Monday, March 31, 2014

Understanding Dehydration according to experts

Dehydration is the loss of fluid and electolyte due to water loss / output more than the intake / input ( Anik Maryunani , 2010) . Dehydration is a disruption in the balance of fluids in the body . This happens because the water spending more than income ( such as drinking ) . Disorders of body fluid loss is accompanied by disturbances of electrolyte balance of the body's substances ( Artisayang , 2009)
Dehydration is a disruption in the balance of fluids in the body . This happens because the water spending more than income ( such as drinking ) . Disorders of body fluid loss is accompanied by disturbances of electrolyte balance of the body's substances . Dehydration , which means the lack of body fluids , which help the body organs work . ( Ariel , 2008) .
1 ) . Dehydration due to lack of fluids and electrolytes , which are divided into : ( a) . Mild dehydration , occurs when fluid loss < 5 % B ; ( b ) . Moderate dehydration , fluid loss in the event of 5-10 % B ; ( c ) . Dehydration weight , in the event of fluid loss > 10-15 % BB .( Vivian , 2011) .
2 ) . Hypovolemic shock due to the decrease in blood volume and blood volume decrease when reaching 15-25 % BB will menyebabkanpenurunan blood pressure .
3 ) . Hypokalemia with symptoms is meteorismus , muscle hypotonia , weakness , bradycardia , and changes in the ECG examination ; 4 ) . Hipokglikemia ; 5 ) . Secondary lactose intolerance due to lactose enzyme deficiency due to damage to the villi of the small intestine mucosa ; 6 ) . Seizures ; 7 ) . Protein-energy malnutrition because in addition to diarrhea and vomiting , patients usually experience hunger ( Vivian , 2011) .
Data and classification of diarrhea which can be used to determine what action should be taken by officers in the field are :
a. Diarrhea with mild dehydration
Diarrhea with mild dehydration has the following signs : ( 1 ) . Restlessness , irritability , or irritability ; ( 2 ) . Sunken eyes ; ( 3 ) . Thirsty , drank with gusto ; ( 4 ) . Rapid pulse ; ( 5 ) . Sunken fontanel ; ( 6 ) . Abdominal skin pinch the return is very slow ( Maryunani A , 2010)
b . Diarrhea with moderate dehydration .
Diarrhea with moderate dehydration have the following signs : ( 1 ) . Restless , whiny ; ( 2 ) . Thirst ; ( 3 ) Eyes sunken ; ( 4 ) . Skin wrinkles , for example, we are pinching the skin on the abdominal wall , the skin does not immediately return to its original position ; ( 5 ) . Decreased blood pressure ; ( 6 ) . Fainting ; ( 7 ) . Strong contraction of the muscles arms , legs , abdomen , and back ( 8 ) . Seizures ; ( 9 ) . Flatulence ; ( 10 ) . Weight loss 25-100gr/kgBB ; ( 11 ) . Fontanel sunken pulse is rapid and weak .
c . Diarrhea with severe dehydration
Diarrhea with severe dehydration have the following signs : ( 1 ) . Letargis or unconsciously ; ( 2 ) . Very sunken eyes ; ( 3 ) . Do not drink or drink lazy ; ( 4 ) . Abdominal skin pinch the return is very slow ; ( 5 ) . Rapid pulse ; ( 6 ) . Fontanel very concave ; ( 7 ) . Weight down to> 100 g / kg .

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