Showing posts with label Herbal medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbal medicine. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

guava fruit to treat diarrheal diseases

guava Latin Name: Psidium guajava Common name: Guava
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES CONTENT guava Tannins, quersetin, quersetin glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids, vitamins.

Mechanism Work

Tannins and flavonoids are expressed as quersetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which means efficacy to overcome fever by inhibiting the growth of core RNA viruses. Material was also noted to increase the number to 100 thousand platelets per cubic millimeter with no side effects.
Quersetin and quersetin glycosides can inhibit spontaneous contractions of the ileum and gastric secretion of acetylcholine causes diarrhea, diarrhea that can be resolved quickly.
Tannins act as an astringent, which line the intestinal mucosa, particularly the large intestine. As well as the absorbing toxins and can coagulate proteins.


Nasirudin, Soegeng Soegijanto, Section of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Guava leaf extract can accelerate the achievement of a platelet count more than 100,000 /? L and can increase platelet counts in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever in children.
Faith Subagyo, Wahyo Dyatmiko and Abdul Karim UNAIR, 1981. By invitro
infusion of guava leaves with an assortment of concentrations showed significant differences in the diameter of the barrier region, the growth of the bacteria Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei as a cause of bacillary dysentery.

Efficacy and usefulness GUAVA SEEDS: - Helps increase platelets in patients with dengue fever. - Helps stop the diarrhea.

DENGUE FEVER Dengue fever is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue virus are in the blood stream for 4-7 days, starting at 1-2 days before the onset of summer. With the presence of the virus in the body makes blood vessels leaky walls. Blood Akibatbya unstoppable and constantly seeps out of the blood vessels and then enter the network.

DENGUE FEVER SYMPTOMS High fever, headache, pain in joints and muscles Loss of appetite, vomiting, weak and lethargic. After 3 days usually appear red spots on the skin. Bleeding at the nose. The decline but fell short of the platelets, occurs depending on the severity.
If the platelet count is less than 60,000 the number of patients at risk of bleeding. Less than 20,000 risk of a sudden bleeding. Lower than 5.000 the risk is high, the brain hemorrhage. Platelet function in the body is very important, namely to stop bleeding due to rupture of capillaries. CAUTION Giving guava in patients with dengue fever does not cause side effects which means, for example constipation. We recommend giving guava for dengue patients in the form of guava juice.

DIARRHEA Diarrhea is a symptom of gastrointestinal infection that is characterized by increasing frequency of bowel movements than usual, accompanied by changes in the shape and stool consistency.


Bacterial infection, such as parasites, bacteria, or entero viruses (viruses that live and
thrive in the digestive tract and spread with feces).
Food poisoning, such as Clostridium botulinum contaminated
The use of drugs (such as antibiotics)
The cause is uncertain (inflammation of the small intestine and large intestine)

TIPS FOR A PATIENT WITH DIARRHEA Patients should drink ORS. If within 3 days consume guava leaf + salt + turmeric + a few whiting does not heal, contact your doctor immediately.

breadfruit can cure kidney disease and heart

Already since the first leaves of breadfruit plants have been used traditionally to treat liver , kidney , heart and inflammatory . Even in neighboring Taiwan , the roots and stems of plants breadfruit has been widely used to treat cirrhosis ( liver cancer )The leaves of these plants contain some nutritious substances such as hydrocyanic acid , asetilcolin , tannins , riboflavin , and so on . These substances under study is able to cope with inflammation in our bodies .Breadfruit has a distinctive flavonoids , test the efficacy of the breadfruit leaf extract showed the effect of a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and fat accumulation in the aortic wall of blood vessels in mice in the laboratory . In vitro studies also concluded , breadfruit leaf extract effectively protects the heart from acute ischemic attack .Finding toxicity tests showed no toxic side effects in test animals , do not affect the function of the heart , kidneys and liver , and hematologic profile .


Prepare three sheets of dark green leaves , but still clinging to the branches . Then wash thoroughly in running water . Furthermore, the chopped sun to dry . Prepare also a container and fill with clean water of two liters . Keep the container is made ​​of clay pottery , but if no one can also use a stainless steel pan . Enter the dried leaves and cooked until boiling , leaving the water to stay separuh.Selanjutnya volume , add one liter of clean water , and boil again until the half . Then Strain the decoction of the breadfruit leaf . Red color of the water , like a tea . It feels a bit bitter . Please drink until they run out , should not be left to the next kesesokan . And so on .
In order not to bother commute took three leaves , chopped leaves of breadfruit should provide dry for a week . The trick , have dark green leaves as much as 3 x 7 = 21 pieces . The next process exactly as described above , so that we have a number chopped dried breadfruit leaves , but is divided into seven packs .


Method 1 : Take an old breadfruit leaves still on the tree . Breadfruit leaves parents have maximum levels of chemical substances . Wash thoroughly and then dried in the sun to dry . Then boiled up to five cups of boiling water and leaving up to half. Add more water to reach a volume of five cups . Once filtered , boiling water ready to drink and should not be left to run out tomorrow . For better results can be added to the breadfruit leaf bangle ( bengle ) .
Method 2 : A mixture of a handful of dried breadfruit leaves and bangle brewed with hot water , as well as making tea . Taken daily as a substitute for tea .

fruits durian increase sex drive

fruits durian increase sex driveDurian is a plant that comes from Southeast Asia . Named durian because this plant has a characteristic sharp barbed . This plant got the nickname KING OF FRUIT ( the king of all fruits ) that can thrive in the tropics . While many people are very fond of this fruit , but not a few people who do not like it because the smell is very sharp .
Durian has several benefits for human health . The most popular is the fruit that has a distinctive sweet flavor enhancing properties as it has passionate sex couples . This is because the flesh contains alcohol which is heating the body functions . With the right dosage to consume one to two seeds per day will stimulate nerves that lead to the erection , both on the male and female genitalia . Thermal properties of the durian will open vessels both male and female genitals .
Durian fruit of the plant has other functions such as the deterrent effect of extensic aging ( aging from the outside ) , increased blood pressure (iron ) . Fruits and roots have a function to overcome swelling , skin diseases and jaundice .
Skin flesh can be used to repel mosquitoes , treat rashes on the skin ( scab ) , and constipation ( constipation ) . Another function of the fruit skin is used to facilitate menstruation ( ash from burning the skin TSB ) .
By drinking water durian leaves steeping results can be used to antiperik ( fever reliever ) . Or mash until smooth leaves and durian paste on the forehead fever sufferers .

Cinnamon can control diabetes

Fragrant aroma of cinnamon bark ( Cassiavera ) makes this spice plants to be excellent as a flavoring cakes and drinks . These last few years , scientists have uncovered other benefits of cinnamon , which lowers blood sugar levels .Cinnamon or cinnamon contains various chemical compounds , namely essential oils eugenol , safrole , also contains sinamaldehyde , tannins , calcium oxalate , resin , and tanners . According to Dr. Dr. Amarullah Siregar , cinnamon has an effect in the biomolecular pancreas . " Cinnamon contains a chemical compound called PTP1B activating compounds that work in pancreatic beta cells by activating the function to produce insulin , " he said . Furthermore, insulin will open the doors of red blood cells so that sugar can go in and converted into energy . People with diabetes decreases the body's sensitivity to insulin so that blood sugar levels remain high because they can not enter the cell . PTP1B compounds will also work in the alpha cells , which help the liver produce glycogen . "These cells convert sugar into glycogen or energy reserves , " said Amarullah , naturopathic medicine expert . He added that , in contrast to the direct diabetes drugs lower blood sugar , such as cinnamon herbal medicine works by optimizing the function of organs that are still good . " The increase in blood sugar levels is just a symptom of a disorder of insulin . Troubled Its source is the pancreas . Having said that , the function of the pancreas must be corrected , " he said .

Bamboo leaves healthy heart

During this time , parts of the plant are used disering bamboo stalks . Leaves and other parts just be a waste. In contrast to prevailing in China . In the Bamboo Curtain country , it has a history of bamboo leaves and food long treatment .
Benefits of bamboo leaves was first revealed in the book of Ming Yi Bie Lu ( Note Famous Physician ) , namely to shed phlegm and relieve coughing and difficulty breathing . Other efficacy of which is to neutralize toxins in the body .There are still many people who do not know , including herbaceous bamboo leaf potential . The content of flavonoids is quite high . In China , the leaf extract is used to protect the heart .
Dictionary of Chinese Herbs also wrote that the function of bamboo leaves off heat , return the potent fluid , and is a diuretic ( diuretic ) . In 1998, the bamboo leaves are categorized by the Agency for Healthcare China in the list of natural herbs for medicine and food .
Cool and FragrantTypes of plants named Latin Phyllostachys nigra is grown in the Yangtze River region , precisely in southern China . Ancient Chinese medical experts to describe the function of medicine and food, bamboo leaf in the book of Yao Pin Hua Yi or books sense digging herbs , which is cool , fragrant , can be entered into the heart meridian , it was bitter and cool , chi is also cool .
Research suggests , bamboo leaves contain many active substances , namely flavonoids , polysaccharides , chlorophyll , amino acids , vitamins , microelements , and so , so good for lowering blood fats and cholesterol . Can also reduce the antioxidant or free radical oxidation , as antiaging ingredients, and is able to maintain stamina and prevent cardiovascular disease .
Lim Muliadi OMD - oriental medical doctor from Shanghai University revealed TC , bamboo leaf flavonoid content has a positive effect on chemotherapy on bone marrow and body immunity , could improve microvascular flow for heart patients , platelet function , and blood circulation in the heart muscle .
similar HemoglobinJapanese experts believe the health of bamboo leaf flavonoid composition similar to the composition of hemoglobin . Because of this , bamboo leaves can be directly injected into a vein and can improve efficiency .
Bamboo leaf flavonoid is also safe , non-toxic . Interestingly , a bamboo leaf flavonoids flavonoids domestic resource that is first found in China and the country has officially patented .
Board of Health in Zhe Jiang Province - China , through a toxicology test , an oral test of bamboo leaf extract in mice with LD50 dose , which is greater than 10g/kg body weight of rats . The results are non- toxic bamboo leaves .
Is it true that bamboo leaf flavonoid is able to nourish the heart ? A special study was conducted to reveal the benefits of bamboo leaf flavonoids on blood vessels and coronary artery blood flow .Variation studies with high doses , medium , and low , bamboo leaf flavonoids shown to increase blood flow of coronary heart cobaya Cavia ( type mice ) were separated from his body . Calculation of the group and each group member has a significant difference , increases with the size of the dose .
High dose , medium , and low bamboo leaf flavonoids can increase heart muscle contraction force and calculation of the group also have clear differences . The effects of small doses group ( 2.5 mg / ml ) explain the positive results for the normal physiological function of the coronary arteries and potentially prevent heart problems .
Since 1998 , expert in China has been doing a lot of research on the function of bamboo leaf flavonoids to inhibit the oxidation of fat . For example , chocolate drink mix with 1 percent bamboo leaf extract significantly increase free radical activity while protecting vitamins A and E.
In the domestic market the products of bamboo leaf extract relatively not much . Usually in the form of tablets or similar snacks that can be consumed , like snacks . Because in the form of extracts , naturally required a cautious stance in taking them . The best way to reduce the risk , consider the legality of the product such as the presence or absence of certification of the POM .
Benefits of Bamboo Age to AgeVarious herbal books , books of classical medicine , and farmakop Chinese bamboo noted efficacy in curing the disease . Among them :- Bie Lu . Bamboo leaves are cold , non-toxic , to treat burning sensation in the chest and coughing .- Sheng Hui Fang . Porridge bamboo leaves can heal heart heat in small children or unconsciousness . Potion : bamboo leaves 60 g , rice taste , and 15 g of yin chen ( wormwood / Artemisiae scopariae ) made ​​porridge .- The Book of Herbal therapy . Bamboo leaves can cure cough , thirst , phlegm , sore throat , and relieve the heat .- Ben Cao Qiu Zhen . Bamboo leaves can refresh the heart , warm the spleen , eliminating ripple and thirst , the evil wind , coughing , tightness , vomiting blood , mild stroke , and others .- Yao Pin Hua Yi . Book known as the Book of Definitions The drug is noted , bamboo leaves refreshing , slightly bitter , were able to neutralize all cold and hot chi .- Yue Jing ( Book of Herbal Classic ) . Bamboo leaves , with a mild aroma , can neutralize the heat , especially in the heart chi . Is good medicine , especially for treating thirst for hot days , clearing sputum / ripple in the chest , relieves cold and weak , cough , and asthma . Only bamboo leaves can enter the gall bladder and bring chi neutral into the lungs to remove the heat .- Ben Jing Feng Yuan . In the Book of Shennong 's Herbal Classic writing bamboo leaf curing whiplash , wound , and kill parasites .- Dictionary of Chinese Medicine . Bamboo leaves and heat relieve anxiety , and launched urination .

Sunday, April 6, 2014

pare name is ilmiah ( Momordica charantia L. ) prevent cancer, diabetes, liver, fever and intestinal worms

Pare ( Momordica charantia L. ) have different names in each region , including Prien ( Gayo ) , Foria ( Nias ) , Peria ( Malay ) , Kambeh ( Minangkabau ) , Papare ( Jakarta , Halmahera ) , the Paria ( Sunda , Makassar , Bugis, Batak , Bima ) , Pare ( Central Java ) , Pepareh ( Madura ) , Paya Truwok ( Sasak ) , Pania ( East ) , Popari ( Manado ) , Beleng big ( Gorontalo ) , Papariane ( CERAM ) , Papari Buru ) , Kepare ( Ternate ) .
Pare numerous in the tropics , grow well in lowlands and can be found growing wild in abandoned land , moor , cultivated or planted in the garden with propagated on the fence . Pare is a creeping or climbing plant with tendrils tool remberist or spiral -shaped , much branched and smells bad .

Pare has properties that bitter , cold , and also anti-inflammatory . Chemical constituents present in the form of bitter melon leaves momordisin , momordin , karantin , trikosanik acids , resins , resinat acids , saponins , vitamins A and C and fatty oils consisting of oleic acid , linoleic acid , stearic acid and Loleostearat . While the fruit contains elements karantin , hydroxytryptamine , vitamins A , B and C.

Although it has a bitter taste , the fruit is saving millions of various nutritional benefits dikandungkan.Sayang missed it if pare the list of our diet . In addition to help increase appetite , Pare also has many benefits to help cure the disease .

Based on the results of research , ranging from fruits , leaves , roots , until the seeds are believed to help the healing process of diseases such as intestinal worms , fever and liver .Not only that, according to some research turns bitter melon can prevent cancer cells . Pare contains useful Lesichin work activates immune cells to fight cancer . It also contains beta-carotene which can eradicate cancer cells , inhibits cardiac arrest due to viral infection and resolve .

In China , the efficacy of bitter melon fruit ( Momordica charantia L. ) as a medicine has been around since 1578 . Initially as a tonic , worm medicine , cough medicine , antimalarial , thrush , wound healing , and appetite enhancer . Hundreds of research in many developing countries laid bare bitter fruit of this effect lowers blood sugar levels . Substances contained proteins play a role in decreasing blood sugar levels .Pare calcium levels are also relatively high , so as to increase the production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin . When insufficient insulin in the body then chances are flooded glucose levels can be prevented , so that the blood sugar levels to normal or controlled .

How to manage it was very easy . For example, for diabetics , Prepare 200 grams of fresh bitter melon fruit , wash and blend until smooth . Add boiled water to taste , then squeeze until the water collected feelings as much as 50 ml . Then the juice was boiled using a medium heat for 15-30 minutes . After a cold drink , do every day .

Moreover, it can also be to cure intestinal worms in children . Wormy is one of the diseases that often afflict our baby , for the leaves were enough to prepare as much as 7 grams of fresh bitter melon , then boiled with using 1/2 cup hot water . Cool boiled water was then filtered . Add 1 teaspoon of honey and stir until blended . Drink boiled water before breakfast earlier .

As for fever and liver disease , can be treated by setting up a handful of leaves of bitter melon that has been washed, and then pounded until smooth . Add 1 cup of boiled water , then mix well then strain . Give a little salt to the water before the filter , drinking in the morning before eating .
After we review one by one are so many benefits Pare , Pare refined menu feels obliged to get listed in our food . If the kids do not like the bitter taste , here are tips to eliminate the bitter taste of the fruit Pare .

First , remove the seeds and then wash . Pare fruit then knead with a little salt added sugar , washing the residual water from washing rice , repeat several times until wilted . Next, soak for a while ( about 10 minutes ) with salt water , wash with clean water and drain . And finally Pare was ready to be processed , because it was already quite salty so do not add salt when cooking or just add a little bit to taste .

Momordica charantia L is famous for its bitter taste . But behind the bitter taste , saved a lot of benefits . Love it when we do not want just because reasons bitter taste . From now on , familiarize your family to eat dishes made ​​from Pare , apart from these plants are easy to find and relatively inexpensive , using local materials as an alternative medicine appears to be safer than foreign drugs . Good luck , ..! ( independent voice June 18, 2010 )

benefits of pumpkin as an antidote, fever, anti-inflammatory and blood pressure lowering

Pumpkin ( Cucurbita spp . ) Is a fruit-bearing vines large consumption named Pumpkin . This plant is widely available in North America , central Europe , Australia , New Zealand , India and other countries .

Usually , the so-called " pumpkin " in the sense of pumpkin or pumpkin plants that are included in the four types of Cucurbita , namely C. moschata , C. maxima , C. mixta , and C. pepo .

The name " pumpkin " in layman also pinned for some pumpkin - Labuan tribe members outside Cucurbita , such bligo , snake gourd , and squash . Pumpkin orange , when new growth , fruit is orange . If cut , the fruit has a star -shaped cross section . Large seed and brown . The fruit is crisp when eaten , tastes sweet and slightly sour . This fruit contains a lot of vitamin A.

Cucurbita moschata Durch plants has several regional names are Pumpkin machete ( Malay ) , Waluh ( Sunda ) , Waluh ( Central Java ) . Pumpkin plants derived from Ambon ( Indonesia) .

There are five species commonly known pumpkin , Cucurbita maxima Duchenes ie , Cucurbita Ficifolia Bouche , Cucurbita mixta , Cucurbita moschata Duchenes , and Cucurbita L. pipoThese five Cucurbita species in Indonesia called pumpkin ( pumpkin ) because it has characteristics almost identical . Pumpkin fruit is round flat , oval , or long with lots of groove ( groove 15-30 ) . Size rapid growth , reaching 350 grams per day .
The results of the study of the Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center ( CCRC ) Faculty of Pharmacy indicate that serves as a leaf vegetable and pumpkin seeds watermelon seeds to be useful . Water is useful as an antidote to the poison of his venomous animals , while the seeds into a tapeworm medication . Flesh also contains antiokisidan as an antidote to cancer . Pumpkin can also be used to cure inflammations , kidney treatment , fever , and diarrhea . Pumpkin lack the carotenoids ( beta-carotene ) , Vitamin A and C , minerals , fats and carbohydrates .

Pumpkin has many varieties , from over 40 types of pumpkins , a new little human uses as food . On the other hand , the fruit of the vines is very rich in fiber , vitamins , minerals and water . Many nutrition and health experts commented that the health benefits of pumpkin .

As disclosed Prof.Hembing Wijayakusuma , an alternative health expert . According to him , the pumpkin can treat high blood pressure , lower the heat , diabetes and facilitate the digestive process . Of the many types of squash , pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) is most often used in cooking . Various types of dishes can be made from this fruit , ranging from compote , soup , cake to cake - like cake trays and cake sludge .

tomato juice, avocado and carrot appetite stimulant and improves the child's weight

In its infancy , many complaints of difficult children eat . Children generally play more and eat less , so that the stored energy is reduced and weight loss . Although the child is not sick , parents need to improve his diet .With a good diet , the body's natural enzyme deficiency can be resolved so that the food can be digested properly entered . Giving tomato juice is a good choice to improve appetite in children . In addition, the avocado juice and carrot juice regularly given to help improve the child's weight .

tomato juice
material- 100 grams of tomatoes , cut into pieces- Water lime juice- Honey to taste- 100 ml of lukewarm water
How to MakeMix the tomatoes , lemon juice , honey , and water , then puree using a blender . Serve .
Avocado juice
material- 100 grams of ripe avocado , take the flesh- Honey to taste- Sugar to taste red- 50 ml of lukewarm water
How to MakeMix all ingredients and puree using a blender .How to DrinkDrink this juice every day interspersed with other juices .
Carrot juicematerial- 100 grams of carrots , peeled , cut into small sizes
How to MakeWash and cut carrots , then puree using a juice extractor .
How to DrinkDrink this juice every day with the juice interspersed with other

red betel as inflammatory drug, gout, high blood pressure and blood glucose lowering

Red Betel ( Piper crocatum ) , now comes not only as an ornamental plant , but also as a traditional medicinal plant for people with Diabetes ( mellitus diabetus ) . Empirically , as well as diabetes drugs , red betel leaf is often used as an alternative medicine hemorrhoid . Also relieve inflammation , cancer , acid , uric , high blood pressure, hepatitis , fatigue , and stomach ulcers .
Community Sleman Yogyakarta in particular , have taken advantage of the efficacy of betel leaf is hereditary . Phytochemicals are compounds contained in red betel leaf covering alkoloid , saponins , tannins , and flavonoids . According Ivorra M.D. in A Review of Natural Products and Plants As Potential antidiabetic , alkoloid active compounds and flavonoids have hypoglycemic activity or lowering blood glucose levels . Hara (1993 ) suggests tannins and saponins compounds can be used as an antimicrobial ( bacteria and viruses ) .Characteristic of this tropical plant trunked rounded purplish green and flowering . The leaves are heart- stemmed form and tapered top . Glossy leaf surfaces and uneven . Such as betel green, red betel plant grow vines fence or tree . The leaves are bitter shakes but more flavorful than the fragrant green betel . When torn , the betel leaf red slimy .Red betel plant likes shade , cool air , and the sun shone 60-75 percent . Red betel plant thrives and good penggunungan area . When grown in hot , direct sunlight , the rod will quickly dry up . In addition, the red color of its leaves will fade . Though the possibility of usefulness lies in the chemical compounds contained in red leaves .
safe to eatYoung researchers from Institut Pertanian Bogor , Mega Fahma Safithri and Farah , have examined the toxicity of aqueous extract of red betel leaf and its ability to lower blood glucose levels in mice .Preparation of red betel leaf extract is very easy . A total of 200 grams of red betel leaves boiled with 1 ( one ) liter of water to a volume of 100 milliliters . The weight ratio of the volume of red betel leaf decoction extracts are taken is 200 g : 100 ml or 2 : 1 .To determine the level of safety and side effects of the leaves is antiseptic , conducted toxicity tests . Extracts with concentrations of 0 , 5 , 10 , 20 grams per kilogram of body weight administered orally on each of six Sparague Dawley rats . After seven days , the body weight of mice increased to 24 , with no health problems . Means , extract up to a dose of 20 grams per pound of body weight is safe to eat and no toxin ( poison ) .Appropriate doses as diabetes drug could ditemtukan through antihyperglycemic test on six groups of rats . Each group of 4 individuals . Group A consisted of mice that received 0.9 percent NaCl induced and force- distilled water . Group B contains alloxan -induced rats a dose of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and the force- distilled water . In the experiment , rats were made to suffer accidental diabetes mellitus , with alloxan administration of a dose of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight .Group C contains alloxan -induced rats a dose of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and the force- commercial antidiabetic drugs , daonil 3.22 milliliters per kilogram . Groups D , E , F contains alloxan -induced rats a dose of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and successive force- red betel leaf extract dose daonil 100 x , 1000 x daonil dose , and 20 grams per kilogram of body weight .The treatment lasted for 10 days . As a result, blood glucose levels of mice groups E and F showed no significantly different or similar to those of normal mice . Red betel leaf extract dose of 20 grams per kilogram of body weight can lower blood glucose levels of mice 34.3 percent . Higher than the decline of commercial antidiabetic drug delivery , daonil 3.22 milligrams per kilogram , which lowers blood glucose 27 percent of the mice .The results of this study can be applied to humans with diabetes . The dose , the patient's weight multiplied by 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight . If the patient weight of 50 kg , he membutukan one kilogram of fresh red betel leaf extract and 500 milliliters of boiling water . This extract is taken twice a day every morning and evening as much as 250 milliliters . However, clinical trials of patients with diabetes has not directly piercings done .( Koran Tempo - Friday, July 7, 2006 ) .

benefits and cultivation kencur (Kaempferia galangal L)

Powder or ( Kaempferia galangal L ) . As traditional medicine kencur is one component of a very well-known . In earlier times kencur very prevalent as a drug inflamed sore throat or flu kerkena . Powder is also commonly used as a drug bloated titumbuk manner directly or chewed . Another benefit of kencur is as accomplished painkillers after we indulge too tiring . Empirically kencur used as an appetite enhancer , bacterial infections , cough , dysentery , tonic , expectorant , colds and stomach aches .
In general, the benefits kencur not only as a traditional medicine ( herbal medicine ) , but also commonly used in the field kencur phytopharmaca , cosmetics industry , food and beverage flavorings , spices , sauces and ingredients mixture of clove cigarettes .
In general kencur suitable to be planted in any soil condition and all tropical weather . But to grow optimally kencur very suitable to be planted in soil that is relatively loose in the lowlands to moderate ( 50-600 m asl ) , with temperatures ranging between 26-30 ° C.
How kencur cultivation is as follows :

How kencur nursery can be done through the rhizome .
Rhizome kencur good to be used as seed is derived from a healthy crop land in pathogen -free , 10 -month -old crop , shiny skin color ( pithy ) with the texture of the meat is rather tough .
Rhizome yields experienced a period of dormancy ( period not germinate ) between 2-3 months .
If the seed rhizomes are already stored about 3 months and have started to appear rhizome sprout , the seeds can be planted directly with the depth of 5-7 cm with a spacing of 15 x 15 cm ( for a monoculture ) and 20 x 20 cm ( for poly ) .
When using freshly harvested rhizomes , to accelerate the drying of germination needs to be done at 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. for about 3 days .
Criteria for a good seed which has a weight of 5-10 g , 2-3 would have good buds with a height of < 1 cm .
Powder can be planted with the two systems , ie , monoculture and to some extent with the polyculture system . Polyculture system can be done in time from planting until the age of 3-6 months or inserted by way of intercropped crops ( short plants ) , such as upland rice , beans , leeks , green beans , cucumbers , etc. . In addition , the cropping pattern in combination with crops ( tall plants ) maize , cassava , with inter- row spacing of 1.5-2 m , so that the shade level around 30 % .
Cropping pattern kencur the most profitable in terms of farming is the cultivation of peanuts twice . In addition , kencur also can be used as plant floor among coconut trees or stands of forest plants such as sengon , teak , etc. , with a rate of approximately 30 % shade .
Kencur plants highly resistant to pests and diseases , so do not worry this plant will be the host of pests or disease .


The cause of toothache is usually because we are less able to maintain the cleanliness of our teeth . We forget to brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed . Because we often underestimate both cases it will result in our teeth will cause cavities and toothaches .
Toothache treatment usually only use chemical drugs that relieve pain . Such Antalgin , mefenamic acid or specific medication for toothache others . These drugs are only temporary , after 5 hours down the power of the drug will work and ill be back feel .
Yet if we want to explore the potential of our traditional medicine is no way of treatment that is easy, cheap and safe for toothache . One remedy for toothache potent and became the mainstay of our ancestors were using clove oil . Clove oil is very easy to obtain in a traditional pharmacy or drug store . Besides the price is also very cheap easy , 5 thousand have been able to bottle 25 ml . Excess treatment with clove oil toothache is if we have healed normally would not recur again .
The trick is also very easy :

Take a cotton swab and make a small circle shape of the hole we were sore tooth .
Dip one end of a cotton circle earlier in clove oil
Insert the cotton had to pit with a sore tooth that is exposed to cotton clove oil is in, so that the clove oil will touch on the gear hole .
Bite cotton was until a few moments and let the cotton stuck dilobang teeth for several hours .
If the heat is gone replace cotton Barudan do not forget to dip again into clove oil .
And so forth until we are completely cured toothache .