into a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2 % for 3 minutes . Keringanginkan and memberoleh seed selection for uniform size .
All seeds stored in room temperature of 22 degrees C and humidity of 60-70 % prior to germinate .
Seed germination
Soak the seeds in water for 6-7 days and change the water every day , then soak in Dithane M - 45 0.2 % for 2 minutes . Dried beans .
Enter into the canister germination seed and place it in the room with a temperature of 39 degrees C and 60-70 % humidity for 60 days . Every 7 days the seeds dried for 3 minutes .
After 60 days of soaking seeds in water until the water content of 20-30 % and keringanginkan again . Enter the seeds to a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2 % 1-2 minutes . Store the seeds in room 27 degrees C. After 10 days the seeds germinated . Seeds were germinated on day 30 is not used anymore .
NurseriesThere are two breeding techniques , namely : ( a) a direct way without dederan and ( b) the indirect method with 2 stages ( stages double system) , namely through dederan / initial seeding ( prenursery ) for 3 months and the main nursery ( nursery ) for 9 months . Nursery land cleared , leveled and equipped with watering installations . Distance planting seeds in the nursery are 50x50 , 55x55 , 60x60 , 65x65 , 70x70 , 75x75 , 80x80 , 85x85 , 90x90 or 100x100 in the form of an equilateral triangle . Thus , the need of seed per hectare between 25000-12500 .a) How directSprouts are grown directly on the polybag size as described in the nursery . This method saves energy and costs .b ) Indirect Method1 . DederanThe goal is to obtain the initial breeding of oil palm seedlings equitable growth before being transferred to the main nursery . Generally the initial seeding is done by nursery plastic bag . Maintenance activities at the beginning of the nursery include road maintenance and drainage , watering , weeding , fertilizing , thinning shade , pest and disease control and seed selection . Sprouts put in 12x23 or 15x23 cm polybags containing 1.5-2.0 kg topsoil that has been sifted . Sprouts planted 2 cm deep . Land in polybags should always be moist . Save polybags in beds with a diameter of 120 cm . After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 leafy strands Transplanting seedlings to the nursery .2 . NurseriesSeeds of dederan moved into a polybag 40 x 50 or 45 x 60 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil . Before the seeds are planted , flush the soil in the polybag until moist . Polybag arranged on land that has been flattened and arranged in an equilateral triangle position with distance as mentioned above .Seedlings in the nursery maintenance activities include:1 ) . sprinklingThe main activities carried out in the nursery watering twice a day, at morning and evening . The amount of water it takes about 9-18 liters per week for each seedling .2 ) . fertilizationFertilizer used may be a single fertilizer or compound fertilizer ( N , P , K and Mg ) with composition 15:15:6:4 or 12:12:7:2 .3 ) . Selection of seedsSelection is done three times . The first selection is done at the time of transplanting to the main nursery . The second selection is done after a four -month -old seedlings in the main nursery . The final selection is done before the seedlings were transferred to the field . Seedlings are transferred to the field after the age of 12-14 months . Plants that looks abnormal discarded , with the characteristics :a) seeds are so high and rigidb ) seedlings droopc ) the child leaves are not perfect rendd ) diseasee ) leaves the child is not perfect .
cultivationLand clearing done mechanical means ( plowing and harrowing ) and chemical means is with herbicides . Planting hole was made 2-3 months before planting seeds in the field . Seeds were planted at a spacing of 9 m x 9m . Spacing used on undulating land is 8.7 mx 8.7 m . Planting hole given the basic form of Rock Phosphate fertilizer ( RP ) at a dose of 500 g per hole . The area is still open fallow and cover crops need to be planted ( Legume Cover Crop ) . Examples of these plants are ( Peuraria javanica ) , ( Calopogonium mucunoides ) , and ( Centrosema pubescens ) .
Plant maintenance
The purpose of fertilization in the immature plants ( TBM ) is to increase vegetative growth . While fertilization on crop yield ( TM ) is directed to the production of fruit . Fertilizer application is done twice a year , ie at the beginning of the rainy season and the end of the rainy season . Fertilization is done by spreading the fertilizer evenly in the dish . Type of fertilizer used on the TBM form a single fertilizer or compound fertilizer , such as CF ( 12 % N , 12 % P2O5 , 5 % K2O , MgO 12 % ) , urea ( 45 % N ) , RP ( 60 % P2O5 ) , Murriate of Potash ( 60 % K2O ) , Kieserite ( 26 % MgO ) and Borate ( 46 % B2O5 ) . TM is based on the results of fertilization on leaf analysis conducted in the previous year .
Castration is the flower and fruit disposal activities sand to stimulate vegetative growth as well as to prevent infection and disease pests . Castration is done when the plants start flowering for the first time until the plant was 33 months ( 6 months before harvest ) . Castration performed at intervals of one month .
Artificial pollination
Male and female flowers on separate plants located palm oil and cooking do not coincide so that less intensive natural pollination . Another factor that led to the need for artificial pollination is due to less number of male flowers , high humidity or long rainy season . To optimize the amount of fruit bunches , performed by a human or artificial pollination by insects . Artificial pollination is done after castration activities stopped .a) Pollination by HumansDone when the plants are 2-7 weeks old female flowers being repressive ( female flowers are ready to be pollinated by male pollen ) . The hallmark of repressive flowers are open anthers , stigma color reddish and slimy . How pollination :1 . Bak flower sheath .2 . Mix pollen with pure talc ( 1:2 ) . Pollen taken from the tree of good and usually prepared in the laboratory .3 . Spray the pollen on the stigma of using baby duster / puffer .b ) Pollination by insect pollinators Palm Oil ( LoA ) .Elaeidobius pollinating insects are attracted to the smell camerunicus male flowers . Insects released at the time the female flowers being repressive . The advantages of this method is the fruit bunches larger , fruit shape is more perfect , more oil production 15 % and core production increased to 30 % . Disadvantages of this method is difficult fall fruit , fruit bunches to be halved in processing .Weed ControlWeed control aims to avoid palm oil plants from weed competition in terms of utilization of nutrients , water and light . Weed control activities also aim to facilitate harvesting . Examples of dominant weeds in oil palm planting area is Imperata cylindrica , Mikania micrantha , Cyperus rotundus , Otochloa nodosa , Melostoma malabatricum , Lantana camara , Gleichenia linearis and so on . Weed control consisted of weeding in the disc ( circle weeding ) , weeding weeds growing among crops LCC , chop or break the woody weeds and the weeds hunting activities ( wiping ) .Penunasan or Trimming LeavesPenunasan an old leaf midrib cutting activities or unproductive . Penunasan aims to facilitate harvest activities , observation of ripe fruit , natural pollination , intake of light and air circulation , preventing fruit brondolan stuck in sheath , sanitation and deliver nutrients to the other parts are more productive .There are three types of pruning the leaves , namely :a) Pruning sandMaking dried leaves , fruit or fruit rot first time 16-20 month -old plants .b ) Production cutsCut leaves that grow overlapped ( songgo two ) in preparation for harvest at 20-28 months old plants .c ) Maintenance PruningDiscard the leaves songgo two on a regular basis so that there are a number of staple crops only 28-54 strands . Commonly used system is the two songgo system , where the number of leaf midrib is left only two bunches midrib of the bottom . Rotation penunasan on TM is nine months
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