Thursday, April 3, 2014

Definition of PH and how to decrease pH in water

Definition of PH and how to decrease pH in waterPHpH is an expression of the concentration of hydrogen ions ( H + ) in water . The amount stated in the minus logarithm of the concentration of ions H. For example , if there is a statement pH 6 , it means the concentration of H in the water is 0.000001 part of the total solution . Due to write 0.000001 ( imagine if pH 14 ) is too long then the number of people melogaritmakanthus widened -6 . But because there is a sign - ( negative ) behind the figure , the less practical , then multiply again by the sign - ( minus ) in order to obtain a positive number 6 . Therefore , pH is definedas " - ( minus ) the logarithm of the concentrations of H ions " .

pH = - log ( H + )Noteworthy is that the difference of one pH unit number that means kosentrasinya difference is 10-fold . Thus , if the difference of the numbers is 2 then the concentration difference is 10x10 = 100 times . For example, pH 5 shows the concentration of H as 0.00001 or one hundred thousandth ( a hundredth thousand ) while the pH 6 = 0.000001 or one millionth ( a millionth ) .Thus if we lower the pH from 6 to 5 means that we increase the concentration of H + IOB much as 10-fold . If we suppose that the pH of the sugar , then by lowering the pH from 6 to 5 , it means that the solution is now 10 times sweeter than before .
Not all creatures can survive the change of pH value , for that nature has provided a unique mechanism for the changes did not occur or did not occur , but by how slowly . This defense system known as the buffer capacity of early development .Ph is very important as a water quality parameter because it controls the rate of speed of reaction types and some of the material in the water . Besides fish and other aquatic creatures living in a certain pH interval , so that by knowing the pH value then we will know if the water is appropriate or not to support their lives .PH scale ranges from 0 ( very acidic ) to 14 ( very alkaline / alkaline ) . PH values ​​less than 7 indicate acidic environment whereas a value above 7 indicates alkaline environments ( alkaline ) . While pH = 7 is referred to as neutral .Fluctuations in the pH of water is determined by the alkalinity of the water . If alkalinitasnya high then the water will easily restore the pH to its original value , of any " disruption " for altering the pH .Thus the key lies in the handling of the pH decrease in alkalinity and water hardness . If this had been controlled by the decrease in pH would be easier to do .handling pHAs mentioned earlier , interference or alteration of the pH value would be more effective if the alkalinity ditanganai first. Here are some ways pangananan pH , which , if observed farther , likely to lead to hardness or alkalinity handling .The decrease in pHTo lower the pH , it must first be measured KH . If the value of KH is too high ( 12 or more ) then the KH terleibh first need to be lowered , which usually is automatically followed by a decrease in pH value . If nilia pH is too high ( more than 8 ) , while KH is quite good ( between 6 -12 ) then it is a reflection of the poor balance .The decrease in pH can be done by passing the water through the peat ( peat ) , generally used is peat moss ( peat moss derived from ) . can also be done with water and replaced them with lower berkesadahan water , rain water or boiled water , deionized water , or distilled water ( distilled water ) .Besides it can also be done by adding bogwood into akuairum . Bogwood is a kind of timber that can possess the ability to adsorb hardness . Ketapan same function as leaves , wood and the like acids .
Increasing the pHRaising the pH can be done by providing intensive aeration , water skipping past the coral fragments , fragments of shells or limestone pieces . Or by adding decorations such as tufa limestone -based , or coral sand . Or by water replacement

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