understanding and kind Mobilization
A. Definition of Mobilization
Mobilization is the ability to move freely , regularly to meet the needs of healthy living to independence Mobilization : Early mobilization is wisdom guiding patients as soon as possible to get out of bed and walking as soon as possible to guide him ( Soelaiman , 1993) . According to Carpenito ( 2000) , early mobilization is an important aspect in the physiological function because it is essential to maintain independence . Both of these definitions can be concluded that early mobilization is an effort to maintain independence as early as possible by guiding the patient to maintain physiological function . The concept of early mobilization - originally derived from an early ambulation returns gradually - gradually to earlier mobilization stage to prevent complications ( Roper , 1996)
Mobilization is divided into 2 , namely :
1 . Namely active exercise on bones and joints that can be done alone without the help of perawata or family
2 . Passive is a passive mobilization exercises given to clients who experience muscle weakness in the form of an arm or leg muscle exercise on bones and joints where the client can not do it alone , so clients need assistance or family caregivers . Passive mobilization should be done since the first day the client is not allowed to leave the bed or clients who rarely moves resulting in stiffness in the muscles , so in this case the passive mobilization
B. Benefits Mobilization
Maintain the flexibility of the spine and sendis
Guard against the fragility tulangs
Increase strength otots
C. - Things To Look For In Mobilization
Consider the general state of the patient , whether to feel fatigue , dizziness or kecapaians
Make sure the rings and jewelery removed to prevent swelling and lukas
Make sure the clothes in a state longgars
Do not do to people with broken tulangs
Do not do physical exercise as soon as the patient makans
Use the correct body movements to avoid strain or injury to the sufferers
Use the power with a comfortable grip when doing latihans
Movement of body parts smoothly , quietly and beriramas
Avoid movements that are too sulits
If a seizure during exercise , hentikans
If there is stiffness in the local press that stiff , continue training with perlahans
D. Movement - movement mobilization
1 . Hold the movement of the shoulder and elbow sufferers a hand movement , and lift shoulder-width apart , rotate outward and dalams Put your hands on the head of the movement in the elbow , then back to position awals
Hand movements with the arm closer towards the body , until hands reach lains
2 . Create a movement of the elbow angle of 90 0 to the last movement of the arm above the elbow and down to make the movement a half lingkarans arm movement by bending your elbows close to dagus
3 . Hold the patient's hand movements such as shaking hands , and turn your wrist tangans hand movement while bending bawahs hand to hand movement while bending the hand keatass
4 . Turn the movement of the fingers of the hand fingers persatus In doing thumb movement away from the index finger and closer , and then hold the finger - a different finger .
5 . Hold the movement of the foot below the ankle and knee and lift up to 30 o and putars
Movement by bending the knee to 90 feet and hold your os kekaki Lift one foot and then move menjauhs Turn to preformance and to luars Perform an emphasis on the soles out and kedalams toes bend - bend and in turn
6 . Hold the patient's neck movement and the movement of the left cheek and neck movement kekanans bend forward and backward
Source: Erb , Kozier , Olivier . , 1997. Fundamental Of Nursing , Concept , Process and Practice , Fourth Edition , Addison Wesley , S
A. Definition of Mobilization
Mobilization is the ability to move freely , regularly to meet the needs of healthy living to independence Mobilization : Early mobilization is wisdom guiding patients as soon as possible to get out of bed and walking as soon as possible to guide him ( Soelaiman , 1993) . According to Carpenito ( 2000) , early mobilization is an important aspect in the physiological function because it is essential to maintain independence . Both of these definitions can be concluded that early mobilization is an effort to maintain independence as early as possible by guiding the patient to maintain physiological function . The concept of early mobilization - originally derived from an early ambulation returns gradually - gradually to earlier mobilization stage to prevent complications ( Roper , 1996)
Mobilization is divided into 2 , namely :
1 . Namely active exercise on bones and joints that can be done alone without the help of perawata or family
2 . Passive is a passive mobilization exercises given to clients who experience muscle weakness in the form of an arm or leg muscle exercise on bones and joints where the client can not do it alone , so clients need assistance or family caregivers . Passive mobilization should be done since the first day the client is not allowed to leave the bed or clients who rarely moves resulting in stiffness in the muscles , so in this case the passive mobilization
B. Benefits Mobilization
Maintain the flexibility of the spine and sendis
Guard against the fragility tulangs
Increase strength otots
C. - Things To Look For In Mobilization
Consider the general state of the patient , whether to feel fatigue , dizziness or kecapaians
Make sure the rings and jewelery removed to prevent swelling and lukas
Make sure the clothes in a state longgars
Do not do to people with broken tulangs
Do not do physical exercise as soon as the patient makans
Use the correct body movements to avoid strain or injury to the sufferers
Use the power with a comfortable grip when doing latihans
Movement of body parts smoothly , quietly and beriramas
Avoid movements that are too sulits
If a seizure during exercise , hentikans
If there is stiffness in the local press that stiff , continue training with perlahans
D. Movement - movement mobilization
1 . Hold the movement of the shoulder and elbow sufferers a hand movement , and lift shoulder-width apart , rotate outward and dalams Put your hands on the head of the movement in the elbow , then back to position awals
Hand movements with the arm closer towards the body , until hands reach lains
2 . Create a movement of the elbow angle of 90 0 to the last movement of the arm above the elbow and down to make the movement a half lingkarans arm movement by bending your elbows close to dagus
3 . Hold the patient's hand movements such as shaking hands , and turn your wrist tangans hand movement while bending bawahs hand to hand movement while bending the hand keatass
4 . Turn the movement of the fingers of the hand fingers persatus In doing thumb movement away from the index finger and closer , and then hold the finger - a different finger .
5 . Hold the movement of the foot below the ankle and knee and lift up to 30 o and putars
Movement by bending the knee to 90 feet and hold your os kekaki Lift one foot and then move menjauhs Turn to preformance and to luars Perform an emphasis on the soles out and kedalams toes bend - bend and in turn
6 . Hold the patient's neck movement and the movement of the left cheek and neck movement kekanans bend forward and backward
Source: Erb , Kozier , Olivier . , 1997. Fundamental Of Nursing , Concept , Process and Practice , Fourth Edition , Addison Wesley , S
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