Showing posts with label health articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health articles. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

guava fruit to treat diarrheal diseases

guava Latin Name: Psidium guajava Common name: Guava
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES CONTENT guava Tannins, quersetin, quersetin glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids, vitamins.

Mechanism Work

Tannins and flavonoids are expressed as quersetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which means efficacy to overcome fever by inhibiting the growth of core RNA viruses. Material was also noted to increase the number to 100 thousand platelets per cubic millimeter with no side effects.
Quersetin and quersetin glycosides can inhibit spontaneous contractions of the ileum and gastric secretion of acetylcholine causes diarrhea, diarrhea that can be resolved quickly.
Tannins act as an astringent, which line the intestinal mucosa, particularly the large intestine. As well as the absorbing toxins and can coagulate proteins.


Nasirudin, Soegeng Soegijanto, Section of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Guava leaf extract can accelerate the achievement of a platelet count more than 100,000 /? L and can increase platelet counts in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever in children.
Faith Subagyo, Wahyo Dyatmiko and Abdul Karim UNAIR, 1981. By invitro
infusion of guava leaves with an assortment of concentrations showed significant differences in the diameter of the barrier region, the growth of the bacteria Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei as a cause of bacillary dysentery.

Efficacy and usefulness GUAVA SEEDS: - Helps increase platelets in patients with dengue fever. - Helps stop the diarrhea.

DENGUE FEVER Dengue fever is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue virus are in the blood stream for 4-7 days, starting at 1-2 days before the onset of summer. With the presence of the virus in the body makes blood vessels leaky walls. Blood Akibatbya unstoppable and constantly seeps out of the blood vessels and then enter the network.

DENGUE FEVER SYMPTOMS High fever, headache, pain in joints and muscles Loss of appetite, vomiting, weak and lethargic. After 3 days usually appear red spots on the skin. Bleeding at the nose. The decline but fell short of the platelets, occurs depending on the severity.
If the platelet count is less than 60,000 the number of patients at risk of bleeding. Less than 20,000 risk of a sudden bleeding. Lower than 5.000 the risk is high, the brain hemorrhage. Platelet function in the body is very important, namely to stop bleeding due to rupture of capillaries. CAUTION Giving guava in patients with dengue fever does not cause side effects which means, for example constipation. We recommend giving guava for dengue patients in the form of guava juice.

DIARRHEA Diarrhea is a symptom of gastrointestinal infection that is characterized by increasing frequency of bowel movements than usual, accompanied by changes in the shape and stool consistency.


Bacterial infection, such as parasites, bacteria, or entero viruses (viruses that live and
thrive in the digestive tract and spread with feces).
Food poisoning, such as Clostridium botulinum contaminated
The use of drugs (such as antibiotics)
The cause is uncertain (inflammation of the small intestine and large intestine)

TIPS FOR A PATIENT WITH DIARRHEA Patients should drink ORS. If within 3 days consume guava leaf + salt + turmeric + a few whiting does not heal, contact your doctor immediately.

cat's whiskers plant to treat urinary tract infections

cat's whiskers plant to treat urinary tract infectionsif you feel pain in the urinary tract ( urethra ) ? If you feel pain when urinating , chances are you exposed Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) . UTI lot of attacking women , although often found in men . normally , germ-free urine . Infection occurs when bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract managed a walk up to the tip of the urinary tract . Germs are the most frequent cause of this infection is a common E. coli found in the lower gastrointestinal tract . Bacteria will stay in utera and breed . As a result, the urethra gets infected later called by the name of urethritis . If the bacteria go up to the urinary tract gets infected . Immediately consult a doctor if you suffer from urinary tract infections to get treatment . Treatment can also be done traditionally by using a potion down temurn . Potion is ..... consume stew " Cats Whisker " . How to make a potion that is .... According to the chairman of the Center for Development and Application of Traditional Medicine ( SP3T ) DIY Dr. Dr. Nyoman Kertia SpPD - KR , mengadung cat whiskers plant compounds that are diuretics , which is still incapable of overcoming urinary tract infections . Consuming stew cat whiskers can kill germs . How to make ramuanya are : - 30 gr cat whiskers plant leaves - 30 gr meniran - Boil all ingredients with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups - Drink boiled water 2 times a day until healed Easy is not it?

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Lime ( Citrus aurantifolia ) has been known since long as the plant is rich in benefits . although the fruit taste bitter , sour and slightly cold remarkable , but the benefits are extremely diverse .
Lemon juice can be used as a food seasoning , beverage , refreshment , material for citric acid , as well as remove rust from metal and dirty skin . In place of the usual lime maspary as a mixture of herbs .

As natural herbs , lemon efficacious to remove the blockage of vital energy , cough , laxative sputum ( mucolytics ) , laxative urine ( diuretic ) and sweat , as well as help the digestive process .

Orange juice contains limonene and linalool oil fly , as well as flavonoids, such as poncirin , Hesperidine , rhoifolin and naringin . The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N - methyltyramine , in addition to citric acid , calcium , phosphorus , iron and vitamins A , B1 , and C. The acid citrate able to prevent postoperative recurrence in patients with kidney stones .

Hj . Sarah Kriswanti , herbalist who lives in London , and Dr. . Setiawan Dalimartha of Hiptri ( Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Indonesia) , gives tips on how to utilize lime as herbs that help cure the disease :

1 . tonsilLeather 3 lime washed , cut into pieces , then boiled with 2 cups of water until the water remaining 3/4 , filtered . The water used for rinsing the mouth . Do it 3-4 times a day .

2 . hemorrhoidA total of 10 g of lime tree roots washed, then boiled with 1 liter of water for half an hour , then strain . Warm drink 3 times a day .

3 . Anyang - anyanganTwo lime washed , squeezed and then given sugar cubes to taste and 1 cup hot water . Stir in warm , drink once a day once .

4 . coughOne lime washed , squeezed , mixed with 1 tablespoon honey _ and a little salt , stir and then filtered . Drink 2-3 times a day . Or lime juice plus a piece of rock sugar and stir until blended , drink 1 a day until healed .

5 . Cough with InfluenzaCut a ripe lemon and contain enough water , then squeeze . Pour boiling water distillation with 60 cc of hot water . Add 1/2 teaspoon water whiting , stirring . Drink this mixture two times a day 2 tablespoons .

6 . Body OdorMethod 1 :Cut a lemon into 2 sections large enough , spread the slices with a thin layer of whiting . Apply to underarms after bathing . Let stand for 5 minutes and then rinsed , intervenes every morning and afternoon .Method 2 :Several strands ( 10 ) young leaves until finely ground lime , crushed into small pulung pill , eat 3 times a day .

7 . Kidney StonesTwo grains of lime juice diluted with 2 cups village warm water , drink after dinner . Do it every day for 10 days .

8 . diphtheriaTwo lime washed , squeezed the water . Pour 1 cup hot water plus 1 tablespoon of honey . Use to rinse for two minutes while still warm , then drink . Do it 3 times a day .

9 . Fever or FluMethod 1 :One then squeezed lime washed , added with 3 spring onions that have been crushed and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil . Apply to the forehead of the patient .Method 2 :One minute baked lemon , cut and squeezed , add 1 tablespoon of honey . Drink at once .

10 . Irregular MenstruationThree tablespoons of lemon juice plus 1 tablespoon honey and 2 cups hot water mix evenly . Drink while warm . Do it 3 times a day

11 . after ChildbirthOne tablespoon whiting plus 2 tablespoons eucalyptus oil and 2 eggs lemon hometown , stirring until smooth , then smeared on the abdomen . Do it every day for 3 months after a bath , in order to avoid stomach wrinkles , smooth and flat as before .

12 . pimpleOne sliced ​​lemon and then rubbed on the skin .

13 . Prevent Hair Loss or dandruffTwo lime cut into three sections , apply to the scalp until blended . Wrap head with a towel overnight , washed the next day . Do it 3 times a week .

14 . Hair melebatkanOne chicken egg yolks 3 eggs beaten with lemon juice until blended hometown . Rub on the scalp , massage -massage evenly , leave for 2 hours then rinse with shampoo that stimulates hair to be shiny and dense . The shampoo is made from 1 bunch of straw stubble , burned until it becomes charcoal , not ash , soak it in water and leave overnight . Strain, and shampoo straw ready for shampooing .

15 . Stopping Smoking Habit1 sliced ​​lemon , then drink water suction . Do this several times a day .

16 . vertigoHalf handheld crushed lime leaves . Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice . Rub into the nape of the neck , temples , and forehead . Apply 2 times a day .

17 . laryngitisCut 3 pieces of ripe lime , then squeeze . Pour boiling water with the juice 1/2 cup hot water , add 1 tablespoon of honey , stirring evenly . While warm , ramun use this to rinse for 2-3 minutes . Do it 3 times a day .

18 . Mucus in ThroatCut 2 pieces of lemon, squeeze the water disposed of in the glass . Add a little salt , then stir until smooth . This herb can be taken on an empty stomach .

19 . Ringworm or PanuWash 1 handful of roots landep ( Barleria prionitis L. ) until clean , then finely crushed . Add the juice of 1 lemon , stirring evenly . Apply on the affected skin ringworm or tinea versicolor , and then wrapped with linen bandages . Change the bandage 2 times a day until healed .

20 . Fever / Hot As MalariaProvide 3 lime leaves and leaf kendal ( Cordia obliqua Willd . ) ( Blumea balsamifera L. ) , and 5 leaves prasman ( Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl . ) . Boil these ingredients with 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass . Once cool, strain . Water filters are divided by two , drink morning and evening .
21 . dislocateThree ripe lemon fruit and lots of water is split into two . Put it in a pot and brewed with 1/2 cup of hot water , then closed . After cold drawn and then squeezed and filtered orange . Add 2 tablespoons eucalyptus oil and 2 tablespoons of oil gandapura . This herb is used to sort the injured part . After that drinking 3/4 cups young green coconut water . Do it 3 times a day .

22 . rheumatic achesWash the lime leaves , ketepeng china , and bitter leaf (each third handheld ) , 10 pieces of betel leaf , papaya 2 finger root , root kepayang 2 fingers , 3 fingers Moringa roots , and 10 pieces of cayenne pepper , then mash until smooth . Soak these ingredients in 1 liter of alcohol for 7 days . Water distillation can be used to rub and massage the affected body part .

23 . toothacheCombine lime juice , black amethyst mill and milled roots legetan warak each 1 tablespoon . Add 3/4 cup of salt water into it , and stir until blended . Furthermore, squeeze and strain the herb . Use the filter to rinse water for a few minutes , then discard . Do it 4-6 times a day .

24 . Body slimmingAdd the juice of one lemon into a cup of green tea water . Drink this mixture every morning and evening . Do it every day .

25 . High Blood PressureProvide 20 flowers and 30 leaves of lemon. Wash thoroughly , then add the juice of 2 lemon . Boil these ingredients in 3 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cups . Once cool, strain . Filter drinking water 3 times a day 3/4 cup . Drink this mixture add a little honey . Do it every day .

26 . Adding StaminaCombine a chicken egg yolk , juice of 1 lemon and a few slices of brown sugar . Stir until smooth , then drink . Do it once a week


to overcome drug addiction (withdrawal). This recipe is not haphazard but according to the research of Prof. Dr. Pramod Suwijiyo, lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University who is also researching herbs for drug addicts.
     Ginger: 30 g
     Centella asiatica: 20 gr
     Bitter: 10 gr
     Meniran: 30 gr
     Sidaguri: 60 gr

How to make:
     All the materials we wash
     Boil 6 cups of water in a pan / skillet over low heat soil.
     After about 3 cups stay turned off

Dosage and drinking rules:

     Drink 3 times a day @ 1 cup.
     So herbal recipe above is only for one day.

referensi picture:

honey turmeric prescription ulcer drug

Do not be long winded, if you want to try please hopefully paired with ulcer disease suffered peers:

Materials and Equipment:

     Masters turmeric (turmeric old, or tuber turmeric) that is cut is usually dark yellow.
     Honey (according to the title)
     granulated sugar
     boiling water

How to make:

     Grate the turmeric masters masters approximately 2-3
     While chaotic turmeric boiled water about half a glass
     Squeeze the turmeric and water take approximately 2 tablespoons (not given water)
     Enter one tablespoon of honey
     Enter the granulated sugar spoon sepucuk
     Stir until smooth
     Add boiling water about 75 ml (1/3 small cup or glass starfruit)
     Stir until smooth
     Drink warm morning before breakfast and the evening before dinner
     Do it for 5 days, Insha Allah cured.

Basic Concept of Family

Basic Concept of Family

Duvall and Logan (1986 ) : Family is a group of people with the bond of marriage, birth , and adoption aimed at creating , maintaining culture , and enhance the physical, mental , emotional , social and of each member of the family .
Bailon and Maglaya ( 1978) : The family is two or more individuals living in a household because of the blood, marriage , or adoption . They interact with each other , have their respective roles and create and sustain a culture .
Department of Health (1988 ) : The family is the smallest unit of a society consisting of a head and a couple of people who come together and live in a place under one roof in a state of mutual dependence .
It can be concluded that the characteristics of the family are :1 . Consists of two or more individuals who are bound by blood, marriage or adoption2 . Family members usually live together or separately if they still consider each other3 . Family members interact with each other and each has a social role : husband , wife , children , brother and sister4 . Have a purpose : creating and maintaining culture , enhance the development of physical, psychological , and social members .
FAMILY FUNCTIONThere are five families of functions that can be run as follows:
1 . biological functions

To continue the descent .
Maintaining and raising children .
Meet the nutritional needs of the family .
Maintaining and caring for family members .
2 . psychological functioning

Give love and security .
Giving attention among family members .
Fostering family member 's personality maturation .
Providing family identity .
3 . socialization function

Foster socialization in children .
Establish norms of behavior in accordance with the child's developmental level .
Forward cultural values ​​.
4 . economic functions

Finding sources of income to meet family needs .
Setting the use of family income to meet family needs .
Saving to meet the needs of families in the future , such as children's education , pension and so on .
5 . The function of education

Send children to provide the knowledge , skills , and shape children's behavior according to their talents and interests they have.
Prepare children for adult life that will come in fulfilling its role as an adult .
Educate the child according to levels of development .

Patrilineal : blood relatives consisting of blood relatives within a few generations , in which the relationship was arranged through the father
Matrilineal : blood relatives consisting of blood relatives within a few generations in which the relationship was arranged through the maternal line
Matrilocal : a husband and wife who lived with the mother's blood
Patrilocal : a husband and wife who lived with her ​​husband blood relatives
Marital family : husband-wife relationship as the basis for family formation , and some relatives who become part of the family because of the relationship with your husband or wife .
The characteristics of Family Structure

Organized : interconnected , interdependence between family members
There are limitations : each member has the freedom , but they also have limitations to carry out the functions and duties of each
There is a difference and specificity : each family member has a role and function of each .

The nuclear family ( nuclear family ) >> family consisting of husband , wife and children .
The Dyad family >> family consisting of a husband and wife ( no kids ) who live together in one house
Elderly family >> family consisting of a married couple who are already parents with children already separated themselves
The childless family >> Families without children being late to marry and to have children late time , which is caused by the pursuit of a career / education that occurs in women
The extended family ( extended family / great ) >> The family consists of three generations living together in one house with such nuclear family : uncles , aunts , parents ( grandmother's sister ) , nephew , etc. )
The single - parent family ( family of widower / widow ) >> family consisting of one parent ( father and mother ) with a child , this happens usually through the process of divorce , death and abandonment ( unlawful marriage )
Commuter family >> Both parents work in different cities , but one of the city as a place to stay and parents who work outside the town could gather on a family member during the weekend ( week-end )
Multigenerational family >> family with several generations or age groups who live together in one house
Kin -network family >> Some nuclear family living in one house or adjacent to each other and use each other goods and services the same . For example : the kitchen , bathroom , television , telephone , etc. )
Blended family >> family formed by the widower or widow remarriage and raising children from previous marriages
The single adult living alone / single - adult family >> family which consists of adults who live alone by choice or separation ( separation ) , such as : divorce or widowed

The unmarried teenage mother >> family consisting of parents ( especially mothers ) with children from the relationship without marriage
The stepparent family >> family with stepparents
Commune family >> Some couples families ( with children ) who are not related brothers , who live together in one house , the source and the same facilities , the same experience , socialization with children through group activities / raising children together
The nonmarital heterosexual cohabiting family >> family who live with multiple partners without marriage
Gay and lesbian families >> Someone who has sex equality live together as husband and wife (marital partners )
Cohabitating couple >> Adults who live together outside the bonds of marriage for some reason
Group - marriage family >> Some adults who use the tools of the shared household , who have been married to each other with each other , share things, including sexual and child rearing
Family >> Family Group network core bounded by a set of rules / values ​​, living close to each other and using household items together , care and raising responsible children
Foster family >> family receives a child who does not have family / relatives in a while , when the child 's parents need to get help to reunite a family whose original
Homeless family >> family is formed and does not have permanent protection because of personal crisis associated with the state of the economy and or mental health problems
Gang >> A form of destructive family , from young people who are looking for emotional and family ties that were interested , but thrive in violence and crime in his life .

Basic Concepts of Nursing

Basic Concepts of Nursing1 . nursing
a. understanding nursing
Nursing is a form of health care professionals who are part of the internal health care , based on nursing science and troubleshooting services to the shape of biological , psychological , social , and community both healthy and diseased , and covers the entire process of human life ( MOH , 2000) .
b . The purpose of nursing
1 ) . Helping people become free of perceived health problems and encourage individuals and communities to participate in improving health status .
2 ) . Indivudu help develop their potential in maintaining optimum health in order not to depend on others in maintaining health.
3 ) . Helping individuals to obtain optimal health status .
2 . Nursing process
a. Understanding the Nursing Process
The nursing process is a system in which nursing care plan has four stages , namely the assessment , planning , implementation or implementation , and evaluation . Another alternative of the nursing process consists of five phases which include assessment , diagnosis , planning , implementation and evaluation ( Lismidar , 2005) .
b . The purpose of the Nursing Process
The end result of this process is to write down a plan of nursing . The nursing process is a systematic problem-solving process in providing nursing care . The nursing care plan is a guideline in providing nursing care .
c . Nursing Process Steps
There are five steps in the nursing process in five steps are all interrelated and influence each other , namely assessment , nursing diagnosis , planning , implementation and evaluation that form a chain as follows .
1 ) . Nursing Assessment .
Assessment is an initial step in the nursing process . A careful assessment is needed to identify the patient's problems , in order to give direction to nursing actions . With the aim to gather information and create a data base of patients .
Assessment measures the following data :
a) Data collection
Data collection is done since entering the hospital , for patients treated continuously and made ​​to add to and complement the existing data . Based on the data source , distinguished by assessment data ; Primary data is data obtained directly from the patient or the patient's family , while secondary data is data obtained from physical examination ( inspections , palpation , percussion , Aulkutasi ) . In general, there are several ways of collecting data that is anamnesis , including: a) . The identity of the client : name , age , gender , address , religion , language spoken , marital status , education , occupation , ethnicity, blood type , registration number , date and time of hospital admission ( MRS ) , and medical diagnostics , b ) . Main complaints generally hepatitis are nausea vomiting , c ) . History of present illness , review the chronological occurrence of nausea and vomiting and relief that has been obtained for , alleviate complaints , d ) . Past medical history : Has there ever been treated in hospital if ever , what pain ? Pulmonary Tuberculosis is there any disease , pankresitis , types , which can interfere with liver function , e ) . Family history of family disease associated with hepatitis whether there is a family suffering from hepatitis due to hepatitis can be contracted quickly , f ) . Psychosocial and spiritual history , examine the emotional response to the illness of suffering client , the client 's role in the family and society , and the response or effects in everyday life , both in the family and society , g ) . Patterns of Health functions include: 1 ) the pattern of perception and self-concept : anxiety and shame arising due to whole body iktrus that happened , anxiety , a sense of inability to perform activities optimally and views against him is wrong ( disorder self-image ) , 2 ) sensory and cognitive patterns : review of long-term memory and short-term if the disorientation of time and place , 3 ) penggulangan pattern of stress : anxiety arises about the situation himself , which raised fears of disability on self and body functions . , 4 ) patterns and values confidence: the client with hepatitis can not practice their religion well , this is caused by pain and limitation of motion of clients, 5 ) . Nutrition and metabolic patterns : a client with hepatitis should consume more nutrients everyday needs , such as calcium , iron , protein , vitamin C , and others to help the healing process , 6 ) . The pattern of elimination client will be impaired . Nevertheless it needs to assess the frequency , consistency , color and smell of feces and the elimination pattern Alvi . It also should review the frequency , sensitivity , color , odor , and amount of the urinary elimination pattern , the second pattern also examined the difficulty or not , 7 ) . Activity patterns arise because of pain , limited motion . All forms to be reduced client activity and client require a lot of help from others . Another thing that needs to be studied adalal form of client activity especially client work , 8 ) . Rest and sleep patterns . All clients with hepatitis pain and limited movement so that it can interfere with sleep patterns and needs of the client . In addition it is necessary to study the amount of sleep , the atmosphere , sleep habits , sleep difficulties , and the use of sleeping pills . h ) Physical Examination : a) . Eye , the sclera iktrus and pale , showing the reflection of hemolysis anemia , cirrhosis , or neoplasm , b ) . Ekstermitas : skinny may be associated with cirrhosis , c ) . Parotid gland , the parotid gland was enlarged , d ) . Skin : the skin examination in the presence of iktrus found throughout the body , e ) . Mental status : on examination stus mental and neurological functions will be found and intellectual decline personality changes , f ) . On abdominal examination in the presence of ascites were found along with periumbilical veins were dilated and showed cirrhosis and an extensive portal collateral circulation . On palpation there is enlargement of the liver and liver cirrhosis downsizing occurs .
2 ) . Nursing Diagnosis .
Some nursing problems that may arise in patients with hepatitis by Carpenito L. J (1999 ) , as follows :
1 ) Changes in nutrition less than body requirements related to , the feeling of discomfort in the right upper quadrant , impaired absorption and digestion of food metabolism , input failure to meet the metabolic demands due to anorexia , nausea and vomiting , 2 ) . Impaired sense of comfort ( pain ) associated with swelling of the liver is inflamed liver and portal vein dam , 3 ) . Hypertermi associated with invasive agent in the blood circulation secondary to inflammation of the liver , 4 ) . Fatigue associated with chronic inflammatory process secondary to hepatitis , 5 ) . High risk of skin integrity and tissue damage associated with pruritus secondary to the accumulation of the pigment bilirubin in the bile salts , 6 ) . A high risk of transmission of infection associated with the infectious nature of the virus agent .
3 ) . Implementation Measures of Nursing .The implementation is to implement what has been formulated in the intervention and step - lngkah in the implementation , including the preparation and implementation of clients in receiving nursing care . nurses need to pay attention to communication skills in supervision , leadership motivation in making decisions .In step implementation of activities , in addition to nurses carry out efforts to achieve the goal , the nurse must also consider the legal and ethical aspects as well as trying to prevent the complications that arise in the nursing care given .
4 ) . Evaluation of Nursing .
Evaluation is an activity that is intentional and involves continuous with patients and other health team members . Evaluation is a systematic comparison of the patient's nursing plan , with defined objectives and a continuous effort , involving patients , nurses and other health care team .
The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the expected results achieved or not and to find out if a new problem arises after the act of nursing .
There are two kinds of evaluation criteria , namely criteria and process outcomes. Criteria for evaluating the course of the process according to the situation and needs of the patient's condition while criteria for evaluating the results of outcomes after implementing nursing actions in the form of assessment " SOAP " . S or expression based on the patient's subjective outcome . O or objective that nurses know the results of the observations client's condition , A is the result of the assessment is an assessment analysis of existing problems whether resolved or not resolved , and P or Planning ( plan ) is the next stage of planning or implementing cessation .

Friday, April 4, 2014

Basic Concepts of Hepatitis

Basic Concepts of Hepatitis
1 . understanding Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a diffuse inflammatory process in tissues that can be caused by viral infection and by the toxic reactions to drugs and chemicals . ( Sujono , 1999) .
Acute hepatitis is an acute infectious disease with the main symptom is closely related to the presence of necrosis in the liver ( Mansjoer , 1999) .
Acute viral hepatitis is an infectious disease that is spread widely in the body , although the striking effect occurs in the liver ( Price, 1995) .
Chronic viral hepatitis , is a collection of heart disease due to various causes with more severity than six months ( Batticaca , 2009) .
Hepatitis A or infectious hepatitis is a disease is transmitted through oral contamination - pekal poor hygiene or contaminated food ( Suzanne , 2001) .
2 . Etiology of Hepatitis A
According Batticaca , (2009 ) that cause hepatitis are as follows a) . Virus , hepatitis A virus ( HAV ) was once known as infectious hepatitis with an incubation period ranging from 15-45 days , or three to four weeks , not two nanometer -sized capsule , heat resistant , and acid resistant virus is present in the stool of patients , b ) . Alcohol causes alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis subsequently became , c ) . Medications causing toxic to the liver , so it is often called toxic hepatitis and acute hepatitis , d ) . Bacterial agents , by physical or chemical injury can cause nonviral hepatitis .
3 . Hepatitis classification
Some viruses are known to menginfersikan hepatitis A , hepatitis B , hepatitis C , hepatitis D , hepatitis E.
1 . Hepatitis A / Hepatitis is an infectious disease transmitted through oral - pekal contamination due to poor hygiene / food contaminated .
2 . Hepatitis B / serum hepatitis is a disease that is serious and is usually transmitted through contact with blood containing the virus . The disease is also transmitted through sexual intercourse and can be found by other body fluids cement .
3 . Hepatitis C / Hepatitis non - A non - B . This virus is a common cause of infection to blood -borne supali commercial . Hepatitis C is transmitted together with hepatitis B mainly through blood transfusion .
4 . Hepatitis D / hepatitis delta and actually is a defective virus that he himself can not infect hipatosit to cause hepatitis . Hepatitis D is transmitted like hepatitis B. Hepatitis D antigen and antibody can be checked on a blood donor .
5 . Hepatitis E was identified in 1990. This virus is a virus that is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated water . Most of the reported cases are found in developing countries .
4 . Pathophysiology and Basic Human Needs Irregularities In Clients With Hepatitis .
Inflammation spreads to the liver ( hepatitis ) can be caused by viral infection and by the toxic reactions to drugs and chemicals . The basic functional unit of the liver is called lobul and this unit is unique because it has its own blood supply . Often with the development of inflammation in the liver , the liver disrupted the normal pattern . Disruption of the normal blood supply to the liver cells causing necrosis and damage to the liver cells . After passing his time , the liver cells become damaged disposed of by the body's immune system response and replaced by a new liver cells healthy . Therefore , most of the clients who have hepatitis recovered with normal liver function is the metabolism of amino acids . Hearts change the amino acid excess into fat , produce hemoglobin which is the basic ingredient of bile , and the change in the absorption of nutrients from the gut , ( Price and Wilson , 1995) .
Inflammation of the liver due to viral invasion would lead to an increase in body temperature and heart 's capsule stretch lead to feelings of discomfort in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen . This is manifested by the presence of nausea and pain in the gut .
Onset of jaundice because the liver parenchymal cell damage . Although the number of billirubin that has not undergone conjugation into the liver remained normal , but due to liver cell damage and intra- hepatic bile duktuli , then there is the difficulty of transporting billirubin in the liver . There was also a difficulty in terms of conjugation . Consequently billirubin imperfect issued through the hepatic duct , due to retention ( due to the excretion of cell damage ) and regurgitation in duktuli , bile has not undergone conjugation ( indirect bilirubin ) , and bilirubin were already experiencing conjugation ( direct bilirubin ) . So here jaundice arising mainly due to difficulties in transport, conjugation and excretion of bilirubin ( price and wilson , 1995 )
Feces contain little sterkobilin therefore , pale stools ( abolis ) . Because the water-soluble bilirubin conjugation , bilirubin can be excreted into the urine , resulting in urine and urinary bilirubin dark . Elevated levels of conjugated bilirubin can be accompanied by an increase in bile salts in the blood that would cause itching and jaundice .
1 . Clinical Manifestations of Hepatitis
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A viral hepatitis type A hepatitis A outbreak that the child typically cause symptoms in adults when there are symptoms such as fatigue , fever , nausea , abdominal pain , yellow eyes and loss of appetite . The symptoms will disappear altogether in the incubation period of six to twelve weeks . People who have received the hepatitis A outbreak will be immune to the disease . Unlike hepatitis B and C , hepatitis A outbreak led to the enactment of chronic hepatitis .
In general, signs and symptoms of hepatitis according Eltzer & Suzanna , (2001 ) is as follows :
1 . Incubation period , each kind of different hepatitis viruses , A Virus shoots past 15-45 days (average 25 days ) , virus B shoots past 40-180 days ( average 75 days ) , non- A and non Viruses B - tunasnya15 past 150 days (average 50 days ) .
2 . Phase Pre jaundice
Complaints are generally not typical . Complaints caused by a viral infection lasts about two to seven days . Decreased appetite ( first arose ) , nausea, vomiting , upper right abdomen ( solar plexus ) felt ill . The whole body aches , especially in the waist , shoulders and malaise , irritability fatigue , increased body temperature of around 39oC lasts for two to five days , headache , and joint pain .
3 . phase jaundice
Concentrated tea-colored urine , pale stools , decreased body temperature accompanied by bradycardia . Jaundice of the skin and sclera continues to increase in the first week , then settled and the new reduced after 10-14 days . Sometimes accompanied by itching all over the body pasa , lethargy and irritability capeh flavor felt for one to two weeks . Healing phase began when the disappearance of the signs of jaundice , nausea , pain in the pit of the stomach , followed by increased appetite on average 14-15 days after the onset of jaundice , the color looks normal people start to feel fresh again .
2 . examination Support
As for the investigation of patients with hepatitis is as follows
a. laboratory
Liver function tests : abnormal ( 4-10 times normal ) note : a limit value for distinguishing viral and non- viral hepatitis , AST ( SGOT ) ALT ( SGFT ) : initially increased , rising to 102 weeks before jaundice then seemed to decline , complete blood : HR decreased in relation to the decrease in human life ( liver enzyme disorders ) or result in bleeding , Leokopenia : thrombocytopenia may exist ( splenomegah ) , complete blood differentiation : leukocytosis , monositasi , atipikel lymphocytes , and plasma cells , alkaline fostosme complete : leukocytosis , monocytosis somewhat increased ( unless there is a heavy leukstasis ) , feces : color clay , steahorea (decreased liver function ) , serum albumin : decreased , blood sugar , hyperglycemia transfer / hypoglycemia ( impaired liver function ) , Anti- HAV IgM : Positive on type A , HBs AG : Positive DPT ( type B ) or negative ( type A ) note : a diagnostic before clinical symptoms occur , protombin period : may elongate ( liver dysfunction ) , serum Silirobin : above 2.5 mg / 100 ml when above 200 mg / ml of a poor prognosis may be related with an increase in secondary necrosis . Tereksfesi ESP : increased blood levels , liver biopsy : diagnosis and shows the extent of necrosis .
b . Radiology
The radiological examination in patients with hepatitis A is is as follows a) . X-ray examination of the abdomen , b ) . Displacement careful with technetium preparations , gold , or rose bengal labeled radioactive , c ) . Kolestogram , d ) . Kalangiogram , and e ) . Celiac arteriography blood vessels .
c . additional examination
Additional examination in the case of hepatitis is laparoscopy and liver biopsy .
3 . management
Treatment of viral hepatitis is primarily suporsif and include : Rest as needed , health education regarding avoiding use of alcohol / drugs , health education about the modes of transmission to sexual partners and family members , offered keluraga of hepatitis patients to receive specific echoes pure globulin against hepatitis A virus hepatitis B virus , which can provide passive immunity against infection , but temporary . hepatitis B virus vaccine via intramuscular three times at specified interva , one and two doses given one month apart , intravenous dose administered six months after the fifth dose .

paper Heart Disease

paper Heart Disease
The state of cardiac heart diseases that can not perform normal functions , called the uncompensated state , abnormal blood circulation causing shortness of breath ( dyspnea ) , fatigue , pain in the heart area . Renal function abnormalities , liver toak , as well as blood pressure and sodium resorption occurs , SHG occurs edema . Coronary disease is a disease whose incidence is increasing in modern society with changes in diet and daily activities . This disease occurs when plaque containing lipoproteins , cholesterol , calcium and tissue debris formed in the interior surface of the coronary arteries causing hardening and narrowing of the coronary vessels of the heart muscle memperdarahi tersebut.plak may be equated with the bumps in the road to slow the flow of vehicles .
Exposed to risk factors that cause heart disease as where noted cardiologist in One Congress in Munich Germany , namely : a. Smoking smooking or b . High blood pressure c . Diabetes or Diabetes d . The scheme of distribution of fat = > e waist to hip ratio . Eating the wrong f . Excessive physical activity g . Consuming Alcohol h . The amount of fat in the blood i . psychosocial factors
Clinical symptoms of Heart Disease : Palpitations are complaints that nearly 100 % was found in patients with hyperthyroidism . Mechanism may explain the fact that this has not been clear , but it is associated with a direct effect of thyroid hormones on the SA node and the presence of excessive vulnerability hyperthyroid patients to stimulation of the sympathetic system . Palpitations is perceived both at rest and during sleep and will grow quickly if the person worked , after a meal or in an emotional state . Patients with hyperthyroidism often experience shortness of breath . This can be explained because in patients with hyperthyroidism there is an increase in cardiac output and oxygen consumption during and after activity . Additionally vital capacity in patients with hyperthyroidism would decrease accompanied by impaired circulation and pulmonary ventilation . If not found signs of heart failure , shortness of breath may be caused by weakness of the respiratory muscles . Precordial pain ( angina ) pain resembling angina pectoris often found in patients with hyperthyroidism . This is presumably due to an increase in oxygen consumption by the heart muscle (due to the direct effect of T3 on the heart muscle and an increase in peripheral oxygen demand ) . Some patients experienced angina during the first hyperthyroidism . Symptoms of angina and electrocardiographic abnormalities associated picture of angina can occur without the presence of coronary artery disease , it is likely due to the relative ischemia ( imbalance between supply and demand ) or coronary artery vasospasm .
Heart Disease Physical Examination : The frequency of the pulse is usually increased ( 90-125 beats / min ) and will grow rapidly if there is a long and emotional changes . Due to the high cardiac output and low peripheral resistance is not uncommon in patients with hyperthyroidism found a picture similar to the pulse of aortic insufficiency and a seller pulsus magnus . Pulse is more than 80 beats / min at rest should be suspected the existence of a hyperthyroid . In patients with pulmonary hypertension hyperthyroidism may be present and functional valvular regurgitation . Several cases of hyperthyroid patients showed abnormalities are reversible pumonal hypertension , moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation and right heart failure . In hyperthyroid disease " acropachy " , can be found clubbing fingertips on clinical examination . This is due to impaired pulmonary hemodynamics
Prognosis and Diagnosis of Heart Disease Pathogenesis and treatment as early as possible is important to prevent the occurrence of cardiac complications in patients with hyperthyroidism . Osman (2007 ) reported a mortality rate of 6.6 % in the period of 5-6 years after treatment of hyperthyroidism . The cause of death was heart failure and cardiac ischemia . The cause of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis - up has not been determined with certainty , but the most likely theory is the theory of endothelial damage . Possibility of endothelial damage caused by oxidized LDL cholesterol , infectious agents , smoking , hyperglycemia , and hiperhomocystenemia . As a result of the oxidation of LDL , monocytes will enter into the tunica intima and transformed into macrophages . This process will release 02 reactive radicals , particularly superoxide anion 02 - ( also assisted by homocysteine ​​) that damage cells and lead to endothelial NO formed by endothelial lose its activity to inhibit the adhesion of platelets and monocytes in anti- proliferative effects of endothelial and muscle and vasodilatation of blood vessels . Inhibition of vasodilation will encourage spasm . Even at an early stage , LDL stimulates the expression of adhesion molecules that allow blood vessels berploriferasi . Oxidation of LDL also led to changes in the bond . No longer recognized by the LDL receptor Apo B 100 but recognized by scavenger receptors are mostly found in macrophages . As a result, LDL and macrophages phagocytosing many will turn into foam cells that persist . Lipoprotein ( a) can be oxidized and difagosit in the same way . Simultaneously, monocyte chemotactic factors and platelets will trigger the migration of smooth muscle cells from the media to the intima . In the intima , these cells will be stimulated by PDGF berploriferasi and various other growth factors triggers . Muscle cells will also be transformed into foam cells by taking oxidized LDL . Cell foam will form the extracellular matrix also plays a role in the formation of atheroma .
- Plaque rupture
Rupture of atherosclerotic plaques is considered the most important cause of unstable angina pectoris , so suddenly subtotal or total occlusion of the coronary arteries that previously had minimal narrowing . Unstable plaque consists of a core that contains a lot of fat and macrophage cell infiltration . Sometimes cracks occur at the weakest wall plaque because of the protease enzyme produced by macrophages and enzymatically weaken the wall plaque ( fibrous cap ) . Rupture leads to the activation , adhesion , and platelet aggregation and thrombus formation leading to activation . When the blood vessels shut thrombus 100 % going to happen infarction with ST segment elevation , whereas when the thrombus does not clog 100 % , and only cause severe stenosis will occur unstable angina .
- Thrombosis and platelet aggregation
The occurrence of thrombosis after plaque disrupted due to the interaction between fat , smooth muscle cells , macrophages , and collagen . As a reaction to the disruption of endothelial function , platelet aggregation and platelet occurs unload granulation triggering a broader aggregation , vasoconstriction and thrombus formation . Systemic and inflammatory factors play a role in the occurrence of a change hemostase and coagulation and thrombosis instrumental in starting the intermittent , in unstable angina .
- vasospasm
It is estimated that the presence of endothelial dysfunction and vasoactive substance produced by platelets play a role in changes in vascular tone and cause spasm . Spasm often occurs in the presence of unstable plaque and have a role in thrombus formation .
- Erosion of the plaque without rupture
Any deformities and lesions due to increased smooth muscle cells can lead to narrowing of the vessels quickly and complaints ischemia .
Heart Disease Investigation
v Exercise test : Patients who showed a higher risk need examination by a treadmill exercise test . If the result is negative then the prognosis is good . Meanwhile, if the result is positive , especially if obtained in the ST segment depression , it is recommended for coronary angiography examination , to assess the state of the coronary artery revascularization does require action .
v Echocardiography : This test actually does not provide data for diagnosis of unstable angina directly . But when it seemed the disruption of left ventricular function , the presence of mitral insufficiency and cardiac regional wall motion abnormalities , indicating a poor prognosis .
v An ECG ECG at rest and not during an attack of angina is often still normal . EKG can indicate that the patient had received in the past myocardial infarction . Sometimes showed enlargement of the left ventricle . Can also showed ST segment changes and T-wave which is not typical . At the time of the attack , the ECG will show ST segment depression and negative T wave can be .
Examination of troponin T or I, and CK - MB examination is the most important marker .
Ø Common actions : patients need hospital care , rested ( bed rest ) , was given a sedative and oxygen . Administration of morphine or pethidine necessary in patients who still feel chest pain despite already received nitroglycerin .
Ø pharmacological therapy
Ø Anti ischemia
causes vasodilation of peripheral veins and arterioles , AA . nitrate with preload and afterload reducing effects so as to reduce wall stress and oxygen demand . Nitrates also increase the oxygen supply to the coronary artery vasodilatation and improve collateral blood flow . Collateral vessels provide an alternative route when the myocardial perfusion major epicardial coronary artery stenosis or occlusion . These channels are dormant under normal circumstances but within a few hours of existing collateral dilated and develop characteristics of mature blood vessels .
lowering the oxygen demand miokatdium melaluiàb . effects of beta blockers decrease the heart rate and myocardial contraction force . Example : propranolol , metoprolol , atenolol . coronary vasodilation and lower blood pressure c . calcium antagonists
Ø Drug antiagregasi platelets
reduce cardiac death and fatal and non-fatal infarction reduces to a. aspirin patients with angina stabil.merupakan second-line drugs if the patient can not bear aspirin , the effect sama.b. ticlopidine inhibit platelet aggregation , reduce stroke , infarction , and cardiovascular death c . clopidogrel denganàd fibrinogen binding . glycoprotein IIb / IIIa receptor inhibitors GP IIb / IIIa receptor on platelets is the last bond in the process of platelet aggregation . Because GP IIb / IIIa receptor inhibitor was then occupied by the platelet fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation can be prevented not happen .
Ø Drugs are antikoagulanàa antithrombin . Unfractionated heparin .
Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with Plant Medicine

Prevention efforts to prevent heart disease and stroke begins to improve the lifestyle and controlling risk factors , thereby reducing the chances of developing the disease . For the prevention of heart disease and stroke to avoid obesity / overweight and high cholesterol . Start by eating more vegetables , fruits , grains , canola and fish . Reduce meat , snacks ( snacks ) , and high-calorie foods that contain saturated fats and many others . Foods that contain lots of cholesterol accumulate in blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis that trigger heart disease and stroke .
Quitting smoking is a target that should be achieved , also avoid cigarette smoke from the environment . Smoking causes reduced elasticity of blood vessels , thus increasing the hardening of the arteries , and increases the blood clotting factors that trigger heart disease and stroke . Smokers have the chance of stroke and coronary heart disease approximately two -fold higher compared with non-smokers .
Reduce drinking alcohol . The more alcohol then it is likely the type of hemorrhagic stroke , especially higher . Alcohol can raise blood pressure , weakens the heart , blood thicken and cause arterial spasms . Perform sports / physical activity . Exercise can help reduce body weight , controlling cholesterol levels , lower blood pressure and other risk factors that are affected by heart disease and stroke
Control of high blood pressure and blood sugar levels . Hypertension is a major factor of stroke and coronary heart disease . Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke 1.5-4 fold , especially if the blood sugar is not controlled . Avoid the use of illegal drugs such as heroin , cocaine , amphetamines , because drugs such drugs can increase the risk of stroke 7 -fold compared with non- drug users .
Some types of herbs that can be used to prevent heart disease and stroke has the effect of blood circulation and as an anticoagulant that prevents blood clots , heart disease and stroke are the main causes of vascular disorders .