1 . A BRIEF HISTORYCarambola
( Averrhoa carambola ) is a tree fruit crops from the area of Malaysia ,
then spread to many other tropical countries in the world , including
Indonesia . In
general, star fruit grown in culture form the yard ( yard home
gardening ) , which is cultivated as a sideline business as a shade
plant in the home pages . In the Americas , fruitleatherback is known by the name / title " star fruits " , and a
popular type of star fruit and star fruit popular society is " Florida "
.2 . TYPES OF PLANTSIn the taxonomy of plants , starfruit classified as follows :1 ) Kingdom : Plantae ( plants)2 ) Division : Spermatphyta ( seed plants )3 ) Sub - Division: Angiospermae ( seed enclosed )4 ) Class : Dicotyledonae ( seeds into pieces of two )5 ) Order : Oxalidales6 ) Family: Oxalidaceae7 ) Genus : Averrhoa8 ) Species : Averrhoa carambola L. ( sweet star fruit ) ; A.bilimbi L. ( starfruit )In
Indonesia, known to be quite a wide variety of star fruit varieties ,
including varieties Sembiring , Siwalan , Goddess , Demak Lime ,
Turmeric Demak , Demak Orange , Sunday Market , Wijaya Paris ,
Philippines , Taiwan , Bangkok , Malaysia and varieties . 1987 has released two national superior varieties namely starfruit : Varieties of turmeric and lime .3 . BENEFIT PLANTThe main benefit of these plants as food eating fresh fruit and processed fruit or traditional ' medicine . Other
benefits as stabilizers and maintenance of the environment , among
others, can absorb toxic exhaust gases of motor vehicles , etc. , filter
dust , dampen sound vibration , and nurturing environment from
pollution due to human activities . As a vehicle for education ,planting starfruit on the home page inseparable from government programs in an effort to plant a million trees movement .
4 . PLANTING CENTERSentra / center planting starfruit as intensive farming and commercial is Malaysia . In 1993 the country was able to export fresh star fruit as much as 10,220 mt ( metric tons ) worth Rp . 2 billion, which is supplied to Hong Kong , Singapore, Taiwan , Middle East , and Western Europe .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) For the growth of state takes the wind is not too tight , as this may cause abscission of flowers or fruit .2 ) Rainfall was , in the high rainfall areas often cause abscission of flowers and fruits , so that production will be low .3 ) Place the cropping open and gets adequate sunlight irradiation intensity of 45-50 % , but also tolerant of shade ( the shade ) .4 ) Temperature and humidity -and climate , including type A ( very wet ) , B ( rather wet ) , C ( wet ) , with 6-12 months and 0-6 months keing wet , but it is best in areas that have a 7.5 month wet and dry 4.5 months .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) Almost all types of land used for agriculture crops suitable also for starfruit . The soil is fertile , friable , contains a lot of organic matter , aeration and good drainage .2 ) The degree of acidity of the soil to the plant which has a pH of 5.5-7.5 starfruit .3 ) The water content in the soil or ground water depths between 50-200 cm below the soil surface .5.3 . The altitudeAltitude suitable for starfruit plants are in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements Seeds and SeedlingsStarfruit seeds production technology should always use superior parent trees or vegetative propagation ( grafting , grafting , graft , and suckling ) . Generative propagation by seed is not recommended , because it is almost always different from the parent giving offspring ( genetic segregation ) . Therefore , breeding generative ( seeds ) are intended only to produce rootstocks ( onderstam ) which is later used in vegetative propagation .2 ) Preparation of SeedPreparation of seeds starfruit done by vegetative propagation ( grafting , grafting , Dairy and graft ) . Special on vegetative propagation by means of grafting ( grafting , graft , feedings ) or seedling rootstocks needed onderstam derived from seeds ( breeding generative ) . The procedure for preparing the preparation of rootstock seed ( seed ) starfruit as follows :a) Select the star fruit is ripe cult and healthy situation and come from local or national varieties .b ) Take ( remove ) the seeds from the fruit to split ways , then disposed of in a container .c ) Wash the seeds starfruit with water until free of mucus .d ) Keringanginkan starfruit seeds shady and dry place until the water content ranged from 12-14 % .e ) Save the seeds starfruit in a sealed container and colored , or direct sowing in the nursery .3 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueNursery land preparation include the following stages :a) Determine the ( select ) area for nursery land in strategic places and good soil .b ) Sports sufficient land in between 30-40 cm until crumbly , then air-dried for ± 15 days .c ) Create a raised bed width 100-120 cm , height 30 cm and length depending on the state of the land . Beds should be longitudinal direction North-South position .d ) Add manure mature and refined as much as 2 kg/m2 while vast beds mixed with top soil evenly , then trim tool beds with wooden planks or bamboo or hoe .e ) Plug the bamboo poles on the East side of the beds as high as 100-150 cm and 75-100 cm on the west side , then plug it also bars of bamboo while tied .f ) Install the roof of foliage nurseries ( straw ) or clear plastic sheet ( transparent ) , so the nursery beds complete with a roof ready to sowing seeds starfruit .Management of sow seeds starfruit is as follows :a) Soak beans in cold water starfruit or lukewarm ( 55-60 degrees C ) for 30 minutes or more .b ) in a manner Kecambahkan starfruit seeds stored in a damp cloth rolls in damp for some time .c ) seedling seed has germinated leatherback nursery on land . The trick is to spread seeds along the kerf or shallow furrows at a distance of about 10-15 cm between the grooves , then cover with a thin soil .d ) Let the sprouts grow and develop into young seedlings .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingMaintenance performed in the nursery seedlings during the following stages :a) watering ( irrigation ) continuously 1-2 times a day or depending on weather conditions .b ) Fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers ( Urea , ZA ) or NPK is dissolved in water at a dose of 10 gram/10 liters for medium sprayed on the nursery every 3 months .c ) Control of pests or diseases by cutting severely affected areas , improvement of soil drainage and spraying pesticides at low concentrations between 30-50 % of the recommended .5) Change SeedWeaning ( nursery seedlings at the age of 6-8 months from the nursery into a polybag or a basket or land that has been filled with soil mixed media manure .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationMinimum extent necessary for the operation of the nursery is 2,000 m2 , which can accommodate as many as 5,000-10,000 seedlings seeds . While the land to the mother plant can be provided separately or planted in the operational area . The main requirement is the availability of land in the selection of water for plants , as an indicator of the presence or absence of natural water sources can be used palm tree , palm trees because generally live in areas that contain lots of water . Another feature of land containing water is the area located in a valley of hills or mountains . Land for belimbin plants in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level , with water depths between 50-200 cm below the soil surface and the soil has a pH of 5.5-7.5 . Soil fertile land , friable , contains a lot of organic matter , aeration and good drainage , as well as the best time of planting in areas that have a wet climate between 7.5 months and 4.5 months dry .2 ) Land OpeningDetermine strategic areas and fertile land , land processing methods ( hijacking / pengarukan and cultivation ) land enough land in between 30-40 cm until crumbly , then dried for 15 days . Add on land that has been cultivated soil manure mature and refined as much as 2 kg/m2 then trim them with a raised bed with topsoil mixed evenly , and trimmed with the tool wood or bamboo boards or cangkal and subsequent land ready for planting .3 ) Establishment of BedsThe pile is built with a width of 100-120 cm , height 30 cm and length depending on the state of the land . The pile should be longitudinal north-south position . Pairs ( plug ) bamboo poles on the East side of the beds as high as 100-150 cm , and 75-100 cm on the west side , then attach the bars too while tied up . Further pairs of leaves roof ( straw ) or clear plastic ( transparent ) so that the beds ready for use .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternDetermination of plant spacing and cropping patterns are relatively dependent on the existing land area . In general , if the land area is quite wide spacing between plants leatherback made about 6 x 6 meters . Or it can also be used Dalan spacing of 5 x 5 m with the cropping pattern in the form of plantation culture permanently and intensively maintained .2 ) Hole Making PlantBefore the seeds are planted , first made the planting hole . Planting hole measuring 50 x 50 x 50 cm . The hole was dug as deep as 50 cm , the upper half separated dugouts , holes aerated for 2-4 weeks . After sufficiently aerate , the soil on the upper mixed with chicken manurewith a ratio of 1:1 . In addition, given NPK 20-10-10 1 handful per planting hole . Then a mixture of soil and fertilizer was put back into the hole .3 ) How PlantingThe hole that has been prepared for planting as above , after the fertilizer is not directly planted , but were left for 1 week after the new planting. When the grafting seedlings planted clones B17 , then planted in the field at the time must be combined / interrupted with seed clones B2 . How, between 8 plants cultivated middle-middle B17 B2 . This combination is intended to help pollination , because according to one expert , the B17 clone leatherback suspected to be male sterile , so that should help the clones B2 pollen in pollination .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingThinning and replanting is intended to be freely grown fruit and food distribution is maintained only for the fruit . In this thinning fruit cultivated no huddle or huddle . The tree is estimated there are only 100 pieces to large leatherback maintained .Thinning is done when the fruit of 2.5-5 cm , or 5-10 days after the flowers are blooming .2 ) Weeding , Pembubunan and PerempalanWeeding , and perempalan pembubunan done so ridley plants produce fruit productively , and to get maximum results . Weeding is done by pruning to shape the plant canopy so that the plants do not coincide . This is to encourage the productionand facilitate harvesting fruits .3 ) FertilizationFertilization for 3 months after planting is 25 kg of chicken manure with 50 grams of NPK / tree . Year old, 25 kg of manure with 150 g NPK / tree . The age of 2 years are given 50 kg of manure and 500 g NPK / tree , and given the age of 3 years and above 75 kg of manure with 1 kg NPK / tree . For the planting medium pot or fruit plants in pots ( tabulampot ) given at the time of fertilization plant age 1 month were given a mixture of basic fertilizer urea , TSP or SP and KCL ( 2:1:1 ) as much as 20 grams or 2 tablespoons per tree ( pot ) . Fertilizer is immersed in a pot .Every once a month ZA fertilized with nitrogen as much as 10 grams dissolved in 10 liters of water , the solution is sprayed on the plants in pots until leatherback looks pretty wet . In starfruit plants that have started flowering and fruiting of NPK fertilizers as much as 25-50 grams / tree( pots ) / year . Waku fertilizer preferably before flowering plants , after fruiting , and after the harvest , so that each year a minimum of fertilizer 3 times each third dose .4 ) Irrigation and WateringStarfruit plants need lots of water throughout his life . In the area year-round water is not necessarily a problem , but in the dry areas and watering the plants need to be watered . As an indication of when the plants need to be watered when the grass is growing under the treealready started to wilt . Watering can be done by flooding ( dileb ) or watered until the area around the plant canopy wet . Though always need water , this plant does not like stagnant water , should be given the means of drainage and water immediately flowed out the garden so as not to stagnate .5 ) Time Pesticide SprayingAs a precaution against pests and plant diseases leatherback is necessary for spraying pesticides . Pesticide spraying is done 2 times a week, for example, with ' Thamaron Super ' is the proportion adjusted dose indicated on the packaging .7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) fruit fly ( Dacus pedestris )This flies yellowish brown with two longitudinal lines , waist slender , winged like nightgowns thin and transparent structure . Female flies lay eggs on the skin of the fruit , then hatch into larvae . The larvae damage the meat is then causing bususk star fruit and fall . Control : is done by wrapping the fruit on stage nipple (aged 1 month of blooming flowers ) , collecting and burning the remains of plants that are scattered under a tree , installing Methyl eugenol as sex pheromones in a bottle aqua former .2 ) Other Pests : aphids , ants ngangrang ( Oecophylla smaragdina ) and bats . Control : aphids and ants can be sprayed with an insecticide such as Matador mangkus 25 EC etc , while the bat should be driven manner .7.2 . disease1 ) Leaf spotsCause : The fungus Cercospora Fres averrhoae . Symptoms occur - rickshaw chlorotic spots are round and small leaves in children . Weight affected leaves turn yellow and fall off , even to bare on young plants or seedlings stage . Control : by cutting ( concision ) diseased and sprayed fungicide active ingredient Kaptafol , such Difolatan , etc. .2 ) sooty mold diseaseThe disease is live as a saprophyte on the honey produced by white lice . Symptoms : leaf surface covered by black color , so as to interfere with the process of photosynthesis . Control : mangkus sprayed with fungicide , such as Dithane M45 at the recommended concentration .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestHarvesting ( picking ) of star fruit is strongly influenced by the geographical location of planting , namely environmental and climatic factors . In the lowland wet climate type , age of star fruit picking about 35-60 days after wrapping fruit or 65-90 days after anthesis . Characteristic of star fruit that is harvested it is time large size ( maximum ) , has matured and his color changed from green to white or yellow or red or other color variations . It depends on the variety of starfruit .8.2 . How to HarvestHow to harvest star fruit is done by cutting the stems. Fruit picking takes place continuously at selecting ripe fruit . The best harvest time is in the morning , when the fruit is still fresh and before the weather is too hot ( scorching ) . Star fruit freshly picked sooninserted ( stored ) in a container carefully so as not bruised or damaged .8.3 . Harvest periodStar fruit harvest period , generally penen prime at the age of 3-4 years after planting . Flowering and fruiting leatherback can continuously throughout the year , the harvest of the most dense ( a lot ) usually occurs three times a year .8.4 . Production forecastPotential yield / production of improved varieties of star fruit grown in the garden permanently and intensively maintained can reach between 150-300 fruits / tree / year . When the spacing of 5 x 5 m with a population per hectare between 250-400 150-300 fruit tree productivity / plant and weight per fruit on average 160 grams , then the rate of production per hectare reaches 6-19 tons .9 . postharvestAfter harvesting starfruit need further post-harvest handling , especially if the amount is abundant ( a lot ) . Stages of star fruit postharvest handling is as follows :9.1 . collectionCollect the star fruit or a room in a shady place .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSelect bedasarkan fruit maturity level and uniform size . Separate ( exhaust ) fruit damaged , defective or attacked by pests and diseases . Clean the pieces of dirt that may be stuck with powerful tools soft ( smooth ) .9.3 . storageSave the star fruit in a container and the room ( place ) cold for family supplies , or store cardboard boxes of star fruit in the refrigerator temperature between 5-20 degrees C.9.4 . Packaging and Transportation1 ) Wrap each fruit or some fruit with stretch plastic or tissue paper or polysterene net .2 ) Enter the star fruit in a container ( container ) form the bottom of the cardboard box and the walls are covered ( coated ) foam . Each cardboard box contains a maximum of 3 layers of star fruit with fruit position was under the base . Star fruit is already packaged ready to be transported to a placesales / shelter .10 . ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PLANT CULTIVATIONFarming 10.1.AnalisisPotential production of star fruit grown in the garden permanently and intensively maintained , with spacing between 5x5 m or 6x6 m , when the population of leatherback plant 250-400 trees per hectare between the potential productivity of 150-300 fruits / tree / year , and the weight per fruit on average 160 grams , it can be produced / production rate reaches 6-19 tonnes per hectare of star fruit . At harvest star fruit , star fruit average price reached Rp . 750 , - up to Rp . 5.000 , - per kg . Then we can calculate how much income Rupiah obtained in 1 hectare per year . Of course, after deducting the costs of production are incurred , such as : nursery , maintenance , fertilization , harvest / post-harvest , etc. .Agribusiness Opportunities 10.2.GambaranStarfruit marketing prospects in the country is estimated the better . This is partly due to population growth and the increasing number of consumers are aware of the importance of adequate nutrition from fruits . In 1993 Indonesia has only contributed 0.4 % of the total value of world imports of tropical fruits . When in 1989 the level of consumption of fruit per capita population of Indonesia was only 22.92 kg / year , then to achieve nutritional adequacy as recommended by FAO is targeting an average of 60 kg per capita per year . One type of fruit that is easily cultivated potential to support the achievement of these targets is the leatherback . Estimated demand is increasing every year , the increase in demand is at 6.1 % / year (1995-2000 ) , 6.5 % / year ( 2000-2005) , 6.8 % / year ( 2005-2010 ) , and reached 8.9 % / year ( 2010-2015 ) . It is clear that the prospects of farm ( agri ) leatherback very bright when managed intensively and commercially , either in the form of plantation culture , yards , and Tabulampot .
4 . PLANTING CENTERSentra / center planting starfruit as intensive farming and commercial is Malaysia . In 1993 the country was able to export fresh star fruit as much as 10,220 mt ( metric tons ) worth Rp . 2 billion, which is supplied to Hong Kong , Singapore, Taiwan , Middle East , and Western Europe .5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) For the growth of state takes the wind is not too tight , as this may cause abscission of flowers or fruit .2 ) Rainfall was , in the high rainfall areas often cause abscission of flowers and fruits , so that production will be low .3 ) Place the cropping open and gets adequate sunlight irradiation intensity of 45-50 % , but also tolerant of shade ( the shade ) .4 ) Temperature and humidity -and climate , including type A ( very wet ) , B ( rather wet ) , C ( wet ) , with 6-12 months and 0-6 months keing wet , but it is best in areas that have a 7.5 month wet and dry 4.5 months .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) Almost all types of land used for agriculture crops suitable also for starfruit . The soil is fertile , friable , contains a lot of organic matter , aeration and good drainage .2 ) The degree of acidity of the soil to the plant which has a pH of 5.5-7.5 starfruit .3 ) The water content in the soil or ground water depths between 50-200 cm below the soil surface .5.3 . The altitudeAltitude suitable for starfruit plants are in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level .6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Requirements Seeds and SeedlingsStarfruit seeds production technology should always use superior parent trees or vegetative propagation ( grafting , grafting , graft , and suckling ) . Generative propagation by seed is not recommended , because it is almost always different from the parent giving offspring ( genetic segregation ) . Therefore , breeding generative ( seeds ) are intended only to produce rootstocks ( onderstam ) which is later used in vegetative propagation .2 ) Preparation of SeedPreparation of seeds starfruit done by vegetative propagation ( grafting , grafting , Dairy and graft ) . Special on vegetative propagation by means of grafting ( grafting , graft , feedings ) or seedling rootstocks needed onderstam derived from seeds ( breeding generative ) . The procedure for preparing the preparation of rootstock seed ( seed ) starfruit as follows :a) Select the star fruit is ripe cult and healthy situation and come from local or national varieties .b ) Take ( remove ) the seeds from the fruit to split ways , then disposed of in a container .c ) Wash the seeds starfruit with water until free of mucus .d ) Keringanginkan starfruit seeds shady and dry place until the water content ranged from 12-14 % .e ) Save the seeds starfruit in a sealed container and colored , or direct sowing in the nursery .3 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueNursery land preparation include the following stages :a) Determine the ( select ) area for nursery land in strategic places and good soil .b ) Sports sufficient land in between 30-40 cm until crumbly , then air-dried for ± 15 days .c ) Create a raised bed width 100-120 cm , height 30 cm and length depending on the state of the land . Beds should be longitudinal direction North-South position .d ) Add manure mature and refined as much as 2 kg/m2 while vast beds mixed with top soil evenly , then trim tool beds with wooden planks or bamboo or hoe .e ) Plug the bamboo poles on the East side of the beds as high as 100-150 cm and 75-100 cm on the west side , then plug it also bars of bamboo while tied .f ) Install the roof of foliage nurseries ( straw ) or clear plastic sheet ( transparent ) , so the nursery beds complete with a roof ready to sowing seeds starfruit .Management of sow seeds starfruit is as follows :a) Soak beans in cold water starfruit or lukewarm ( 55-60 degrees C ) for 30 minutes or more .b ) in a manner Kecambahkan starfruit seeds stored in a damp cloth rolls in damp for some time .c ) seedling seed has germinated leatherback nursery on land . The trick is to spread seeds along the kerf or shallow furrows at a distance of about 10-15 cm between the grooves , then cover with a thin soil .d ) Let the sprouts grow and develop into young seedlings .4 ) Maintenance Nurseries / SeedingMaintenance performed in the nursery seedlings during the following stages :a) watering ( irrigation ) continuously 1-2 times a day or depending on weather conditions .b ) Fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers ( Urea , ZA ) or NPK is dissolved in water at a dose of 10 gram/10 liters for medium sprayed on the nursery every 3 months .c ) Control of pests or diseases by cutting severely affected areas , improvement of soil drainage and spraying pesticides at low concentrations between 30-50 % of the recommended .5) Change SeedWeaning ( nursery seedlings at the age of 6-8 months from the nursery into a polybag or a basket or land that has been filled with soil mixed media manure .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationMinimum extent necessary for the operation of the nursery is 2,000 m2 , which can accommodate as many as 5,000-10,000 seedlings seeds . While the land to the mother plant can be provided separately or planted in the operational area . The main requirement is the availability of land in the selection of water for plants , as an indicator of the presence or absence of natural water sources can be used palm tree , palm trees because generally live in areas that contain lots of water . Another feature of land containing water is the area located in a valley of hills or mountains . Land for belimbin plants in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level , with water depths between 50-200 cm below the soil surface and the soil has a pH of 5.5-7.5 . Soil fertile land , friable , contains a lot of organic matter , aeration and good drainage , as well as the best time of planting in areas that have a wet climate between 7.5 months and 4.5 months dry .2 ) Land OpeningDetermine strategic areas and fertile land , land processing methods ( hijacking / pengarukan and cultivation ) land enough land in between 30-40 cm until crumbly , then dried for 15 days . Add on land that has been cultivated soil manure mature and refined as much as 2 kg/m2 then trim them with a raised bed with topsoil mixed evenly , and trimmed with the tool wood or bamboo boards or cangkal and subsequent land ready for planting .3 ) Establishment of BedsThe pile is built with a width of 100-120 cm , height 30 cm and length depending on the state of the land . The pile should be longitudinal north-south position . Pairs ( plug ) bamboo poles on the East side of the beds as high as 100-150 cm , and 75-100 cm on the west side , then attach the bars too while tied up . Further pairs of leaves roof ( straw ) or clear plastic ( transparent ) so that the beds ready for use .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternDetermination of plant spacing and cropping patterns are relatively dependent on the existing land area . In general , if the land area is quite wide spacing between plants leatherback made about 6 x 6 meters . Or it can also be used Dalan spacing of 5 x 5 m with the cropping pattern in the form of plantation culture permanently and intensively maintained .2 ) Hole Making PlantBefore the seeds are planted , first made the planting hole . Planting hole measuring 50 x 50 x 50 cm . The hole was dug as deep as 50 cm , the upper half separated dugouts , holes aerated for 2-4 weeks . After sufficiently aerate , the soil on the upper mixed with chicken manurewith a ratio of 1:1 . In addition, given NPK 20-10-10 1 handful per planting hole . Then a mixture of soil and fertilizer was put back into the hole .3 ) How PlantingThe hole that has been prepared for planting as above , after the fertilizer is not directly planted , but were left for 1 week after the new planting. When the grafting seedlings planted clones B17 , then planted in the field at the time must be combined / interrupted with seed clones B2 . How, between 8 plants cultivated middle-middle B17 B2 . This combination is intended to help pollination , because according to one expert , the B17 clone leatherback suspected to be male sterile , so that should help the clones B2 pollen in pollination .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Spacing and StitchingThinning and replanting is intended to be freely grown fruit and food distribution is maintained only for the fruit . In this thinning fruit cultivated no huddle or huddle . The tree is estimated there are only 100 pieces to large leatherback maintained .Thinning is done when the fruit of 2.5-5 cm , or 5-10 days after the flowers are blooming .2 ) Weeding , Pembubunan and PerempalanWeeding , and perempalan pembubunan done so ridley plants produce fruit productively , and to get maximum results . Weeding is done by pruning to shape the plant canopy so that the plants do not coincide . This is to encourage the productionand facilitate harvesting fruits .3 ) FertilizationFertilization for 3 months after planting is 25 kg of chicken manure with 50 grams of NPK / tree . Year old, 25 kg of manure with 150 g NPK / tree . The age of 2 years are given 50 kg of manure and 500 g NPK / tree , and given the age of 3 years and above 75 kg of manure with 1 kg NPK / tree . For the planting medium pot or fruit plants in pots ( tabulampot ) given at the time of fertilization plant age 1 month were given a mixture of basic fertilizer urea , TSP or SP and KCL ( 2:1:1 ) as much as 20 grams or 2 tablespoons per tree ( pot ) . Fertilizer is immersed in a pot .Every once a month ZA fertilized with nitrogen as much as 10 grams dissolved in 10 liters of water , the solution is sprayed on the plants in pots until leatherback looks pretty wet . In starfruit plants that have started flowering and fruiting of NPK fertilizers as much as 25-50 grams / tree( pots ) / year . Waku fertilizer preferably before flowering plants , after fruiting , and after the harvest , so that each year a minimum of fertilizer 3 times each third dose .4 ) Irrigation and WateringStarfruit plants need lots of water throughout his life . In the area year-round water is not necessarily a problem , but in the dry areas and watering the plants need to be watered . As an indication of when the plants need to be watered when the grass is growing under the treealready started to wilt . Watering can be done by flooding ( dileb ) or watered until the area around the plant canopy wet . Though always need water , this plant does not like stagnant water , should be given the means of drainage and water immediately flowed out the garden so as not to stagnate .5 ) Time Pesticide SprayingAs a precaution against pests and plant diseases leatherback is necessary for spraying pesticides . Pesticide spraying is done 2 times a week, for example, with ' Thamaron Super ' is the proportion adjusted dose indicated on the packaging .7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) fruit fly ( Dacus pedestris )This flies yellowish brown with two longitudinal lines , waist slender , winged like nightgowns thin and transparent structure . Female flies lay eggs on the skin of the fruit , then hatch into larvae . The larvae damage the meat is then causing bususk star fruit and fall . Control : is done by wrapping the fruit on stage nipple (aged 1 month of blooming flowers ) , collecting and burning the remains of plants that are scattered under a tree , installing Methyl eugenol as sex pheromones in a bottle aqua former .2 ) Other Pests : aphids , ants ngangrang ( Oecophylla smaragdina ) and bats . Control : aphids and ants can be sprayed with an insecticide such as Matador mangkus 25 EC etc , while the bat should be driven manner .7.2 . disease1 ) Leaf spotsCause : The fungus Cercospora Fres averrhoae . Symptoms occur - rickshaw chlorotic spots are round and small leaves in children . Weight affected leaves turn yellow and fall off , even to bare on young plants or seedlings stage . Control : by cutting ( concision ) diseased and sprayed fungicide active ingredient Kaptafol , such Difolatan , etc. .2 ) sooty mold diseaseThe disease is live as a saprophyte on the honey produced by white lice . Symptoms : leaf surface covered by black color , so as to interfere with the process of photosynthesis . Control : mangkus sprayed with fungicide , such as Dithane M45 at the recommended concentration .8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestHarvesting ( picking ) of star fruit is strongly influenced by the geographical location of planting , namely environmental and climatic factors . In the lowland wet climate type , age of star fruit picking about 35-60 days after wrapping fruit or 65-90 days after anthesis . Characteristic of star fruit that is harvested it is time large size ( maximum ) , has matured and his color changed from green to white or yellow or red or other color variations . It depends on the variety of starfruit .8.2 . How to HarvestHow to harvest star fruit is done by cutting the stems. Fruit picking takes place continuously at selecting ripe fruit . The best harvest time is in the morning , when the fruit is still fresh and before the weather is too hot ( scorching ) . Star fruit freshly picked sooninserted ( stored ) in a container carefully so as not bruised or damaged .8.3 . Harvest periodStar fruit harvest period , generally penen prime at the age of 3-4 years after planting . Flowering and fruiting leatherback can continuously throughout the year , the harvest of the most dense ( a lot ) usually occurs three times a year .8.4 . Production forecastPotential yield / production of improved varieties of star fruit grown in the garden permanently and intensively maintained can reach between 150-300 fruits / tree / year . When the spacing of 5 x 5 m with a population per hectare between 250-400 150-300 fruit tree productivity / plant and weight per fruit on average 160 grams , then the rate of production per hectare reaches 6-19 tons .9 . postharvestAfter harvesting starfruit need further post-harvest handling , especially if the amount is abundant ( a lot ) . Stages of star fruit postharvest handling is as follows :9.1 . collectionCollect the star fruit or a room in a shady place .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSelect bedasarkan fruit maturity level and uniform size . Separate ( exhaust ) fruit damaged , defective or attacked by pests and diseases . Clean the pieces of dirt that may be stuck with powerful tools soft ( smooth ) .9.3 . storageSave the star fruit in a container and the room ( place ) cold for family supplies , or store cardboard boxes of star fruit in the refrigerator temperature between 5-20 degrees C.9.4 . Packaging and Transportation1 ) Wrap each fruit or some fruit with stretch plastic or tissue paper or polysterene net .2 ) Enter the star fruit in a container ( container ) form the bottom of the cardboard box and the walls are covered ( coated ) foam . Each cardboard box contains a maximum of 3 layers of star fruit with fruit position was under the base . Star fruit is already packaged ready to be transported to a placesales / shelter .10 . ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PLANT CULTIVATIONFarming 10.1.AnalisisPotential production of star fruit grown in the garden permanently and intensively maintained , with spacing between 5x5 m or 6x6 m , when the population of leatherback plant 250-400 trees per hectare between the potential productivity of 150-300 fruits / tree / year , and the weight per fruit on average 160 grams , it can be produced / production rate reaches 6-19 tonnes per hectare of star fruit . At harvest star fruit , star fruit average price reached Rp . 750 , - up to Rp . 5.000 , - per kg . Then we can calculate how much income Rupiah obtained in 1 hectare per year . Of course, after deducting the costs of production are incurred , such as : nursery , maintenance , fertilization , harvest / post-harvest , etc. .Agribusiness Opportunities 10.2.GambaranStarfruit marketing prospects in the country is estimated the better . This is partly due to population growth and the increasing number of consumers are aware of the importance of adequate nutrition from fruits . In 1993 Indonesia has only contributed 0.4 % of the total value of world imports of tropical fruits . When in 1989 the level of consumption of fruit per capita population of Indonesia was only 22.92 kg / year , then to achieve nutritional adequacy as recommended by FAO is targeting an average of 60 kg per capita per year . One type of fruit that is easily cultivated potential to support the achievement of these targets is the leatherback . Estimated demand is increasing every year , the increase in demand is at 6.1 % / year (1995-2000 ) , 6.5 % / year ( 2000-2005) , 6.8 % / year ( 2005-2010 ) , and reached 8.9 % / year ( 2010-2015 ) . It is clear that the prospects of farm ( agri ) leatherback very bright when managed intensively and commercially , either in the form of plantation culture , yards , and Tabulampot .
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