Kinds and Types of Water Pollution and Soil Pollution
Air pollution
Water pollution is the event of the entry of substances , energy , elements , or other components into the water , causing the water quality impaired . Impaired water quality characterized by changes in smell , flavor , and color .
Judging from the origin of pollutants and sources of pollution , water pollution can be distinguished among other
1 ) . Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste may contain insecticides or fertilizers organic pollutants . Insecticides can be deadly river biota . If the biota of the river is not dead then eaten by animals or humans , who eat it will be poisoned . To prevent this , try to choose a narrow-spectrum insecticides ( specifically targeted killing animals ) and are biodegradable ( can be decomposed by microbes ) and spraying in accordance with the rules . Do not discard the obet into the river . While organic fertilizer which dissolves in water to fertilize the aquatic environment ( eutrophication ) . Because water is rich in nutrients , algae and aquatic plants flourish ( blooming ) . Such things would threaten the sustainability of the dam . bemdungan will be fast and shallow water biota will die from it .
2 ) . Household Waste
Liquid household waste is a source of water pollution . Of liquid household waste can be found a variety of organic materials ( eg leftover vegetables , fish , rice , oil , Lemek , human sewage ) water-borne sewer / ditch , then follow the flow sungai.Adapula inorganic materials such as plastic , aluminum , and bottle of water washed away . Garbage piled , clog drains and cause flooding . Other pollutants from household waste is biological contaminants such as germs , bacteria , and fungi .
Organic materials that dissolve in water will experience decomposition and decay . As a result, oxygen levels in the water dropped drastically so that water biota will die . If contamination of organic materials increases , we can see reddish Tubifex worms clustered . This worm is an indication of biological ( bio-indicators ) the severity of contamination by organic materials from the waste settlement .
Towns , black-colored water and sewer issue a pungent odor . Yangdemikian got in the water no living organisms except bacteria and fungi . Compared with industrial waste , household waste in urban areas in Indonesia reaches 60 % of all existing waste .
3 ) . Industrial Waste
Presence of some industries that dump their waste into the water . Kinds of pollutants produced depend on the type of industry . May be organic pollutants ( foul smelling ) , inorganic pollutants ( berbuaih , colored ) , or perhaps in the form of pollutants containing sulfuric acid ( stink ) , or in the form of temperature ( water gets hot ) . The government establishes regulations to control pencemara water by industrial waste . For example , industrial waste must be treated before discharged into the river in order to avoid contamination .
At sea , often leak oil tanker collided with another ship due . The oil spill in the flooded ship in the ocean hundreds of kilometers . Fish , coral reefs , sea birds and marine animals are dying because of it. To overcome this , pollutants limited by floating pipe so as not to spread , then sprinkled with a surface pollutant substances which can decompose oil .
4 ) . Catching Fish Using poison
Most of the population and there are fishermen who use the tube ( or potash plant toxins ( poisons ) to catch fish , but also to all aquatic biota . Toxins are not only adult animals , but the animals are still small . Thus toxins deployed to destroy the type creatures that live in it . fishing practices in a way that resulted in the pollution of the water environment and degrade aquatic resources .
As a result of the dtimbulkan by water pollution , among others
1 ) Disruption life aquatic organisms due to reduced oxygen content .
2 ) The occurrence of a population explosion of algae and aquatic plants
3 ) Basic Pendangkalan waters .
4 ) The extinction of aquatic biota , such as fish , crab , shrimp , and aquatic insects .
5 ) The emergence of flooding due to clogged gutter trash .
6 ) spreading outbreak of diarrhea and vomiting .
c . soil pollution
Many soil pollution caused by household waste , market , industry , agriculture , and peternakan.Sampah - bodies can be destroyed by microorganisms into minerals , gas , and water , thus forming humus . The organic waste eg foliage , animal tissue , paper , and leather . Waste is classified as biodegradable garbage . While inorganic waste such as iron , aluminum , glass , and synthetic materials such as plastic , difficult or can not be deciphered . The pollutants will remain intact up to 300 years to come . Wrap plastic waste to the environment that we will still be there and may be found by our children and grandchildren after hundreds of years later .
Preferably , trash that is disposed separated into two containers . The first is garbage decomposes , and can be dumped into landfills or can be used as compost . When combined with the maintenance of composting earthworms , it will be good results . earthworms can be sold for animal feed , while soil compost can be sold for fertilizer .
This process is a process of recycling ( recycle ) . The second is that no garbage decomposes , it can be reused ( penggunaulangan = reuse ) . For example , a cake tin cans used again for food containers , bottles used to jam the former spice and syrup bottles used to store drinking water .
Both recycling and penggunaulangan can prevent environmental pollution . The advantage , the environmental burden is reduced . We know that pollution may not be removed . What we can do is to prevent or control the negative impacts .
In addition penggunaulangan and recycling , there's more effort to prevent pollution , ie material reductions / savings (reduce ) , and perform maintenance ( repair ) . In developed countries , slogans reuse, reduce , and repair , much circulated to the public . Consequences caused by pollution of the soil , among others
1 ) Disruption of living organisms ( especially microorganisms in the soil ) .
2 ) The changing nature of the chemical or physical properties of the soil so it is not good for plant growth , and
3 ) Changing and affect the ecological balance .
Air pollution
Water pollution is the event of the entry of substances , energy , elements , or other components into the water , causing the water quality impaired . Impaired water quality characterized by changes in smell , flavor , and color .
Judging from the origin of pollutants and sources of pollution , water pollution can be distinguished among other
1 ) . Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste may contain insecticides or fertilizers organic pollutants . Insecticides can be deadly river biota . If the biota of the river is not dead then eaten by animals or humans , who eat it will be poisoned . To prevent this , try to choose a narrow-spectrum insecticides ( specifically targeted killing animals ) and are biodegradable ( can be decomposed by microbes ) and spraying in accordance with the rules . Do not discard the obet into the river . While organic fertilizer which dissolves in water to fertilize the aquatic environment ( eutrophication ) . Because water is rich in nutrients , algae and aquatic plants flourish ( blooming ) . Such things would threaten the sustainability of the dam . bemdungan will be fast and shallow water biota will die from it .
2 ) . Household Waste
Liquid household waste is a source of water pollution . Of liquid household waste can be found a variety of organic materials ( eg leftover vegetables , fish , rice , oil , Lemek , human sewage ) water-borne sewer / ditch , then follow the flow sungai.Adapula inorganic materials such as plastic , aluminum , and bottle of water washed away . Garbage piled , clog drains and cause flooding . Other pollutants from household waste is biological contaminants such as germs , bacteria , and fungi .
Organic materials that dissolve in water will experience decomposition and decay . As a result, oxygen levels in the water dropped drastically so that water biota will die . If contamination of organic materials increases , we can see reddish Tubifex worms clustered . This worm is an indication of biological ( bio-indicators ) the severity of contamination by organic materials from the waste settlement .
Towns , black-colored water and sewer issue a pungent odor . Yangdemikian got in the water no living organisms except bacteria and fungi . Compared with industrial waste , household waste in urban areas in Indonesia reaches 60 % of all existing waste .
3 ) . Industrial Waste
Presence of some industries that dump their waste into the water . Kinds of pollutants produced depend on the type of industry . May be organic pollutants ( foul smelling ) , inorganic pollutants ( berbuaih , colored ) , or perhaps in the form of pollutants containing sulfuric acid ( stink ) , or in the form of temperature ( water gets hot ) . The government establishes regulations to control pencemara water by industrial waste . For example , industrial waste must be treated before discharged into the river in order to avoid contamination .
At sea , often leak oil tanker collided with another ship due . The oil spill in the flooded ship in the ocean hundreds of kilometers . Fish , coral reefs , sea birds and marine animals are dying because of it. To overcome this , pollutants limited by floating pipe so as not to spread , then sprinkled with a surface pollutant substances which can decompose oil .
4 ) . Catching Fish Using poison
Most of the population and there are fishermen who use the tube ( or potash plant toxins ( poisons ) to catch fish , but also to all aquatic biota . Toxins are not only adult animals , but the animals are still small . Thus toxins deployed to destroy the type creatures that live in it . fishing practices in a way that resulted in the pollution of the water environment and degrade aquatic resources .
As a result of the dtimbulkan by water pollution , among others
1 ) Disruption life aquatic organisms due to reduced oxygen content .
2 ) The occurrence of a population explosion of algae and aquatic plants
3 ) Basic Pendangkalan waters .
4 ) The extinction of aquatic biota , such as fish , crab , shrimp , and aquatic insects .
5 ) The emergence of flooding due to clogged gutter trash .
6 ) spreading outbreak of diarrhea and vomiting .
c . soil pollution
Many soil pollution caused by household waste , market , industry , agriculture , and peternakan.Sampah - bodies can be destroyed by microorganisms into minerals , gas , and water , thus forming humus . The organic waste eg foliage , animal tissue , paper , and leather . Waste is classified as biodegradable garbage . While inorganic waste such as iron , aluminum , glass , and synthetic materials such as plastic , difficult or can not be deciphered . The pollutants will remain intact up to 300 years to come . Wrap plastic waste to the environment that we will still be there and may be found by our children and grandchildren after hundreds of years later .
Preferably , trash that is disposed separated into two containers . The first is garbage decomposes , and can be dumped into landfills or can be used as compost . When combined with the maintenance of composting earthworms , it will be good results . earthworms can be sold for animal feed , while soil compost can be sold for fertilizer .
This process is a process of recycling ( recycle ) . The second is that no garbage decomposes , it can be reused ( penggunaulangan = reuse ) . For example , a cake tin cans used again for food containers , bottles used to jam the former spice and syrup bottles used to store drinking water .
Both recycling and penggunaulangan can prevent environmental pollution . The advantage , the environmental burden is reduced . We know that pollution may not be removed . What we can do is to prevent or control the negative impacts .
In addition penggunaulangan and recycling , there's more effort to prevent pollution , ie material reductions / savings (reduce ) , and perform maintenance ( repair ) . In developed countries , slogans reuse, reduce , and repair , much circulated to the public . Consequences caused by pollution of the soil , among others
1 ) Disruption of living organisms ( especially microorganisms in the soil ) .
2 ) The changing nature of the chemical or physical properties of the soil so it is not good for plant growth , and
3 ) Changing and affect the ecological balance .
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