Biogas Formation Process
Biogas is produced from the decay process in the field of raw materials in the digester tank . Biogas is a byproduct HSIL than the decay of organic matter . Decay process can be aerobic or anaerobic . In the process of aerobic decomposition , aerobic bacteria use oxygen and produce ammonia , anaerobic bacteria remodel organic material into biogas , dirt , and organic fertilizer
liquid . The process of decomposition of organic matter is carried out by microorganisms in the fermentation process . Work processes rather than the bacteria can be divided into three stages , namely polymer breakdown stage ( Stage 1 ) , organic acids pembentuka phase ( Phase 2 ) and methane production phase ( Phase 3 ) .
Phase 1 ( Solving polymer )
At this stage a group of microorganisms to decompose organic substrates . This decomposition is done by various types of bacteria . The bacteria that play a role , among others, have cellulolytic enzymes , lipolytic and proteolytic . The resulting enzyme hydrolysis accelerates the polymer becomes soluble monomers which is a substrate for microorganisms second stage . Cellulolytic bacteria play a role in this stage . The optimum working temperature is 50-60 ° C ( bacteria thermophilik ) and temperature 30
- 40 ° C ( bacteria mesophilik ) . Both groups cellulolytic working in a pH range of six to seven . In this process the possibility of a decrease in pH can occur due to the formation of organic acids . This needs to be stabilized by the addition of lime solution . If the bacteria stage 2 and stage 3 have been working and equilibrium reactions in the pH range from seven systems . Working synergistically always occur among the various kinds of bacteria in the breakdown of the polymer becomes soluble monomers . One study showed that the rate of breakdown of the polymer was higher in medium containing a mixture of cellulolytic bacteria and nonselulolitik than in medium containing pure cultures of cellulolytic bacteria . The monomer formation stage is the stage of decomposition of the waste time in controlling this . It is caused by bacteria fermenter working very slow compared with the bacteria working stage 2 and stage 3 . The decomposition rate depends on temperature , type of substrate and pH of the system .
Phase 2 ( Formation of Organic Acids )
Bacteria at this stage produces organic acids are formed from soluble monomer compounds . The results of this greatest of bacteria asetogenik is acetic acid , propionic acid and laktet . Methanogenic bacteria largely utilized acetic acid . Several species of methanogenic bacteria can produce methane from hydrogen gas
and carbon dioxide , which is where this material be produced during the decomposition of carbohydrates . Besides methane can also be produced by reduction of methanol or other byproducts during the breakdown of carbohydrates . Microbiology in ditahap process is not yet clear . Some species of bacteria work in this stage , and the proportion of acid , hydrogen gas , carbon dioxide and alcohol produced depends on the existing fra and environmental conditions .
Phase 3 ( Methane Production )
Methanogenic bacteria are very sensitive to the environment . This is because the bacteria must be in a state of the anaerobic , then a small amount of oxygen can hinder pertumbuhanny . Not only that , these bacteria are also conserved to a compound that has a high oxidation state such as nitrite and nitrate . These bacteria are also sensitive to changes in pH . The optimal pH range for the production of methane is 7.0 to 7.2 , but the gas is still reproduced in the range of 6.6 to 7.6 . if the pH is below 6.6 will be a limiting factor for bacteria and pH below 6.2 will eliminate the ability of methanogenic bacteria . In such circumstances asetogenik bacteria remain active until pH 4,5 - 5.0, so that the necessary buffer to neutralize the pH . Some compounds are toxic to the bacteria . The compounds include ammonia ( over 1500 -3000 mg / l ) , total ammonia nitrogen at pH above 7.4 , ammonium ions ( more than 3000 mg / l of total ammonia nitrogen at pH sedmbarang ) , dissolved sulfide ( more than 50-100 mg / l ) and salt solution of some metals such as copper , zinc and nickel .
Biogas is produced from the decay process in the field of raw materials in the digester tank . Biogas is a byproduct HSIL than the decay of organic matter . Decay process can be aerobic or anaerobic . In the process of aerobic decomposition , aerobic bacteria use oxygen and produce ammonia , anaerobic bacteria remodel organic material into biogas , dirt , and organic fertilizer
liquid . The process of decomposition of organic matter is carried out by microorganisms in the fermentation process . Work processes rather than the bacteria can be divided into three stages , namely polymer breakdown stage ( Stage 1 ) , organic acids pembentuka phase ( Phase 2 ) and methane production phase ( Phase 3 ) .
Phase 1 ( Solving polymer )
At this stage a group of microorganisms to decompose organic substrates . This decomposition is done by various types of bacteria . The bacteria that play a role , among others, have cellulolytic enzymes , lipolytic and proteolytic . The resulting enzyme hydrolysis accelerates the polymer becomes soluble monomers which is a substrate for microorganisms second stage . Cellulolytic bacteria play a role in this stage . The optimum working temperature is 50-60 ° C ( bacteria thermophilik ) and temperature 30
- 40 ° C ( bacteria mesophilik ) . Both groups cellulolytic working in a pH range of six to seven . In this process the possibility of a decrease in pH can occur due to the formation of organic acids . This needs to be stabilized by the addition of lime solution . If the bacteria stage 2 and stage 3 have been working and equilibrium reactions in the pH range from seven systems . Working synergistically always occur among the various kinds of bacteria in the breakdown of the polymer becomes soluble monomers . One study showed that the rate of breakdown of the polymer was higher in medium containing a mixture of cellulolytic bacteria and nonselulolitik than in medium containing pure cultures of cellulolytic bacteria . The monomer formation stage is the stage of decomposition of the waste time in controlling this . It is caused by bacteria fermenter working very slow compared with the bacteria working stage 2 and stage 3 . The decomposition rate depends on temperature , type of substrate and pH of the system .
Phase 2 ( Formation of Organic Acids )
Bacteria at this stage produces organic acids are formed from soluble monomer compounds . The results of this greatest of bacteria asetogenik is acetic acid , propionic acid and laktet . Methanogenic bacteria largely utilized acetic acid . Several species of methanogenic bacteria can produce methane from hydrogen gas
and carbon dioxide , which is where this material be produced during the decomposition of carbohydrates . Besides methane can also be produced by reduction of methanol or other byproducts during the breakdown of carbohydrates . Microbiology in ditahap process is not yet clear . Some species of bacteria work in this stage , and the proportion of acid , hydrogen gas , carbon dioxide and alcohol produced depends on the existing fra and environmental conditions .
Phase 3 ( Methane Production )
Methanogenic bacteria are very sensitive to the environment . This is because the bacteria must be in a state of the anaerobic , then a small amount of oxygen can hinder pertumbuhanny . Not only that , these bacteria are also conserved to a compound that has a high oxidation state such as nitrite and nitrate . These bacteria are also sensitive to changes in pH . The optimal pH range for the production of methane is 7.0 to 7.2 , but the gas is still reproduced in the range of 6.6 to 7.6 . if the pH is below 6.6 will be a limiting factor for bacteria and pH below 6.2 will eliminate the ability of methanogenic bacteria . In such circumstances asetogenik bacteria remain active until pH 4,5 - 5.0, so that the necessary buffer to neutralize the pH . Some compounds are toxic to the bacteria . The compounds include ammonia ( over 1500 -3000 mg / l ) , total ammonia nitrogen at pH above 7.4 , ammonium ions ( more than 3000 mg / l of total ammonia nitrogen at pH sedmbarang ) , dissolved sulfide ( more than 50-100 mg / l ) and salt solution of some metals such as copper , zinc and nickel .
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