Monday, March 31, 2014

Definition and impact of Hospitalization

Hospitalization is a process that for some reason or emergency plans , require the child to stay in the hospital undergoing treatment and care to return back home . During the process, children and parents can experience a variety of events which, according to some studies indicated the experience very traumatic and stressful ( Supartini , 2004) . Feelings that often appear in children , namely anxiety , anger, sadness , fear , and guilt ( Wong , 2000) . The feeling can arise due to face something new and have never experienced before , insecurity and discomfort , feelings of losing something unusual happened, and something that felt painful . If the stress for children in care , the parents become too stressful , and stress parents will make children's stress levels increased ( Supartini , 2000) .
Impact of Hospitalization in children can cause anxiety and stress at all age levels . The causes of anxiety are influenced by many factors , both factors of personnel ( nurses , doctors , and other health professionals ) , the new environment , as well as accompanying family environment during treatment . Families often feel anxious about her state of development , treatment , and maintenance costs . Although the impact is not directly against the child , the child will feel it fisiklogis of behavioral changes that accompany parents during treatment ( Marks , 1998) . Children becoming increasingly stressful and this contributes to the healing process , ie decreasing the immune response . It has been proved by Robert Ader ( 1885) that patients who experience mental shock would be susceptible to disease , as would occur under conditions of stress suppression of the immune system ( Subowo , 1992) . Pediatric patients will feel comfortable during treatment with family social support , therapeutic care environment , and the attitude of the nurse full attention will speed the healing process .
Based on observations of the author , pediatric patients who were hospitalized hospitalization still often experience severe stress , especially fear of the treatment , foreign to the new environment , and the fear of health workers . This fact is an important issue that should get the attention of nurses in nursing care pengelolah ( Nursalam , 2005)

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