1 . A Brief HistoryCabbage or cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) is a vegetable crop plant
family Brassicaceae trunked form of software known since ancient times (
2500-2000 BC ) and is a plant that is adored and glorified ancient
Greek society .Initially
cabbage is a nuisance plants ( weeds ) that grow wild along the
Mediterranean coast , on the reefs coast of England , Denmark and the
western coast of northern France . Cabbage
was planted in the gardens of Europe about the 9th century and brought
to America by European emigrants and Indonesia to the 16th or 17th
century . At first cabbage grown for its nut .1.2 . Investment centersCol.
widely grown in the highlands with centers located in Dieng , Wonosobo ,
Tawangmangu , Kopeng , Salatiga , Weight Sari , Purbalingga , Malang ,
Berastagi , Argalingga , Tosari , Cipanas , Lembang , Garut , Canning
and several other areas in Bali , East Timor , East Nusa Tenggara and Irian Jaya , but some varieties can be grown in the lowlands .1.3 . types of PlantsBased on the classification , kale / cabbage included in :a) Division : Spermatophytab ) Sub-Division : Angiospermaec ) Class : Dicotyledonaed ) Family: Cruciferaee ) Genus : Brassicaf ) Species : Brassica oleraceaThis classification descended from varieties cultivated cabbage plants , following a high-yielding varieties of cabbage :1 . White cabbage ( var. capitata L. B.o. f.alba DC . )1 . Cabbage
heads round : round crop and compact , small to medium size leaves ,
outer leaves have light green , have a terrace or a small heart and has a
short stem . Some high yielding varieties of white cabbage heads round :- Globe Master : 75 day maturity , production of 2-2.5 kg / plant- Emerald Cross Hybrid : 45 day maturity , production of 1.2 kg / plant- Copenhagen Market : 72 day maturity , production of 1.8 to 2 kg / plant- KK Cros : 58 day maturity , production of 1.6 kg / plant- Green Cup : 73 day maturity , production of 1.5 kg / plant- Ecarliana : 60 day maturity , the production of 1 kg / plant2 . A pointed round head cabbage : cabbage Crop is round with a tapered tip top so it looks elliptical . Examples of commercial varieties :- Early Jersey Wakefield : 63 day maturity , the production of 1 kg / plant- Green Point : 50 day maturity , the production of 1 kg / plant3 . Flat round head cabbage : cabbage Crop is round , flat top and appear
flattened ( see " squashed cabbage " , the crop is less compact and
hollow , medium to large size and has a curved outer leaves towards the
head cover . Several commercial types are :- Premium Flat Dutch : 100 day maturity , production of 4.5 kg / plant .- Early Flat Dutch : 83 day maturity , production from 2.4 to 2.7 kg / plant .- OS Cross : 80 day maturity , production of 2 kg / plant .- Surehead : 93 day maturity , production of 3 to 4.5 kg / plant .- Cabbage 632 Spring Light : 65 day maturity , production of 1.8 kg / plant .- Cabbage 633 Summer Autumn : 60 day maturity , production of 2 kg / plant .- Cabbage 634 Good Season : 45 day maturity , production of 1.8 kg / plant .- Cabbage 635 Summer Summit : 50 day maturity , production of 2 kg / plant .- Cabbage 636 Tropical Delight : harvesting 50-55 days , production of 2 kg / plant .- Cabbage 637 Summit : 50 day maturity , production of 1.5 kg / plant .2 . Red cabbage ( var. capitata L. B.o. f . Rubra . )Crop compact globular purplish red and the outer surface covered with a layer of leaves . Some of the varieties that have economic value :- Ruby perfection : bright red color of the crop , harvest 80 days of age , the production of 1.6 kg / plant .- Mammoth Red Rock : deep red -purple color of the crop and hard ,
harvesting age of 100 days , the production of 3.4 kg / plant .- Rubby ball : color crimson crop , harvesting age 65 days , the production of 1.5 kg / plant .- Res Acre : color crimson crop , harvesting age of 76 days , the production of 1.8 kg / plant .3 . Savoy cabbage ( var. B.o. Sabauda L. )The characteristics have shaped leaf curl Chronicle / beef belly , green , shaped crop variety, round and conical . Cabbage is commonly called curly kale / cabbage tripe . Examples of some commercial varieties :- Perfection Drumhead : 90 day maturity , production from 2.7 to 3.2 kg / plant .- Vorbote : production of 1-2 kg / plant .- Savoy King Hybrid : 80 day maturity , production of 1.8 kg / plant .- Savoy Ace : 80 day maturity , production of 1.6 kg / plant .- Langedijk Early Yellow : production of 1.5-2 kg / plant .- Langedijk Yellow Storage : production of 2-3 kg / plant .In addition to the above types of cabbage there are other types of
commercial enough ie brussel sprouts ( Bo var . Gemmivera DC . ) .1.4 . benefits of PlantsAs
food for cooking purposes such as soups , vegetables ve, pecel selling
traditional and others or eaten directly ( fresh vegetables ) with
another menu . Another benefit can be made food products such as instant noodles , snacks and other fast food .In
the health sector , can be used as a deterrent and thrush medication ,
beriberi , Xerophthalmia disease , nerve inflammation , weak muscles ,
injuries to the edge of the mouth , dermatitis lips become red and
inflamed tongue , the content of niacin can prevent disease and palagra bone and teeth formation .
II . GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1 . climate1 . Wind influence is felt on land evaporation and crop evapotranspiration . The rate of high winds in a long time ( continuous ) resulted in a balance between soil water content and the disturbed air , the soil is dry and hard , decomposition of organic matter is inhibited, reduced nutrients and toxins pose no oxidation due to the toxic gases in the soil .2 . Mentioned rainfall amounts to 80 % of normal ( 30 cm ) gives an average yield of 12 % below the normal average .3 . Stadia seedlings require light intensity is weak so the need shade to avoid direct sunlight is harmful to the growth of seedlings . While the growth stadia needed strong light intensity , so it does not require shade .4 . Cabbage plants can live on air temperature 10-24 degrees C with an optimum temperature of 17 degrees C. For a short time , most cold-resistant varieties of cabbage ( minus 6-10 derajatC ) , but for a long time , will be damaged unless cabbage cabbage leaves, small ( < 3 > 9 ) , is toxic to plant roots .4 . Good soil water content is available on the water content , ie between 2.5-4 pF . Thus cabbage crops require irrigation well enough ( irrigation and drainage ) .2.3 . The altitudeCabbage plants can grow optimally at an altitude of 200-2000 m above sea level . For highland varieties , can grow well at an altitude of 1000-2000 m above sea level .
III . TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1 . Nurseries3.1.1 . Seed requirementsGood seed should meet the following requirements :a) seeds intact , meaning no injuries or disabilities .b ) The seeds must be free of pests and diseases .c ) The seed must be pure , that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt .d ) The seeds were taken from the superior type or healthy cuttings .e ) Has a 80 % germination rate .f) The good seed will sink when immersed in water .3.1.2 . Seed PreparationPreparation of seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease . Ways of preparation is as follows :1 . Sterilization of seeds , by soaking the seeds in fungicide solution with the recommended dose or by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C for 15-30 minutes .2 . Selection of seed , by soaking the seeds in water , where the good seeds will sink .3 . Soak the seeds for ± 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster .Supplies of seed per acre depending on variety and plant spacing , generally it takes 300 grams / ha .The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field . Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube ( containers ) . Tube can be made from banana leaves , paper -walled plastic food or a small polybag .3.1.3 . Seed Seeding TechniqueThings to consider in determining the location of the nursery include: ( 1 ) the land does not contain pests and diseases or other factors that harm ; ( 2 ) the location gets enough sunlight exposure ; and ( 3 ) close to the source of clean water .Seeding can be done in the following way :1 . Seeding on bedsBefore the beds made , cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south . Add manure fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 . Beds shaded with shade plastic , straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the west side . Seeding can be done in two ways , that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm . The first way requires less seed than the second way . About 2 weeks after sowing , the seedlings were transferred to the tube . Tube can be made of banana leaves or paper -walled plastic with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a height of 5 cm or 7x10 cm polybags which has two small holes on either side of the bottom. Mixed media sieve tube filled mature manure and finely ground with a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 . The advantage is saving time , the surface of the narrow swath of seedlings and seed number much wider unity . The disadvantage is the use of a lot of seeds , weeding difficult , requiring skilled labor , especially when transplanting to the field .2 . Seeding in the tube ( containers or polybags )In this way , one by one seed put in a tube that is made in a manner as above . Tube can be made of banana leaves or coconut leaves and tall with a diameter of 5 cm or with a small poly measuring 7-8 cm x 10 cm . Seeding medium is a mixture of fine soil with manure ( 2:1 ) as much as 90 % . Media should be sterilized beforehand by steaming seedling seedling media at temperatures 55-100 degrees C for 30-60 minutes or by spraying a solution of 4 % formalin , closed plastic sheet ( 24 hours ) , and then aerated. Another way to mix media seedlings with fumigant substance Basamid - G ( 40-60 g/m2 ) 10-15 cm deep , drenched with water until damp and covered with a plastic sheet ( 5 days ) , and then opened the plastic and aerated soil ( 10-15 days ) .3 . The combination means a) and b ) .The first seed sowing in plots persemain , after 4-5 days old ( 3-4 leaf blade ) , transferred into a tube .4 . Planting directly .That is by planting seeds directly into the soil . The surplus is the time , cost and more power -efficient , but the drawback is that more intensive treatment .Land nurseries can be replaced with nursery box and done in the following way ;1 . Create a medium consisting of soil , sand and manure ( 1:1:1 ) .2 . Create a timber nursery box ( 50-60 cm x 30-40 cm x 15-20 cm ) and the bottom of the box for drainage holes .3 . Enter into the box with tebalan medium 10-15 cm .3.1.4 . Seeding Maintenance / Seeding1 . Watering is done every day in the morning and afternoon depending on the weather .2 . Regulatory shade nursery is open every morning until 10:00 and start at 15:00 pm . Beyond the above period , the light of the sun is too hot and less favorable for seed .3 . Weeding is done on other plants that are considered disturbing the growth of seedlings , other rumput-rumput/gulma done by pulling the sidelines growing staple crops .4 . Fertilizer urea solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter and spraying pesticides ½ dose if needed .5 . Pests that attack seeds and young plants have not grown are ants , slugs , snails , caterpillars tritip , Budworms , mollusk and fungi . Meanwhile , the disease is a wilt disease . Prevention and eradication of Insecticides and fungicides are used as Furadan 3 G , Antrocol , Dithane , Hostathion and others.3.1.5 . Seed removalThe move was made when the seedlings have to have a strong rooting . Seedlings from seeds / seed ready to be planted after the age of 6 weeks or have leaved 5-6 strands , whereas seedlings from cuttings can be moved after the age of 28 days .Transplanting is done in the following way :1 . Unplug the system , seeds removed carefully so as not to damage the roots . When sowing in polybags , seed collection is done by reversing the polybag seedlings clamped between the index and middle finger , then gently patted poly bag until the seeds out . When sowing seeds in tube banana leaf or coconut leaves , seeds can be planted together bumbungnya .2 . Rotation system , how the soil and watered the seeds with soil taken and 2.5-3 cm of the stem with a depth of 5 cm .3.2 . Media Processing Plant3.2.1 . preparationLand should not mined land planted with crops other Cruciferae family . PH measurement and analysis of soil organic matter content to determine the suitability of land planted with cabbage / cabbage .Digemburkan ground and reversed by hoeing or plowed as deep as 40-50 cm , cleaned from the remains of plants and fertilizer base . After that , left exposed to sunlight for 1-2 weeks to allow oxidation of toxic gases and kill the pathogen sources .3.2.2 . Making BedsThe pile was made by the East - West direction , the width of 80-100 cm , height 35 cm and length depending on the circumstances of the land. Trench width ± 40 cm between beds ( ANR drainage ditch 60 cm ) with a depth of 30 cm ( 60 cm PPA ) .3.2.3 . LimingFunction to raise the soil pH and prevent nutrient deficiencies of macro and micro . Dose -dependent liming the pH range of numbers , generally between 1-2 tons of lime per acre . Yag lime type used include : Captan ( calcit ) and Dolomite .3.2.4 . fertilizationBeds ready for planting base fertilizer that contains elements of Nitrogen and Potassium , which is Za , Urea , TSP and KCl respectively 250 kg , and Borate Borax or 10-20 kg / ha . Manure application done as much as 0.5 kg per plant .3.3 . Planting techniques3.3.1 . Determination of Planting PatternDetermination of plant cropping pattern and soil fertility is very dependent crop varieties with a spacing of 50 x 50 cm . There are two planting patterns and regular array such as a square pattern ; pattern of equilateral triangles ; square pattern and sequence patterns ( single row and double row ) . The pattern of equilateral triangles and squares obtained quite good because the more the number of plants .3.3.2 . Hole Making PlantPlanting hole is made in accordance with the spacing of deep hoe or the size of mid -line of 20-25 cm 10-15 cm deep .3.3.3 . How Planting1 . Good planting time is in the morning between the hours of 6:00 to 10:00 or 15:00 to 17:00 o'clock in the afternoon between , because the influence of the sun and the temperature is not too high .2 . Choose seeds that are fresh and healthy ( no disease or pest ) .3 . When sowing the seed tube or banana leaves , along with the planted bumbungnya , when sown in plastic polybag then removed first by reversing the polybag seedlings clamped between the index and middle fingers , then polybag patted gently until the seeds out of the polybag .4 . When sowing in seedbed taken by Solet ( rotation system ) , along with the way he took this seed 2.5-3 cm of the soil around the stems 5 cm .5 . Seedlings planted immediately in pits with finely ground giving it gradually and gently press the soil so that the seed stand upright .6 . Sprinkle the seeds with water until completely wet .3.4 . Plant maintenance3.4.1 . Thinning and StitchingThinning is done when transplanting to the field , which is currently 6 weeks old seedlings or have leaved 5-6 strands ( seedlings seeds ) or 28 days old ( seedlings cuttings ) . When sowing seeds on the tube thinning was not done . While stitching hardly done since the age of the plants are short ( 2-3 months ) .3.4.2 . weedingWeeding is done along with scarify the soil before fertilizing or if there are other plants that interfere with plant growth . Weeding is done carefully and not too deep because it can damage the root system of plants , even at the end of the planting should not be done .3.4.3 . pembubunanPembumbunan weeding is done by lifting the ground with that of the channel in the direction of the beds between beds serves to keep the trench depth and height of raised beds and improve soil friability .3.4.4 . PerempelanPerempelan branch / side shoots done as early as possible in order to keep the parent plant growth as expected , so the nutrients are concentrated on the formation of optimum interest .3.4.5 . fertilizationI do supplementary fertilization with urea 1gram per plant crops circling at a distance of 3 cm while plant life seem to encourage growth . Second fertilization is done at the age of 10-14 days with a dose of 3-5 grams , with a distance of 7-8 cm . The third fertilization is done at the age of 3-4 weeks at a dose of 5 grams at a distance of 7-8 cm . If growth is not optimal fertilization can be done again at the age of 8 weeks .3.4.6 . Irrigation and WateringTiming of water should be done in the morning and evening . In the dry season , watering should be done 1-2 days , especially in the early phase of growth and flower formation .3.4.7 . Pesticide Spraying timeFor prevention , spraying is done before the pests attacking crops or routinely 1-2 weeks with a mild dose . For prevention , spraying is done as early as possible with the right dose , so that pests can be immediately addressed .The type and dosage of pesticides used in pest management vary greatly depending upon the level of pest control and pest populations .3.4.8 . Other maintenanceThe things that are important in caring for plants are :1 . Avoid wounding the plant because of wounds on the plant is one of the effective ways in the transmission of disease and well-liked by pests .2 . In fertilization , fertilizer should not be about the plants and should always be followed by watering .3.5 . Pests and Diseases3.5.1 . pest1 . Plutella caterpillars ( Plutella xylostella L. )Known as the caterpillar tritip , Diamond - black moth , hileud keremeng , bodas ama , ama karancang ( Sunda ) , omo kapes , butterfly klawu ( Java ) . Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 2-3 weeks depending on air temperature ; ( 2 ) long and 1.25 cm in female moths gray , has three yellow dots on the front wings , laying eggs at the bottom surface of the leaves as much as 50 points within 24 hours ; ( 3 ) egg -shaped oval , 0.6 to 0.3 mm in size , yellowish green , shiny , soft and hatch ± 3 days ; ( 4 ) Plutella larvae are green , 8 mm long , 1 mm wide , subjected to 4 instar which lasts for 12 days , small moths grayish brown ; ( 5 ) moths active at night , while during the day hiding under plant debris below , or perched below the lower leaf surface . Symptoms : ( 1 ) usually strikes in the dry season ; ( 2 ) there is a perforated leaves white patches like glazed window and leaf veins stay alone ; ( 3 ) generally attacks young plants , but sometimes damage plants that are forming flowers . Control : ( 1 ) mechanical : collecting caterpillars and eggs , then destroyed . ( 2 ) culture techniques : crop rotation ( rotation ) with plants that are not family Cruciferae ; brocolli intercropping with tomato , scallion , and corn ; with plants trap ( trap crop ) as Rape / Brassica campestris ssp . Metg oleifera . ( 3 ) Biological / biology : use of natural enemies , the parasitoid ( Cotesia Plutella Kurdj , Diadegma semiclausum , Diadegma eucerophaga ) or predators . ( 4 ) Sex pheromones : is " Ugratas Purple" from Taiwan . This form of sex pheromone as a purple nylon thread along ± 8 cm . How to use : purple Ugratas agua bottles inserted , then mounted dilahan plantation in a higher position than the plant . Ugratas attached durability ± 3 weeks , and requires 5-10 per hectare orchard fruit traps . ( 5 ) Chemical : selective spraying insecticide active ingredient as Dipel WP Baccilus thuringiensis , Bactospeine WP , FC or Thuricide Florbac HP at concentrations of 0.1 to 0 , 2 % , Agrimec 18 FC , at a concentration of 1-2 cc / liter .2 . Caterpillars Croci ( Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller )Croci caterpillar called hileud bocok ( Sunda ) . Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 22-32 days , depending on air temperature ; ( 2 ) green caterpillars , on the back there is a line of light green and yellow belly , worm length 18 mm , berkepompong in the soil and the eggs are laid in groups under the flat-shaped leaves resemble roof tiles ; ( 3 ) attack plants that are forming flowers . Control : same as the caterpillar Prutella , parasitoids are most suitable Inareolata sp .3 . Black cutworm ( Agrotis ipsilon Hufn )Cutworm caterpillar called Taneuh , hileud snore ( Sunda ) or uler lettung ( Java ) .Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 6-8 weeks ; ( 2 ) butterfly caterpillars or active at dusk and at night , hiding during the day under leaf ( butterfly ) and surface soil ( caterpillar ) . Symptoms : cut the growing point or base of the plant stem , so that the young plants during the fall and looks wilted . Control : ( 1 ) mechanical : caterpillars revoke the ground and killed him ; ( 2 ) technical culture : cleaning the garden of grass or plant remains were used as a spawning ground pests ; ( 3 ) chemical : the poisoned bait and spray insektisida.Campuran of 125-250 grams Dipertex 95 SL , 10 kg of rice bran , 0.5-1.0 kg of brown sugar and 10 liters of water for the plant area of 0.25-0.5 acres . The bait is spread around the plants at dusk and at night . can also be sprayed insecticide Dursban 20 EC 1 cc / liter of water . Time after planting and spraying can be repeated 1-2 times a week .4 . Aphids ( Aphis brassicae )Living in groups below the leaf or flower mass ( curd ) , filled with a kind of green waxy starch . Symptoms : attack plants by sucking the fluid cell , causing yellowing of leaves and masses of flowers mottled look dirty . Great attacking dry season . Control : spraying insecticides or Hostathion ORTHENE 75 SP 40 EC 1-2 cc / liter of water .5 . caterpillar leavesFor example, caterpillars inch ( Trichoplusiana sp . , Chrysodeixis chalcites Esp . , Chrysodeixis orichalcea L. ) and grayuk caterpillars ( Spodoptera sp . S. litura ) , Feature : ( 1 ) caterpillar caterpillar - inch ( Trichoplusiana sp . ) : How goes weird and folding two when crawling . 4 cm long , pale green and light color ribbon on each side of the body . Butterfly caterpillars inch grayish brown and mottled silvery on each front wing , egg white greenish put under the leaves and hatch in 3-20 days . ( 2 ) Chrysodzeixis chalcites Esp . and Chrysodeixis orichalcea L. : Color dark spots and are shaped golden " Y " on the front wing . The eggs are small whitish , laid singly or in groups . The larvae are green with white stripes on the sides and the course span . ( 3 ) caterpillar - armyworm ( S. litura ) : Characteristic triangle has spots of black and yellowish stripes on its side with a life cycle of 30-61 days . Butterfly rather dark colored with a little white stripe on the front wing . The eggs numbered 25-500 grains placed in groups on top of the plant and covered with feathers . Symptoms : leaf damaged , with holes or sometimes leaf veins stay alone . Control : ( 1 ) set the cropping pattern ; ( 2 ) maintain the cleanliness of the garden ; ( 3 ) spraying insecticides such as Orthene 75 SP 1 cc / liter of water , Hostathion 1-2 cc / liter of water , Curacron 500 EC or Decis 2.5 EC ; ( 4 ) specifically to be used armyworm sex pheromena ( Ugratas Red ) ; ( 5 ) in the event of an attack can be used Ugratas Spodoptera exiqua Blue .6 . nation snailsNation snails that attack , among others : ( 1 ) Achtina fulica Fer . , Ie snails that have shells or houses , known as snail ; ( 2 ) Vaginula bleekeri Keferst , the snails are not shelled , grayish color ; ( 3 ) Parmarion pupilaris Humb , ie snails whose shells are not golden brown . Symptoms : attack the leaves , especially when newly planted orchards . Control : by spraying poison Helisida or collected and then crushed with salt or to feed livestock .7 . And digger crickets ( Gryllus mitratus and Brachytrypes portentosus ) .Symptoms : attack the young leaves ( cut ) at night ; There are many holes in the ground . Control : with insecticides or catching up with the watering hole with water so that pests out .8 . Orong - orong .Especially those living in the soil moist and wet . Part of being attacked is the root system of plants . Symptoms : stunted growth and yellowing leaves . Control : the provision of insecticide into the hole .3.5.2 . disease1 . Black rot ( Xanthomonas campestris Dows . )Causes : bacteria , and a seed -borne pathogens ( seed -borne ) , and can be easily transmitted to the ground or to other healthy plants . Symptoms : ( 1 ) fall crop seedlings ( damping off ) , because the initial infection occurs in the cotyledons , then spread throughout the plant systematically ; ( 2 ) blackish-brown spots on leaves , stems , stalks , flowers and masses of flowers are attacked ; ( 3 ) symptoms typical brownish yellow leaf -shaped letter " V " , and then dries . Stem or flower stricken masses become black or brown rot , making it less feasible harvested . Control : ( 1 ) provide treatment to the seed as described in points, sub points nursery seed preparation ; ( 2 ) cleaning the garden of alternate host plants ; ( 3 ) rotation crop for ± 3 years with no sefamili plants .2 . Soft rot ( Erwinia carotovora Holland . )Cause : bacterial soft rot in plants resulted when he was in the garden until after harvest and in storage . Symptoms : ( 1 ) injury to the base of the flower is almost ready for harvest ; ( 2 ) , acting mechanically wound plant roots , insects or other organisms ; ( 3 ) injury during harvest ; ( 4 ) handling or poor packing . Control : ( 1 ) Pre -harvest : cleaning up the remains of plants on land to be planted ; avoid crop damage by insects or during plant maintenance winches ; avoid planting cabbage in the rainy season in the area of soft rot disease basis . ( 2 ) Post- harvest : avoid mechanical injury or insect bites before the harvest ; storing crops in a dry state , or if it is washed with clean water , must be dried before storing ; be careful in carrying or transporting crops to the place of storage to prevent cuts or bruises ; store the results in a cool and have good air circulation .3 . Pekuk swollen roots or root ( Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor . )Cause : The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae . Symptoms : ( 1 ) during the day or the weather is hot , the plants appear , but at night or early morning leaves look fresh again ; ( 2 ) delayed growth , stunted plants and flowers are not able to form even to death ; ( 3 ) the root swelling and dark patches . Control : ( 1 ) provide treatment to the seed as seed preparation points ; ( 2 ) to sow the seeds in place that is free of disease outbreaks ; ( 3 ) sterilizing the medium nursery or garden soil with Besamid - G 40-60 g/m2 to 60 gram/m2untuk arel nursery or garden ; ( 4 ) conduct liming to raise the pH ; ( 5 ) repeal of infected plants ; ( 6 ) rotation or rotation crop with species not sefamili4 . Black spot ( Alternaria sp . )Cause : The fungus Alternaria brassica and Alternaria brassicicola . Symptoms : ( 1 ) patches of light brown or dark concentric stripes on the leaves ; ( 2 ) attack the roots , stem , stems and other parts . Control : ( 1 ) planting healthy seeds ; ( 2 ) as a seed treatment on seed preparation points .5 . Watery soft rotCause : The fungus Sclerotinia scelerotiorumI , attack the stems and leaves , especially on crop injury due to mechanical damage and can spread through seeds and spores . Symptoms : ( 1 ) inhibited growth , rot and die ; ( 2 ) when attacking the stem , the leaves will turn yellow , wither and fall ; ( 3 ) when attacking the leaves , the leaves will rot and slimy ; ( 4 ) other symptoms are tassels white fungus and gradually become black . Control : ( 1 ) use of healthy seed and crop rotation with crops that are not similar . ( 2 ) eradication with insecticide .6 . Seedlings collapse ( dumping off )Cause : The fungus Rhizitonia sp . and Phytium sp . Symptoms : ( 1 ) patches of wetness at the base of the stem or hypocotyl ; ( 2 ) causing stem rot and stem fall easily broken ; ( 3 ) attack on seedling plants , but can also attack the crop in the field . Control : Seed treatment before planting , seedlings and sterilization of media types other than crop rotation with cabbage .7 . Physiological diseaseCause : Plant Pest Organisms ( OPT ) is called physiological disease . Nitrogen Disadvantages : small flowers such as buttons or a so-called " Botoning " . Excess Nitrogen gray flower color and small size . Potassium Deficiency interest is not compact mass ( less dense ) and smaller size . Excess Potassium stunted growth and smaller flowers . Control : with balanced fertilization .3.6 . harvest3.6.1 . Characteristics and HarvestAge ripe picking or harvesting cabbage plants depends on the variety , the short -lived ( early maturing ) and long-lived ( in ) .a) Premium Flat Dutch : 100 day maturity , production of 4.5 kg / plant .b ) Early Flat Dutch : 83 day maturity , production from 2.4 to 2.7 kg / plant .c ) Cross OS : 80 day maturity , production of 2 kg / plant .d ) Surehead : 93 day maturity , production of 3 to 4.5 kg / plant .e ) Master Globe : 75 day maturity , production of 2-2.5 kg / plant .f ) Emerald Cross Hybrid : 45 day maturity , production of 1.2 kg / plant .g ) Copenhagen Market : 72 day maturity , production of 1.8-2 kg / plant .h ) KK Cros : 58 day maturity , production of 1.6 kg / plant .i ) Green Cup : 73 day maturity , production of 1.5 kg / plant .j ) Ecarliana : 60 day maturity , the production of 1 kg / plant .The characteristics of cabbage maturity are as follows :a) Crop cabbage hardened by pressing the cabbage crop .b ) shiny green leaves .c ) the outer leaves have withered .d ) Large cabbage crop has seen the maximum .3.6.2 . How to HarvestUnfavorable plucking will cause mechanical damage that causes infected cabbage crop pathogens so easily decay . The steps in picking cabbage :a) Select the cabbage that was old and ready to be picked .b ) Pick cabbage using a sharp knife and clean . Cutting is done on bagianpangkal cabbage stem .c ) The order of picking is started with a healthy cabbage pemetika then conducted on cabbage that has been exposed to infectious pathogens .3.6.3 . Harvest periodBroccoli is a plant once harvested , so that harvest period equal to the period of planting .3.6.4 . Production forecastProduction depends cabbage varieties . In general, from 0.75 to 4 kg per plant yield , rainfed areas with semi-intensive maintenance of 25-35 tons per hectare and with maintenance intensive 85 tonnes per hectare .3.7 . postharvest3.7.1 . collectionOnce picked, cabbage collected in the shade and not exposed to direct sunlight in order to obtain a reduced respiration rate is high quality cabbage and kwantitasnya . The collection is done with care and should not be piled and tossed .3.7.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting to separate the cabbage crop of good and poor quality or damaged , such as cracks , blisters and other damage .Classification aims to mengolongkan quality crop into class I , class II and so on based on the number of wrapper leaf crop , uniformity of shape , size uniformity , crop density , maximum levels of impurities , defects cabbage cabbage maximum and the maximum length of the rod .a ) The number of wrapper leaves : strands quality of I = 4 ; Quality II = 4 strands .b ) Homoginetas form : I = uniform quality ; II = uniform quality .c ) Homogeneity measure : quality of I = uniform ; II = uniform quality .d ) The density of the crop : the quality I = solid ; Quality II = less dense .e ) The maximum levels of impurities : the quality I = 2.5 % ; Quality II = 2.5 % .f ) The maximum defect Cabbage : quality of I = 5 % ; Quality II = 10 % .g ) The maximum length of the stem cabbage : quality of I = 2.5 cm ; Quality II = 2.5 cm .3.7.3 . storageStorage should pay attention cabbage cabbage varieties , temperature , humidity and moisture content . At a temperature of 32-35 degrees F and 92-95 % humidity , cabbage can be stored for 4-6 months ( cabbage high water content ) and 12 months ( cabbage low water content ) with a weight loss of 10% .3.7.4 . Packaging and TransportationPackaging is done with the transport of polyethylene plastic and packaging needs to be put into boxes or wooden crates (field boxes ) with a capacity of 25-30 kg / crate .
II . GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1 . climate1 . Wind influence is felt on land evaporation and crop evapotranspiration . The rate of high winds in a long time ( continuous ) resulted in a balance between soil water content and the disturbed air , the soil is dry and hard , decomposition of organic matter is inhibited, reduced nutrients and toxins pose no oxidation due to the toxic gases in the soil .2 . Mentioned rainfall amounts to 80 % of normal ( 30 cm ) gives an average yield of 12 % below the normal average .3 . Stadia seedlings require light intensity is weak so the need shade to avoid direct sunlight is harmful to the growth of seedlings . While the growth stadia needed strong light intensity , so it does not require shade .4 . Cabbage plants can live on air temperature 10-24 degrees C with an optimum temperature of 17 degrees C. For a short time , most cold-resistant varieties of cabbage ( minus 6-10 derajatC ) , but for a long time , will be damaged unless cabbage cabbage leaves, small ( < 3 > 9 ) , is toxic to plant roots .4 . Good soil water content is available on the water content , ie between 2.5-4 pF . Thus cabbage crops require irrigation well enough ( irrigation and drainage ) .2.3 . The altitudeCabbage plants can grow optimally at an altitude of 200-2000 m above sea level . For highland varieties , can grow well at an altitude of 1000-2000 m above sea level .
III . TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1 . Nurseries3.1.1 . Seed requirementsGood seed should meet the following requirements :a) seeds intact , meaning no injuries or disabilities .b ) The seeds must be free of pests and diseases .c ) The seed must be pure , that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt .d ) The seeds were taken from the superior type or healthy cuttings .e ) Has a 80 % germination rate .f) The good seed will sink when immersed in water .3.1.2 . Seed PreparationPreparation of seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease . Ways of preparation is as follows :1 . Sterilization of seeds , by soaking the seeds in fungicide solution with the recommended dose or by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C for 15-30 minutes .2 . Selection of seed , by soaking the seeds in water , where the good seeds will sink .3 . Soak the seeds for ± 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster .Supplies of seed per acre depending on variety and plant spacing , generally it takes 300 grams / ha .The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field . Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube ( containers ) . Tube can be made from banana leaves , paper -walled plastic food or a small polybag .3.1.3 . Seed Seeding TechniqueThings to consider in determining the location of the nursery include: ( 1 ) the land does not contain pests and diseases or other factors that harm ; ( 2 ) the location gets enough sunlight exposure ; and ( 3 ) close to the source of clean water .Seeding can be done in the following way :1 . Seeding on bedsBefore the beds made , cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south . Add manure fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 . Beds shaded with shade plastic , straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the west side . Seeding can be done in two ways , that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm . The first way requires less seed than the second way . About 2 weeks after sowing , the seedlings were transferred to the tube . Tube can be made of banana leaves or paper -walled plastic with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a height of 5 cm or 7x10 cm polybags which has two small holes on either side of the bottom. Mixed media sieve tube filled mature manure and finely ground with a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 . The advantage is saving time , the surface of the narrow swath of seedlings and seed number much wider unity . The disadvantage is the use of a lot of seeds , weeding difficult , requiring skilled labor , especially when transplanting to the field .2 . Seeding in the tube ( containers or polybags )In this way , one by one seed put in a tube that is made in a manner as above . Tube can be made of banana leaves or coconut leaves and tall with a diameter of 5 cm or with a small poly measuring 7-8 cm x 10 cm . Seeding medium is a mixture of fine soil with manure ( 2:1 ) as much as 90 % . Media should be sterilized beforehand by steaming seedling seedling media at temperatures 55-100 degrees C for 30-60 minutes or by spraying a solution of 4 % formalin , closed plastic sheet ( 24 hours ) , and then aerated. Another way to mix media seedlings with fumigant substance Basamid - G ( 40-60 g/m2 ) 10-15 cm deep , drenched with water until damp and covered with a plastic sheet ( 5 days ) , and then opened the plastic and aerated soil ( 10-15 days ) .3 . The combination means a) and b ) .The first seed sowing in plots persemain , after 4-5 days old ( 3-4 leaf blade ) , transferred into a tube .4 . Planting directly .That is by planting seeds directly into the soil . The surplus is the time , cost and more power -efficient , but the drawback is that more intensive treatment .Land nurseries can be replaced with nursery box and done in the following way ;1 . Create a medium consisting of soil , sand and manure ( 1:1:1 ) .2 . Create a timber nursery box ( 50-60 cm x 30-40 cm x 15-20 cm ) and the bottom of the box for drainage holes .3 . Enter into the box with tebalan medium 10-15 cm .3.1.4 . Seeding Maintenance / Seeding1 . Watering is done every day in the morning and afternoon depending on the weather .2 . Regulatory shade nursery is open every morning until 10:00 and start at 15:00 pm . Beyond the above period , the light of the sun is too hot and less favorable for seed .3 . Weeding is done on other plants that are considered disturbing the growth of seedlings , other rumput-rumput/gulma done by pulling the sidelines growing staple crops .4 . Fertilizer urea solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter and spraying pesticides ½ dose if needed .5 . Pests that attack seeds and young plants have not grown are ants , slugs , snails , caterpillars tritip , Budworms , mollusk and fungi . Meanwhile , the disease is a wilt disease . Prevention and eradication of Insecticides and fungicides are used as Furadan 3 G , Antrocol , Dithane , Hostathion and others.3.1.5 . Seed removalThe move was made when the seedlings have to have a strong rooting . Seedlings from seeds / seed ready to be planted after the age of 6 weeks or have leaved 5-6 strands , whereas seedlings from cuttings can be moved after the age of 28 days .Transplanting is done in the following way :1 . Unplug the system , seeds removed carefully so as not to damage the roots . When sowing in polybags , seed collection is done by reversing the polybag seedlings clamped between the index and middle finger , then gently patted poly bag until the seeds out . When sowing seeds in tube banana leaf or coconut leaves , seeds can be planted together bumbungnya .2 . Rotation system , how the soil and watered the seeds with soil taken and 2.5-3 cm of the stem with a depth of 5 cm .3.2 . Media Processing Plant3.2.1 . preparationLand should not mined land planted with crops other Cruciferae family . PH measurement and analysis of soil organic matter content to determine the suitability of land planted with cabbage / cabbage .Digemburkan ground and reversed by hoeing or plowed as deep as 40-50 cm , cleaned from the remains of plants and fertilizer base . After that , left exposed to sunlight for 1-2 weeks to allow oxidation of toxic gases and kill the pathogen sources .3.2.2 . Making BedsThe pile was made by the East - West direction , the width of 80-100 cm , height 35 cm and length depending on the circumstances of the land. Trench width ± 40 cm between beds ( ANR drainage ditch 60 cm ) with a depth of 30 cm ( 60 cm PPA ) .3.2.3 . LimingFunction to raise the soil pH and prevent nutrient deficiencies of macro and micro . Dose -dependent liming the pH range of numbers , generally between 1-2 tons of lime per acre . Yag lime type used include : Captan ( calcit ) and Dolomite .3.2.4 . fertilizationBeds ready for planting base fertilizer that contains elements of Nitrogen and Potassium , which is Za , Urea , TSP and KCl respectively 250 kg , and Borate Borax or 10-20 kg / ha . Manure application done as much as 0.5 kg per plant .3.3 . Planting techniques3.3.1 . Determination of Planting PatternDetermination of plant cropping pattern and soil fertility is very dependent crop varieties with a spacing of 50 x 50 cm . There are two planting patterns and regular array such as a square pattern ; pattern of equilateral triangles ; square pattern and sequence patterns ( single row and double row ) . The pattern of equilateral triangles and squares obtained quite good because the more the number of plants .3.3.2 . Hole Making PlantPlanting hole is made in accordance with the spacing of deep hoe or the size of mid -line of 20-25 cm 10-15 cm deep .3.3.3 . How Planting1 . Good planting time is in the morning between the hours of 6:00 to 10:00 or 15:00 to 17:00 o'clock in the afternoon between , because the influence of the sun and the temperature is not too high .2 . Choose seeds that are fresh and healthy ( no disease or pest ) .3 . When sowing the seed tube or banana leaves , along with the planted bumbungnya , when sown in plastic polybag then removed first by reversing the polybag seedlings clamped between the index and middle fingers , then polybag patted gently until the seeds out of the polybag .4 . When sowing in seedbed taken by Solet ( rotation system ) , along with the way he took this seed 2.5-3 cm of the soil around the stems 5 cm .5 . Seedlings planted immediately in pits with finely ground giving it gradually and gently press the soil so that the seed stand upright .6 . Sprinkle the seeds with water until completely wet .3.4 . Plant maintenance3.4.1 . Thinning and StitchingThinning is done when transplanting to the field , which is currently 6 weeks old seedlings or have leaved 5-6 strands ( seedlings seeds ) or 28 days old ( seedlings cuttings ) . When sowing seeds on the tube thinning was not done . While stitching hardly done since the age of the plants are short ( 2-3 months ) .3.4.2 . weedingWeeding is done along with scarify the soil before fertilizing or if there are other plants that interfere with plant growth . Weeding is done carefully and not too deep because it can damage the root system of plants , even at the end of the planting should not be done .3.4.3 . pembubunanPembumbunan weeding is done by lifting the ground with that of the channel in the direction of the beds between beds serves to keep the trench depth and height of raised beds and improve soil friability .3.4.4 . PerempelanPerempelan branch / side shoots done as early as possible in order to keep the parent plant growth as expected , so the nutrients are concentrated on the formation of optimum interest .3.4.5 . fertilizationI do supplementary fertilization with urea 1gram per plant crops circling at a distance of 3 cm while plant life seem to encourage growth . Second fertilization is done at the age of 10-14 days with a dose of 3-5 grams , with a distance of 7-8 cm . The third fertilization is done at the age of 3-4 weeks at a dose of 5 grams at a distance of 7-8 cm . If growth is not optimal fertilization can be done again at the age of 8 weeks .3.4.6 . Irrigation and WateringTiming of water should be done in the morning and evening . In the dry season , watering should be done 1-2 days , especially in the early phase of growth and flower formation .3.4.7 . Pesticide Spraying timeFor prevention , spraying is done before the pests attacking crops or routinely 1-2 weeks with a mild dose . For prevention , spraying is done as early as possible with the right dose , so that pests can be immediately addressed .The type and dosage of pesticides used in pest management vary greatly depending upon the level of pest control and pest populations .3.4.8 . Other maintenanceThe things that are important in caring for plants are :1 . Avoid wounding the plant because of wounds on the plant is one of the effective ways in the transmission of disease and well-liked by pests .2 . In fertilization , fertilizer should not be about the plants and should always be followed by watering .3.5 . Pests and Diseases3.5.1 . pest1 . Plutella caterpillars ( Plutella xylostella L. )Known as the caterpillar tritip , Diamond - black moth , hileud keremeng , bodas ama , ama karancang ( Sunda ) , omo kapes , butterfly klawu ( Java ) . Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 2-3 weeks depending on air temperature ; ( 2 ) long and 1.25 cm in female moths gray , has three yellow dots on the front wings , laying eggs at the bottom surface of the leaves as much as 50 points within 24 hours ; ( 3 ) egg -shaped oval , 0.6 to 0.3 mm in size , yellowish green , shiny , soft and hatch ± 3 days ; ( 4 ) Plutella larvae are green , 8 mm long , 1 mm wide , subjected to 4 instar which lasts for 12 days , small moths grayish brown ; ( 5 ) moths active at night , while during the day hiding under plant debris below , or perched below the lower leaf surface . Symptoms : ( 1 ) usually strikes in the dry season ; ( 2 ) there is a perforated leaves white patches like glazed window and leaf veins stay alone ; ( 3 ) generally attacks young plants , but sometimes damage plants that are forming flowers . Control : ( 1 ) mechanical : collecting caterpillars and eggs , then destroyed . ( 2 ) culture techniques : crop rotation ( rotation ) with plants that are not family Cruciferae ; brocolli intercropping with tomato , scallion , and corn ; with plants trap ( trap crop ) as Rape / Brassica campestris ssp . Metg oleifera . ( 3 ) Biological / biology : use of natural enemies , the parasitoid ( Cotesia Plutella Kurdj , Diadegma semiclausum , Diadegma eucerophaga ) or predators . ( 4 ) Sex pheromones : is " Ugratas Purple" from Taiwan . This form of sex pheromone as a purple nylon thread along ± 8 cm . How to use : purple Ugratas agua bottles inserted , then mounted dilahan plantation in a higher position than the plant . Ugratas attached durability ± 3 weeks , and requires 5-10 per hectare orchard fruit traps . ( 5 ) Chemical : selective spraying insecticide active ingredient as Dipel WP Baccilus thuringiensis , Bactospeine WP , FC or Thuricide Florbac HP at concentrations of 0.1 to 0 , 2 % , Agrimec 18 FC , at a concentration of 1-2 cc / liter .2 . Caterpillars Croci ( Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller )Croci caterpillar called hileud bocok ( Sunda ) . Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 22-32 days , depending on air temperature ; ( 2 ) green caterpillars , on the back there is a line of light green and yellow belly , worm length 18 mm , berkepompong in the soil and the eggs are laid in groups under the flat-shaped leaves resemble roof tiles ; ( 3 ) attack plants that are forming flowers . Control : same as the caterpillar Prutella , parasitoids are most suitable Inareolata sp .3 . Black cutworm ( Agrotis ipsilon Hufn )Cutworm caterpillar called Taneuh , hileud snore ( Sunda ) or uler lettung ( Java ) .Feature : ( 1 ) the life cycle of 6-8 weeks ; ( 2 ) butterfly caterpillars or active at dusk and at night , hiding during the day under leaf ( butterfly ) and surface soil ( caterpillar ) . Symptoms : cut the growing point or base of the plant stem , so that the young plants during the fall and looks wilted . Control : ( 1 ) mechanical : caterpillars revoke the ground and killed him ; ( 2 ) technical culture : cleaning the garden of grass or plant remains were used as a spawning ground pests ; ( 3 ) chemical : the poisoned bait and spray insektisida.Campuran of 125-250 grams Dipertex 95 SL , 10 kg of rice bran , 0.5-1.0 kg of brown sugar and 10 liters of water for the plant area of 0.25-0.5 acres . The bait is spread around the plants at dusk and at night . can also be sprayed insecticide Dursban 20 EC 1 cc / liter of water . Time after planting and spraying can be repeated 1-2 times a week .4 . Aphids ( Aphis brassicae )Living in groups below the leaf or flower mass ( curd ) , filled with a kind of green waxy starch . Symptoms : attack plants by sucking the fluid cell , causing yellowing of leaves and masses of flowers mottled look dirty . Great attacking dry season . Control : spraying insecticides or Hostathion ORTHENE 75 SP 40 EC 1-2 cc / liter of water .5 . caterpillar leavesFor example, caterpillars inch ( Trichoplusiana sp . , Chrysodeixis chalcites Esp . , Chrysodeixis orichalcea L. ) and grayuk caterpillars ( Spodoptera sp . S. litura ) , Feature : ( 1 ) caterpillar caterpillar - inch ( Trichoplusiana sp . ) : How goes weird and folding two when crawling . 4 cm long , pale green and light color ribbon on each side of the body . Butterfly caterpillars inch grayish brown and mottled silvery on each front wing , egg white greenish put under the leaves and hatch in 3-20 days . ( 2 ) Chrysodzeixis chalcites Esp . and Chrysodeixis orichalcea L. : Color dark spots and are shaped golden " Y " on the front wing . The eggs are small whitish , laid singly or in groups . The larvae are green with white stripes on the sides and the course span . ( 3 ) caterpillar - armyworm ( S. litura ) : Characteristic triangle has spots of black and yellowish stripes on its side with a life cycle of 30-61 days . Butterfly rather dark colored with a little white stripe on the front wing . The eggs numbered 25-500 grains placed in groups on top of the plant and covered with feathers . Symptoms : leaf damaged , with holes or sometimes leaf veins stay alone . Control : ( 1 ) set the cropping pattern ; ( 2 ) maintain the cleanliness of the garden ; ( 3 ) spraying insecticides such as Orthene 75 SP 1 cc / liter of water , Hostathion 1-2 cc / liter of water , Curacron 500 EC or Decis 2.5 EC ; ( 4 ) specifically to be used armyworm sex pheromena ( Ugratas Red ) ; ( 5 ) in the event of an attack can be used Ugratas Spodoptera exiqua Blue .6 . nation snailsNation snails that attack , among others : ( 1 ) Achtina fulica Fer . , Ie snails that have shells or houses , known as snail ; ( 2 ) Vaginula bleekeri Keferst , the snails are not shelled , grayish color ; ( 3 ) Parmarion pupilaris Humb , ie snails whose shells are not golden brown . Symptoms : attack the leaves , especially when newly planted orchards . Control : by spraying poison Helisida or collected and then crushed with salt or to feed livestock .7 . And digger crickets ( Gryllus mitratus and Brachytrypes portentosus ) .Symptoms : attack the young leaves ( cut ) at night ; There are many holes in the ground . Control : with insecticides or catching up with the watering hole with water so that pests out .8 . Orong - orong .Especially those living in the soil moist and wet . Part of being attacked is the root system of plants . Symptoms : stunted growth and yellowing leaves . Control : the provision of insecticide into the hole .3.5.2 . disease1 . Black rot ( Xanthomonas campestris Dows . )Causes : bacteria , and a seed -borne pathogens ( seed -borne ) , and can be easily transmitted to the ground or to other healthy plants . Symptoms : ( 1 ) fall crop seedlings ( damping off ) , because the initial infection occurs in the cotyledons , then spread throughout the plant systematically ; ( 2 ) blackish-brown spots on leaves , stems , stalks , flowers and masses of flowers are attacked ; ( 3 ) symptoms typical brownish yellow leaf -shaped letter " V " , and then dries . Stem or flower stricken masses become black or brown rot , making it less feasible harvested . Control : ( 1 ) provide treatment to the seed as described in points, sub points nursery seed preparation ; ( 2 ) cleaning the garden of alternate host plants ; ( 3 ) rotation crop for ± 3 years with no sefamili plants .2 . Soft rot ( Erwinia carotovora Holland . )Cause : bacterial soft rot in plants resulted when he was in the garden until after harvest and in storage . Symptoms : ( 1 ) injury to the base of the flower is almost ready for harvest ; ( 2 ) , acting mechanically wound plant roots , insects or other organisms ; ( 3 ) injury during harvest ; ( 4 ) handling or poor packing . Control : ( 1 ) Pre -harvest : cleaning up the remains of plants on land to be planted ; avoid crop damage by insects or during plant maintenance winches ; avoid planting cabbage in the rainy season in the area of soft rot disease basis . ( 2 ) Post- harvest : avoid mechanical injury or insect bites before the harvest ; storing crops in a dry state , or if it is washed with clean water , must be dried before storing ; be careful in carrying or transporting crops to the place of storage to prevent cuts or bruises ; store the results in a cool and have good air circulation .3 . Pekuk swollen roots or root ( Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor . )Cause : The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae . Symptoms : ( 1 ) during the day or the weather is hot , the plants appear , but at night or early morning leaves look fresh again ; ( 2 ) delayed growth , stunted plants and flowers are not able to form even to death ; ( 3 ) the root swelling and dark patches . Control : ( 1 ) provide treatment to the seed as seed preparation points ; ( 2 ) to sow the seeds in place that is free of disease outbreaks ; ( 3 ) sterilizing the medium nursery or garden soil with Besamid - G 40-60 g/m2 to 60 gram/m2untuk arel nursery or garden ; ( 4 ) conduct liming to raise the pH ; ( 5 ) repeal of infected plants ; ( 6 ) rotation or rotation crop with species not sefamili4 . Black spot ( Alternaria sp . )Cause : The fungus Alternaria brassica and Alternaria brassicicola . Symptoms : ( 1 ) patches of light brown or dark concentric stripes on the leaves ; ( 2 ) attack the roots , stem , stems and other parts . Control : ( 1 ) planting healthy seeds ; ( 2 ) as a seed treatment on seed preparation points .5 . Watery soft rotCause : The fungus Sclerotinia scelerotiorumI , attack the stems and leaves , especially on crop injury due to mechanical damage and can spread through seeds and spores . Symptoms : ( 1 ) inhibited growth , rot and die ; ( 2 ) when attacking the stem , the leaves will turn yellow , wither and fall ; ( 3 ) when attacking the leaves , the leaves will rot and slimy ; ( 4 ) other symptoms are tassels white fungus and gradually become black . Control : ( 1 ) use of healthy seed and crop rotation with crops that are not similar . ( 2 ) eradication with insecticide .6 . Seedlings collapse ( dumping off )Cause : The fungus Rhizitonia sp . and Phytium sp . Symptoms : ( 1 ) patches of wetness at the base of the stem or hypocotyl ; ( 2 ) causing stem rot and stem fall easily broken ; ( 3 ) attack on seedling plants , but can also attack the crop in the field . Control : Seed treatment before planting , seedlings and sterilization of media types other than crop rotation with cabbage .7 . Physiological diseaseCause : Plant Pest Organisms ( OPT ) is called physiological disease . Nitrogen Disadvantages : small flowers such as buttons or a so-called " Botoning " . Excess Nitrogen gray flower color and small size . Potassium Deficiency interest is not compact mass ( less dense ) and smaller size . Excess Potassium stunted growth and smaller flowers . Control : with balanced fertilization .3.6 . harvest3.6.1 . Characteristics and HarvestAge ripe picking or harvesting cabbage plants depends on the variety , the short -lived ( early maturing ) and long-lived ( in ) .a) Premium Flat Dutch : 100 day maturity , production of 4.5 kg / plant .b ) Early Flat Dutch : 83 day maturity , production from 2.4 to 2.7 kg / plant .c ) Cross OS : 80 day maturity , production of 2 kg / plant .d ) Surehead : 93 day maturity , production of 3 to 4.5 kg / plant .e ) Master Globe : 75 day maturity , production of 2-2.5 kg / plant .f ) Emerald Cross Hybrid : 45 day maturity , production of 1.2 kg / plant .g ) Copenhagen Market : 72 day maturity , production of 1.8-2 kg / plant .h ) KK Cros : 58 day maturity , production of 1.6 kg / plant .i ) Green Cup : 73 day maturity , production of 1.5 kg / plant .j ) Ecarliana : 60 day maturity , the production of 1 kg / plant .The characteristics of cabbage maturity are as follows :a) Crop cabbage hardened by pressing the cabbage crop .b ) shiny green leaves .c ) the outer leaves have withered .d ) Large cabbage crop has seen the maximum .3.6.2 . How to HarvestUnfavorable plucking will cause mechanical damage that causes infected cabbage crop pathogens so easily decay . The steps in picking cabbage :a) Select the cabbage that was old and ready to be picked .b ) Pick cabbage using a sharp knife and clean . Cutting is done on bagianpangkal cabbage stem .c ) The order of picking is started with a healthy cabbage pemetika then conducted on cabbage that has been exposed to infectious pathogens .3.6.3 . Harvest periodBroccoli is a plant once harvested , so that harvest period equal to the period of planting .3.6.4 . Production forecastProduction depends cabbage varieties . In general, from 0.75 to 4 kg per plant yield , rainfed areas with semi-intensive maintenance of 25-35 tons per hectare and with maintenance intensive 85 tonnes per hectare .3.7 . postharvest3.7.1 . collectionOnce picked, cabbage collected in the shade and not exposed to direct sunlight in order to obtain a reduced respiration rate is high quality cabbage and kwantitasnya . The collection is done with care and should not be piled and tossed .3.7.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting to separate the cabbage crop of good and poor quality or damaged , such as cracks , blisters and other damage .Classification aims to mengolongkan quality crop into class I , class II and so on based on the number of wrapper leaf crop , uniformity of shape , size uniformity , crop density , maximum levels of impurities , defects cabbage cabbage maximum and the maximum length of the rod .a ) The number of wrapper leaves : strands quality of I = 4 ; Quality II = 4 strands .b ) Homoginetas form : I = uniform quality ; II = uniform quality .c ) Homogeneity measure : quality of I = uniform ; II = uniform quality .d ) The density of the crop : the quality I = solid ; Quality II = less dense .e ) The maximum levels of impurities : the quality I = 2.5 % ; Quality II = 2.5 % .f ) The maximum defect Cabbage : quality of I = 5 % ; Quality II = 10 % .g ) The maximum length of the stem cabbage : quality of I = 2.5 cm ; Quality II = 2.5 cm .3.7.3 . storageStorage should pay attention cabbage cabbage varieties , temperature , humidity and moisture content . At a temperature of 32-35 degrees F and 92-95 % humidity , cabbage can be stored for 4-6 months ( cabbage high water content ) and 12 months ( cabbage low water content ) with a weight loss of 10% .3.7.4 . Packaging and TransportationPackaging is done with the transport of polyethylene plastic and packaging needs to be put into boxes or wooden crates (field boxes ) with a capacity of 25-30 kg / crate .
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