Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wastewater impact on , the environment , society and economy

Wastewater impact on , the environment , society and economyWastewater treatment is less well will be negative consequences for the environment and public health . The resulting impact , among others . ( Sugiharto , 1987) .
1 ) Due to the environment
Wastewater discharges , among others, have physical, chemical and bacteriological which can be a source of contamination , so that if not treated properly will contaminate surface water , soil and other environmental , in addition to often cause unpleasant smell and an unpleasant sight .
2 ) Due to public health
Unhealthy environment due to polluted by waste water can cause disruption to public health . Waste water can be breeding grounds for pathogenic microorganisms media , mosquito larvae and other insects that can be a medium of transmission of disease , especially diseases that are transmitted through contaminated water .
3 ) Due to the socio-economic
Human environment not only physical health but also mental and social health . Environmental conditions that cause bad feeling uncomfortable and unpleasant . As a result, human health becomes distracted and less productive , while the development of society depends on the productive workforce . If the community is always going on diseases caused by environmental influences , then this will affect the ability of the economic and social circumstances .

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