Basically plant arrowroot ( Maranta arundinacea L ) is a wild plant that is easy to grow anywhere as long as humid but hot . However, necessary for the production of good growing conditions as follows :
High point : 60-90 asl
The ideal temperature : 22-32 C
Sunlight : low & need shade
Air humidity : 50-85 %
Rainfall: 1500-200 mm / yr
Soil : Loose , well drained humus rich
Soil pH : 4.5 to 8I. SEEDLINGSPropagation With Bulbs >>
Provide arrowroot tubers that have been aged 12 months
Choose a nice , smooth and free of pests and diseases
Wash thoroughly and then winds up peeling skin
Cut the bulbs every 2-4 shoots for cuttings
Soak the cuttings in a solution of fungicides , insecticides and PGR
After 5 minutes cuttings ready for sowing
Prepare the nursery area with loose soil , then shaped plot with a size of 2 m X 20 m with a height of 20-30 cm . ( for 1 ha of land )
Manure pile is given to taste and 3 cm deep digarit
Enter kelubang garit cuttings with buds facing up , then cover with soil until no visible
Maintain the nursery with watering and pesticide application
After the nursery aged 20-30 HSS ( already formed 3-5 leaves ) ready to be planted dilahan .Propagation with chicks >>
Clumps arrowroot which has been aged 4-5 months or have more than 3 puppies ready to be separated and planted
Puppies are growing arrowroot arrowroot harvested after sibersihkan cut and then can be plantedII . LAND PREPARATION
Land plowed / dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm of loose
Shape beds with a width of 1 m X 10 m with a height of 20-30 cm
Make the planting hole with a depth of 8-15 cm with a spacing between holes ( 30-40 cm ) X ( 50-75 cm )III . PREPARATION PLANT SHADE
Good shade plant type is soft rooted plants such as bananas , papaya etc at a spacing of 3 x 3 m
It could also be the use of perennials with spacing set so as not to interfere with the arrowroot plantIV . PLANTING
Sebaikknya done early rainy season
Seedlings from the nursery planted one seed per hole upright
If the seed is taken from the seedling leaves to reduce evaporation subtractV. FERTILIZING
Fertilization is given 3 times : first at planting ( Urea 100 kg / ha and SP36 400 kg / ha )
Fertilization both given at 3.5 -month -old plants with dose ( Urea 100 kg / ha and KCL 200 kg / ha )
Fertilization third when the plant was given at a dose of 5 months ( Urea 100 kg / ha and KCL 150 kg / ha )
How to do with the fertilizer and fertilizer blending plants spread dialur pembubunan .VI . PLANT MAINTENANCE
Keep watering smoothly so that the land is not flooded
Weeding and pembubunan made when plants are 3-4 months old
Controlling leaf roller caterpillar pests and root diseases with pesticidesVII . HARVEST
Arrowroot crop can be harvested two periods, namely the age of 6-7 months if you like processed into chips or crackers because this period has not been a lot of fiber arrowroot . The second at the age of 8-12 months if you want to take the starch , try the dry season harvest time so that a high starch yield .
Provide a 1m x 1m hole at the tip mound X1m
Unloading plants using a fork or other tool
Clean the tubers from the soil , stems and leaves
Leaves of seedlings and saplings to let 6-12 months can be harvested again , and so forth until the cycle 5-7 times ( 5-7 years )
Insert the stems and leaves into the hole and cover make compost
Average production from 12.5 to 30 tons / ha / yr
Banana varieties contain high levels of water and hold just 2 days after harvest while varietan Creol can last one week due to high fiber .
High point : 60-90 asl
The ideal temperature : 22-32 C
Sunlight : low & need shade
Air humidity : 50-85 %
Rainfall: 1500-200 mm / yr
Soil : Loose , well drained humus rich
Soil pH : 4.5 to 8I. SEEDLINGSPropagation With Bulbs >>
Provide arrowroot tubers that have been aged 12 months
Choose a nice , smooth and free of pests and diseases
Wash thoroughly and then winds up peeling skin
Cut the bulbs every 2-4 shoots for cuttings
Soak the cuttings in a solution of fungicides , insecticides and PGR
After 5 minutes cuttings ready for sowing
Prepare the nursery area with loose soil , then shaped plot with a size of 2 m X 20 m with a height of 20-30 cm . ( for 1 ha of land )
Manure pile is given to taste and 3 cm deep digarit
Enter kelubang garit cuttings with buds facing up , then cover with soil until no visible
Maintain the nursery with watering and pesticide application
After the nursery aged 20-30 HSS ( already formed 3-5 leaves ) ready to be planted dilahan .Propagation with chicks >>
Clumps arrowroot which has been aged 4-5 months or have more than 3 puppies ready to be separated and planted
Puppies are growing arrowroot arrowroot harvested after sibersihkan cut and then can be plantedII . LAND PREPARATION
Land plowed / dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm of loose
Shape beds with a width of 1 m X 10 m with a height of 20-30 cm
Make the planting hole with a depth of 8-15 cm with a spacing between holes ( 30-40 cm ) X ( 50-75 cm )III . PREPARATION PLANT SHADE
Good shade plant type is soft rooted plants such as bananas , papaya etc at a spacing of 3 x 3 m
It could also be the use of perennials with spacing set so as not to interfere with the arrowroot plantIV . PLANTING
Sebaikknya done early rainy season
Seedlings from the nursery planted one seed per hole upright
If the seed is taken from the seedling leaves to reduce evaporation subtractV. FERTILIZING
Fertilization is given 3 times : first at planting ( Urea 100 kg / ha and SP36 400 kg / ha )
Fertilization both given at 3.5 -month -old plants with dose ( Urea 100 kg / ha and KCL 200 kg / ha )
Fertilization third when the plant was given at a dose of 5 months ( Urea 100 kg / ha and KCL 150 kg / ha )
How to do with the fertilizer and fertilizer blending plants spread dialur pembubunan .VI . PLANT MAINTENANCE
Keep watering smoothly so that the land is not flooded
Weeding and pembubunan made when plants are 3-4 months old
Controlling leaf roller caterpillar pests and root diseases with pesticidesVII . HARVEST
Arrowroot crop can be harvested two periods, namely the age of 6-7 months if you like processed into chips or crackers because this period has not been a lot of fiber arrowroot . The second at the age of 8-12 months if you want to take the starch , try the dry season harvest time so that a high starch yield .
Provide a 1m x 1m hole at the tip mound X1m
Unloading plants using a fork or other tool
Clean the tubers from the soil , stems and leaves
Leaves of seedlings and saplings to let 6-12 months can be harvested again , and so forth until the cycle 5-7 times ( 5-7 years )
Insert the stems and leaves into the hole and cover make compost
Average production from 12.5 to 30 tons / ha / yr
Banana varieties contain high levels of water and hold just 2 days after harvest while varietan Creol can last one week due to high fiber .
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