Thursday, April 3, 2014

Definition and types of waste and garbage treatment principle 6

Definition and types of waste and garbage treatment principle 6
Garbage is a material that has no value or is not valuable for ordinary or main purpose in fabrication or use of the goods are damaged or defect in fabrication or manufacturing or material surplus or rejected or discarded " . ( Dictionary of Environmental Terms , 1994) . " Waste is a waste or discarded material sources result of human activities and natural processes that do not have economic value . " ( Environmental Terms for Management , Ecolink , 1996) . " Waste is anything that is not useful anymore , discarded by their owners or users of the original " . ( Tanjung , Dr. . M.Sc. , 1982) " Waste is a resource that is not ready-made . " ( Radyastuti , Prof. W. . Ir , 1996) .
According to the dictionary of environmental terms , the definition of a material having garbage that has no value , valuable materials for the usual purpose , the use of defective materials , defective goods in fabrication manufacturing , surplus material , or material that is rejected .
Garbage when viewed in terms of its type such as:
1 . Waste that can rot or wet waste ( garbage ) . Garbage is garbage that is easily decomposed because of the activities of spoilage microorganisms .
2 . Waste that does not rot or dry waste ( refuse ) . This type of waste can not be degraded by microorganisms , and its handling requires special techniques . Examples of this type of garbage is ketas , plastic , and glass ,
3 . Garbage in the form of dust or ash . This type of waste is usually the result of the combustion process . The litter size is relatively small at less than 10 microns and can enter the respiratory tract .
4 . Hazardous waste that waste type is often called junk B3 , said to be dangerous because it is based on the amount or concentration or because of physical or chemical properties or microbes can :
1 . Increased mortality and significant mobility or cause disease is not reversible or severe pain can not be recovered or reversible or which can be recovered .
2 . Potentially dangerous in current and future health or the environment if not processed , transported , stored and disposed of properly . Waste entering the waste that is classified as a type likely to cause poisoning both humans and fauna and flora in the environment , Slamet (1994 ) .
While Hadiwiyono , ( 1983) classifying garbage by two characteristics , namely :

1 . chemical
a. Organic .
Trash containing organic compounds or junk umsur composed of carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen , and phosphorus.
b . inorganic
Waste that can not be broken down by microorganisms , if bisapun requires a very long time .
2 . physics
a. Wet waste ( garbage )
Garbage is composed of the remnants of organic materials are easily weathered and rotting .
b . Dry waste ( rubbish )
Dry waste can be classified into two groups namely metals such as iron , zinc , aluminum and non- metallic types such as paper and wood .
c . trash soft
Trash soft has a special feature in the form of small particles that are lightweight and easily carried away by the wind .
d . Large trash ( bulkywaste )
This type of waste has a relatively larger size , for example, the former junk vehicle engine .
e . Hazardous waste ( hazardous waste )
This type of garbage consists of :
o Waste pathogen ( usually this kind of garbage coming from medical activities )
o toxic waste ( trash example pesticides , isektisida , drugs , sterofom )
o Waste explosion , misiu , the rest of the bombs and others
o Waste radioactive and nuclear materials .
C. Source of Waste
Based on the source , Wibowo . Arianto and Djajawinata . Darwin T. , ( 2007) divides waste into two groups:
1 . domestic rubbish
Is waste generated by human activities directly , eg household waste , market , school and so on .
2 . Non- domestic rubbish
Is waste generated by human activity indirectly , eg plant litter , industry and agriculture .
D. Nature of Waste
Based on the nature of the principal , the garbage is divided into two , namely :
1 . Degradabel ie garbage bodies are easily broken down by life or microorganisms .
2 . Non degradabel is naturally difficult trash outlined .
E. Waste Management
Techniques - techniques that can be used for the management of solid waste management are as follows :
1 . cumulation
With this method , the actual waste is not destroyed directly , but left to decompose into organic matter .
2 . Composting
How composting is a simple way and can produce fertilizer that has economic value . Biological trash , wet or organic compost can be used by landfill, the rubbish on the ground for a certain period of time to decompose .
3 . combustion
This method can dilakuakn only for waste that can be burned to the ground .
4 . Sanitary Landfill
This method is similar to the buildup , but the basin that has been filled up trash covered the ground , but this method requires a very broad specialty areas .
5 . Food and Feed .
Garbage in the form of fruits and vegetables that have not been fully damaged can be fodder or other animals bred .
6 . landfill
This type of waste management is to throw trash on the ground and accumulate in low areas that are open .
7 . Pulverisation
Pulverisation is a method of waste disposal directly into the sea after crushed into small pieces .
8 . Open dumping
Open dumping is a technique or method of waste management is conducted in a landfill simply by piling garbage dihamparan large land and then not do special management .
9 . Incineration / Incinerator
Incineration is a waste incineration method either with a simple and modern way to mass . This technology allows the results of the combustion energy is converted into electrical energy .

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