Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sources of water according to experts

Sources of water according to expertsAccording to the Water Resources Sutrisno T (2004 ) Water for daily use can be obtained from a variety of sources including :
a. water Surface
Surface water is rainwater that flows on the surface of the earth , in general, the surface water will get fouling during flow , after a process of contamination of surface water at some time will experience the process of cleaning the surface of the water itself consists of two kinds:
1 ) Water River
River water in its use as drinking water , needs to be a perfect processing given that the river water generally have a high degree of fouling . Discharge of water available to meet the need for clean water can mncukupi .
2 ) Water Swamp / Lake
Most of these colored swamp water caused by the presence of organic matter decomposing , eg humus acid soluble in water which causes yellow brown , with the decay of the high levels of substances that organization then in general levels of iron ( Fe ) and manganese ( Mn ) in the water will be high , which causes the solubility oksigan ( O2 ) in water is reduced ( anaerobic ) . The elements will be dissolved Fe and Mn in the presence of sunlight and O2 .
b . ground water
Consists of : shallow ground water , ground water and springs .
1 . Shallow Groundwater
Is due to the process of surface soil , sludge will last as well as most of the bacteria so that the ground water will be crystal clear , but many contain chemicals ( salts ) because through layers of soil that have certain chemical elements , as it also happens fouling in the soil during infiltration , especially in the face of water close to the ground surface . Upon encountering a meeting ground layer , the water will be collected groundwater which is used for various purposes . The shallow groundwater quality in terms of both quantity rather less pretty and depending on the season .
2 . In Groundwater
There is a meeting after layer of shallow groundwater . In this case should be used drill pipe and insert into it ( usually between 100-300 m ) so that we will get a layer of water . If the water pressure is great , the water can be spraying out and in these circumstances , protection of springs is called p1erlindungan artesian springs . If the water does not come out by itself , then use the pump to assist in the ground -water discharge . Groundwater quality is better than in shallow groundwater , because the filter is more perfectly free from bacteria , were in general sufficient quantity and little affected by the changing seasons .
3 . spring
The spring water is ground water that will come out by itself to the ground . Springs from the ground , is almost not affected by the season and the quality is the same as in the spring . Based on the discharge ( emergence from the soil surface ) is divided into :
a. Where water seeps out through the slopes .
b . Arise where the water came from a land surface .
c . Air Space consists of dew , snow , and rain water .
in general, if not contaminated rain water will be clean , sterile , and pure , it's just rain water easily corrosive to metals that can cause rust .

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