Friday, April 4, 2014

Psychological Requirements healthy home

Psychological Requirements healthy home
Psychological requirements
Healthy home should have a good division of space , the arrangement of furniture is neat , not over cowding , and so on . Psychological requirements over cowding cause negative effects on physical health , mental , and moral . The spread of communicable diseases are rapidly occurring solid occupants . In addition , areas like this , the bustle and noise will increase , which will cause disturbance to tranquility , whether individuals , families , and entire communities around it . In addition , tranquility and confidentiality (privacy ) of each individual will be protected and will result in decreased morale accesses . Housing legislation in some developed countries authorize the government to menaggualangi problems like this . Home or residence revealed over cowding when the number of people who slept at home that shows the following .
1 ) Two individuals of different sexes , and the age of ten years and not bersetatus as husband and wife , slept in one room .
2 ) The number of persons in the household than the floor area exceeds the specified provisions . Healthy home is a house that is not over crowding the tranquility and comfort of a person could be disrupted if the residence or house belonged to the over- crowding

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