Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria Definition

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria DefinitionWater is the most important in life after air . About three -quarters of our body consists of water and no human can survive more than 4-5 days without drinking water . In addition , water is also used for cooking washing , bathing , and cleaning the dirt around the house . Water is also used for industrial purposes , agriculture , firefighting , recreation , transportation and others. Diseases that infect humans can also be transmitted and propagated through the water . These conditions can lead to outbreaks of disease course everywhere ( Chandra , 2007 ) . Water is one among carriers of disease from the feces for up to humans . So that the water that enters the human body in the form of food and drinks do not cause disease , it is a good water treatment comes from the source , transmission or distribution network is absolutely necessary to prevent contact between the dung as a source of disease with water as needed ( Rohim , 2006) .
Understanding Bacteria Escherichia Coli

The bacterium E. coli is a parameter in the presence or absence of faecal matter in a very habitat required for the determination of water quality is safe . Especially for the bacteria E. coli , in the presence of water or food that is associated with human interests that are not expected . Due to the presence of microbial groups indicates that the food or water has been contaminated by fecal material , ie the material being with human feces or stool . Coliform is a group of bacteria that are gram-negative bacteria , not spore forming lactose fermenting at a temperature of 35o C or 37 ° C to produce acid , gas and aldehide within 24-48 hours . Once the fecal coliform group of bacteria has the same ability , except that it is more tolerant of higher temperatures , which is 44oC . The number of bacteria used as an indicator of water coliform/100cc or microbiological represent all groups , when in 100 ml of water sample contained 500 bacteria Escherichia coli gastroenteritis possibility of disease . Other bacteria in the coliform group is aerobacter and clebsiella that have properties such as E. coli but generally live in soil and water , not in the so -called nonfecal digestion and pathogens . The bacterium E. coli is this group that is more economical to use for laboratory examination ( Sutrisno , 2006) .

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