papers factors affecting food production stages , Nugget
Nugget is one of the frozen meat processed products . This product has a long shelf life , with storage in the freezer can reach 2 weeks . The meat must be ground before being used , making it easier to set up at a later stage . The main materials used are fish , which will give the desired product texture , because it has a protein content of myofibrils .
Other supporting materials , namely salt , water , fillers ( filler ) , emulsifiers , and spices . Works to increase the solubility of salt , because the existing myofibrils proteins in the meat just dissolved in saline solution . Water is useful to provide an aqueous properties and also increase the yield .
Fillers and emulsifiers are used in these products are tapioca flour and egg yolk which serves to bind water and fat . Spices such as pepper and garlic in addition to providing a distinctive smell and taste , is also able to extend the shelf life .
A. Purpose Umun
1 . Common purpose .
The purpose of this is as diversified nagget processed meat products , for mengatuhi nagget manufacturing process and add economic value and to preserve food over the
Frozen food ( frozen food ) has been around since about 3000 BC , when the ancient Chinese society started using ice to keep foods in all winter . Similarly, the Romans were using the snow to freeze food . For the first time in 1930 in Springfield , Massachusetts , a man named Clarence Birdseye introduced frozen foods such as vegetables , fruits , seafoods , and meats are sold to the public under the trademark Birdseye Frosted Foods ? . In Indonesia, the frozen food was introduced by the Chinese and Japanese .
In general, the manufacture of frozen products through several stages ranging from preparation of raw materials ( raw materials ) , the process of molding / forming ( for products such as meatballs , nuggets ) , coatings ( coatings ) , menggorengan ( frying ) , membekuan ( freezing ) and packaging (packaging ) . One example of a frozen meal that is mostly found in the market nuggets, especially chicken nuggets with a variety of forms. The raw materials are being used more in the form of frozen meat (beef , fish or chicken ) .
Nugget making process begins with the preparation of the raw materials that do tempering / withering , frozen meat stored in a cold room ( chill room ) to raise the temperature of the meat is desired , with certain standards . The next process is milled with a tool minced meat ( meat grinder ) to get the desired size of the meat . At this point also made by mixing the emulsion of oil, water and soy protein . The tools used for the manufacture of emulsions such as chopper engine , the same tools in the making of pasta meatballs . Furthermore, emulsions and mixed ground meat along with other spices to form a dough ( meat mix ) . At this stage of industrial -scale sometimes used CO2 gas or similar to get the meat mix to a certain temperature to be easy to be printed , or stored in advance in the cold room .
Factors affecting food production stages ( nugeth )
1 . Acceptance of food and preparation .
Fish freshness could be determined by observing the physical appearance , eyes , gills , texture , and smell . While still fresh , the fish looks bright , shiny silvery suit type . Mucus on the surface of the body did not exist until a thin , clear , and watery . Scales firmly entrenched and not easily separated , intact stomach , and anus closed . Eyes convex , bright , clear white , black pupil , not bloody . Bright red gills are not slimy or slightly slimy . The texture of the meat is solid , flexible , and if pressed quickly recovered . The smell of fresh or slightly fishy .
However , once the fish dead fish began a process of destruction . The first occurred is autolysis caused by the activity of enzymes that exist in fish . These enzymes work uncontrolled causing a reshuffle in the body of the fish , especially protein . Quality fish began to fall . The appearance of the fish becomes more bleak , not bright , easily dislodged scales , eye redness , brown or opaque . This process produced simple compounds like bacteria .
Materials needed to make fish nuggets that fish meat , tapioca flour , ice , and spices .
* Meat fish
The main ingredient for fish is fish meat nuggets from one type of fish or meat mix several types of fish . More delicious taste of the fish meat more savory flavor nuggetnya anyway . Fish meat is used only white meat only. White meat can be obtained from white-fleshed fish , such as snapper , grouper , mackerel , fish cunang or dimly ( Congresox talabon ) .
Red -fleshed fish species are not good nuggets made unless the fish also have white meat and red meat mudahdipisahkan . For example tuna , skipjack , tuna , and bloating . In addition , the type of fish used also determines the texture and yield nuggets obtained . Species of fish fat and slightly prickly produce a high yield .
* Starch and wheat flour
In order nuggetnya delicious , good tekstumya , and high quality , the amount of flour used should be approximately 10-15 % of the weight of the meat . Wheat flour is used as a dye for nuggets .
* Wheat bread
Bread flour is used to bind nuggets taste half so when they are cooked or stored in the freezer .
* Cooking oil
Cooking oil is used for cooking or frying frozen nuggets that have been sprinkled with bread crumbs and so ready to be served .
* Ice
Another important ingredient in the manufacture of nuggets is ice or ice water . Ice should be used ice cubes .
* Seasoning
Seasoning salt in the form of fine , while the flavor is made from a mixture of garlic and pepper . Salt used about 2.5 % and about 2 % penyedapnya seasoning of the meat weight . As flavorings can also be used seasoning mixture of garlic , and onions . Should not use food flavoring rnonosodium glutamate or MSG .
2 . Processing .
* Fish weeded so that the stomach contents are a source of enzymes and bacteria do not damage the fish meat . Once washed and weeded fish filet made .
* Meat sliced fish towards the tail until the meat is separated from the bone . Furthermore , fish and meat sliced from behind the tail to the head . That not a lot of meat left on the bone , bone sticking a knife somewhat suppressed .
* Having a separate meat from bones , fish skins are separated in order to obtain meat -free bones and skin . However , not all types of fish easily skinned.
* Filet of fish washed thoroughly with running water or washed in a bath to remove impurities and residual blood . Always add sufficient ice to retard degeneration because of the freshness of the fish fresh fish nuggets produced the better .
* Handling ( sorting , weeding , manufacture filet , leaching ) fish should be done in a clean , protected from the sun and protected from the possibility of physical damage ( eg trampled , squashed ) .
* Spices - Seasonings (garlic , onions , salt and flavoring destroyed ) .
* Seasoning crushed mixed with ground beef and then milled starch and added with ice water .
* Shape dough nuggets to taste ( round , oval , stick , etc. ) and then frozen ( at least 12 Hours )
* When it is frozen then thawed flour and starch with water , then grab the frozen nuggets and dip them into the flour mixture .
* Sprinkle with bread crumbs .
* Fry in hot oil .
* Ready to be served before being fried or save it back in the freezer
3 . Packaging and Storage .
Further nuggets passed into the oven . At this stage , given the nugget of saturated steam heat / steam so that the full maturation . This process is also useful to help improve the texture of the final product . The next stage of the freezer frozen nuggets individually quick freezing ( IQF ) freezes up perfectly . Freezing temperature plays an important role to save power nuggets .
If you have not had first sent nuggets can be stored in a refrigerator or a refrigerator at 5 ° C. Such storage , temperature of 5 ° C. awake For long-distance transmission , need to be packaged and frozen nuggets in the freezer and kept in cold storage .
do attractive packaging so that the consumer interest . Good packaging is plastic and using the vacuum so it can last a long time . Packaging is designed to be able to represent our products . It is important to show the nugget in the packaging so that people are interested in our products when new saw . In the package we should include raw materials and expiry dates .
4 . Marketing .
After the technological aspects , the most decisive aspect of the success of a business before the business starts is marketing planning . Marketing is also a determinant factor after the business is run . To create a marketing plan , required knowledge of the planned product marketing . Therefore, this aspect should be studied well .
Marketing issues that need to be learned especially is an area of marketing and market demand . Equally important is knowledge about the nature and absorbency of each market to the desired product , the requirements are required , the number of suppliers or competitors and the entire supply volume , distribution channels and marketing systems , payment methods , and so on .
1 . Effect of the addition of flour type on the quality of the product .
The breading is starchy used to coat food products ( coatings ) . The breading is an essential part of the process of making frozen food , franchise industry and other food industries .
Crispness products dibreading make the product more palatable danlezat . Moreover coatings can be used to protect the product from dehidrasiselama penyimpanan.Pre - frying is the most important step in the application process breading.Tujuan pre - frying is to attach teping on the product so that the product can be further processed by the freeze to be distributed to consumers . In addition , pre - frying will give color to the product , forming a crust on the product after frying , giving penampakkangoreng ( fried ) on the product , as well as contributing to flavor the product .
2 . Effect of the addition of meat to the quality of the product
The meat is divided into red and white meat types , depending on histology and biochemical differences . Red meat has the smooth muscle fibers and contains a lot of myoglobin , mitochondria , enzymes respirsi associated with high levels of muscle activity and glycogen content is low . Therefore, the addition of a lack of good meat can affect the quality of food products produced
3 . Effect of heating process on product quality nuggets .
The process of decomposition products of meat or fish may occur due to changes in the effects of a certain enzyme activity , bacterial activity and other MO .
Usually the cause of the above activities can be reduced or inhibited growth when the environmental temperature is lowered , for example by the use of low temperature . In practice includes the use of low temperature refrigeration and freezing . Products are refrigerated or frozen fish has awetyang temporary power , meaning that the fish products will remain in good condition if tetapdisimpan at low temperatures , where it has been moved to a place yanglebih high temperature will cause lasting power of the product it will turuh drastically .
Basically the process of cooling or freezing fish or dagingmempunyai same principle of reducing or stopping at sekaliaktivitas cause decay . The second difference lies in the process used suhuakhir , but can cause lasting power different . Suhuakhir used in the cooling process is 0 ° C , whereas at the end of the freezing temperatures can reach - 42oC . Effect of cooling on food products is divided into two , namely : 1 ) . The decrease in temperature will result in a decrease in chemical processes , microorganisms , and biochemical related damage ( decay ) , and other decay - elsewhere.2 ) . At temperatures below 0 ° C , the water will freeze and form ice separated from the solution are similar in terms of water evaporated suhu.Perubahan drying or a decrease in the chemical and food products during freezing penyimpanandingin can be maintained to a minimum , then the quality of frozen food dapatdipertahankan term long time ( Eddy , 1989) .
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Nugget is one of the frozen meat processed products . This product has a long shelf life , with storage in the freezer can reach 2 weeks . The meat must be ground before being used , making it easier to set up at a later stage . The main materials used are fish , which will give the desired product texture , because it has a protein content of myofibrils .
Other supporting materials , namely salt , water , fillers ( filler ) , emulsifiers , and spices . Works to increase the solubility of salt , because the existing myofibrils proteins in the meat just dissolved in saline solution . Water is useful to provide an aqueous properties and also increase the yield .
Fillers and emulsifiers are used in these products are tapioca flour and egg yolk which serves to bind water and fat . Spices such as pepper and garlic in addition to providing a distinctive smell and taste , is also able to extend the shelf life .
A. Purpose Umun
1 . Common purpose .
The purpose of this is as diversified nagget processed meat products , for mengatuhi nagget manufacturing process and add economic value and to preserve food over the
Frozen food ( frozen food ) has been around since about 3000 BC , when the ancient Chinese society started using ice to keep foods in all winter . Similarly, the Romans were using the snow to freeze food . For the first time in 1930 in Springfield , Massachusetts , a man named Clarence Birdseye introduced frozen foods such as vegetables , fruits , seafoods , and meats are sold to the public under the trademark Birdseye Frosted Foods ? . In Indonesia, the frozen food was introduced by the Chinese and Japanese .
In general, the manufacture of frozen products through several stages ranging from preparation of raw materials ( raw materials ) , the process of molding / forming ( for products such as meatballs , nuggets ) , coatings ( coatings ) , menggorengan ( frying ) , membekuan ( freezing ) and packaging (packaging ) . One example of a frozen meal that is mostly found in the market nuggets, especially chicken nuggets with a variety of forms. The raw materials are being used more in the form of frozen meat (beef , fish or chicken ) .
Nugget making process begins with the preparation of the raw materials that do tempering / withering , frozen meat stored in a cold room ( chill room ) to raise the temperature of the meat is desired , with certain standards . The next process is milled with a tool minced meat ( meat grinder ) to get the desired size of the meat . At this point also made by mixing the emulsion of oil, water and soy protein . The tools used for the manufacture of emulsions such as chopper engine , the same tools in the making of pasta meatballs . Furthermore, emulsions and mixed ground meat along with other spices to form a dough ( meat mix ) . At this stage of industrial -scale sometimes used CO2 gas or similar to get the meat mix to a certain temperature to be easy to be printed , or stored in advance in the cold room .
Factors affecting food production stages ( nugeth )
1 . Acceptance of food and preparation .
Fish freshness could be determined by observing the physical appearance , eyes , gills , texture , and smell . While still fresh , the fish looks bright , shiny silvery suit type . Mucus on the surface of the body did not exist until a thin , clear , and watery . Scales firmly entrenched and not easily separated , intact stomach , and anus closed . Eyes convex , bright , clear white , black pupil , not bloody . Bright red gills are not slimy or slightly slimy . The texture of the meat is solid , flexible , and if pressed quickly recovered . The smell of fresh or slightly fishy .
However , once the fish dead fish began a process of destruction . The first occurred is autolysis caused by the activity of enzymes that exist in fish . These enzymes work uncontrolled causing a reshuffle in the body of the fish , especially protein . Quality fish began to fall . The appearance of the fish becomes more bleak , not bright , easily dislodged scales , eye redness , brown or opaque . This process produced simple compounds like bacteria .
Materials needed to make fish nuggets that fish meat , tapioca flour , ice , and spices .
* Meat fish
The main ingredient for fish is fish meat nuggets from one type of fish or meat mix several types of fish . More delicious taste of the fish meat more savory flavor nuggetnya anyway . Fish meat is used only white meat only. White meat can be obtained from white-fleshed fish , such as snapper , grouper , mackerel , fish cunang or dimly ( Congresox talabon ) .
Red -fleshed fish species are not good nuggets made unless the fish also have white meat and red meat mudahdipisahkan . For example tuna , skipjack , tuna , and bloating . In addition , the type of fish used also determines the texture and yield nuggets obtained . Species of fish fat and slightly prickly produce a high yield .
* Starch and wheat flour
In order nuggetnya delicious , good tekstumya , and high quality , the amount of flour used should be approximately 10-15 % of the weight of the meat . Wheat flour is used as a dye for nuggets .
* Wheat bread
Bread flour is used to bind nuggets taste half so when they are cooked or stored in the freezer .
* Cooking oil
Cooking oil is used for cooking or frying frozen nuggets that have been sprinkled with bread crumbs and so ready to be served .
* Ice
Another important ingredient in the manufacture of nuggets is ice or ice water . Ice should be used ice cubes .
* Seasoning
Seasoning salt in the form of fine , while the flavor is made from a mixture of garlic and pepper . Salt used about 2.5 % and about 2 % penyedapnya seasoning of the meat weight . As flavorings can also be used seasoning mixture of garlic , and onions . Should not use food flavoring rnonosodium glutamate or MSG .
2 . Processing .
* Fish weeded so that the stomach contents are a source of enzymes and bacteria do not damage the fish meat . Once washed and weeded fish filet made .
* Meat sliced fish towards the tail until the meat is separated from the bone . Furthermore , fish and meat sliced from behind the tail to the head . That not a lot of meat left on the bone , bone sticking a knife somewhat suppressed .
* Having a separate meat from bones , fish skins are separated in order to obtain meat -free bones and skin . However , not all types of fish easily skinned.
* Filet of fish washed thoroughly with running water or washed in a bath to remove impurities and residual blood . Always add sufficient ice to retard degeneration because of the freshness of the fish fresh fish nuggets produced the better .
* Handling ( sorting , weeding , manufacture filet , leaching ) fish should be done in a clean , protected from the sun and protected from the possibility of physical damage ( eg trampled , squashed ) .
* Spices - Seasonings (garlic , onions , salt and flavoring destroyed ) .
* Seasoning crushed mixed with ground beef and then milled starch and added with ice water .
* Shape dough nuggets to taste ( round , oval , stick , etc. ) and then frozen ( at least 12 Hours )
* When it is frozen then thawed flour and starch with water , then grab the frozen nuggets and dip them into the flour mixture .
* Sprinkle with bread crumbs .
* Fry in hot oil .
* Ready to be served before being fried or save it back in the freezer
3 . Packaging and Storage .
Further nuggets passed into the oven . At this stage , given the nugget of saturated steam heat / steam so that the full maturation . This process is also useful to help improve the texture of the final product . The next stage of the freezer frozen nuggets individually quick freezing ( IQF ) freezes up perfectly . Freezing temperature plays an important role to save power nuggets .
If you have not had first sent nuggets can be stored in a refrigerator or a refrigerator at 5 ° C. Such storage , temperature of 5 ° C. awake For long-distance transmission , need to be packaged and frozen nuggets in the freezer and kept in cold storage .
do attractive packaging so that the consumer interest . Good packaging is plastic and using the vacuum so it can last a long time . Packaging is designed to be able to represent our products . It is important to show the nugget in the packaging so that people are interested in our products when new saw . In the package we should include raw materials and expiry dates .
4 . Marketing .
After the technological aspects , the most decisive aspect of the success of a business before the business starts is marketing planning . Marketing is also a determinant factor after the business is run . To create a marketing plan , required knowledge of the planned product marketing . Therefore, this aspect should be studied well .
Marketing issues that need to be learned especially is an area of marketing and market demand . Equally important is knowledge about the nature and absorbency of each market to the desired product , the requirements are required , the number of suppliers or competitors and the entire supply volume , distribution channels and marketing systems , payment methods , and so on .
1 . Effect of the addition of flour type on the quality of the product .
The breading is starchy used to coat food products ( coatings ) . The breading is an essential part of the process of making frozen food , franchise industry and other food industries .
Crispness products dibreading make the product more palatable danlezat . Moreover coatings can be used to protect the product from dehidrasiselama penyimpanan.Pre - frying is the most important step in the application process breading.Tujuan pre - frying is to attach teping on the product so that the product can be further processed by the freeze to be distributed to consumers . In addition , pre - frying will give color to the product , forming a crust on the product after frying , giving penampakkangoreng ( fried ) on the product , as well as contributing to flavor the product .
2 . Effect of the addition of meat to the quality of the product
The meat is divided into red and white meat types , depending on histology and biochemical differences . Red meat has the smooth muscle fibers and contains a lot of myoglobin , mitochondria , enzymes respirsi associated with high levels of muscle activity and glycogen content is low . Therefore, the addition of a lack of good meat can affect the quality of food products produced
3 . Effect of heating process on product quality nuggets .
The process of decomposition products of meat or fish may occur due to changes in the effects of a certain enzyme activity , bacterial activity and other MO .
Usually the cause of the above activities can be reduced or inhibited growth when the environmental temperature is lowered , for example by the use of low temperature . In practice includes the use of low temperature refrigeration and freezing . Products are refrigerated or frozen fish has awetyang temporary power , meaning that the fish products will remain in good condition if tetapdisimpan at low temperatures , where it has been moved to a place yanglebih high temperature will cause lasting power of the product it will turuh drastically .
Basically the process of cooling or freezing fish or dagingmempunyai same principle of reducing or stopping at sekaliaktivitas cause decay . The second difference lies in the process used suhuakhir , but can cause lasting power different . Suhuakhir used in the cooling process is 0 ° C , whereas at the end of the freezing temperatures can reach - 42oC . Effect of cooling on food products is divided into two , namely : 1 ) . The decrease in temperature will result in a decrease in chemical processes , microorganisms , and biochemical related damage ( decay ) , and other decay - elsewhere.2 ) . At temperatures below 0 ° C , the water will freeze and form ice separated from the solution are similar in terms of water evaporated suhu.Perubahan drying or a decrease in the chemical and food products during freezing penyimpanandingin can be maintained to a minimum , then the quality of frozen food dapatdipertahankan term long time ( Eddy , 1989) .
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