Monday, April 7, 2014

cocoa cultivation


Ground processing activities consist of the manufacture of bench terrace / patio gardens , water channels ( SPA ) and the waterfall building ( BTA ) .
Bench terraces suitable to be applied on land with a slope of 10-30 ° , while the garden terrace suitable to be applied on land with a slope of 30-50 ° .
Terracing , drainage and building waterfall is intended to reduce to a minimum the flow of surface water and maximize water infiltration into the soil .
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Making Ajiran

made of bamboo stakes as high as 80-100 cm .
Put the stem marker as a benchmark in the next pengajiran .
Preparation of Planting Holes

Two weeks before planting , prepare the planting hole size of 40 x 50 x 40 cm with a spacing of 3 x 4 m .
Planting hole given 5 kg of manure and TSP plus 1-5 grams / hole .
planting Seeds

Cocoa seedlings were aged 3 months ( height 50 cm ) inserted into the planting hole and covered with soil excavation .
Cocoa shade plants include : coconut, albizia , and teak .
Trees shade gradually reduced / cut in line with the development of the cocoa plant .
Fertilization can be done in the first 3 months of age using urea fertilizer , organic and NPK with ½ kg dose ( 1 : 2 : 1 ) , the second crop fertilization age of 9 months using urea fertilizer , organic and NPK at a dose of 1 kg ( 1 : 2 : 1 ) , and any subsequent fertilization is done every 6 months to 3 years old plants ( plants begin to harvest ) . Fertilization after the harvest is done every 3 months by using urea , SP 36 and ½ kg dose of NPK with a ratio of 1 : 1 : 1 .
B. PRUNINGThe purpose of trimming to get a balanced canopy growth , firm and high production as well as reduce moisture and facilitate the implementation and maintenance of harvest . Pruning can be done 3 times , namely :

trimming the shape that the 8-12 month old plants .
maintenance pruning when the plants are 18-36 months old .
production pruning is done after the plants begin to bear fruit is by throwing twigs , shoots water , and dried branches as well as branches that grow
hang and overlap.
The main weeds in crops of cocoa among other weeds weeds . Control is done by mechanical means ( revoked by hoe / sickle ) and chemical means ( spraying with herbicide ) .
Major pests and diseases that attack the cocoa plant is Fruit Borer , Fruit Cooker Cocoa and Root Fungus Disease . Control efforts done by chemical ( pesticide spraying ) and environmental sanitation gardens .

Cocoa pods are harvested when it is quite ripe but not overly ripe , yellow or red (age 5,5-6 months since flowering ) .
Harvesting is done every 1-2 weeks , using a sickle and carried out in the morning .
Performed after the first harvest the cocoa plant 3 years old , with the average productivity - average 150-170 kg of dry seed / ha per month .
Solving made ​​with cocoa fruit banged on a blunt object to break, then the seeds are removed and put in a plastic bag .
3 . Fruit ripening
Fruit ripening is done to facilitate in removing the pulp / mucus , eliminating the ability to grow the seed , seed color change and get the aroma and delicious taste . Curing is done by means of stored cocoa beans in jute sack / plastic then crushed wood / board for 1-2 days .
Dried cocoa beans for 2 days until the moisture content to 9 -11 % .
Cocoa beans are stored in jute sacks lined with pallet with a pallet and floor minimum distance of 10 cm .

Sales conducted at - least once a month .
The selling price of dry beans in Banyumas today is USD 22.000/Kg .

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