Monday, April 7, 2014

cultivation barking

1 . A BRIEF HISTORYRAISING barking Plant bark ( Salacca edulis ) is one of the preferred fruit crops and have good prospects to be developed. The area of its origin is not clear , but presumably from Thailand , Malaysia and Indonesia . There is also a saying that the plant bark ( Salacca edulis ) from the island of Java . During the colonial period the seeds were brought by merchants barking up spread all over Indonesia , even to the Philippines , Malaysia , Brunei and Thailand .

2 . TYPES OF PLANTSIn this world known wild barking , like Salacca dransfieldiana JP Mo - gea ; S. magnifera JP Mogea ; S. minuta ; S. multiflora and S. romosiana . In addition to the wild barking , barking wild still known as Salacca rumphili Wallich ex . Blume also called S. wallichiana , C. Martus called rakum / kumbar ( popular in Thailand ) as the maker of fresh sour dishes . Kumbar is not prickly , flowers married 2 ( dioeciious ) . Salak , including families : Palmae ( palm - paleman ) , monocots , long leaves with a strong main veins as in the so-called coconut sticks . The entire trunk is short sharp spiny leaves , lamakelamaan rising to 3 m or more , finally collapsed not able to carry the load too heavy crown of leaves ( not comparable with a small trunk ) .Many varieties of bark that can grow in global . There are still young 've tasted sweet , yielding varieties that have been released by the government to be developed are : barking pondoh , swaru , nglumut , Enrekang , rock sugar ( Bali ) , and others . Actually kind of bark that exist in Indonesia there are 3 significant difference , namely : Java barking Salacca zalacca ( ​​Gaertner ) Voss were seeded 2-3 grain , bark Bali Slacca amboinensis ( Becc ) Mogea were seeded 1-2 grains , and Mulberry bark Salacca sumatrana ( Becc ) red fleshy . Type the bark has a high commercial value .

3 . BENEFIT PLANTOnly fresh fruits eaten or made ​​sweets and pickles . At this time candied bark is made with the skin , unpeeled . The trunk can not be used for firewood or building materials . Ripe fruit is presented as a table fruit . Fresh fruit is usually traded in bunches or has been removed ( Petilan ) . Fruits are picked at month 4 or 5 usually to be made sweets.

4 . PLANTING CENTERPlant bark is widely available in DKI Jakarta , West Java , Central Java , DI Yogyakarta, East Java , North Sumatra , North Sulawesi , South Sulawesi , Maluku , Bali , West Nusa Tenggara and West Kalimantan .

5 . TERMS petumbuhan

5.1 . climate1 . Ssalak appropriate plants when grown in the area of climate berzona Aa bcd , Babc and Cbc . A higher mean number of wet months ( 11-12 months / years ) , B : 8-10 months / years and C : 5-7 months / year .2 . Salak will grow well in areas with an average rainfall of 200-400 mm per year / month . The rainfall monthly average of more than 100 mm have been classified in the wet months . Mean bark requires a degree of wetness or high humidity .3 . Barked plants can not tolerate full sun ( 100 % ) , but quite 50-70 % , because it is necessary to plant shade .4 . The best temperature between 20-30 ° C. Salak require high humidity , but can not stand waterlogging .

5.2 . land1 . Plant bark like fertile soil , crumbly and moist .2 . Soil acidity ( pH ) suitable for cultivation barking is 4.5 to 7.5 . Garden barking not stand waterlogging . For growth requires high humidity .

5.3 . The altitudeBarked plants grow at altitudes of 100-500 m above sea level .


6.1 . NurseriesOne factor to consider in getting the plant bark is the use of high quality seeds and quality . Plant bark is an annual plant , because it is an error in the use of the seeds will be bad in pengusahaannya , although technical cultures treated either will not give the desired results , so that the capital cost would not return because of the losses in the agricultural business . To avoid such problems , there should be a good way of breeding bark . Seeding can be derived from the bark seeds ( generative ) or from tillers ( vegetative ) .Generative nursery is a nursery by using a good seed obtained from parent trees that have good properties , namely : fast fruiting , fruiting throughout the year , the result of many fruits and uniform , good plant growth , resistance to pests and diseases and environmental influences less favorable .Advantages of the generative seed multiplication :a) can be done easily and cheaplyb ) many seedlings obtainedc ) the resulting plants grow healthier and live longerd ) to transport grain and seed storage easiere ) the resulting plants have strong roots that fall and drought resistantf ) allows the repair properties held in the form of a cross .Disadvantages generative propagation :a) The quality of the fruit produced is not exactly the same as the mother plant because of possible cross-pollinationb ) a bit difficult to know whether the resulting seedlings male or female .1 ) Requirements SeedsTo get a good seed should be selected to be used as seed beans . The terms of seed that will be used as seed :a) the seeds originate from the mother plant are eligible.b ) The fruit must be taken in picking the seeds are old enough at the time .c ) have the ability to grow at least 85 % .d ) Large seed size is not uniform and defect .e ) healthy seeds are not attacked by pests and diseases .f ) The seed is pure and not mixed with other impurities .2 ) Preparation of Seeda) Seeds from Seed :1 . Seeds barking cleared of the remnants of flesh still attached .2 . Soak in water for 24 hours , then washed .b ) Seeds of Puppies1 . Select the tiller is good and comes from a good parent2 . Prepare a piece of bamboo , then filled with soil media3 ) Seed Seeding Techniquea) Seeds from Seed1 . Seeds bark that has been soaked and washed , put into a perforated plastic bag ( wet burlap sacks ) , and placed in the shade and moist until germination 20-30 days old2 . One month later given Urea , TSP and KCl , 5 grams each , once every 2-3 weeks3 . In order for the humidity up , do the watering every dayb ) Seedlings from the nursery saplings with wooden tub :1 . Create a wooden tub with a size of 25 cm height , width and length tailored to the needs2 . Filled with loose fertile soil and 15-20 cm thick3 . Above ground diiisi 5-10 cm thick sand4 . Directions South and North nursery shade overlooking the East5 . Seeds soaked in a solution of hormones such as Atonik for 1 hour , the solution concentration 0,01-0,02 cc / liter of water6 . Planting seeds at the nursery tub with a distance of 10 x 10 cm7 . Directions seeds embedded in an upright position , tilt / fall with buds under .Seeding Maintenance / SeedingFor breeding of seeds , nursery media is polybag with size 20 x 25 cm were filled with soil mix manure with a ratio of 2:1 . After the seeds or sprouts 20-30 days old seedlings were transferred to polybags new .Nursery with saplings system , bamboo saplings placed just below the bark , then watered every day . After 1 month of seedling roots have grown and separated from its mother , and then planted in polybags . Urea , TSP , KCl was given 1 month in 1 spoon5) Change SeedFor seedlings from the seeds , bark after a 4 month old seedlings were transferred to the new farm . For the nursery of saplings , after 6 months of new seedlings can be transferred to the field .Land Management1 ) PreparationDetermination of the plantation area for barking should pay attention to the ease of transportation and water resources .2 ) Land Openinga) Dismantling the plant is not needed and turn off the weeds and eliminate weeds and shrubs from planting areas .b ) Plowing the soil to remove large chunks of land that too .

6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Hole Making ParksPlanting hole made ​​with a size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm with a spacing of 1 x 4 m ; 2 x 2 m or 1.5 x 2.5 m . The size of the hole can also be made of 50 x 50 x 40 cm , with a distance between 2 x 3 x 4 m or 4 m . Each hole given manure that has become as much as 10 kg .2 ) How PlantingSeeds were planted directly in the hole as much as 3-4 seeds per hole . A month later the seeds began to grow3 ) OthersTo avoid full sun , plants are planted in bark under a shade plants such as coconut, durian , lamptoro and so on . If the land is still no shade plant , can be grown as a shade plant like banana plants . Spacing is adjusted according to the size of the shade tree canopy for example wide palm planted with a distance of 10 x 10 m , durian 12 x 12 m and 12 x 12 m lamtoro .

6.4 . Plant maintenanceTo avoid full sun , plants are planted in bark under a shade plants such as coconut, durian , lamptoro and so on . If the land is still no shade plant , can be grown as a shade plant like banana plants . Spacing is adjusted according to the size of the shade tree canopy for example wide palm planted with a distance of 10 x 10 m , durian 12 x 12 m and 12 x 12 m lamtoro .1 . Thinning and StitchingTo obtain large pieces , then when the cluster has started meeting needs thinning . Thinning is usually done on a month to 4 or 5 .Stitching is done on young plants or newly planted , but dead or poor or stunted growth , for example, too many plants or females . For the purposes of replanting the plants we need a backup ( usually necessary to provide 10 % ) of the total , the rest of the other plants . Beginning of the rainy season is appropriate to do stitching . Plant reserves transferred by way round , which included most of the land area covered roots . When unpacking the plant , as well as the base of our soil with plastic wrap so that aka - roots on the inside is protected from damage , done with care .2 . weedingWeeding is throwing and memebersihan grass or other weeds that grow in the garden barking . Common weeds in the weed called if not eradicated would be a competitor for plant bark in getting the nutrients and water .The first weeding is done when the plants were 2 months after the seed is planted , the next weeding is done every 3 months to a year old plants . After the weeding is done every 6 months or 2 times a year , performed at the beginning and end of the rainy season .3 . pembubunanWhile weeding , scarify and pembumbunan also conducted soil into staple crops barking . This is done to save on labor costs as well as to the efficiency of the treatment . Digemburkan hoeing soil mounds or bumbunan form that serves to strengthen the roots and stems of the plant bark in place . Bumbunan not to damage the existing trench .4 . Perempalan / TrimmingThe leaves are already old and useless must be trimmed . Also the leaves are too dense or damaged from pests . The shoots should be thinned too much , especially approaching the moment fruiting plants ( perempalan ) . With pruning , bark clumps are not too dense so that the garden moist and stuffy due to substandard air circulation improved . Pruning also helps the spread of food that is not only to leaf or vegetative parts , but also to the flower , fruit or portion generative balanced manner .Pruning is done once every 2 months , but at the time of flowering or fruiting nearing trimming we do more often , ie 1 month 1 time .If the clumps are some puppies bark , do it ahead of the tiller reduction fruiting plants . One clump barked enough we keep 1 or 2 puppies . Maximum number of tillers 3-4 pieces in one clump . If more than it will hurt productivity seedling plants .Pruning leaves bark should arrive at the base of the sheath . Do not just cut in half or most of the leaves , because the part that is left is already of no use to the plant .Pruning at the time of harvest must remain dilakuakan passing . Crop tool should use a sharp machete or chainsaw . Pruning is carried out on time and the right way will help the plants grow properly and optimally .5 . fertilizationAll materials supplied to the plant in order to provide additional nutrients to improve plant growth and the production of so-called fertilizer . There fertilizers applied through the root zone of the plant ( root fertilizer ) . Fertilizers applied by spraying the plant through the leaves ( foliar fertilizer ) . There are 2 kinds of fertilizers : organic and inorganic fertilizers . Organic fertilizer is manure , green manure , compost , plant ash , blood meal and so on . Inorganic fertilizers are : Ure , TSP , KCl , ZA , NPK Hidrasil , Gandasil , Super Phosphate , Bay folan , Green Zit , and so on . Organic fertilizers are often given to the bark of plants is manure .Age of plants :a) 0-12 months ( 1 x month ) : Manure 1000, 5 grams of Urea , TSP 5 grams , 5 grams of KCl .b ) 12-24 months ( 1 x 2 months ) : 10 grams Urea , TSP 10 grams , 10 grams of KCl .c ) 24-36 months ( 1 x 3 months ) : 15 grams Urea , TSP 15 grams , 15 grams of KCl .d ) 36 - ff ( 1 x 6 months ) : 20 grams Urea , TSP 20 grams , 20 grams of KCl .6 . Irrigation and WateringRainwater is a natural spray for plants , but it is difficult to adjust to fit the rain water that plants need . Rain water will be lost through most of the evaporation , percolation and runoff . A small fraction retained in the root zone , the remaining water is often not meet the needs of the plant . In cultivation bark , for growth , the need for water to be fulfilled , for that we need to give water to the time , manner and amount appropriate .7 . Other maintenanceOnce planted in the garden we make buttresses of bamboo or wood to keep the plant does not collapse .


7.1 . pest1 . Fleas wool / white ( Cerataphis sp . )These pests hiding on the sidelines of the fruit .2 . Bud weevil ( Omotemnus sp .. )3 . Stem weevilStriking the tip of young leaves ( the youngest ) , then will go into the trunk . This does not cause the death of the plant , but a lot of chicks that will grow inside the trunk .Control : turned off or by dripping a solution of insecticide ( Diazenon ) at a dose of 2 cc per liter at the end of the affected leaves or by spraying . In this case sought insecticides can fit into the hole former digerek .Insert the wire ends that taper into the hole made ​​by the pest beetles .4 . Wild boar , squirrels , rats and mongooseControl : ( 1 ) to eradicate wild pigs , carried out with a special shooting , or fence in the garden barking with a bark - bark males meeting . It would be better if the garden barking fenced with barbed wire ; ( 2 ) to eradicate rats , used Zink phosphit , klerat and others ; ( 3 ) to eradicate the mongoose and squirrels , can be used bait banana Entry Furadan 3 G. The trick : banana split , approximately 0.5 grams of Furadan put into it , then the bananas stitched and used as bait .
7.2 . disease1 . The disease often attacks the bark is white fungus countrymen ,Symptoms : rotten fruit . This Diseased fruit quality is so decreased , because the color is not so attractive bark .Control : reduce soil moisture , which reduces the protective trees .2 . black spotCause : The fungus Pestalotia sp .Symptoms : absence of spots on the leaf - bercakhitam barking .3 . Red rot ( pink )Cause : The fungus Corticium salmonicolor .Symptoms : the existence of decay on fruit and stems .Control : diseased and affected leaves should be cut and burned in a particular place .
7.3 . weedsIn some places on the island of Java , the land was built on the former rice fields barking . So automatic that dominate the garden weeds are weeds commonly found in rice fields . Because the usual wetland drained and waterlogged soil dibumbun the weeds that survived are narrow -leaved weeds and growing creeper that very few are in the fields. Weeds are thin trunked upright , long- leaved generally less able to survive in the rice fields . That's why the former land of weeds in rice fields are relatively few . Control or manually with a hoe dikored was already adequate .Chemical weed eradication in the gardens barking not commonly implemented . For land that is not how large , the farmers are still using the manual method ( pulling weeds by hand or hoe dikored ) . When the bark is quite broad land , as well as the newly opened , there are certainly a lot of weeds that are difficult to eradicate once and only by means of the manual . For such situations need to use herbicides , because labor costs are relatively low and the results more quickly . Chemical reactions in the killing of wild plants is also very fast . Herbicide have negative pengruh , because they contain toxins can harm other living beings including animals and humans . Herbicides need to be used according to the type of weeds that will be eradicated . Improper choice will waste costs . Weeds of the group of grasses can be eradicated with herbicides Gramoxone , Gesapas , Basta or Diuron . From the class - tekian puzzles can be eradicated with Goal . Reeds can be eradicated with Round - up or Sun - ups . While the broad-leaved plants that can be addressed with Fernimine . There are also herbicides that can eradicate some types of weeds .
8 . P A N E NGood quality fruits obtained when harvesting is done at a good level of maturity . Unripe fruits , if levied will feel Sepet and not sweet . So harvesting is done dengancara quotation select , where lies the difficulty . So we have to actually know fruits that are old but not yet ripe .

8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestPBuah bark can be harvested when ripe on the tree , usually aged 6 months after anthesis ( anthesis ) . It is characterized by scales that have rarely , red fruit skin color blackish or dark yellow , and the feathers were missing . End of the fruit peel ( fruit tapered part ) feels soft when pressed . Signs of old fruit , according to other sources are : the color is shiny ( greasy ) , when plucked easily detached from the stem bark of fruit and flavorful .

8.2 . How to HarvestHow to harvest : since the ripe fruits are not in unison , then the quotation select . To consider in picking whether the fruits will keep for months, or immediately eaten . When will be stored longer plucking done when the old fruits ( Java : gemadung ) , so do not be too old cult . Fruits are not durable sintered saved . Harvesting is done by cutting the fruit stalk stems .
8.3 . Harvest periodPlant bark in the harvest time there are 4 seasons :1 ) Harvest in November , December and January2 ) Harvest was in May , June and July3 ) a small harvest in the months of February , March and April .4 ) The period of empty / break in the months of August, September and October . When in these months there are so -called fruit fruits slandren . According to another source a large harvest of fruits is between the months of October to January .8.3 . Estimated ProductionIn salak cultivation , results can be achieved in a single growing season is 15 tonnes per hectare .

9 . POST-HARVESTAs with other fruits , fruits are easily damaged and not durable . Damage is characterized by a foul odor and fruit flesh becomes soft and brownish . Once the fruits are picked still continue the process of life in the form of physiological processes ( changes in color , respiration , the biochemical and functional overhaul in the presence of decomposition by microorganisms ) . So that the fruits can not be stored longer in a fresh state , it is necessary to post-harvest handling .9.1 . collectionWarehouse functions as a receiver collecting fruits from the farmer or gardener . In this collection sheds do : sorting , grading and packaging .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting / selection aims to select good fruit , not disabled , and worthy of export . uga aims to clean up the fruits of a variety of useful materials such as stems , twigs and dirt . The materials are cut with a knife , scythe , sharp pruning shears does not rust so that no damage to the fruit .Grading / classification aims to :a) gets the fruit of uniform ( size and quality )b ) facilitate the preparation of the container / container / container toolsc ) get a higher priced ) stimulate interest in buyinge ) that the calculation easierf ) to estimate revenue while .This classification can be based on : a heavy , large , shape , form , color , pattern , free from disease and the presence or absence of disability / injury . All of it was put into classes and groups on their own .a) Salak quality AA ( really super , yellow , 1kg = 12 pieces )b ) Salak quality AB ( not too big , not too small , and healthy )c ) quality Salak C ( for sweets , 1kg = 25-30 pieces )d ) quality Salak BS ( rotten or half broken ) , not sold .9.3 . Packaging and TransportationThe purpose of packaging is to protect the fruits from damage , ease in preparation , both in transport and in storage facilities and to simplify the calculation . There packaging for fresh fruit and for candied bark .Packaging for fresh fruit :a) The appliance must be perforated packagingb ) must be strong , so that fruits shielded from outside pressurec ) can be transported easilyd ) packaging size should be adjusted to the amount of fruit .Packaging for candied bark : packed in sealed cans that have dipastursasi so that all microbes such as fungi , yeast , bacteria and enzymes can be dead and will not cause the decay process . For candied dried , usually packaged in plastic .Transportation is an important link in the handling , storage and distribution of fruits . The requirements for the transport of fruit :a ) Transportation must be done quickly and precisely .b ) Packaging and transport of appropriate conditions to ensure the preservation of high quality .c ) Expectations of the benefits that simply by using adequate transport facilities .

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