Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tips to cope with oily skin

Having oily skin is very disturbing appearance. Because oily skin quickly becomes dirty because of dust and dirt easily breakouts . How to find out the oily skin is shiny and when viewed tend dull .
Oily skin can be treated with frequent cleaning or cleaning your face with a variety of specialty brands oily skin facial soap that many in the market . But if it has not seen the results , it could not hurt you to try to solve it in the traditional way . Here are some tips to deal with oily skin :
Egg white maskTake one piece of chicken egg white with yellow split . Apply egg white on the face evenly , set aside some time and then rinse with warm water .
With cucumberTipis2 Cut cucumber paste on the face that had been previously cleaned , let stand for 10 minutes , then rinse with clean water .
Lemon juiceUse lemon juice is like a mask , set aside some time and then rinse with clean water .
Caring for oily skin is essentially always keep it clean , do not let you fall asleep with his face still bermakup , it's good to go straight after cleaning your face so that your oily skin acne is not easy to stop off for lack of care for and keep clean .

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