Thursday, April 3, 2014

definition of Animal and Vegetable Food Materials and processing

definition of Animal and Vegetable Food Materials and processing
Broadly speaking , food can be grouped into two general categories of foodstuffs of plant origin ( vegetable ) and foodstuffs of animal origin ( animal ) . Vegetable foodstuffs are food ingredients derived from plants (can be a root , stem , branches , leaves , flowers , fruit or even some parts of the whole plant ) , or processed foods from the basic ingredients of the plant . An animal food ingredients derived from animal ingredients or preparations essentially from the animal . Both of these foods have different characteristics that require different handling and processing as well . further
in this case is described animal food .

Animal food ingredients include milk , eggs , meat and fish and dairy products are the basic ingredients derived from animal produce .

Animal food has a distinguishing characteristic of the vegetable food . Some of them are :

a. Animal food has a shelf life much shorter than vegetable food when in a fresh state ( except eggs ) . In short shelf life is related to the network structure in which the results of animal food animal does not have a strong network and solid protection as the result of plant .

b . Animal food is soft and mushy so easily penetrated by factors external pressure .

c . Characteristics of each animal food is very specific so can not be generalized . The nature of the meat is very different from the properties of the egg . In contrast to the plant-based foods have in common in terms of networks or its components . In animal food , the fat on the meat lies in the fat tissue , the dairy is located in the fat globules and the eggs contained in the yolk .

d . Animal food in general is a source of protein and fat and vegetable food is a source of carbohydrates , vitamins , minerals , fats and proteins .

Based on the above, the processing becomes important . Treatment is important because it can extend the shelf life , meningkatkandaya resistant , improve quality , added value and as a means of product diversification . Thus, a roduk be having more economic power after a touch processing technology .
( Refer from multiple sources )
If all this we know only animal products such as meat , milk and eggs , then we need to know more in the fact that animal food products including anything ? In terms , animal food material is in the form of foodstuffs or animal origin or products processed using basic ingredients of animal origin .As for which is included in the types of animal food is :

a. Milk , which is a product of white liquid produced by mammals and livestock obtained by milking .
b . Fish , in the narrow sense is all kinds of river fish , lake fish , fish marshes , fish pond - reared in ponds , sea and so on . Included in this category are other fishery products are: shellfish , sea cucumber , fish eggs and others.
c . The meat , which is the product obtained by means of slaughter ( mammals and birds )
d . Eggs , which is the main product of the maintenance of laying hens , raising poultry or meat byproducts .
e . Processed products of food mentioned above , for example, is a creamy dairy products , cheese , milk powder and so on . Processed meat products is cured meat , sausage , jerky , and so on . Processed fish products are frozen fish , salted fish , smoked milkfish , and so on . Processed egg products are boiled eggs , salted eggs , powdered eggs and so on .
A. Processed Milk Products
1 . Cream and Skim Milk cream is part of the milk contains a lot of fat . Some are calling it " cream . " While the milk is skim milk portion which contains proteins , sometimes called milk serum .
2 . PasteurisasiSusu milk is pasteurized milk that has undergone a process of pasteurization ( heating process of each component ( particles ) in the milk at a temperature of 62 ° C for 30 min or heating milk at 72 ° C for 15 seconds .
3 . Sterile Sterile Milk Milk is milk that also uses a heating process for sterilizing process . However , only the process of pasteurization kills bacteria aimed pathogenic ( disease-causing ) , sterilization aims to kill all bacteria .
4 . KentalSusu condensed milk is obtained by reducing ( vaporize ) the water content of the milk until the water content is about 40 % live . With the low water content of milk can be stored longer in good condition . When will be drunk , condensed milk should be diluted again with hot water or warm water .
5 . Cheese Cheese is a milk protein that dijendalkan ( compacted ) . In making cheese , to separate the milk protein is done by the addition of acids such as lactic acid , hydrochloric acid or by the addition of a protease enzyme rennet eg , Mucor renin , and so on . Cheese can be made from milk or full cream milk . These materials must be free of foreign objects such as dust , feathers and beads of red blood . The next process in the manufacture of cheese is pasteurized , penjendalan , whey separation and packing .
6 . Butter Butter is a compact mass of fat derived from milk made with some sort of stirring process called " churning . " Component is the largest in butter fat , then water and salt . The basis of making butter is to change the position of the original milk fat in the form of fat emulsion in water emulsion of water in fat becomes .
7 . Ice Cream Ice cream is made from the main ingredients consisting of fat , milk , sugar or sweetening matter , solids not fat , stabilizers and egg yolks . The main process in its manufacture is freezing .
8 . Yogurt Yogurt is milk that has the result of curing specific flavors as fermented by certain bacteria . The stages of making yogurt is heating , cooling and curing .
9 . Cream Cheese Cream cheese ( whey ) is the result of the rest of the cheese-making , still contain milk proteins , primarily albumin and globulin proteins . Cream cheese can still be used for drinks .
10 . Milk Butter Milk serum from the manufacture of butter is butter . Usually taken as the milk serum of butter is churning process ( stirring ) first . Butter milk is also used as butter . B. Processed Meat Products

1 . cured Meat
Cured Meat is salting meat processed products . Salting process known as " curing . "
2 . Kornet ( cornet beef )
The corned beef is processed with spices potatoes , broth ( beef broth ) , red onion , salt , pepper and sodium nitrite ( NaNO2 ) . The formulation of these materials vary depending on the consumer pleasure .
3 . Luncheon Meat
The basic ingredients Luncheon Meat can be beef , pork, lamb or mutton . While the ingredients are mixed salt , sugar and NaNO2 alone .
4 . ham
Ham is a term in English for the thighs large animals in general , but in its use , the term is limited to the pig thigh . This term is used for pig thigh fresh or dried and smoked .
5 . sausage
Sausage is a food made from meat (sometimes fish ) that has been chopped and then crushed spices , put in a wrapper that elliptical form of animal intestines or artificial wrapper , with or without cooking , with or without smoke .
6 . Jerky Jerky is traditionally processed meat . Actually jerky is the result of a process of combination between kyuring and drying .
7 . Canned Chicken Meat
Often also canned chicken , chicken meat while the process is put into cans , while added thereto chicken broth and spices ( chili , pepper , or other types of " spices" are others ) . Sometimes flour is also added into it .
8 . Chicken broth
Chicken broth is water obtained from cooking chicken . Usually this also canned broth . Canned concentrated broth obtained first and then put the tin while still hot ( temperature ± 82 - 88C ) . Sterilization is performed at a temperature of 91.6 ̊ C ( 240̊ F ) for 30-45 minutes .
9 . Smoke Chicken Meat Smoking chicken is done after curing ( salting ) . curing is done by soaking in a solution of spices consisting of salt ( NaCl ) , brown sugar and NaNO2 . Temperature for curing should 4C or lower . After that just smoked by way of cold fogging fogging when the low temperature ( 30 - 40C ) or by thermal fogging fogging when the temperature is higher ( 70 - 90C ) .
10 . Krecek and Rambak
Krecek and rambak actually not a processed meat product but rather a product of the remaining material processed . Krecek and rambak made ​​of leather . Processing stages is boiling , washing , cutting , drying , frying and packaging .
11 . gelatin
Gelatin is also not processed meat products processed product but bones . Gelatin is widely used as a stabilizer ( stabilizer ) in the manufacture of ice cream , or other food ingredient substitutions .
12 . oil Meat
Oil meat obtained either from animal meats or freshly slaughtered meat animals after experiencing cooling and cutting parts of carcass ( meat boned ) . Both kinds of oil can be processed to be used as food oil or not . For example, it can be used for the manufacture of margarine , as cooking oil , for making soap , lubricants , and so forth .
C. Processed Egg Products

1 . Salted Eggs Salted eggs is one egg that manufacture processed products are very easy to do . In principle, the process of making salted eggs are salting . Commonly made ​​salted duck eggs .
2 . Eggs boiled egg Pindang was also salty , but not seasin salted egg . The manufacturing process is also one form of salting but with a slight modification , namely the presence of heating during the salting process .
3 . Pickled Eggs Pickled eggs are eggs that have been cooked and then marinated in a vinegar solution . The concentration of vinegar solution can vary between 1.2 to 6 percent , but it is generally used a solution of acetic acid .
4 . Egg powder is powdered egg albumen powder ( egg white ) , and in general can only be obtained by means of cylindrical dryers .

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