1 . A BRIEF HISTORYGrape ( Vitis ) is a fruit plant propagating shrubs . The wines come from Armenia , but the cultivation of grapes has been developed in the Middle East since 4000 BC . While the processing of grapes into wine technology first developed the Egyptians in 2500 BC . Of
Egyptian grape cultivation and processing technologies go into Greece
and spread to the Black Sea region to Spain , Germany , France and
Austria . Along
with the wines of his native Columbus trip is starting to spread to
Mexico , South America , South Africa , Asia, including Indonesia and
Australia . It also makes the spread of Wine Grape has several designations such
as in Europe and America , the Chinese refer to Pu tao and in Indonesia
called wine .
2 . TYPES OF PLANTSIncluding plant genus Vitis wine . Not all types of this genus can be eaten , which can be eaten only two types of Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca .Vitis vinifera vines have characteristic types :a) The skin is thin, sweet and fresh taste .b ) Ability to grow from the lowlands up to 300 m above sea level dry climates .c ) Including this type is Gros Colman , Probolinggo Blue and White , Yellow Situbondo , Alphonso Lavalle and Golden Champion .Vitis labrusca vines types possessed characteristics :a) thick skin , and less sour taste fresh .b ) Ability to grow from the lowlands to 900 m above sea level .c ) Including this type is Brilliant , Delaware , Carman , Beacon and Isabella .Of these two species are widely developed in Indonesia and recommended by the Department of Agriculture as a superior species Vitis vinifera is the type of wine varieties Probolinggo Blue and Alphonso Lavalle . But there is also advisable planted include Gross Collman , Probolinggo White , Isabella , Delaware , Chifung and Australia .
3 . BENEFIT PLANTGrapes used as fresh fruit and processed as a finished product to another as the result of fermenting juice drinks containing alcohol wines commonly called Wine , dried into raisins and for industrial purposes jams and jellies .
4 . PLANTING CENTERIn Indonesia there is a wine center in East Java ( Probolinggo , Pasuruan , Situbondo ) , Bali and Kupang ( NTT ) .
5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The vines can grow well in low-lying areas , especially on the edge of the beach , with a long dry season ranges from 4-7 months .2 ) The wind is too strong is not good for the wine .3 ) an average rainfall of 800 mm per year . And the rain that may damage premordia / will inflorescence is ongoing and may lead to pests and diseases .4 ) We recommend that a lot of sun / air dry very well for vegetative growth and fertilization .5 ) The average temperature maximum daytime temperature of 31 degrees C and the average minimum night 23 degrees C with 75-80 % humidity .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) The soil is good for growing grapes containing sand , sandy loam , fertile and friable , contains a lot of humus and nutrients required .2 ) The degree of acidity of land suitable for grape cultivation is 7 ( neutral ) .5.3 . The altitudeGrapes will grow well when planted between 5-1000 m above sea level or in low-lying areas . Differences in altitude will affect growth and development. Vitis vinifera type requires altitude 1-300 m above sea level . Vitis labrusca type requires an altitude of 1-800 m above sea level .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Procurement of SeedsProcurement of seeds can be carried out by means of generative ( seeds ) and vegetative ( grafts , cuttings of branches , eye cuttings , grafting ) . The most effective plant propagation using cuttings is the wine . Good seedling cuttings are :a) The length of cuttings about 25 cm and consists of 2-3 segments taken from the mother plant that has been aged over one year .b ) round shape measuring about 1 cm .c ) light brown skin and bright with the bottom skin was green , watery and free of black spots .d ) healthy shoots large eyes and looked solid . Buds unhealthy small size and the edges looked white as cotton .2 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueHow generative seed sown in the space provided . How vegetative ( cuttings ) are:a) Seeding is done by first sowing in pots / baskets Sempai for about 5 days .b ) After it was moved to the media in the form of a mixture of soil for seedlings , manure and sand in the ratio 1:1:1 . Seedling media is a poly bag / basket that is greater than the initial spot .3 ) Maintenance Nurseries / Seedinga) While in the nursery is always watered and do not get flooded .b ) seeding the seeds in shade and moist for about 2 months .4) Change of Seeda) About 2 months the seedlings are grown and rooted many ready to be moved into the field by selecting the fresh and healthy condition.b ) Planting is done at the beginning of the dry season / time of the highest heat .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationPreparation needs to be done is :a) Determine the planting site .b ) Determine the planting area .c ) Set the spacing .d ) Make the planting hole .e ) Determine the required dose of manure .2 ) Land OpeningLand that is used to clean and are not protected from the sun . Break ground for the creation of the planting hole made after spacing corresponding to the size of 60 x 60 x 60 cm . The hole is left exposed to sunlight for 2-4 weeks .3 ) LimingLiming is only done when the soil pH low / too acidic .4 ) FertilizationAfter 2-4 weeks of planting holes filled manure , sand and soil in the ratio 2:1:1 .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternThe vines are monocultures . Spacing is important to note and also in accordance with the direction of the bolt because the wind is very big influence. Spacing can be set with the pattern : 3 x 3 m , 4 x 4 m , 3 x 5 m , 3 x 4 m , 4 x 5 m , 4 x 5 m , 3 m and 4 x 5 x 6 mSpacing of plants affects the amount of broad unity :a) 3 x 3 m to 1 Ha = 1,111 treesb ) 3 x 4 m to 1 ha = 833 treesc ) 3 x 5 m to 1 ha = 666 treesd ) 4 x 4 m to 1 ha = 625 treese ) 4 x 5 m to 1 ha = 500 treesf ) 4 x 6 m to 1 ha = 416 trees2 ) Hole Making PlantRequired planting hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm spacing adjusted , fill the hole in the form of a mixture of soil , sand and manure in the ratio of 1:1:1 or 1:1:2 .3 ) How PlantingThe best grape seedlings during the dry season , around June and July . Each plant needs 20 m² including the land - paranya should be prepared before the plants grow . This rack is useful for merayapkan stems and branches horizontally at a height of 2 m . eachalso given a bamboo plant stakes to the catwalk after the seeds are planted , so that growth can spread up to the loft .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Stitching and SpacingStitching is only done when there is a plant that is unhealthy / dead . Control is done routinely at the same time of watering because the wine needs continuous attention . Thinning the fruit is very important because the fruit is too tight would damage the fruit development and degrade the quality of the fruit . In buahbuah thinning that needs to be disposed of are : ( 1 ) the long-stemmed ; ( 2 ) not perfectshape ; ( 3 ) the fruit on the inside ; ( 4 ) fruit that is formed in the absence of persarian .Thinning is done in two stages , one stage at the age of one month after flowering and fruit still pentyl , phase two is done two weeks after stage one and fruit for seed corn . To maintain the quality of the fruit , also needs to be done pembrongsongan ( wrapping ) fruit . Packaging is done in a bunch of fruit when there are two or three ripe fruit . Materials commonly used cement wrap adal paper and newsprint .2 ) WeedingWeeding is done when there are weeds around the vines .3 ) Perempalana) Perempalan form on wine made from planting to age 1 year , aims to get good growth , by removing unnecessary buds and let the shoots good as the main stem .b ) Perempalan for fertilization performed after 1 -year -old wine .Before perempalan checked beforehand by cutting off the tip of one branch , when implemented perempalan tears , but when it does not have to be postponed . Perempalan made with cut branches , leaving 2-4 buds and all leaves removed so that the plant bebald . Performed within 1 year 3 times perempalan :1 . Phase I : March-April , 90-110 days2 . Phase II : July-August , 90-110 days3 . Phase III : November-December , this stage often failsPerempalan between the months of November-December , no results . The goal is just to maintain the level of fertility of crops until the rainy season ends and the plant was not damaged .4 ) FertilizationThere are two days of fertilization :a) Fertilizing young plants ( 0-1 years )1 . Age 0-3 months , 10 grams of urea , an interval of 10 days2 . Age 3-6 months , 15 grams of urea , an interval of 15 days3 . Age 6-12 months , 50 grams of ureaGiving way to create a circular array around the plants 10-20 cm diameter 5 cm .b ) Fertilization mature plants ( 1 - onwards )1 . Age 21 days before perempalan , 5 cans manure2 . Age 11 days before perempalan , 80 grams TSP/100 grams ZK3 . Age 7 days before perempalan , 100 grams of ureaManure is given once a year , the second year of the dose was increased so 10 cans . Fertilizers increased the dose of 600 grams of urea , TSP 300 grams , 450 grams of ZK . Giving way to manufacture the array around the plants with a diameter of 1.5 m .5 ) Irrigation and WateringNoteworthy are :a) Wine can not stand on the stagnant water .b ) Wine irrigation needs to be done from planting to pruning .c ) By trimming , 3-4 weeks before administration of water must be stopped .d ) After the trimming , 2-3 days earlier were given water again until the end of the twig out of water .e ) Provision made until the fruit is almost ripe , getting old after the water supply is stopped so as not broken and rotten fruit .6 ) Time Pesticide SprayingSpraying insecticide is done as a precaution against pests that interfere with the wine . Spraying should be stopped 15 days before harvest . Especially for pest Phyiloxera Vitifolia used insecticide Furadan 3G/Temik 1 OG .7 ) Flower ArrangementsAfter two weeks of pruning fertilization , nascent tertiary branches issuing tendrils flower formation out of the eye to the 3 , 4 and 5 . If there are no tertiary branches issuing tendrils can be held cutting the left eye 3 aims to stimulate the growth of vines . Emerging tertiary branches of the vine is left alone , in order to produce a large bunch of flowers and fruit can be high quality .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) phylloxera VitifoliaInvading plants both young and old wines resulting wine is dry and dead . Which is attacked leaves and roots of plants directly . Common symptoms on leaves formed small boils and swells like a wart roots . These pests settled under the peeling bark and the root tissue .2 ) Beetle Apogonia destructorLadybird shape and glossy black finish . Attacking grape leaves at night and the beetles are easily attracted by the lights .3 ) leafhoppers leavesThe planthopper attack causing leaf spots of white wine , then to yellow brown and fall .4 ) White LiceCan cause shoots / buds become stunted .5 ) Caterpillar leafAttack the leaves to be used as food .6 ) TermitesThe most severe attack when eating away the roots of young plants that make so withered and died .7 ) Birds , bats , squirrels and weaselsAttacking the ripe fruit began to be used as food . How to eradicate pests wine is done by spraying insecticides in the affected attack . Spraying is done regularly and stopped near the time of quotation . Special pests Phyloxera vitifolia done by spraying insecticide around the plant . Watering can be done before planting , after planting / after harvest . As for the major pests of animals can be put on a trap .7.2 . disease1 ) Downy Mildew ( fungus )Symptoms appear yellow bottom leaves no visible flour putihkuning color . Leaves , bunches of flowers and young can die when exposed to the disease , especially during the rainy season or high humidity .2 ) Powdery MildewOn the leaf surface there is a thin white powder gray . Attack the buds , flowers and young fruit can even damage the branches that become stunted and damaged .3 ) black rot diseaseCause so wrinkled fruit , rotten and fall .4 ) Phakospora VitisLower leaves covered orange powder ( mass of spores ) .5 ) PeronosporaIf the air is too humid fungus attacks the grape leaves and can be recognized as yellow spores under the leaves . To eradicate the disease is done by spraying fungicides wineat a time before the time of flowering , after flowering and 8-12 days after the second spraying after flowering . As for black rot disease spraying done before the flowering period , flowering and 2 weeks before the pick.
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestHarvesting depends on the type of grape that is grown , the climate and the high places . For low area fruit age 90-100 days after pruning , fruit plateau region between 105-110 days of age . The level of maturity of fruit harvested is good for color in the bunch has been average , grain fruit bunches and easily separated from the state of chewy and soft fruit .8.2 . How to HarvestHarvesting is done in fine weather and in the morning by picking carefully ( do not let the powder is lost ) . Results included plucking basket / dos carton sought placement does not accumulate , so that the fruit is not broken down and broken .8.3 . Harvest periodPlant grapes in one year has two harvests .8.4 . Production forecastFrom the grape plant area of 1 ha with a spacing ratio of 4 x 5 , the number of plants with yields of 500 stems per year on average 7,500 kg of grapes .
9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionThe wine collection must not be stacked as this may damage the fruit underneath . It is important that the powder contained in the wine kept in order not to be lost .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting is done by removing damaged fruit and fruit are still too young in one dompolan . Then the wine is classified according to size and uniformity dompolan large fruit .9.3 . storageThe best way is to include in storage in the refrigerator to reduce evaporation , but a simple, concise and large storage capacity is by hanging for dianginanginkan wine in a cool room .9.4 . Packaging and TransportationHow to use a bamboo basket lined newsprint . This way is not good because a lot of damaged fruit . The best way to use a wooden box filled with sawdust so that the damage can be reduced when transporting fruit .
2 . TYPES OF PLANTSIncluding plant genus Vitis wine . Not all types of this genus can be eaten , which can be eaten only two types of Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca .Vitis vinifera vines have characteristic types :a) The skin is thin, sweet and fresh taste .b ) Ability to grow from the lowlands up to 300 m above sea level dry climates .c ) Including this type is Gros Colman , Probolinggo Blue and White , Yellow Situbondo , Alphonso Lavalle and Golden Champion .Vitis labrusca vines types possessed characteristics :a) thick skin , and less sour taste fresh .b ) Ability to grow from the lowlands to 900 m above sea level .c ) Including this type is Brilliant , Delaware , Carman , Beacon and Isabella .Of these two species are widely developed in Indonesia and recommended by the Department of Agriculture as a superior species Vitis vinifera is the type of wine varieties Probolinggo Blue and Alphonso Lavalle . But there is also advisable planted include Gross Collman , Probolinggo White , Isabella , Delaware , Chifung and Australia .
3 . BENEFIT PLANTGrapes used as fresh fruit and processed as a finished product to another as the result of fermenting juice drinks containing alcohol wines commonly called Wine , dried into raisins and for industrial purposes jams and jellies .
4 . PLANTING CENTERIn Indonesia there is a wine center in East Java ( Probolinggo , Pasuruan , Situbondo ) , Bali and Kupang ( NTT ) .
5 . TERMS OF GROWTH5.1 . climate1 ) The vines can grow well in low-lying areas , especially on the edge of the beach , with a long dry season ranges from 4-7 months .2 ) The wind is too strong is not good for the wine .3 ) an average rainfall of 800 mm per year . And the rain that may damage premordia / will inflorescence is ongoing and may lead to pests and diseases .4 ) We recommend that a lot of sun / air dry very well for vegetative growth and fertilization .5 ) The average temperature maximum daytime temperature of 31 degrees C and the average minimum night 23 degrees C with 75-80 % humidity .5.2 . Growing Media1 ) The soil is good for growing grapes containing sand , sandy loam , fertile and friable , contains a lot of humus and nutrients required .2 ) The degree of acidity of land suitable for grape cultivation is 7 ( neutral ) .5.3 . The altitudeGrapes will grow well when planted between 5-1000 m above sea level or in low-lying areas . Differences in altitude will affect growth and development. Vitis vinifera type requires altitude 1-300 m above sea level . Vitis labrusca type requires an altitude of 1-800 m above sea level .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . Nurseries1 ) Procurement of SeedsProcurement of seeds can be carried out by means of generative ( seeds ) and vegetative ( grafts , cuttings of branches , eye cuttings , grafting ) . The most effective plant propagation using cuttings is the wine . Good seedling cuttings are :a) The length of cuttings about 25 cm and consists of 2-3 segments taken from the mother plant that has been aged over one year .b ) round shape measuring about 1 cm .c ) light brown skin and bright with the bottom skin was green , watery and free of black spots .d ) healthy shoots large eyes and looked solid . Buds unhealthy small size and the edges looked white as cotton .2 ) Seed Seeding TechniqueHow generative seed sown in the space provided . How vegetative ( cuttings ) are:a) Seeding is done by first sowing in pots / baskets Sempai for about 5 days .b ) After it was moved to the media in the form of a mixture of soil for seedlings , manure and sand in the ratio 1:1:1 . Seedling media is a poly bag / basket that is greater than the initial spot .3 ) Maintenance Nurseries / Seedinga) While in the nursery is always watered and do not get flooded .b ) seeding the seeds in shade and moist for about 2 months .4) Change of Seeda) About 2 months the seedlings are grown and rooted many ready to be moved into the field by selecting the fresh and healthy condition.b ) Planting is done at the beginning of the dry season / time of the highest heat .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) PreparationPreparation needs to be done is :a) Determine the planting site .b ) Determine the planting area .c ) Set the spacing .d ) Make the planting hole .e ) Determine the required dose of manure .2 ) Land OpeningLand that is used to clean and are not protected from the sun . Break ground for the creation of the planting hole made after spacing corresponding to the size of 60 x 60 x 60 cm . The hole is left exposed to sunlight for 2-4 weeks .3 ) LimingLiming is only done when the soil pH low / too acidic .4 ) FertilizationAfter 2-4 weeks of planting holes filled manure , sand and soil in the ratio 2:1:1 .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Planting PatternThe vines are monocultures . Spacing is important to note and also in accordance with the direction of the bolt because the wind is very big influence. Spacing can be set with the pattern : 3 x 3 m , 4 x 4 m , 3 x 5 m , 3 x 4 m , 4 x 5 m , 4 x 5 m , 3 m and 4 x 5 x 6 mSpacing of plants affects the amount of broad unity :a) 3 x 3 m to 1 Ha = 1,111 treesb ) 3 x 4 m to 1 ha = 833 treesc ) 3 x 5 m to 1 ha = 666 treesd ) 4 x 4 m to 1 ha = 625 treese ) 4 x 5 m to 1 ha = 500 treesf ) 4 x 6 m to 1 ha = 416 trees2 ) Hole Making PlantRequired planting hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm spacing adjusted , fill the hole in the form of a mixture of soil , sand and manure in the ratio of 1:1:1 or 1:1:2 .3 ) How PlantingThe best grape seedlings during the dry season , around June and July . Each plant needs 20 m² including the land - paranya should be prepared before the plants grow . This rack is useful for merayapkan stems and branches horizontally at a height of 2 m . eachalso given a bamboo plant stakes to the catwalk after the seeds are planted , so that growth can spread up to the loft .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) Stitching and SpacingStitching is only done when there is a plant that is unhealthy / dead . Control is done routinely at the same time of watering because the wine needs continuous attention . Thinning the fruit is very important because the fruit is too tight would damage the fruit development and degrade the quality of the fruit . In buahbuah thinning that needs to be disposed of are : ( 1 ) the long-stemmed ; ( 2 ) not perfectshape ; ( 3 ) the fruit on the inside ; ( 4 ) fruit that is formed in the absence of persarian .Thinning is done in two stages , one stage at the age of one month after flowering and fruit still pentyl , phase two is done two weeks after stage one and fruit for seed corn . To maintain the quality of the fruit , also needs to be done pembrongsongan ( wrapping ) fruit . Packaging is done in a bunch of fruit when there are two or three ripe fruit . Materials commonly used cement wrap adal paper and newsprint .2 ) WeedingWeeding is done when there are weeds around the vines .3 ) Perempalana) Perempalan form on wine made from planting to age 1 year , aims to get good growth , by removing unnecessary buds and let the shoots good as the main stem .b ) Perempalan for fertilization performed after 1 -year -old wine .Before perempalan checked beforehand by cutting off the tip of one branch , when implemented perempalan tears , but when it does not have to be postponed . Perempalan made with cut branches , leaving 2-4 buds and all leaves removed so that the plant bebald . Performed within 1 year 3 times perempalan :1 . Phase I : March-April , 90-110 days2 . Phase II : July-August , 90-110 days3 . Phase III : November-December , this stage often failsPerempalan between the months of November-December , no results . The goal is just to maintain the level of fertility of crops until the rainy season ends and the plant was not damaged .4 ) FertilizationThere are two days of fertilization :a) Fertilizing young plants ( 0-1 years )1 . Age 0-3 months , 10 grams of urea , an interval of 10 days2 . Age 3-6 months , 15 grams of urea , an interval of 15 days3 . Age 6-12 months , 50 grams of ureaGiving way to create a circular array around the plants 10-20 cm diameter 5 cm .b ) Fertilization mature plants ( 1 - onwards )1 . Age 21 days before perempalan , 5 cans manure2 . Age 11 days before perempalan , 80 grams TSP/100 grams ZK3 . Age 7 days before perempalan , 100 grams of ureaManure is given once a year , the second year of the dose was increased so 10 cans . Fertilizers increased the dose of 600 grams of urea , TSP 300 grams , 450 grams of ZK . Giving way to manufacture the array around the plants with a diameter of 1.5 m .5 ) Irrigation and WateringNoteworthy are :a) Wine can not stand on the stagnant water .b ) Wine irrigation needs to be done from planting to pruning .c ) By trimming , 3-4 weeks before administration of water must be stopped .d ) After the trimming , 2-3 days earlier were given water again until the end of the twig out of water .e ) Provision made until the fruit is almost ripe , getting old after the water supply is stopped so as not broken and rotten fruit .6 ) Time Pesticide SprayingSpraying insecticide is done as a precaution against pests that interfere with the wine . Spraying should be stopped 15 days before harvest . Especially for pest Phyiloxera Vitifolia used insecticide Furadan 3G/Temik 1 OG .7 ) Flower ArrangementsAfter two weeks of pruning fertilization , nascent tertiary branches issuing tendrils flower formation out of the eye to the 3 , 4 and 5 . If there are no tertiary branches issuing tendrils can be held cutting the left eye 3 aims to stimulate the growth of vines . Emerging tertiary branches of the vine is left alone , in order to produce a large bunch of flowers and fruit can be high quality .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pest1 ) phylloxera VitifoliaInvading plants both young and old wines resulting wine is dry and dead . Which is attacked leaves and roots of plants directly . Common symptoms on leaves formed small boils and swells like a wart roots . These pests settled under the peeling bark and the root tissue .2 ) Beetle Apogonia destructorLadybird shape and glossy black finish . Attacking grape leaves at night and the beetles are easily attracted by the lights .3 ) leafhoppers leavesThe planthopper attack causing leaf spots of white wine , then to yellow brown and fall .4 ) White LiceCan cause shoots / buds become stunted .5 ) Caterpillar leafAttack the leaves to be used as food .6 ) TermitesThe most severe attack when eating away the roots of young plants that make so withered and died .7 ) Birds , bats , squirrels and weaselsAttacking the ripe fruit began to be used as food . How to eradicate pests wine is done by spraying insecticides in the affected attack . Spraying is done regularly and stopped near the time of quotation . Special pests Phyloxera vitifolia done by spraying insecticide around the plant . Watering can be done before planting , after planting / after harvest . As for the major pests of animals can be put on a trap .7.2 . disease1 ) Downy Mildew ( fungus )Symptoms appear yellow bottom leaves no visible flour putihkuning color . Leaves , bunches of flowers and young can die when exposed to the disease , especially during the rainy season or high humidity .2 ) Powdery MildewOn the leaf surface there is a thin white powder gray . Attack the buds , flowers and young fruit can even damage the branches that become stunted and damaged .3 ) black rot diseaseCause so wrinkled fruit , rotten and fall .4 ) Phakospora VitisLower leaves covered orange powder ( mass of spores ) .5 ) PeronosporaIf the air is too humid fungus attacks the grape leaves and can be recognized as yellow spores under the leaves . To eradicate the disease is done by spraying fungicides wineat a time before the time of flowering , after flowering and 8-12 days after the second spraying after flowering . As for black rot disease spraying done before the flowering period , flowering and 2 weeks before the pick.
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestHarvesting depends on the type of grape that is grown , the climate and the high places . For low area fruit age 90-100 days after pruning , fruit plateau region between 105-110 days of age . The level of maturity of fruit harvested is good for color in the bunch has been average , grain fruit bunches and easily separated from the state of chewy and soft fruit .8.2 . How to HarvestHarvesting is done in fine weather and in the morning by picking carefully ( do not let the powder is lost ) . Results included plucking basket / dos carton sought placement does not accumulate , so that the fruit is not broken down and broken .8.3 . Harvest periodPlant grapes in one year has two harvests .8.4 . Production forecastFrom the grape plant area of 1 ha with a spacing ratio of 4 x 5 , the number of plants with yields of 500 stems per year on average 7,500 kg of grapes .
9 . postharvest9.1 . collectionThe wine collection must not be stacked as this may damage the fruit underneath . It is important that the powder contained in the wine kept in order not to be lost .9.2 . Sorting and ClassificationSorting is done by removing damaged fruit and fruit are still too young in one dompolan . Then the wine is classified according to size and uniformity dompolan large fruit .9.3 . storageThe best way is to include in storage in the refrigerator to reduce evaporation , but a simple, concise and large storage capacity is by hanging for dianginanginkan wine in a cool room .9.4 . Packaging and TransportationHow to use a bamboo basket lined newsprint . This way is not good because a lot of damaged fruit . The best way to use a wooden box filled with sawdust so that the damage can be reduced when transporting fruit .
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