Thursday, April 3, 2014

development of learners

development of learnersPersonal development is all he needs and requires compliance related issues that can not be equated with other individuals . Therefore , each person will by itself will reveal the typical traits that are different from other personal . In addition , in this life in need of harmony between the physical needs and nonfisiknya . Physical needs of each person needs to fulfill , for example through a person needs to breathe with relief , need to eat well and fairly , need enjoyment and security needs . With regard to the socio - psychological aspects , each person requires the ability to control behavior and emotions as well as a means of communication for socializing . Thus , the problem of private life is a form of integration between physical factors , socio-cultural , and psychological factors . In sampinhg , an individual also requires the recognition of the other party about her self-esteem ,
either from his own family , and from outside the family .
* The factors that influence the development of personal

The development of a person's life is also determined by heredity and environment . Nativism flow states that an individual would be '' the '' as is that has been determined by the ability and nature brought since he was born . While the flow of empiricism to the contrary that an individual described as the paper / wax that is still white. He would be a '' human '' as in wills by the environment. Both flow illustrates that the talent and influence of environmental factors together have an influence on personal development .
* Individual differences in personal development

Socio-cultural environment that affects the lives of an individual's personal development is complex and heterogeneous . Both the natural environment and the environment created for the purpose of personal formation of children and adolescents , each has different traits . Therefore, it can briefly say that the personal development of each individual varies also according to the environment where they are in proportion.
* The influence of the personal development of behavior

Life is a series of continuous process of growth and development . The state of the present life is influenced by previous life , and the circumstances that will come a lot is determined by the current state . Thus , a person's behavior is influenced by the results of the development process in a previous life and his journey to integrate with current events now .

Can say that if since the beginning of the development of private life is formed in an integrated and harmonious , it can be expected that the behavior is a manifestation of personal aspects will be good .
* Efforts to develop private life

Personal life is a series of processes of growth and developments , need to be prepared properly . It is necessary for habituation in terms of :
a. Healthy living and regular as well as a good use of time .
b . Chores and everyday practical work independently and responsibly.
c . Community life by association with fellow
d . Problems of ways of solving in the face .
e . Following the rules of family life with full responsibility and discipline
f . Perform the roles and responsibilities of family life
B. understanding the life and career education


Education is life experience learning in biological processes throughout his life , both inside and outside the education track school . In connection with the development of learners , educational life in good faith experienced by adolescents as learners within the family , school , and community or life . While the life of one's career is a life experience in the world of work . Events of a teen 's entry into the world of work is an early work experiences in life ( career ) . Both in the educational life and career life , the teens gain experience illustrates the ups and downs .
* Karasteristik educational life and career
Teenagers already have a clear interest in the particular type of work . For that adolescents consciously knew that in order to achieve a desirable type of work that requires a means of knowledge and skills that should be owned . In addition to an introduction to the education system , young people have a colleague tetrsebut wider environment and he started to get to know other children with a variety of backgrounds family circumstances .
Teens have three living environments that all three have a different style and each assume responsibility in the administration of education . Third it is a family- educational environment , schools and communities .
* The factors that influence the development of educational life and career
a. Socioeconomic factors

Many family socioeconomic conditions influence the development of children's educational life and career . Economic factors include economic ability of parents and state economic conditions . Many children of high intellectual capability can not enjoy a good education , caused by the limited economic resources of their parents.
b . environmental factors

Mean that in the environment here includes three kinds . First , the environmental community life , second , home life environment , and the third , the life peer environment .

c . Factors outlook on life


View of life itself formed part because of the sunshine . View of the embodiment shown in the establishment of a person's life , especially his stated ideals . Thus in choosing the type of education oriented towards the type of education that can bring a lot of money , for example medicine , economics , and engineering experts .
* The effect of education and career development of life on behavior and attitudes .
Many of the view that it is less beneficial to the school of life , the view that the school can not provide a benefit for him . Teen attitudes towards school education in the paint by karasteristik many teachers are teaching . Though the school , in this case teachers , provide guidance and assess on the basis of objectivity that is not accompanied faktoremosional .
* Individual differences and the development of educational and career

As is described in another section , about the development of intelak , that educational attainment is influenced by the level of intelligence or aq . In fact iq each individual is different , it will affect the pattern of life in the field of education . Thus , the life of a variation or education will differ due to differences in thinking ability or IQ .

* Efforts to develop educational and career life

Parents need to understand the progress of education both at school and outside of school and outside the family . This is a high value , because the norms and conditions that are not too much different between home , school and community life harmony can be achieved .
a. Career development of adolescents

Career development of adolescents who think there ginzberg tentative period ( 11-17 years ) was marked by the widespread introduction of the child to a variety of problems in deciding what will work in the future kerjakannya . The tentative period includes four stages :
1 . Phase of interest ( age 11-12 years )
Teenagers already have a plan and possible career choices based on the interest .
2 . Phase capacity ( 12-14 )
Adolescents begin to use the skills and personal abilities as a consideration in making choices and career plans .
3 . Phase values ​​( 15-16 years )
In this stage of adolescence has been considered crucial role of personal values ​​in the process of career choice .
4 . Phase transition ( 17-18 years )
In this transitional phase of adolescence began to move from realistic considerations were still at the edge of consciousness into a more central position .
b . The problems faced
The problems and obstacles come from within itself , such as is often the case that the interest of teens not in accordance with his ability . To deal with the problem in choosing a career can do the following :
1 ) Know thyself ,
2 ) In what areas you find most difficult
3 ) Write your ideal plan and formally
4 ) Familiarize yourself with the demands of a particular job are you interested in?
5 ) Review and plan your career again talk about it with others
6 ) If it does not fit stop career choice
C. The development of adolescents with regard to family life
1 . Definition of family life

as has been described above that the adolescent growth Biologically has reached sexual maturity , which means that teenagers are biologically ready to do a production function . Maturity of the sexual function affect adolescent sexual and class has begun attracted to the opposite sex . With regard to efforts to establish a mate choice , social development of adolescent psychological marked by efforts to attract the opposite sex in ways that show in the form of behavior .
2 . The emergence of love and falling in love

Reasons or factors that mempengruhi someone to fall in love all kinds, include personality factors , physical factors , culture , family background , and ability factors .
3 . Society and marriage

The selection of a life partner is a task driven development of biological factors . In marital problems every society in the world has a legal and customary rules that guide the community in establishing a life partner . In addition to physical factors and psikologos , other factors are made ​​in consideration in determining the prospective spouses are similarities in terms of race, nationality , religion , and socioeconomic status . Psychologically many teens receive pengruh of environment on family life .

Taking into account the many factors of life that are in the neighborhood teens , then thinking about the education in the school and outside the school , in general, was held in the classical form . Some effort needs to be done in education , namely :
a. career guidance
b . Provide practical exercises
c . Preparation of a comprehensive curriculum

Gunarsa , S.D , and Singgih D. Gunarsa . Practical Psychology : children , adolescents , and families . Jakarta : PT CPC noble mountain , 1991.

Hurlock , E.B.psikologi development . Jakarta : publisher erlangga , 1990 .

Monks , et al . Developmental psychology : introduction in the air like parts. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 1988.

Suryabrata , Sumadi . Educational psychology . Jakarta : C.V eagle , 1991.

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