Friday, April 4, 2014

Guide How eradication Vector

Guide How eradication VectorDefinition :
Efforts to control vector populations by reducing , preventing bites , prevent mosquito becomes infective ( formed sporozoites in the salivary glands ) or change the environment so it is not suitable for breeding or resting place of vectors.
type of Activity
1.Pengenalan Region ( GR = Geographical Reconnaissance ) .
2.Penyemprotan house with insecticide
3.Pemolesan Netting .
4.Larviciding .
4.Penebaran mosquito larvae -eating fish .
Environmental 5.Modifikasi .
- Hoarding .
- Drying .
Environmental 6.Manipulasi .
- Cleaning of vector breeding places
(removal of moss ) .
- Creation of a liaison channel .
- Drying rice periodic
Introduction Region ( GR = Geographical reconnaissance )
A keg . which includes mapping , census penddk & extra needful For familiar situations village / hamlet that will be covered keg . spraying the house and active case detection ( ACD = Active Case Detection )
As the basis for operational planning and facilitate field officers know where the target activity and facilitate the supervision and evaluation of activities .
target Locations
Villages / hamlets which will be spraying the house and active case detection ( ACD ) .
House spraying ( IRS )
An activity with a certain dose of insecticide spraying evenly outwardly home that must be sprayed by using a syringe with a standard eradication of Malaria .
prevent mosquito becomes infective ( formed sporozoites within the salivary glands ) so there is no transmission .
target-target Locations
- Regional / high malaria endemic villages
- Location outbreaks
? ? Target Building
- All buildings at night is used as - a place to stay or other activities ( mosque , patrol substation , )
Large cattle enclosure surrounding the home stay
Spraying Effective When :
• Transmission occurs in the home ( indoor biting , the incidence of positive baby )
• Vector resting on the wall
• Residents receive spraying and ill in the night outdoors
• Spread the morbidly complicate spraying operations .
polishing Netting
An activity dyeing nets with insecticide solution given certain doses pd .
target Locations
• Rural / high malaria endemic village .
• The village / hamlet outbreak .
• In areas where spraying is not effective house .
• All residents in one hamlet / village ,
Event Effective When
• Transmission occurs in the home
• biting habits of malaria vectors within the house with the peak bite after 22:00 hours ;
• Residents do not sleep until late at night ( watching tv , and other activities within the home ) , and ill be outside the house the night . People want to use mosquito nets
Stocking fish eaters Flick
A larva -eating fish stocking activities / mosquito larvae on potential breeding places .
• The villages focus / endemic malaria where there is a potential vector breeding places of permanent water .
• The breeding
- Springs .
- Children of the river .
- Drains in terraced rice fields
- Dams for rice / water .
- Inland marshes .
- Swamp coastal areas with brackish water .
Accumulation vector breeding place
An activity that is performed to eliminate vector breeding places by landfill .
? ? Village / hamlet which has a high malaria endemic puddles and potential as a vector breeding places .
? ? Regional development priorities .
Breeding places :
? ? Extent limited and can be managed technically and economically .
? ? Potential as breeding places and the radius vector mosquito flight range of the residential areas ( 1 km ) .
Spraying Needs Plan
Requirement calculation Spray -can :
The number of homes in a single year targetsHKS 25 X 8 home / person / day ( Output )
ex :
HKS 25 x 8 rmh / person / day
= 10 spray -can
perhitungsn Total Power Sprayers
The number of homes in a single year targetsOutput X HKS
ex :
2000 homes8 x 25 = 10 sprayers
Note : The head of the team in charge of 5 power sprayers
Calculation of working days spray
The number of homes in a single year targetsOutput X number of sprayers Ex :
2000 homes8 x 10
= 25 HKS
Insecticides calculation
Jlh rmh targets within 1 yr x average rmh wide x Dose x 100insecticide formulations to be used
Ex : Bendiocarb ( Ficam 80 WP )
2000 x 200 x 0.2 x 100/80 = 100,000 lb ( 100 kg )
Ex : Lamdasyhalotrin 10 WP ( Icon 10 WP )
2000 x 200 x 0,025 x 100/10 = 100,000 lb ( 100 kg )
Fulfillment dose used
ex :
Number rmh sprayed in the village of A = 630 rmh
Jlh Bendiocarb in use = 95 kg ( 95000 g )
Average Housing area = 200 m2
Fulfillment dose = 95000

-------------- X 80/ 100 630 X 200

= 0.6 g
? ? things that must be considered :
Clothing Sprayers : at least 2 sets ? ? Tool Kit : 1 team 1 set ? ? Direct Supervision : Because there is no trace ? ? Clincher supervised :
- Preparation of Spraying
- Mixing , pumps , etc.
- How Carrying Spraycan
- Begin Spraying

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