Friday, April 4, 2014

Intestinal worms ( Ascariasis )

Intestinal worms ( Ascariasis )
Ascaris lumbricoides worms known as stomach disease is called Ascariasis , usually it can infect several channels associated with the gastrointestinal tract such as the pancreatic duct and bile duct . It also can infect the appendix as well . Usual treatment is done if the gastrointestinal tract is still in use that are crippling worms obat2an like pyrantel pamoate . Pyrantel pamoate will cause interference with the movement of the worm so easily removed through the anus . It can also be used piperazine And ideally combined with the hope laxantif like minyak2 telur2 also issued along with the adult worm worms .
I. Definition
Ascariasis is a disease caused by Ascaris lumbricoides pleh . Presvalensi disease is still quite high because his Cacina cause of this disease in the tropics , is cosmopolitan . ( everywhere ) . Transmission through the worm attached to the vegetables and the food is not clean contaminated worm eggs .
III . environmental component in disease transmission
Ascaris ( intestinal worms ) spread throughout the world , with the greatest frequency is in the humid tropical countries where prevalence rates sometimes reach above 50 % . The prevalence and intensity of infection are highest in children between the ages of 3 and 8 years . In the United States , Ascaris commonly found among immigrants from developing countries . Transmission occurs by swallowing the eggs are fertile of soil contaminated with human feces or from the raw product contaminated with soil containing worm eggs . Transmission does not occur directly from person to person or from fresh feces to people . Transmission occurs most frequently around the house , where the children , in the absence of sanitary latrine facilities , contaminating the area ; infections in children mostly due to ingesting contaminated soil . Contaminated soil helminth eggs can be carried away because it attaches to the foot or footwear into the house , transmission can also occur through the dust .
Eggs reach the ground through the feces , and developing ( embrionasi ) ; at summer temperatures they become infective after 2-3 weeks and then remain infective for several months or several years in soil under suitable conditions . Embrionasi eggs hatch in the intestinal lumen ingested , the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and reach the lungs through the circulatory system . The larvae grow and develop in the lungs ; 9-10 days after infection they enter the alveoli , trachea and swallowed penetrate to reach the small intestine 14-20 days after infection , in the small intestine they grow into adults , mate and begin laying eggs 45-60 days after ingesting eggs terembrionasi .
IV . period of communicability
Fertile adult female worms live in the intestines . Normal lifespan of adult worms was 12 months ; could be more than a maximum of 24 months , female worms can produce more than 200,000 eggs a day . In conditions in which eggs can survive in the soil for many years .
A. Preventive measures :
1 . Educate the public to use the toilet facilities that meet the health requirements .
2 . Provide adequate facilities for proper sewage disposal and prevent contamination of the soil in the area immediately adjacent to the home , especially where children play .
3 . In rural areas , create a public latrine construction in such a way so as to prevent the spread of Ascaris eggs by running water, wind , and others . Compost made ​​from human excrement for use as fertilizer may not kill all the eggs .
4 . Push behave hygienic habits in children , for example, teach them to wash their hands before eating and handling food .
5 . In endemic areas , keeping the food is always closed so as not exposed to dust and dirt . The food that has fallen to the floor should not be eaten unless they have been washed or heated .
B. Treatment
specific : mebendazole ( Vermox ® ) and albendazole ( Zentel ® ) ( also effective against Trichuris trichiura and hookworm , trichuriasis and hookworm see ) . Both of these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy for granted . Deviations Papers worms Disease ( Ascariasis ) migration of ascaris worms have been reported after administration of mebendazole therapy ; but it may also occur with other drugs or therapies migration irregularities may also occur spontaneously in severe infections . Pyrantel pamoate ( Antiminth ® , Combantrin ® ) is also effective in a single dose given ( these drugs may also be used for hookworm , but not for T. trichiura ) .
C. Control of patient , contacts and the immediate environment :
1 . Report to local health authority : official report is usually not done , Class 5 ( see petenteng Reporting) .
2 . Concurrent disinfection : the sewerage sanitary latrines .
3 . Investigation of contacts and source of infection : search and find other people who need diberpengobatan . Note the polluted environment is the source of infection , especially around the homes of people .
4 . Epidemic measures : do the prevalence survey in highly endemic areas , provide public education on environmental sanitation and personal hygiene and provide treatment facilities

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