Friday, April 4, 2014

The basic principles of nursing children

The basic principles of nursing children
There is a basic principle in a nursing child or that serve as a guide in understanding the philosophy of the nursing child . Nurses need to understand , considering there are several different principles in the application of care . Among the principles in the nursing care of the child is : First, the child is not a miniature adult but as a unique individual .
Principles and nursing view this means that the child should not be looked at from the physical size as adults but children as unique individuals who have a pattern of growth and development towards maturity process . The patterns of these are to be used as benchmarks , not only his physical form but the ability and maturity . Second , the child is a unique individual and have needs in accordance with the stage of development . As a unique individual children have different needs from one another in accordance with the age growth and development . These needs may include physiological needs such as nutrition and fluid requirements , activity , elimination , rest , sleep , and others . In addition to the physiological needs , children as well as individuals who are also in need of psychological needs , social , and spiritual . It can be seen on the stage of development of the child ages . At the same time need to look at the level of special needs experienced by children . Third , children's nursing services oriented towards disease prevention and health improvement , rather than just treating sick children . Disease prevention and health improvement aims to reduce morbidity and mortality in children , since children are the future generation .
Fourth , nursing child health is a discipline that focuses on the welfare of the child so that the nurse is responsible comprehensively in providing nursing care of children. Fifth , child nursing practice include contracts with children and families to prevent , assess , intervene , and improve the lives , using the nursing process in accordance with the moral aspects ( ethical ) and legal aspects ( legal ) .
Sixth , the goal of nursing children and adolescents is to improve maturation or maturation healthy for children and adolescents as a biopsychosocial and spiritual beings in the context of family and community . Seventh , the future trend of nursing science focuses on child growth and development since the development of the science that will study aspects of a child's life ( Aziz , 2005) .

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