Thursday, April 3, 2014

Literature Review Bread Factory Sanitation experts say

Literature Review Bread Factory Sanitation experts sayA. Definition of Sanitation
According to Wikipedia Indonesi Sanitasiadalah intentional behavior in civilizing living clean with intent to prevent direct manusiabersentuhan with dirt and other harmful waste material in the hope this venture will maintain and improve kesehatanmanusia . This danger might happen physically , microbiological and chemical agents or biological -related disease . Waste material that can cause health problems consist of tinjamanusia or animal , the rest of the solid waste material , waste material domestic water ( washing , urine , bath or laundry waste material ) , industrial effluents and agricultural waste material . How to clean prevention can be done by using a technical solution ( eg, laundry care and the rest of the liquid effluent ) , simple technologies ( eg latrines , septic tanks ) , or personal hygiene . Another definition of sanitation are all efforts that
made to ensure the realization of the conditions that meet the health requirements . While some other definition focuses on breaking the chain of transmission of germs from source and environmental control ( Indonesi Wikipedia ) .
Ø The scope of sanitation and safety;
In planning treatment unit : sanitation and safety is a sector to watch out for
( 1 ) Company - > use of human resources - > all the effort that will be run should not be mengkorbankan safety and human health . Safety and potential hazards during the \ company - > should be informed , be prevented / minimized the dangers arising
( 2 ) Safety in industrial companies include bangunanm equipment , leakage process . Sanitation : water supply , prevention of contamination , sanitation in the channel , disposal of waste materials
( 3 ) Building : function - > protect employees , equipment from environmental factors : heat , cold , securing not only pay attention to the beauty of the building but need to pay attention to : construction , prevention of fire hazards , ventilation , lighting , conduit , presence of convenience for workers , prevention to the dangers of electric current .
( 4 ) Equipment : Good placement and the right tools , the use of the tool in accordance with its function , protective fences for a dangerous tool , alarm - > note ( PHK A3 - TIP UGM , 2006)
B. Theory of Food Industry
In an industry , sanitation is important . Kemajuansuatu industry should be coupled with good sanitation . Sanitation merupakanupaya bertumbuhdan precaution against the possibility of spoilage microorganisms and the proliferation of pathogens in food , beverage , equipment and buildings that can damage human food danmembahayakan ( Law no. 7Tahun 1996) . Sanitation can also describe a way to prevent contamination of foods during kegiatanpenanganan , processing , storage and distribution . Sanitation is done with the purpose melindungikesehatan community through the reduction or penghilangancemaran in foodstuffs ( Hariadi and Dewanti , 2009 ) .
Sanitation and hygiene workers also need to be considered . This is because workers are a potential source in perpindahancemaran . Jadiprogram sanitation and hygiene workers are workers who mutlak.Sanitasi include health workers , sanitation workers body sampaikebersihan semuaperlengkapan used by workers ( Hariadi danDewanti , 2009) . Sanitasipekerja also set by Act No. 7 of 1996 yangmenyatakan that orangperseorangan dealing directly and immediately atausecara are within the activity or process of production , storage, transportation and distribution of food or shall meet sanitary requirements .
C. Food Hygiene and Sanitation
Food is a basic human needs required at all times and requires good management and the right to benefit the body . According to the WHO , which meant the food was : " Food include all substances , Whether in a natural state or in a manufactured or preparedform , wich are part of the human diet . " Limitation of the food does not include water , medicines and substances necessary for medicinal purposes .
Food consumed should meet the criteria that the food is edible and does not cause disease , including :
1 . Being in the desired degree of doneness
2 . Free of contamination at each stage of production and subsequent handling .
3 . Free from physical changes , chemical unwanted , as a result of the influence of enzymes , microbial activity , rodents , insects , parasites and damage due to pressure , cooking and drying .
4 . Free of microorganisms and parasites that cause disease are delivered by food ( food borne illness) .
Understanding hygiene according to the Ministry of Health is health efforts by maintaining cleanliness and protecting individual subjects. For example, hand washing hygiene to protect hands , wash dishes to protect the cleanliness of the plate , discard the damaged parts of the food to protect the integrity of the overall diet .
Ø Food Sanitation Industry
Sanitation of food is the cornerstone of all sanitary science because so much of our environment either directly or indirectly related to the human food supply . This has been recognized from the beginning of human sejarahkehidupan where food preservation efforts have been made ​​such as salting , marinating , and others .
In the food industry , sanitation activities include aseptically in the preparation , processing and food product pengkemasan ; cleaning and sanitation plant and the plant environment and workers' health . Activities related to food products include quality control of raw materials , storage of raw materials , good water supply , prevention of contamination at all stages of the processing of berbagaisumber contamination , as well as pengkemasan and storage of the final product .
Food sanitation is one of the prevention efforts that focus the activities and actions that need to free food and drinks from any dangers that may disturb or health cooking , starting from before the food is produced , during the processing , storage, transportation , until the time when food and the drink is ready to be consumed to the public or consumers . Food sanitation aims to ensure the safety and purity of foods , preventing consumers from illness , prevent the sale of foods that will hurt the buyer . reduce damage / wastage of food . In food processing there are 6 principles that need to be noticed , namely :
1 . The state of food ingredients
All jeis foodstuffs require attention physically and freshness guaranteed , especially materials perishable foods or damaged as meat, fish , milk , eggs , canned food , fruit , etc. . Baham good food sometimes is not easy to find, because the network is passage of food through jarngan begirtu panjangdan trade is so vast . One effort to get groceries that baika dalah avoid the use of food ingredients derived from unclear sources ( wild ) because less can be justified by its quality .
2 . How to storage food ingredients
Not all foods are available directly consumed by the public . Raw foods are not immediately processed primarily for catering and organizing food storage needs good hospital , given the material properties of different foods and can rot , so the quality can be maintained . How safe are eligible hgiene food sanitation are as follows :
- Storage should be done in a special place ( warehouse ) is clean and qualified
- The goods that are arranged properly so easily taken , not given a chance insects or rodents to nest , protected from flies / mice and for perishable products or defective so that stored at cold temperatures ,

I. Temperature penimpanan good
Each material has a specification of food in storage and will depend on the amount of food and storage. Most can be grouped into :

Food types of meat , fish , shrimp and other dairy
Store up to 3 days : -50 to 00 C
Storage for 1 week : -190 to -50 C
Storage over 1minggu : below -100 C
Food types of eggs , milk and other dairy
Storage of up to 3 days : -50 to 70 C
Storage for 1 week : below -50 C
Longest storage for 1 week : below -50 C
Vegetable foods and beverages with a maximum storage time of 1 week is 70 to 100 C
Flour , grains and tubers dry at room temperature ( 250C ) .

II . How to deposit
a. Each yan stored foodstuffs set thickness , meaning that the temperature can be evenly keselutuh part

Each foodstuff placed separately by type , in a container ( container ) , respectively . Containers can be tubs , plastic bags or different cabinets .
Food stored in the storage room so that happens with good air circulation so that the temperature evenly throughout . Filling cabinets that are too dense storage will reduce benefits because the temperature does not suit your needs.
3 . The processing
In the process / method of food processing there are three things that need attention are:
a. Place food processing
Food processing is a place where food is processed , the processing is often called the kitchen . The kitchen has an important role in the processing of food , because the cleanliness of the kitchen and the surrounding environment should always be maintained and cared for . Good kitchen must meet sanitary requirements .
b . Power food processing / food handlers
Food handlers according to MOH (2006 ) is a person who is directly connected with food and equipment ranging from preparation , cleaning , processing, transporting to the presentation . In food processing , the role of food handlers is very big role . This food handlers have the opportunity to transmit the disease . Many infections are transmitted by food handlers , antaralain Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted through the nose and throat , the bacteria Clostridium perfringens , Streptococcus , Salmonella can be transmitted through the skin . Therefore, food handlers should always be in keadansehat and skilled .
c . How food processing
How good is not processing the food damages as a result of processing the wrong way and attended a rules or principles of good hygiene and sanitation or called GMP ( good manufacturing practice) .
4 . Way of transporting food that has been cooked
Transportation meal from the processing facility to the presentation or storage need attention in order to avoid contamination either from insects , dust and bacteria . The containers used must be intact , strong and does not rust or leak . Freight for a long time should be set Shunya in hot conditions 60 C or 4 C remain wort
5 . How to cook the food storage
Storage of cooked food can be classified into two , namely the storage of food at room temperature and storage at cold temperatures . Perishable food should be stored at a cool temperature is < 40C . For food served more than 6 hours , stored in a temperature -5 s / d - 10C
6 . How to cook the food presentation
When serving food to note is that the food is protected from contamination , equipment used in good and clean condition , serving officers must be polite , and always maintain the health and cleanliness of the clothes ( King , 2009) .
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures D. ( SSOP )
SSOP is pelaksanaans anitasi standard procedures that must be met by the food industry to prevent contamination of the product is done diolah.Hal to develop effective work culture in food processing units berkaitandengan all processing facilities , sanitary facilities , personnel and the environment as outlined in the SSOP design , sanitary conditions specified function :
a. Danes water supply water quality monitoring is used at least 6 months 1 times .
b . Peralatandan work clothes
- Surface equipment in direct contact with the product are made of corrosion-resistant material and does not react with the product , does not damage the product and easy to clean .
- Work clothes including pelaratan other processing must be guaranteed cleanliness .
- Work clothes are washed every day
- Shoes are washed with a chlorine solution ( 150 ppm )
- All pelaratan stored in a clean place .
c . Prevention of cross-contamination / Lay out the factory
- Construction , design and lay out the unit pengolaha
- Hygiene employees , including work clothes
· Activity and behavior of employees
· Separate cooking products and raw products
· Sanitary conditions of processing units and equipment
d . Storage and maintenance of packaging materials
a. toilet
- Amount ; 10-15 people per toilet
- Pots , soap
- There is a vent
- The door does not absorb water and rust resistant
b . Washbasin
- Warm water
- Materials and dryers sanititer
- Strategically place easily accessible , near restrooms and entrance , jumlahcukup
- Levels of chlorine : 50 ppm handwashing ,
- Washing the feet of 100-200 ppm
e . employee health
- The health condition of the employee monitored by company
- For those who suffer from pain and could be expected to contaminate the product banned from working in the unit process
Anonymous , 2007. Worshoop sanitary work environment . http://workshopsanitasi . , accessed December 13, 2007 .
Anonymous , 2009. - environmental sanitation . Retrieved January 25 , 2009.
Anonymous , 2011. Work Environment Sanitation Hygiene Food Industry . , Monday , 19 December 2011
King , 2009. storage - and - transport and food - principles - http :/ / putraprabu . . accessed January 05-2009 .
Indonesian Wikipedia .

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