Thursday, April 3, 2014

Balanced Nutrition Pyramid and 13 PM Basic Balanced Nutrition

Balanced Nutrition Pyramid and 13 PM Basic Balanced Nutrition
1 . Eat a variety of foods , which is a source of food energy ( carbohydrates ) , builder substances ( proteins ) , as well as regulating substances ( vitamins and minerals ) .
2 . Eat food to meet energy needs . These needs can be met from three main sources , namely carbohydrates , proteins passage and fat .
3 Eat a carbohydrate source , half of its energy needs . Sugar consumption should be limited to 5 % of the amount of energy sufficiency or about 3-4 scoops per day . Should be approximately 50-60 % of the energy derived from complex carbohydrates or equivalent with 3-4 plates of rice .
4 . Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy adequacy . Consuming excessive animal fats can cause narrowing of the arteries and coronary heart disease .
5 . Use iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders result ( GAKI ) . GAKI can inhibit the development of children's intelligence level , mumps , and cretin ( dwarf ) . It is recommended not to consume more salt than 6 grams ( 1 teaspoon ) per day .
6 . Eat a source of iron to prevent anemia . Good sources are green vegetables , nuts , liver , eggs and meat .
7 . Give only breast milk to infants until the age of 4 months . Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of infants up to the age of 4 months , after which it should be given complementary feeding of breast milk ( MP - ASI ) .
8 . Make a habit of eating breakfast ( breakfast ) to maintain physical endurance and improve labor productivity .
9 . Drink water clean , safe and sufficient in number , ie at least 2 liters , equivalent to 8 glasses every day , so that physiological processes in the body can take place smoothly and balanced .
10 . Perform physical activity and regular exercise to achieve normal weight and offset the excessive energy consumption .
11 . Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages .
12 . Eat foods that are safe for health , free from microbial contamination and harmful chemicals , which can cause pain .
13.Bacalah labels on packaged foods , to determine the composition of the constituent materials ( ingridien ) , nutrient composition , as well as the expiry date .

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