Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blood breast cancer

Blood breast cancerCancer is the number one killer of women . Given the threat of cancer payudarah always lurking , a preventive action needs to be done .
Food is like a shield for the body . When you mengasup healthy foods , your body will be fit and avoid disease . Conversely , when food intake is bad, then the threat of disease was lurking .
Worse , these days often appear without our foods have minimal health value so that the person also threatened by cancer , especially payudarah cancer in women .
So to avoid the attack kenker payudarah , selectively choosing food into the solution . What should be considered .
Eating enough vegetablesFresh vegetables have nutrients that are prepared to fight cancer . This is the best way to avoid all disease threats . You also need to know the best absorption of nutrients of vegetables , especially when mixed with olive oil . Some useful combat diseases of vegetables , such as spinach , broccoli , carrots , beets, tomatoes . and pumpkin are rich in carotenoids and is believed to have anticancer properties .
Choose the right piecesBe careful in choosing the fruit for consumption . Instead , choose a dark colored fruit is very good because the nutrients to your diet , such as grapes , raisins , bananas , or apples . Do not forget to eat fruit every day , especially when breakfast . Fruit will help you effectively absorb nutrients as well not add heaps of calories .
Expand fiberEat high fiber foods that can help you manage your weight , lower blood estrogen levels , and reduce the risk of breast cancer .
Limit milk and dairy productsConsume milk , cheese , and yogurt should not be excessive . You need to restrict food because it does not contribute much to cancer protection . So , you can replace the cow's milk or soy milk . Of course this could be your daily intake mandatory .

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